Pathfinder Lost Omens: Gods & Magic

4.10/5 (based on 14 ratings)
Pathfinder Lost Omens: Gods & Magic
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No fantasy setting is complete without a pantheon of powerful deities for its characters to worship or fear. Whether you're a sneaky rogue asking the god of thievery for a blessing on your next heist or a valorous crusader calling the might of your patron down upon the forces of evil, faith and the forces behind it are key to every character's identity. Within this volume you'll find details on the gods and non-deific faiths of the Age of Lost Omens from the perspective of their clergy and lay worshipers. You'll also discover new domains, feats, and spells to customize your character, and an exhaustive index of hundreds of deities from the Pathfinder setting you can worship (and the mechanical benefits of doing so).

An indispensable 128-page resource for both players looking to flesh out their characters' motivations and Game Masters aiming to bring the evil cults, zealous evangelists, and holy warriors of their campaigns to life, Pathfinder Lost Omens Gods & Magic is an essential addition to any Pathfinder Second Edition campaign!

Written by: Robert Adducci, Amirali Attar Olyaee, Calder CaDavid, James Case, Adam Daigle, Katina Davis, Leo Glass, Joshua Grinlinton, James Jacobs, Virginia Jordan, Jason Keeley, Jacky Leung, Lyz Liddell, Ron Lundeen, Stephanie Lundeen, Jacob W. Michaels, Matt Morris, Dave Nelson, Samantha Phelan, Jennifer Povey, Jessica Redekop, Nathan Reinecke, Patrick Renie, David N. Ross, Simone D. Sallé, Michael Sayre, David Schwartz, Shahreena Shahrani, Isabelle Thorne, Marc Thuot, Jason Tondro, and Diego Valdez

ISBN: 978-1-64078-202-0

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4.10/5 (based on 14 ratings)

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Great collection of Deific Lore. I especially enjoy the Divine Intercessions, form both a flavor and gameplay view.

Unusable for campaigns


So this book gives you a quick glance over all of the deities, and that's about it. For that it's great. However when you pull out a lore book, you want to use it to create adventures, locations and NPCs.

For that, the presented lore is way too sparse. You get like 1 page of text for each major deity and some rarely usable spells. Similar to the Lost Omens World Guide, this book can be skipped. Just get Inner Sea Gods book from 1e.

A 1e gods conversion, but not a good expansion


It took about 600 pages to cover both the major and minor deities of the Inner sea in Pathfinder 1e. This book tries to accomplish that in 135. Needless to say, it did not do so.

Lost Omens: GODS (and magic)


First of all this book was a little mistitled. A better title might have been "Lost Omens: GODS (and magic)" as the vast majority of the book is taken up with 1-2 page spreads of major and minor deities, pages of paragraphs covering lesser deities and lords, and nearly a dozen or so 1-page spreads of various philosophies. There is no "fluff" content that is more about magic than faith in this book. That's fine, but it's something you should know going into it.

The crunch is also skewed towards content for religious characters (though Godless Healing is a great feat for characters that don't get mechanical benefits from a patron deity) with most of the feats and new items relating in some way to the deities in the book, and quite a few really cool new domains. The exception is the section on new spells, which features only a few new Divine spells, and a bunch of non-Divine spells.

As for the quality of the content itself, it's great:

  • As a GM you get a bunch of ideas for ways to bring the gods (or more likely, their servants) into your campaigns and flesh them out. I particularly liked the way the major deities all had a little sidebar with a few phrases commonly heard among their followers.
  • As a player of a religious PC, you can get a better idea of what their faith might mean to them in the game word from a roleplay perspective, and there are a bunch of mechanical options. There are cool feats for Champions and Clerics, but quite a few of the feats are skill feats for a Master in a given skill that relate that skill to the worship of a deity in a cool way. One of my favorites is Battle Prayer, which let's you deal alignment damage to a foe in sight as a single action by praying against them--available to *any PC* that follows a deity and is a Master in Religion. There is also a Monk and a Sorcerer class feat--one each.

    There is art in almost every page, and it's all great.

    As with most of the Lost Omens books, there is a lot more "fluff" than "crunch" in this book.

    Overall to me this book is a 4.5/5 stars, so I'll round up to 5.

  • Solid book with some minor niggles


    Like the two Lost Omens books before it I consider this to be a perfect sized expansion digest book for those who wish to get more out of the setting or direct their players to further information but don't want to overwhelm themselves or their players.
    It won't provide the same sorts of deep dives that the Inner Sea series of 3 hardcovers do but it is a near essential book for those looking to run Golarion set games for the first time and who wish to really ramp up their players connection to the world.

