Pathfinder Core Rulebook

4.60/5 (based on 31 ratings)
Pathfinder Core Rulebook
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Advance Your Game

This comprehensive 640-page guide to the Pathfinder roleplaying game provides everything you need to set out into a world of limitless fantasy adventure! Choose from ancestries like elf, human, and goblin and classes like alchemist, fighter, and sorcerer to create a hero of your own design, destined to become a legend! The new Pathfinder rules are easier to learn and faster to play, and they offer deeper customization than ever before!

This indispensable volume contains the core rules for players and Game Masters, and is your first step on a heroic new journey!

The Pathfinder Core Rulebook includes:

  • More than 600 pages of game rules, advice, character options, treasure, and more for players and Game Masters!
  • Six heroic player character ancestries, including elf, dwarf, gnome, goblin, halfling, and human, with variant heritages for half-elf and half-orc!
  • More than 30 backgrounds like bartender, soldier, or apprentice to further immerse yourself in your hero's backstory!
  • Twelve character classes, including the alchemist, barbarian, bard, champion, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, and wizard!
  • Hundreds and hundreds of spells, class feats, and other exciting abilities to help you customize your character to become the hero YOU envision her to be!
  • Streamlined and revised rules to help ease new players into the game while providing the depth of character options and tactical interest that have defined Pathfinder from the beginning!

Written by: Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, and Mark Seifter

ISBN: 978-1-64078-168-9

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Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Pathfinder Nexus on Demiplane
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
SoundSet on Syrinscape
Archives of Nethys

Last Updated - 11/9/2020

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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4.60/5 (based on 31 ratings)

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This is still Pathfinder


Pathfinder 2 is a fun and faithful evolution to Pathfinder 1. It still has the same feel and familiarity. While I like both systems, I’ve played Pathfinder 2 for the past 5 years and it’s my preferred system.

The best parts of Pathfinder 2 are three action rounds, the condensed skill list, and how easy it is to make and modify characters, while still allowing for many different character builds and options. It’s also easier to make an effective character, and more difficult to make a character that's better than everyone else's. Multi-classing is brilliant and balanced.

Monsters in PF2 are improved and have unique abilities. It helps to make fights different from each other and interesting. The math around PF2 also makes it very easy to build encounters of various difficulties, which is great for homebrew GMs.

Most players will appreciate how easy it is to make a character that has meaningful choices at every level. PF2 should be popular with D&D 5E players that want less generic characters. However, some players in Pathfinder 1 liked to spend hours on their character, looking through splatbooks, looking for ways to make the ultimate character. For these players, they might not like the simplicity of PF2.

PF2 also cleaned up a lot of rules, which makes it easier to play. High level play also scales really well, with fast play, and isn't a burden on the GM, which is a real accomplishment.

It's not all good however. I didn’t like that PF2 nerfed the classes that were too strong in PF1 (alchemist, monk archetypes, spellcasters, gunslingers) and made weak classes in PF1 too strong (rogues, barbarians, fighters). Spellcasters are further nerfed in the sense that they no longer have a niche. Most magical problems in PF2 can be solved with skills that any character can easily attain. The only nerf that was good was that ranged martials are no longer overpowered.

The real failing in PF2 is that there’s too much variation in the damage output between martials and spellcasters. Spellcasters, even with cantrips, do 50% or less damage compared to martials, and it gets worse at higher levels. Spellcasters claim to fame is basically fireball. I could write an essay, but the main problem is the game nerfed the utility of most spellcasters, spellcasters don’t have the same attack modifiers as martials (less hits/crits), and spells do less damage yet take 2 actions. Except for cantrips, spells no longer improve as you level up, so the only spells that are viable are your highest spell level, which is only 3 spells, which is NOT good enough for a typical adventure day.

At one time, spellcasters were "glass cannons" (less AC, HP, saves, perception) but now they do less damage, so they are just glass. At high level tables, if I see we have more than 2 spellcasters, I know we’re in trouble. Those casters are almost always clerics, because clerics get free heals at their highest level, effectively doubling their spell pool.

