Ratfolk Caravan Guard

Gorethel's page

Organized Play Member. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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I really hope obscure and minor divine powers are not forgotten in this new setting. For example I really love the idea that the Osirion gods are making a mysterious comeback, that the Eldest are pulling strings that manipulate even the Core Deities (save Pharasma of course), and,

...that every deity likely feels discomfort at the thought of the Outer Gods, and their Great Old One prophets!?!?

Um...I just noticed that my cleric of Benorus will be able to summon 1d3 shadows as part of the god's Darkness domain, but Benorus is a good deity that'd probably eschew undead.

What would you do in this situation? There doesn't seem to be a way to summon celestial shadowy stuff for characters of good deities associated with darkness.

Do Giant gods accept non-giant character worshipers? I've always like Aigirran.

What deity is most opposed to Nyarlathotep (in Osirion or beyond) and do the Ancient Osirion Gods have any relationship (negative or positive) with him?

He heas to be one of the freakiest of the Outer Gods...

James Jacobs wrote:
Gorethel wrote:

Sorry, Forgot the rules.

This is the second Question:

2. Wouldn't the Ancient Osirion PAntheon have egyptian-themed outsiders?

Like Angels, Inevitables, Demons, Daimons, etc that match Osirion?. Tian Xia get Oni, Rakshasa are Vudran...

Maybe, but we've not explored that possibility yet. Probably won't either, because as I mentioned previously, it's niche content. And beyond that, it's a pantheon that has in large part moved on. We want/need to focus our attention in the short term on the core pantheon as part of the edition change.

Thank you for answering may questions.

I was unaware I had communicated anything contrary to fact that the Ancient Osirion Pantheon's presence in Pathfinder is niche. It is wonderfully and terribly niche.

I also respect and recognize the need to emphasise the company's own creative content, particularly those most closely associated with the brand.

Certainly we lovers'of niche gods, mechanics, classes and locations understand that we have to limit our expectations and that the content's narrative must follow carefully crafted, prearranged plans as directed by the kinds of stories yourselves, as designers, wish to tell and calculate as being best for the company and community.

Yet the nice thing about Pathfinder I thought was the celebration of players' quirky love for the little-known and obscure, mainstream mechanics, classes, locations and deities' larger importance to the game notwithstanding?

If that sentiment is changing however, then I appreciate that you were so frank to tell me so, and overall such a move is probably the direction most in the community desire and ought expect.

One must instead content themselves to mobilize one's purchasing power towards those rpg companies and content both available and most desired by themselves.

more Osirion Deities lil!
I love Sobek

Sorry, Forgot the rules.
This is the second Question:

2. Wouldn't the Ancient Osirion PAntheon have egyptian-themed outsiders?

Like Angels, Inevitables, Demons, Daimons, etc that match Osirion?. Tian Xia get Oni, Rakshasa are Vudran...

Apologies, back for another obsessive question (2) relating to the Ancient Osirion Deities,

I really like the Domain rules changes for 2e, and after reading Mark Seifter's blog I have to ask:

1. Even if we do not get further lore material on more obscure gods like the Ancient Osirion Pantheon, could we at least get their new 2e entry info like updated Domains, Edicts, Anathema, channeled energy and potential alignments (if different from their 1e entries)?

While I would love deific obediences/boons and summon lists, those of us that love this pantheron would likewise love the above as at least something.

It feels very weird summoning inevetibles rather than psychopomps or more "Egyptian-flavored" outsiders as a LG Paladin of Anubis...

2. Wouldn't the Ancient Osirion PAntheon have egyptian-themed outsiders?

So for Hell's Rebels I am considering using a character whose both a human Osirion refugee and an Anubis-worshiping Paladin.

The problem is that I do not know if House Thrune would necesarily conflict with the anti-undead/protector of tombs code that Anubis and his worshipers follow. If my Paladin were aware of any abuse of the dead by House Thrune then it'd be easier to explain why a paladin of a LN god would side with a motly crew of artsy rebels.

What is Thrune's stance on undead and would it be sufficiently problematic for an Anubis Paladin or even a Pharasmian worshiper?