    Two main issues that keep this book from being a 5* for me

    1. Index: it has one section called "gods of the inner sea" that covers all of the god entries and doesn't give a way to quickly search for gods by name. Made worse that the section isn't even alphabetical, it is two alphabetical lists. A minor pain but one that comes up when I have tried to search for something mid session.

    2. Core Gods: Any god from the core rule book lacks the mechanical elements from the core rulebook, meaning that anyone trying to decide who they want to take has to look between both books. This includes integral information like edicts and anathema sadly.

    The book contains a smattering of background(singular), extra feats, items, spells along side some new domains and a lot of god options.

    All nice to have but not the real draw for this book and certainly not the primary focus.

    I have always found Gods to be one of the hardest elements of world building to handle personally, even in my own homebrew settings I tend to steal heavily from products like this.

    As I said in the overview, I consider each of the first three lost omens books (world guide, character guide and gods and magic) to be essential digests of a perfect length for GMs or players who are getting into Golarion lore and want to add that bit of extra spice to the pot.

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    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    So I wonder if all 1e gods(you can see them in archive of nethys, though it is missing some of them who were name dropped and never given info about domain wise :D) will be listed in table here even if they don't get heavily featured

    Also wondering if we get some version of evangelist/exalted/sentinel/obedience classes or mechanics in this

    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    First: Great cover of a dwarf defending a bridge against orcs!
    Looks very war-like.

    Second: Is it me or are the Lost Omens Guides getting smaller and smaller page-wise?

    Third: The first 2020 Pathfinder Product! :-)

    If you take the date of january 13th given by the system (which is the date that subscriber shipping should start) and add two weeks and two days, you get the intended street date of wednesday 29th of january 2020 (that is always the case how you can figure out the release date intended by Paizo).

    Dark Archive

    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    I think this cover might be placeholder though, at least I think I heard something like that from the paizocon recording? Plus picture does look bit familiar, but that might be my imagination though


    I can't wait to see how the gods are going tto be handled in this new edition. Hundreds of them... *~*

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    CorvusMask wrote:
    So I wonder if all 1e gods(you can see them in archive of nethys, though it is missing some of them who were name dropped and never given info about domain wise :D) will be listed in table here even if they don't get heavily featured

    I do hope that's the case. They already have names, areas of interest, favored weapons... I hope to see at least the 35 gods from the Inner Sea Gods and the Inner Sea Faiths heavily covered, at least with a page or two for each of them... Something like what was done in Book of the Damned Hardcover.

    CorvusMask wrote:
    I think this cover might be placeholder though, at least I think I heard something like that from the paizocon recording? Plus picture does look bit familiar, but that might be my imagination though

    Inner Sea Gods, Torag section. That's actually the dwarf god in his new design as per the interior art in that book.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.


    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hope there're rules for the benefits of worshipping the Eldest and the Elemental Lords.

    The book following this one might get announced at GenCon. What are your hopes up for?

    If not in the core line, I do hope for a book covering the other ancestries from the Advanced Race Guide or maybe even from the Inner Sea Races book...

    Mr. James also said something about a book covering a region we have been asking for a long time. Maybe the Impossible Lands? Maybe Garund or Arcadia? I'm excited to know what the next year will bring us!

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

    There were also hints of going outside the Inner Sea region sooner rather than later.

    My preference would be for a detailed guide to one of the 10 Inner Sea regions. Impossible Lands would be amazing, but my guess is that it will support whatever AP comes after Extinction Curse... which would make an Impossible Lands book even more exciting!

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    shadram wrote:

    There were also hints of going outside the Inner Sea region sooner rather than later.

    My preference would be for a detailed guide to one of the 10 Inner Sea regions. Impossible Lands would be amazing, but my guess is that it will support whatever AP comes after Extinction Curse... which would make an Impossible Lands book even more exciting!

    It would be awesome to have one of these 10 regions covered at least one per year, but I can't deny I'm indeed hoping for a region outside of the Inner Sea, one of the other continents.

    6 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    I'd be interested in knowing what's going on in the southern half of Garund.

    From the previews showed in GenCon, this book looks beautiful. Such a wonderful cover, and the opening pages showing the gods battling the Rough Beast is amazing.

    I just hope there aren't to many pages focusing in the core 20, as we already got Inner Sea Gods covering much of their lore. I would be pleased with a spread per god, but from Iomedae preview I think there're going to be more them that.