The Core rulebook, while big and unwieldy, is one of the best purchases in the RPG market. The book itself is presented and explained very well, and is a joy to read.

Pathfinder 2 is my favorite game and I love it, but I really think spellcasters need some love in the future.

Solid foundations


Replaced by the Player Core and GM Core series. My favorite TTRPG had a great beginning with this book.


In my opinion - one of, if not, the best system.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

So is this a mockup somehow, or does the cover of the new hardcovers actually wrap around the spine

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Zaister wrote:
So is this a mockup somehow, or does the cover of the new hardcovers actually wrap around the spine

It's a 3D cover - you can actually see Valeros sticking his sword in the dragons behind on the back - that's why it's belching fire so strangely! ;-)

Xenocrat wrote:
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
My only problem with the cover is the red dragon's appearance. This is not how they are supposed to look in Pathfinder. I miss the spikes that makes their wings do piercing damage, and they have no horn melee attacks, as they have no horns (playtest).
My only problem is that is all wrong. All wing attacks do bludgeoning damage and always have, per the natural attacks universal monster rule (I can't find any dragon specific rule granting piercing on their wings), and the presence or absence of physical body parts is not perfectly correlated with usable natural attacks.

That's why it's an evolution of the game, as indeed the dragons had no such uncommon features in PF1. The playtest brought even more flavor to the rules and that's my favorite part while reading the bestiary entries.

In the playtest, Red chromatic dragons do piercing damage with their wings, as they have spikes covering the back of their body and wings. And you should also see that in the playtest they don't have horn attacks, and it's clear the reason is that red dragons have no horns in Pathfinder. The first time (that I can remember) a "red dragon" was depicted with horns was in the illustration of the wicked dragon god Dahak.

You see, red dragons have their own flavor up to the spikes in their wings, and that's amazing, right? Tha's what makes the game so unique. But I suppose it's ok to use this rather common appearance in the core rulebook, that's meant for everyone - old and new.

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Zaister wrote:
So is this a mockup somehow, or does the cover of the new hardcovers actually wrap around the spine
It's a 3D cover - you can actually see Valeros sticking his sword in the dragons behind on the back - that's why it's belching fire so strangely! ;-)

Seriously, this is something they need to do, as a feature tied into the 3d physicality of the book, something more than just the flat image(s) themself convey but "made sense" of by the book itself... That makes you want to actually own the book for just that reason. OK, the "sticking his sword in the dragons behind" part doesn't literally need to be portrayed, but the 3d wrap-around cover part still stands :-)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber
Ramanujan wrote:

... also I think all of the characters are facing away from the dragon attacking them? (I noticed this because I'm hoping Merisiel's right leg is in front, rather than her left leg, as otherwise her waist is rather unpleasantly contorted — hard to tell with the position of the book title.)

Yeah, it is odd to me that the PCs seem to be ignoring the dragon and looking at something that we can't see off to the left.

Liberty's Edge

Seems to me that Kyra must be channeling against some undead that we cannot see on the left, and that the other two are getting ready to attack. Which is when the Red Dragon charges through the corridor and walls in a "Surprise, surprise" mode :-)

Silver Crusade

Orrrrrr they’re on the same side and dragon was blasting something chasing them from the right!

If I order from Germany, will I receive a German copy or an English one?

Silver Crusade

FruitzPunch wrote:
If I order from Germany, will I receive a German copy or an English one?

”From Germany”, order the book from Paizo from Germany or from the German distributor? If the former you will get the English version unless it specifies otherwise.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

English. The foreign translations aren’t published by Paizo directly - they license them.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

John Warren wrote:
Ramanujan wrote:

... also I think all of the characters are facing away from the dragon attacking them? (I noticed this because I'm hoping Merisiel's right leg is in front, rather than her left leg, as otherwise her waist is rather unpleasantly contorted — hard to tell with the position of the book title.)
Yeah, it is odd to me that the PCs seem to be ignoring the dragon and looking at something that we can't see off to the left.

The way I see the scene, the group was running away from the dragon and just turned around to fight because they found out an adult red dragon has a ground speed of 50 feet per action.