James Jacobs wrote:
Zhangar is 100% correct. With a very few exceptions, the Lovecraft mythos is Material Plane based, and as such isn't really an appropriate topic for a Planar Adventures book.

fair. Thanks!

why so little written about the Great Old Ones and other beings of the Elder Mythos? I would have thought there'd be more hints as to their existance. Where are they from if not beyond the known multiverse?

Will Pathfinder 2.0 deal with relatively recent changes to the lore and multiverse such as Nocticula's rise or the Elemental Lord Ranginori's escape from the Untouchable Opal?

I am glad at the possibility of 'good' aligned Elemental Lords being out and about as it gives more options for non-evil Elemental-themed characters.

Lord Twitchiopolis wrote:

To put it simply, it's not flavor of the month anymore.

Mummy's Mask is long done, so you aren't likely to see much more support for it in a while.
Same reason we're not seeing more support for Tien pantheons, all the racial pantheons outside of core (the greater Elf pantheon and Dwarven pantheon, for instance), better write ups for existing minor gods (there are a handful with little more than a domain line or an appearance in an old Adventure Path, such as Camazotz, Feronia, Erecura, and Easivra), Sargaven/Mwangi gods, or any of the gods briefly mentioned in Distant Shores.

Personally, I'm a fantasy theology fan with Stockholm Syndrome for clerics, so I would love books upon books of gods and lore, but that's a bit much to ask of ask of a major publishing company.

Your answer begets a question of greater concern then:

Is there any point in investing any interest in deities and pantheons beyond the core 20 if their influence in the narrative are made story-wise obsolete in a year or two?

Does 'flavor of the month' even return to old locations and thems?!?

I'm now imagining a group therapy session among all the previous "Flavor of the Month" settings as they discuss the golden days and their unlikelihood of being revisited ever again....

<sad laughter>

I understand now that there are no current plans for more Paizo products featuring the Egyptian/Osirion pantheon because currently Paizo desires to tell other stories.

So what do players who want to play characters associated with this pantheon have to do to get such products?

If the answer is "patience", I understand, we just have to wait a few years

If the answer is "Communicate better that people want such products", then I would like to know, as it would be a waste of sentiment waiting for a product in which there is exists no company motivation to create.

I would much prefer being told that if I want something I have to do some mobilization work to get it actualized, than to be patient if there's no intention yet for such a product

The most glaring mechanical problem is the absence of Deific boons but I still wouldn't mind knowing where the heck Worshipers of this pantheon go in the afterlife. And how these Deities interact with the rest of Pathfinder's Deities.

James Jacobs wrote:
Gorethel wrote:

Dear Mr. Jacobs,

(Edit: A humble request, not a question, though I respect that you cannot announce products here)

It's been 4 years since Mummy's Mask, yet we still don't have anything new as far as new lore or mechanical options for characters worshiping the Ancient Osirion Pantheon.

Could we have a product that corrects this, perhaps similar to how ya'll fleshed out The Eldest and their worshipers?

New lore/mechanics could include:
(Edit: ideas, not questions for forum)

-What Boons and Obedience are associated with deities like Ra, Set and the others?

-Where do worshipers of these primal deities go in the afterlife? Do these gods have realms in the great beyond?

-As these gods have left Golarion, is there a reason why their worship is again on the rise?

-What is their relationship with Golarion's or even Present-day Osirion's more prominent deities, particularly Nethys, Pharasma and the Black Pharaoh whom all have connections to Osirion?

-Are there interesting Archetypes, Traits and Feats associated with the worship of these deities? What about Summons peculiar to each deity?

I understand that the Egyptian/Ancient Osirion Pantheon are not copyright-protected by Paizo, but I feel that if the specifics of the lore are tied enough to Paizo-specific material this would still create an incentive for players to purchase and use your creative content.

Please keep questions simple and one to a post. Instead of answering all these questions, let me just say that we are very unlikely to do much more with this pantheon anytime soon.

I apologize, I had hoped my Edits would have clarified the latter questions as ideas potentially answerable in future product material rather than questions for this forum.

Regardless, I admit I am a bit disappointed. Is there any particular reason for the unlikelihood for future material on this pantheon?


Dear Mr. Jacobs,

(Edit: A humble request, not a question, though I respect that you cannot announce products here)

It's been 4 years since Mummy's Mask, yet we still don't have anything new as far as new lore or mechanical options for characters worshiping the Ancient Osirion Pantheon.