    I would love to get at least the 15 gods in Inner Sea Faiths covered with two pages and a new illustration.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

    The cover above is a placeholder, they showed the real cover at Gen Con, it is divided artistically into four panels, one at the top, showing the chamber of the Starstone, and three panels below that, showing the ascended deities Cayden Cailean, Iomedae, and Norgorber.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    The Gold Sovereign wrote:

    The book following this one might get announced at GenCon. What are your hopes up for?

    If not in the core line, I do hope for a book covering the other ancestries from the Advanced Race Guide or maybe even from the Inner Sea Races book...

    Mr. James also said something about a book covering a region we have been asking for a long time. Maybe the Impossible Lands? Maybe Garund or Arcadia? I'm excited to know what the next year will bring us!

    Oh, and the book following this one seems to be a book covering the city we all asked for, the city at the center of the world, Absalom! I can't wait to read it! 200+ pages?! THAT A LOT!

    I'm sad it's not about the whole Starstone Island, but the next AP will get us moving through the island, so I'm sure we are getting more on it.

    Surely, I was hoping for something beyond the Inner Sea, but I would be lying if I said I'm not happy with the announcement.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Think we’ll see any Archetypes in this? Feels like they’d be mentioned if so, but a girl can hope.

    Basically want this just to see how Casandalee is doing.

    Scarab Sages

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
    keftiu wrote:

    Think we’ll see any Archetypes in this? Feels like they’d be mentioned if so, but a girl can hope.

    Basically want this just to see how Casandalee is doing.

    Seeing the words "zealous evangelists" in the product description makes me wonder.

    Can't wait to see the final product description for this one.

    The Exchange

    10 people marked this as a favorite.
    Zaister wrote:
    The cover above is a placeholder, they showed the real cover at Gen Con, it is divided artistically into four panels, one at the top, showing the chamber of the Starstone, and three panels below that, showing the ascended deities Cayden Cailean, Iomedae, and Norgorber.

    Pshaw. Once again, the fourth ascended deity, Razmir, gets disrespected.

    First they destroy his bridge. Then they refute his divinity. Now this petty nonsense. They'll rue the day!

    I hope that there will be options to make the 1e PRC from8nner Sea Gods


    7 people marked this as a favorite.
    Iacobus Gildenpalm wrote:
    Zaister wrote:
    The cover above is a placeholder, they showed the real cover at Gen Con, it is divided artistically into four panels, one at the top, showing the chamber of the Starstone, and three panels below that, showing the ascended deities Cayden Cailean, Iomedae, and Norgorber.

    Pshaw. Once again, the fourth ascended deity, Razmir, gets disrespected.

    First they destroy his bridge. Then they refute his divinity. Now this petty nonsense. They'll rue the day!

    Rue the day? Who talks like that?

    Paizo Employee Starfinder Senior Developer

    17 people marked this as a favorite.
    Chetna Wavari wrote:
    Iacobus Gildenpalm wrote:
    Zaister wrote:
    The cover above is a placeholder, they showed the real cover at Gen Con, it is divided artistically into four panels, one at the top, showing the chamber of the Starstone, and three panels below that, showing the ascended deities Cayden Cailean, Iomedae, and Norgorber.

    Pshaw. Once again, the fourth ascended deity, Razmir, gets disrespected.

    First they destroy his bridge. Then they refute his divinity. Now this petty nonsense. They'll rue the day!

    Rue the day? Who talks like that?

    Razmir does. He says it makes him sound more sophisticated and godly.

    Grand Lodge

    12 people marked this as a favorite.

    Um, wouldn't Razmir be the FIFTH ascended deity after Aroden, Norgorber, Cayden and Iomedae? I also think that the day of his ascension should be celebrated as Ruesday.

    Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

    I don't think Aroden ascended via the Starstone. There would be more ascended deities if you count those who ascended without it.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
    David knott 242 wrote:

    I don't think Aroden ascended via the Starstone. There would be more ascended deities if you count those who ascended without it.

    Actually, it has been stated somewhere by Paizo staff that when he touched the Starstone, he was drawn inside it and underwent tests of his character, power, skill, etc. When he came out, he ascended to godhood as a living demi-god.

    So yeah, he was the first to pass the test.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Feros wrote:
    David knott 242 wrote:

    I don't think Aroden ascended via the Starstone. There would be more ascended deities if you count those who ascended without it.

    Actually, it has been stated somewhere by Paizo staff that when he touched the Starstone, he was drawn inside it and underwent tests of his character, power, skill, etc. When he came out, he ascended to godhood as a living demi-god.

    So yeah, he was the first to pass the test.