I have the understanding that 2nd Edition is being planned to have simultaneous release in at least French and German as well as English (not sure of other languages), but non-English translations are handled by other publishers partnered with Paizo: Black Book Editions for French and Ulisses Spiele for German.

I believe Paizo even sells their PDFs on this site, although they don't stock actual product since obviously there is little demand and those publishers have their own distribution in their markets. So you should look wherever you usually buy RPG products in your language. I'm not sure if they are already doing pre-orders of their translated editions.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

You will have to order the German version from Paizo's German licensee Ulisses Spiele, or buy it in a shop once it is released. Ulisses' website mentions a Q3 release, but nothing more specific, and you cannot preorder yet.

Disclosure: I am a member of the Ulisses translation team.

Red Dragon?! Makes me wonder why you guys created all those Pathfinder specific dragons but still mostly use the D&D ones on the covers.

Silver Crusade

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
Red Dragon?! Makes me wonder why you guys created all those Pathfinder specific dragons but still mostly use the D&D ones on the covers.

Because they're iconic, popular and recognisable. The cover isn't aimed at diehard fans who are longing for a purple star and time dragon to grace a cover of the core rulebook, they're aimed at distributors, retailers and run-the-mill customers who expect a classic dragon or a giant or a demon/devil on the cover a very traditional heroic heartbreaker fantasy RPG core book.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Charlie Brooks wrote:
John Warren wrote:
Ramanujan wrote:

... also I think all of the characters are facing away from the dragon attacking them? (I noticed this because I'm hoping Merisiel's right leg is in front, rather than her left leg, as otherwise her waist is rather unpleasantly contorted — hard to tell with the position of the book title.)
Yeah, it is odd to me that the PCs seem to be ignoring the dragon and looking at something that we can't see off to the left.
The way I see the scene, the group was running away from the dragon and just turned around to fight because they found out an adult red dragon has a ground speed of 50 feet per action.

No, no. They were investigating something off stage when the dragon surprised them, but Kyra rolled a proper cleric initiative of 1, so she's still looking that way with her light cast on her holy symbol so she and Valeros can see because they're too cheap to buy darkvision potions.

While I'm sure they're absent for now (as the devs already said so), I do wish the PF2CRB had at least the most primitive of firearms included (don't care about modern ones, but they too are handy for comparison of technological progress).

Other than that, more Cat Fall-esque "worthy" skill feats would be appreciable for my anticipation.

Dark Archive

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Even though i don't know if i'll play Second Edition, i just preordered this to give you guys the chance to win me over. ;-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Ramanujan wrote:

In the cover art — what is going on with Merisiel?

It's like she has an extra arm and her head is twisted backwards.

It's Kyra's leg/foot.
I hope not. She’s standing behind that block with her other leg,
She's bracing with her left leg, you can see all the weight on it.

It's easier to see here, although it does muddle things a bit that it also looks close to Merisiel's studded armour.

But it's clearly behind Merisiel and you can see some of the oval plates on Kyra's shoes/boots.

Silver Crusade

GentleGiant wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Ramanujan wrote:

In the cover art — what is going on with Merisiel?

It's like she has an extra arm and her head is twisted backwards.

It's Kyra's leg/foot.
I hope not. She’s standing behind that block with her other leg,
She's bracing with her left leg, you can see all the weight on it.

It's easier to see here, although it does muddle things a bit that it also looks close to Merisiel's studded armour.

But it's clearly behind Merisiel and you can see some of the oval plates on Kyra's shoes/boots.


Grand Lodge

Any word on if the PDF copies will be out on August 1st, and will the price point be similar to Starfinder? ($10 for the core books in PDF form).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No definitive word yet on the pricing.

It’s standard across all their product lines for Paizo to release the PDFs on streetdate (August 1st) so it’s a safe bet that’ll be the case here too.

Does anyone know when the cut off date for the pre-order is?