Could we have a product that corrects this, perhaps similar to how ya'll fleshed out The Eldest and their worshipers?

New lore/mechanics could include:
(Edit: ideas, not questions for forum)

-What Boons and Obedience are associated with deities like Ra, Set and the others?

-Where do worshipers of these primal deities go in the afterlife? Do these gods have realms in the great beyond?

-As these gods have left Golarion, is there a reason why their worship is again on the rise?

-What is their relationship with Golarion's or even Present-day Osirion's more prominent deities, particularly Nethys, Pharasma and the Black Pharaoh whom all have connections to Osirion?

-Are there interesting Archetypes, Traits and Feats associated with the worship of these deities? What about Summons peculiar to each deity?

I understand that the Egyptian/Ancient Osirion Pantheon are not copyright-protected by Paizo, but I feel that if the specifics of the lore are tied enough to Paizo-specific material this would still create an incentive for players to purchase and use your creative content.

Now if only someone like James Jacobs could happen across this page. I think maybe Paizo should put a halt on introducing too many new deities until they flesh out better the ones they already have. Including the Osirion Pantheon

Nethys, "Elder God" wrote:
Why don't you oust Pharasma instead? She has much more space you could claim afterwards.

Pharasma did not completely replace the Ancient Osirion Pantheon, nor is the main deity venerated by these new ‘pharaohs’ since your post-ascension.

Yet your worship is so prominent in the area it eclipses the religions of old.

We want Ra, Isis, Anubis, Hathor, Set, Horus and the others!

I know it's impolite to rant but I'm feeling pretty disgusted about Nethys's prominence within the lore of Osirion.

Yes, I'm aware that Nethys's association with Osirion was made part of the Pathfinder Universe previous to the writers' decision to add a pantheon based on real-life Ancient Egypt.

Yes, I'm aware that knowledge about the pantheon is limited among both players and in-universe characters due to the pantheon leaving Golarion and their description existing in a single Pathfinder Campaign Setting chapter

Yes, I'm aware that some folks don't like being reminded that Earth and its history is technically a part of the Pathfinder Universe.

I. Don't. Care.

It's been years since the writing of Mummy's Mask and while I admit there has not been much focus on Osirion since, it is not an unreasonable demand to wish for class archetypes, boons, feats and traits surrounding the worship of these deities.

The description of Nethys worship doesn't even emphasize an Egyptian aesthetic, regardless of the the deity's origin story as a once-mortal Pharaoh or the deity's Egyptian name. He seems more the patron of mad magical experiments, wizards, and moral unpredictability than a patron guardian of god-kings.

Am I alone in these feelings?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I love interplanar stories. The First World would be cool, with the PC’s engaged in the power struggles of the strange Eldest, or a Tour of the Elemental Planes with an attempt to free the remaining Good Elemental Lords.

I likewise think poor Vudra could use some love, as an Indian-themed AP has not occurred yet.

Maybe a Draconic conflict involving Apsu and his Enemies?

I would love to return to Osiron and do a proper AP that focuses more on the Osiron Pantheon :/

Thx everyone for the advice.

I especially appreciate the channeling and melee build help.

I'm leaning towards Water and Strength as my domains.

Gonna punch some Cthulhu

avr wrote:

Patience, grasshopper. 2 hours 24 minutes is not enough for many people to see your post, look up a fairly obscure god & then to write a reply.

The scalykind/saurian subdomain gives you a very nice first level power and at 4th an animal companion selected from among the best options, the dinosaurs. No arguments from the GM about selecting a dinosaur either given that your only options are dinosaurs.

If you take that domain you'll get magic fang (& greater) as domain spells. Which suggests that you might want to look at a natural attack build. Some variety of skinwalker perhaps. Probably not werecroc though, you don't need a wisdom penalty as a cleric.

The strength domain for the enlarge person spell or water/rivers for the free-action increased speed are IMO the next best two domains there.

Variant channeling: strength or battle could be a useful buff sometimes. Not absolutely necessary - clerics get a lot of buffs - but it seems to fit the idea you want.

How much detail do you want? A complete build or just some ideas like this?

This is great! Although I won't turn down more ideas or build basics if you got them,

I think I'm going to go human though as I imagine him an Osirion dude.
The campaign I'm planning on using him for is the Strange Aeons adventure path.
Pretty much I'll let the other players do the investigation aspects while I heal, buff and punch aberrations

Nothing eh?