    I'm sure it says that other places as well, but the most recent is probably the very first paragraph of the Absolom chapter of the Lost Omens World Guide.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    David knott 242 wrote:
    I don't think Aroden ascended via the Starstone. There would be more ascended deities if you count those who ascended without it.

    Irori and Nethys, both ascended to godhood through their own efforts. Or at least they claim to.

    To me, Irori is surely the most fascinating of all the ascended gods among the core deities.

    3 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    Chetna Wavari wrote:
    Iacobus Gildenpalm wrote:
    Zaister wrote:
    The cover above is a placeholder, they showed the real cover at Gen Con, it is divided artistically into four panels, one at the top, showing the chamber of the Starstone, and three panels below that, showing the ascended deities Cayden Cailean, Iomedae, and Norgorber.

    Pshaw. Once again, the fourth ascended deity, Razmir, gets disrespected.

    First they destroy his bridge. Then they refute his divinity. Now this petty nonsense. They'll rue the day!

    Rue the day? Who talks like that?

    I want you to think about what you've done, Kent.

    Dark Archive

    9 people marked this as a favorite.
    The Gold Sovereign wrote:
    David knott 242 wrote:
    I don't think Aroden ascended via the Starstone. There would be more ascended deities if you count those who ascended without it.
    Irori and Nethys, both ascended to godhood through their own efforts. Or at least they claim to.

    Urgathoa, too. But she got skipped in that Big Book O' Self-Made Immortals in Divine Anthology, so I suspect that it's a thing to diss ol' boney.

    I kinda love how the setting has so many different sorts of gods, many of whom 'got there' by different routes.

    Self-made; Irori, Nethys, Urgathoa
    Starstone scions; Cayden, Iomedae, Norgorber
    Top tier angel, demon, devil; Asmodeus, Lamashtu, Sarenrae
    Born that way with one or more godly parents; Shelyn, Zon-Kuthon
    Always were?; Pharasma, Rovagug
    Racial; Calistria, Torag
    Kind of just appeared one day; Gorum
    Totally not a great old one, really (wink, wink); Desna
    Unknown; Abadar, Erastil, Gozreh

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    ^ I'm pretty sure that Rovagug has been confirmed as a top tier Qlippoth.

    & Pharasma is pretty much the

    last survivor of a previous reality & first sentient being of the current reality (unless the Seal counts as sentient, in which case she would be tied for first with it...).

    Your point (in that the two of them "Always were?") effectively still stands though!

    Paizo Employee Creative Director

    13 people marked this as a favorite.

    Rovagug can be both a top tier Qlippoth and Always Were. ;-)

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Desna as a Great Old One? Haha I like her.. but I'd like her even more then.

    5 people marked this as a favorite.

    *Stares for several moments before turning around towards Desna and the Silence Between....* Wait...wait...



    I like Desna being one of if not *the* only goodly Great Old One though.

    Liberty's Edge

    7 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
    VerBeeker wrote:

    *Stares for several moments before turning around towards Desna and the Silence Between....* Wait...wait...



    I like Desna being one of if not *the* only goodly Great Old One though.

    Desna Goddess of the Flumphs?

    Dark Archive

    11 people marked this as a favorite.
    VerBeeker wrote:

    And that's not the strangest place he's woken up...

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    I do hope that Ragathiel will be in the book.

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    Set wrote:
    VerBeeker wrote:

    And that's not the strangest place he's woken up...

    I'd be shocked if it was in the top 5.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I really hope obscure and minor divine powers are not forgotten in this new setting. For example I really love the idea that the Osirion gods are making a mysterious comeback, that the Eldest are pulling strings that manipulate even the Core Deities (save Pharasma of course), and,

    ...that every deity likely feels discomfort at the thought of the Outer Gods, and their Great Old One prophets!?!?

    Dark Archive

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

    I'm mostly curious if deities like psychopomp usher Shadix Who Dreams who have only been name dropped by various books but never given domains get remembered

    There are quite lot of super obscure deities

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I really hope Uskyerial, the Saintly Slumberer, Empyreal Lord of Hunting, Prudence, and Slumber is covered. In my personal cannon I have a village of Grippli that worship this great bear, and wear appropriate costumes in reverence to him.

    *Uskyeria, *canon

    ^ Isn't Uskyeria a 'she'?

    Granted, you may have decided Uskyeria is a 'he' in your canon (nothing wrong with that!), but...


    The grippli worshippers idea is cool! :D

    Carry on,


    Liberty's Edge

    14 people marked this as a favorite.
    Cthulhusquatch wrote:
    Desna as a Great Old One? Haha I like her.. but I'd like her even more then.