Any word on whether or not pre-orders will be possible to pick up at Gen Con this year? The street date does coincide with the start of the con. :D

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Joe Van Ginkel wrote:
Any word on whether or not pre-orders will be possible to pick up at Gen Con this year? The street date does coincide with the start of the con. :D

They should definitely have subscription pickups at Gen Con, as they have been doing that for years. If you are going to Gen Con and you want everything that they are putting out on August 1st for a given subscription line, your best bet would be to subscribe to that line before they run the August authorizations. For the subscription that includes the new core rulebook, you would be getting that book plus the new Bestiary.

They seem to be looking into non-subscription pickups, but they have so far made no formal announcements one way or the other about that.

Joe Van Ginkel wrote:
Any word on whether or not pre-orders will be possible to pick up at Gen Con this year? The street date does coincide with the start of the con. :D

They haven’t confirmed it yet.

So if I subscribe or preorder directly from Paizo, will it actually arrive on August 1st? Or is that just the day they'll ship the books? Or is it anyone's guess?

They aim for you to receive it on that day. However, given the volume of orders, it is impossible to achieve that. Most will get it on or around that day. Some will be earlier and some will be later.

If you subscribe and if paizo provide a free pdf to subscribers (not yet confirmed) then the pdf is granted when your subscription ships. Usually, most subscribers get access to the pdf before streetdate (although that isn't true for every case - occassionally ones subscription is last/delayed).

Steve Geddes wrote:

They aim for you to receive it on that day. However, given the volume of orders, it is impossible to achieve that. Most will get it on or around that day. Some will be earlier and some will be later.

If you subscribe and if paizo provide a free pdf to subscribers (not yet confirmed) then the pdf is granted when your subscription ships. Usually, most subscribers get access to the pdf before streetdate (although that isn't true for every case - occassionally ones subscription is last/delayed).

I knew subscribers get their PDF early, I wasn't sure if that would still apply. My gaming group meets on Fridays, and I wanted to know if we'd have the book in hand that Thursday or Friday. PDFs are one thing, but hardcopy is handier at the table.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Things may be a bit different since it is the start of a new edition.

I can't recall whether I got my Starfinder PDFs before their official release date, for example. I do remember that the traffic on the Paizo site was so heavy that it took me a few days before I could actually download the core rulebook PDF.

Starfinder PDFs didn't go live for anyone until the line opened for physical sales at GenCon, or maybe an hour later.

The Fifth Wanderer wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

They aim for you to receive it on that day. However, given the volume of orders, it is impossible to achieve that. Most will get it on or around that day. Some will be earlier and some will be later.

If you subscribe and if paizo provide a free pdf to subscribers (not yet confirmed) then the pdf is granted when your subscription ships. Usually, most subscribers get access to the pdf before streetdate (although that isn't true for every case - occassionally ones subscription is last/delayed).

I knew subscribers get their PDF early, I wasn't sure if that would still apply. My gaming group meets on Fridays, and I wanted to know if we'd have the book in hand that Thursday or Friday. PDFs are one thing, but hardcopy is handier at the table.

I know what you mean. I rarely download any pdfs.

You should have the hardcopy on or around the first, but there's no guarantee. Plenty of subscribers will receive it 'late' even if the majority get it on time.

David knott 242 wrote:

Things may be a bit different since it is the start of a new edition.

I can't recall whether I got my Starfinder PDFs before their official release date, for example. I do remember that the traffic on the Paizo site was so heavy that it took me a few days before I could actually download the core rulebook PDF.

Yeah, I wouldn't even bother trying to download them until Thursday evening or Friday morning.

I remain curious and optomistic about this new edition. There are things I liked about the playtest and things I didn't, but I'm given to understand that there have been big changes.

The cover kind of reminds me of the Dungeons and Dragons, Night of No Tomorrow, with Tiamat chasing the kids and Uni through Merlin's castle.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Fifth Wanderer wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

Things may be a bit different since it is the start of a new edition.

I can't recall whether I got my Starfinder PDFs before their official release date, for example. I do remember that the traffic on the Paizo site was so heavy that it took me a few days before I could actually download the core rulebook PDF.

Yeah, I wouldn't even bother trying to download them until Thursday evening or Friday morning.