Hey folks! Any ideas for a CN Cleric of Sobek, positive energy build?
I'm thinking of something good at both strengthening allies and hitting HARD as Sobek is an osiron God of fertility, strength and battle.
And water, crocodiles, etc


BadBird wrote:

Herald Caller is a great skillpoints option, even if it's a pity to give up a Domain when Lantern King grants such nice ones.

The Domain Strike feat is a very cool way to use Cleric powers, and both Chaos and Madness grant truly awesome powers. Punching Chaos Touch or Vision of Madness into a foe is epic.

One of my favorite things to do with a Cleric is to use one level of Unchained Monk, since you can use flurry with a weapon and wisdom AC. Another option is a level of Snakebite Striker Brawler to gain 2d6 Sneak Attack, and maybe fight with a blade in one hand and Domain Strike with the other.

Okay so I think I got it figured out,

I'm gonna go herald caller and then go into the Feysworn prestige class. What level do you think I should pick it up, or would the prestige class be too debilitating to the herald Caller archtype?

That one also sounds interesting.
I am unsure of whether I'd be a purely caster or fighting ceric, I kind of wanted to do both, but more especially use trickery and deceptionn to do both.

what is cunning?

QuidEst wrote:
Take Cunning for +1 skill point per level if it's legal. Consider the Cardinal archetype for more skills if it's legal. There's a Feysworn prestige class that you might want to check out if it's legal.

I like that Idea. Would the loss of spontaneous casting be too much as cleric?

no thoughts huh?

So I'm building a new Character for my LGS's Season 8 start (we wait until more of the season is out) and I had this Idea of building a Trickster Cleric who serves the Lantern King but have never played a cleric before.
What are the basic feats, stats and things necessary for a trickster Cleric? I've played a Rogue before so that's what endeared me to the idea.

I really like all these ideas and I'm thinking the concept is not as difficult now as I originally thought.
I appreciate the help.

avr wrote:

Does it need to be the druid character class necessarily? There are wizards of elemental schools, sorcerers of naturalistic or elemental bloodlines (or the impossible bloodline perhaps) and these can get clockwork familiars with the improved familiar feat. Shamans might represent your idea well too.

If you do want to play the druid character class I'm guessing you'd want the Urban Druid archetype. Making magic items is just about getting the feats and a good spellcraft skill - and maybe a few other craft skills if you make constructs.

Y'know, usually I'm pretty loyal to the original class concept I have in mind but not for this build. So long as its a class that can reasonably represent both a veneration for the wilds and nature as well as the ability to craft items well I don't much care. Those are some goof ideas. You have my attention.

Artificer Druid! A LifeCrafter!

I've been playing the Kaladesh block from Wizard's Magic: The Gathering and came across a concept that I really thought was neat and different. In this world that combines aspects of magical invention/artifice with the aesthetic style of India, there exists few mages of nature or otherwise. Those few druids that do exist often seek to create astonishing artificial creatures patterned after the natural elements they so revere.

My question is simple. Is it possible to create a viable Druid-based character that is also good at artifice?

I'm thinking of for sure getting the craft- Wondrous Item, Magical Arms and Armour, and Construct feats. Basically he or she shoes their veneration for nature by using it as inspiration for their inventions and that the act of creation itself, whether artificial or biological, is sacred.

a Deity like Daikitsu of the Dragon Empires Pantheon seems promising for him/her to worship as this goddess has domains and subdomains both artificial and natural.

I'm unsure whether to go the domain or Animal Companion route as I don't think I'd be allowed a clockwork animal companion under normal circumstances, flavorful as it'd be.

I'd also want to have good wisdom and intelligence stats I'm guessing as both my spells and item creations will depend on these.

Any other suggestions?

the Queen's Raven wrote:
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/coreRulebook/prestigeClasses/eldritchKni ght.html#eldritch-knight

Looks interesting. Would such a character be sufficiently powerful? Also is there a build you'd suggest? I like that it allows me to focus on the other things after 10 levels

the Queen's Raven wrote:
Sounds like a perfect candidate for Eldritch Knight PRC. Take the necessary levels of cavalier & witch and then go EK PRC.

What is this? never heard of it, but I'm new.