    Desna is, by all the evidence, an ancient, alien, insectoid being from beyond the stars who visits people in their dreams.

    She's never been technically stated as a Great Old One, and indeed she's among their greatest foes, but Alignments aside she has more in common with them than she does with most other Gods.

    The 'friendly Great Old One' interpretation of her is really easy to buy into, and makes a whole lot of sense, even if it isn't 100% canonical.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Oops, you're right. I don't know how I missed that. Thanks.

    Anyway, she's a great excuse to use Ewok minis for Grippli, since Paizo has not given us the latter.

    Paizo Employee Creative Director

    18 people marked this as a favorite.
    Deadmanwalking wrote:
    Cthulhusquatch wrote:
    Desna as a Great Old One? Haha I like her.. but I'd like her even more then.

    Desna is, by all the evidence, an ancient, alien, insectoid being from beyond the stars who visits people in their dreams.

    She's never been technically stated as a Great Old One, and indeed she's among their greatest foes, but Alignments aside she has more in common with them than she does with most other Gods.

    The 'friendly Great Old One' interpretation of her is really easy to buy into, and makes a whole lot of sense, even if it isn't 100% canonical.

    Desna is indeed an alien entity who's kind of "adopted" the humanoid form in response to her delight in how we humans look and act. She's not from "outer space" even though she enjoys outer space—she pre-dates sapient thought/mortal life in the Material Plane, along with some of the other really REALLY ancient deities.

    She's not a Great Old One, though. She's a full-fledged deity who doesn't get a stat block. Nor is she an Outer God, because she actively cares for and likes and wants to help us people.

    If Desna were in Lovecraft's stories, she'd be classified along with Nodens as an Elder God, I suppose.

    (We don't have an "Elder God" category in Pathifnder because it's nonsensical—"Elder God" basically means "deities who aren't Great Old Ones or Outer Gods," after all, so pretty much every other deity in the setting is an "Elder God" if you look at it from the Derleth Mythos world view—the creation of that category of deity being something August Derleth introduced to the stories in his sometimes awkward attempt to categorize Lovecraft's creations into narrowly defined categories like elementals and the like.)

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    Hey, contributing artist Klaher Baklaher has posted G&M's art of halfling goddess Chaldira Zuzaristan to his ArtStation account!

    Silver Crusade

    Syri wrote:
    Hey, contributing artist Klaher Baklaher has posted G&M's art of halfling goddess Chaldira Zuzaristan to his ArtStation account!

    I believe that is just a follower of her’s, we have art of Chaldira on the cover of Faiths of Golarion.

    Dark Archive

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
    Rysky wrote:
    Syri wrote:
    Hey, contributing artist Klaher Baklaher has posted G&M's art of halfling goddess Chaldira Zuzaristan to his ArtStation account!
    I believe that is just a follower of her’s, we have art of Chaldira on the cover of Faiths of Golarion.

    Nah, that was Nivi Rhombodazzle on cover of Faiths of Golarion.

    That picture COULD be Chaldira since she has red hair as well and its kinda hard to tell from Faiths of Golarion art, but both do appears to have gap between teeth. And both have green/red patched up coat.

    Sooo yeah, its probably IS Chaldira, though face looks different since its another artist's take on same character :p

    Silver Crusade

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    CorvusMask wrote:
    Rysky wrote:
    Syri wrote:
    Hey, contributing artist Klaher Baklaher has posted G&M's art of halfling goddess Chaldira Zuzaristan to his ArtStation account!
    I believe that is just a follower of her’s, we have art of Chaldira on the cover of Faiths of Golarion.

    Nah, that was Nivi Rhombodazzle on cover of Faiths of Golarion.

    That picture COULD be Chaldira since she has red hair as well and its kinda hard to tell from Faiths of Golarion art, but both do appears to have gap between teeth. And both have green/red patched up coat.

    Sooo yeah, its probably IS Chaldira, though face looks different since its another artist's take on same character :p

    Doh! What I get for posting while half asleep, there’s two short goddesses!

    That is indeed her.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Syri wrote:
    Hey, contributing artist Klaher Baklaher has posted G&M's art of halfling goddess Chaldira Zuzaristan to his ArtStation account!

    That's an awesome illustration! I do hope for this book to be a piece of art just for its illustrations, but I'm sure my expectations will be surpassed as with the previous 2E big books. They all look amazing. The art team has done an incredible job.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Ooh, new from Klaher! Here's art of Abadar himself . . .

    And is this here a worshiper of Casandalee?

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