I think they’ve upgraded their IT capabilities since then (and certainly the playtest downloading went very smoothly compared with previous large-scale releases).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So I'm sure there's already plans for previews and such on the blog posts leading up to release, but I think it would be interesting for myself and likely others to have a blog post highlighting the design of the 2nd Edition (A behind the scenes "making of" if you will) and what it sets out to do.

I don't think the term "fixes" or "improvements" apply exactly, I don't want to imply that there's anything wrong with 1st edition, but I'd be interested in the thought process that lead to various evolutions of the rules as we modernize them and move towards the new edition.

I think it'd be cool to see what the goals where and some of the cool design choices and changes meant to bring us closer to that vision.

It may help to raise understanding and interest for many as well, in particular those who did not have availability to follow the play test and view all the changes and tweaks during and since.

Just food for thought, but I'd certainly be looking forward to that!

Dark Archive

I don't think we'll be getting Second Edition rules previews beyond the "Oblivion Oath" twitch videos for the foreseeable time, but i hope i'm wrong. ;-)

Marco Massoudi wrote:
I don't think we'll be getting Second Edition rules previews beyond the "Oblivion Oath" twitch videos for the foreseeable time, but i hope i'm wrong. ;-)

The closer August comes, the more I suspect the changes from the Playtest are mostly cosmetic. If they had months worth of dramatic changes to use as PR excitement, you know they'd be doing it. I suspect it's mostly adjustments to specific numbers, plus more content that wasn't ready for the Playtest, none of which makes for very exciting press releases.

I'm not saying that's bad, just that my understanding was that the book got shipped off to the printers, so mad scramble to finalize is complete, which leaves me looking elsewhere for reasons for the relative silence.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am sure that they want to time the hype over any changes from playtest to official 2e rules so that the excitement is still going strong come GenCon. They may rightly have concluded that just over 3 months before the release date is still too soon to officially announce such details.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Anguish wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
I don't think we'll be getting Second Edition rules previews beyond the "Oblivion Oath" twitch videos for the foreseeable time, but i hope i'm wrong. ;-)

The closer August comes, the more I suspect the changes from the Playtest are mostly cosmetic. If they had months worth of dramatic changes to use as PR excitement, you know they'd be doing it. I suspect it's mostly adjustments to specific numbers, plus more content that wasn't ready for the Playtest, none of which makes for very exciting press releases.

I'm not saying that's bad, just that my understanding was that the book got shipped off to the printers, so mad scramble to finalize is complete, which leaves me looking elsewhere for reasons for the relative silence.

I think they’re focusing on the card game (which relaunches at Paizocon) and that

PF2 previews will roll out after that.

I don’t have any insider knowledge, but if I were them, I’d leave it until the last couple of months to release some highlights. You don’t want the whole thing to be public knowledge before launch, I’d think. Start too early and the previews are going to be pretty meagre morsels.

I'm assuming the previews are going to start in PaizoCon and so on. We should get more info about the bestiary and the monsters in it, the AP and the cover of the first volumes, the World Guide and some of the regions covered in it.

Rysky wrote:
GentleGiant wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Ramanujan wrote:

In the cover art — what is going on with Merisiel?

It's like she has an extra arm and her head is twisted backwards.

It's Kyra's leg/foot.
I hope not. She’s standing behind that block with her other leg,
She's bracing with her left leg, you can see all the weight on it.

It's easier to see here, although it does muddle things a bit that it also looks close to Merisiel's studded armour.

But it's clearly behind Merisiel and you can see some of the oval plates on Kyra's shoes/boots.

I *think* the mystery triangle is some sort of quiver or sheathe on Merisiel's back.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Anguish wrote:
Marco Massoudi wrote:
I don't think we'll be getting Second Edition rules previews beyond the "Oblivion Oath" twitch videos for the foreseeable time, but i hope i'm wrong. ;-)

The closer August comes, the more I suspect the changes from the Playtest are mostly cosmetic. If they had months worth of dramatic changes to use as PR excitement, you know they'd be doing it. I suspect it's mostly adjustments to specific numbers, plus more content that wasn't ready for the Playtest, none of which makes for very exciting press releases.