Chromantic Durgon <3 wrote:

I don't think one level of witch would really pack the oomph you're looking for compared to what he could already do as a mid level cavalier.

A straight hexcrafter might work better

I appreciate it. any particular build you suggest? I'm thinking mostly melee but every melee hexcrafter build I see involves animated hair which seems...silly for the character I'm thinking of. Perhaps I'm imagining it wrong though.

Nothing is at stake, hint at something perhaps...
+ The Satyr Gods Cometh!
+ Aboleths orchestrating Global War
+ An major Artifact found and they are experts
+ They all have a history with un unsavory individual...lam style

So I want to create a new character but unsure what class would be best for him:
A human military strategist whom after a nearly disastrous military campaign due to spies, swears alliance to an unknown (witch) patron for the power to save his men. He would still be a LG or NG military strategist but also a Witch.
I'm thinking a hexcrafter magus or a cavalier with one level in witch but what ya'll think? Is it even Viable?

Lakesidefantasy wrote:

You can find it in the new hardcover edition of Curse of the Crimson Throne.

Or you can generate Kazavon the dragon by building an Advanced Great wyrm Blue dragon Fighter 1 Eldritch knight 4, with the special ability granted by Zon-Kuthon to transform into a human.

Which hardcover edition is this?

I'm adding a vision where the players eventually face and get slaughtered by Kazavon
In a shared dream while they sleep, early in the Curse of the crimson Throne path, shortly after discovering the queen to be evil. They will awake from the dream regardless of the outcome. I want to prime them for a very specific response to the last moment in the path's final conclusion. ;)
Anyone have a Stat block made for Kazavon???

I'm adding a vision where the players eventually face and get slaughtered by Kazavon
In a shared dream while they sleep, early in the Curse of the crimson Throne path, shortly after discovering the queen to be evil. They will awake from the dream regardless of the outcome. I want to prime them for a very specific response to the last moment in the path's final conclusion. ;)
Anyone have a Stat block made for Kazavon???

what outsider suptype should I encourage him to choose? Will I be able to add Draconic to its known languages later? I'm pretty new to this as you can see...

I'm unsure. Probably just the typical winged, breath weaponed, quadruped lizard with a tail???

So, a player wants a draconic eodolon for his unchained summoner.
Problem is, there is no Draconic outsider subtype/type for the list of eodolon types he can use. I want to help him in this as I forced his hand in choosing an unchained summoner over the overpowered original. Any balanced homebrew solutions you know of that would allow him to have a draconic eodolon that is not OP?
This is my first time DMing, we are doing Crimson Throne.

Thx, I'll try that

Saethori wrote:
Four feats? Wouldn't you only have three at level five?

I thought I got Four, Maybe I only get three??

Hey, I'm relatively new to pathfinder and am attempting to create a Goblin Druid that makes use of its high dexterity and Riding abilities for a hard-to-hit caster.

I'm Starting level five and am unsure what feats would be best for this,
I'm thinking Combat Casting, Mounted Combat, Flame Heart and Fire Tamer (goblin) for my four feats.

This is my 15 point build with the Racial stuff included:

Strength: 8 Mod: -1 (Racial -2)
Dexterity: 18 Mod: +4 (Racial +4)
Constitution: 12 Mod: +1
Intelligence: 14 Mod: +2
Wisdom: 14 Mod: +2
Charisma: 6 Mod: -2 (Racial -2)

What feats and stats would you suggest for a Goblin Druid at my level that wants to make use of their dex and riding ability?

Hey, I'm relatively new to pathfinder and am attempting to create a Goblin Druid that makes use of its high dexterity and Riding abilities for a hard-to-hit caster.

I'm Starting level five and am unsure what feats would be best for this,
I'm thinking Combat Casting, Mounted Combat, Flame Heart and Fire Tamer (goblin) for my four feats.

This is my 15 point build with the Racial stuff included:

Strength: 8 Mod: -1 (Racial -2)
Dexterity: 18 Mod: +4 (Racial +4)
Constitution: 12 Mod: +1
Intelligence: 14 Mod: +2
Wisdom: 14 Mod: +2
Charisma: 6 Mod: -2 (Racial -2)

What feats and stats would you suggest for a Goblin Druid at my level that wants to make use of their dex and riding ability?

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