I'm not saying that's bad, just that my understanding was that the book got shipped off to the printers, so mad scramble to finalize is complete, which leaves me looking elsewhere for reasons for the relative silence.

You want to build up and maintain the hype so it reaches its peak right when the game is released, to maximize sales. And yes, to some degree a lot of major elements are already established: we know the races and classes and their rough workings, as well as major features. I don't know if there is enough excitement inducing reveals to start now and still maintain a continual and increasing degree of hype.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
The Gold Sovereign wrote:
I'm assuming the previews are going to start in PaizoCon and so on. We should get more info about the bestiary and the monsters in it, the AP and the cover of the first volumes, the World Guide and some of the regions covered in it.

Of course -- I should have remembered that PaizoCon is exactly when they will want to step up the hype for PF2. It will, obviously, be the main theme of the banquet.

I wonder if I can make a character for each class whose entire class feats, chosen each time from the highest level checklist possible, have absolutely no prerequisites other than their class level.

Playtest druids, for comparison, had all their capstone feats have a prerequisite (which was automatically met at their 1st level choice, though the thing is technically still there).

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Lucas Yew wrote:

I wonder if I can make a character for each class whose entire class feats, chosen each time from the highest level checklist possible, have absolutely no prerequisites other than their class level.

Playtest druids, for comparison, had all their capstone feats have a prerequisite (which was automatically met at their 1st level choice, though the thing is technically still there).

Probably not, because in some cases there will be different capstones according to the "subclass" choice made at first level. For example, there might be different capstones for each of the individual druid orders, for each champion type, or for each sorcerer bloodline, and so on. These will obviously have that 1st-level choice as their prerequisite.

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

From the Paizocon reveal:

Jason Buhlman comes up next to discuss 2e. He’s Director of Game Design.

August 1st, 640 Core Rulebook. It’s huge. J says that they didnt’ feel they could cut much.

Introduction: First rule: THIS GAME IS YOURS. Make the game your own.

How to build a character in 2e:
1) Pick an ancestry. Then pick a heritage.
2) Pick a background. 45 of backgrounds (miner, blacksmith, etc.)
3) Pick a class. Barbarian is a class. Amiri looks fierce on her chapter. There will be 12 classes.
Barb, Sorc has bloodlines (abyssal, infernal, angelic and a few more, hag, undead, demon blood).
Gluttonous Bite spell and image, look pretty awesome.
Also archetypes - bard can have the champion archetype.

JB shows skills next. Section has been re-organized.

Feats: underwater maurader - valeros fighting underwater - sweet art.
Lots of ways to get feats...from class, from ancestry, from heritage, lots of ways to build your character.

Equipment: lots of basic equipment, alchemy, etc.

Dinosaur form is a spell. Also JB says there will be a dinosaur fort spell coming soon.

Golarion specific story stuff. Eye of Dread; Golden Road, etc.

How to play Pathfinder chapter. New rules for death and dying.

Gamemastering chapter: how to give XP.

Magic Items: Robe of Eyes, Wayfinder, etc.
Vial of the First Lie: contains a bit of the whisper of the first lie ever told: unbeatable lie.

Gamemastery Guide: Winter 2019.

Thanks to Painlord!

Dark Archive

Is there any word as to whether or not there will be free pdf with subscription?

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Tardin wrote:
Is there any word as to whether or not there will be free pdf with subscription?

I can't locate it at the moment, but I do recall seeing a second hand quote from Lisa Stevens saying that every existing subscription line that included a free PDF before will continue to do so after Pathfinder 2E releases -- and the Core Rulebook is indeed part of an existing subscription line that includes free PDFs.

The main uncertainty seems to be what subscription or combination of subscriptions gives us access to Paizo Advantage.

The Concordance

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:
Joe Van Ginkel wrote:

They seem to be looking into non-subscription pickups, but they have so far made no formal announcements one way or the other about that.

Any update on the non-subscription pickups?

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