Shadowy Lurker

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Organized Play Member. 18 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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Blave wrote:

Fighter can be permantly quickened at level 20. Most casters can make someone quickened at level 5. There might be future feats/items that allow you to use Whirlwind Strike with only 2 actions. And so on. There's many possibilities to make th MAP matter after Whirlwind Strike.

As to the penalty of the next Strike, that depends on how many targets you've attacked with Whirlwind Strike. If you used it to attack a single enemy (for whatever reason) it would only count as one attack, giving the next Strike a -5 penalty.

You'll usually use it against at least two targets, though, making it count as 2 attacks giving the next Strike a -10 penalty.

That makes sense. Thanks a lot for your answer!

Dark Archive

There are some feats for monsters and classes that I don't understand regarding the Multiple Attack Penalty.
For example, Whirlwind Strike says:You attack all nearby adversaries. Make a melee Strike against each enemy within your melee reach. Each attack counts toward your multiple attack penalty, but do not increase your penalty until you have made all your attacks.

Whirlwind Strike is a 3 actions dear, what's the point of increasing the MAP after the strike if there aren't actions remaining? I guess that are for cases in which the player is quickened but I'm not entirely sure. Also, if this is the case, the next Strike (the 4th action) would have a -5 or a -10?

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

I think of the cover as the continuation of the combat encounter of the cover of Pathfinder 1. Same dragon, same ruins, different characters, as if they were in another part of the encounter

Dark Archive

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
Tarhod wrote:

The Mercy description says "You can attempt to counteract..."

Does this mean that you need to make a roll or you instantly cure de affliction?

It means they should have put "(see page 319)" in the text. There's a section there on Counteracting Conditions that gets implicitly invoked a lot.

EDIT: And/or they should capitalize "counteract" to make it clear it has a technical meaning.

Thank you! Going forward and backwards through the rule book is driving me crazy

Dark Archive

The Mercy description says "You can attempt to counteract..."

Does this mean that you need to make a roll or you instantly cure de affliction?

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Havzak wrote:
Arcanist spells prepared doesn't go above 5 for spell levels beyond cantrips.


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3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd prefer Surge Points or a name that isn't related to a specific concept like "spells". In this way it can be used with any kind of class ability

Dark Archive

Hello! I was trying to change the Magus spell preparation to something close to the Arcanist.

He has a number of spells prepared per day (that are not expended) and a number of spell slots he can consume to cast any spell he has prepared.

The spells per day progression I'm using is the same as the original Magus class and the "Spells prepared" table I've done is this one:

Magus Spells Prepared

Level 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
1st 4 2 — — — — —
2nd 5 2 — — — — —
3rd 5 3 — — — — —
4th 6 3 1 — — — —
5th 6 4 2 — — — —
6th 7 4 2 — — — —
7th 7 5 3 1 — — —
8th 8 5 3 2 — — —
9th 8 6 4 2 — — —
10th 9 6 4 3 1 — —
11th 9 6 5 3 2 — —
12th 9 6 5 4 2 — —
13th 9 6 6 4 3 1 —
14th 9 6 6 5 3 2 —
15th 9 6 6 5 4 2 —
16th 9 6 6 5 4 3 1
17th 9 6 6 5 5 3 2
18th 9 6 6 5 5 4 2
19th 9 6 6 5 5 4 3
20th 9 6 6 5 5 4 4

I'd appreciate any kind of advice or changes you'd make


Dark Archive

I really like that spells DC is simplified to just one but, does this mean that Saving Throws are going to be increased in 2e?

At level 20 a PC is going to have a boost of at least 11 points in its spell DC if we compare it with 1e

Dark Archive

blahpers wrote:

All it means is that rogues don't get the +3 class skill bonus to UMD and use a different ability score. They can still do it, but you have to build them a bit differently.

Note that traits that gave UMD as a class skill still give you an extra +3 (total of +4) in situations like this, so Dangerously Curious rogues are likely to be very common.

Oh I see! Thanks for the answer

Another thing I was thinking is to use Grouped Consolidated Skills but the progression until level 8 is quite disappointing if you're using a rogue because you only have access to one until you reach 8.

Does anyone have used Grouped Consolidated Skills ore tweaked it some way?

Dark Archive

I'm planning to use the Consolidated Skills rules in my running campaign but I've noticed that the rogue hasn't the Use Magic Device skill (now the Spellcraft consolidated skill).

So, in the Consolidated Skills with the Use Magic Device using INT instead of CHA I don't know how the rogue is capable of activating magic items and how to convert the actual rogue to the new rules.

Could anyone help me with this? Thanks!

Dark Archive

Same happen with my group. They thought at first that Caromarc was evil, but, as they cant prove it, they let the looting for the way back.

I will reward them as if they have looted everything :)

Dark Archive

Trinite wrote:
Tarod wrote:
Hako wrote:
Tarod wrote:

One of my players, a witch, thought to cast Web across the wrhilwind to catch the players in it. Whats the hardness and the hp of the web?

The spell description doesn't specify those stats. As a GM, I would be inclined to find a way to let the web work, since I like to reward player cleverness and because it is a tough encounter and your PCs are in a tough spot.

That being said, it is hard to imagine that the web could propel with enough force to enter the whirlwind, capture the players, and exit through the other side. Also, the spell description says the web needs to be attached to two opposing points (, so I don't think it quite works as your player suggested (which would be more like a net). However, the witch could potentially use the web to catch the PCs as they are dropped out of the whirlwind, by attaching one end to the bridge and the other end to the house. Perhaps the witch can prepare the spell and hold his/her action until the whirlwind drops the captured PCs? I'm not sure how that would work under the rules as written, but I would probably let the witch do it, and I would probably have the whirlwind dump the PCs somewhere where the web would work to save them.

The air elemental might not realize the PCs survived (it is pretty dumb) and the witch could hide on the far side of the bridge until it went away. I think that would be a cool, cinematic way to complete the encounter without killing the PCs.

I think the same too. As you do, I like to reward when my players think on different ways to solve these encounters. I will tell you how this finish. Thx a lot :)
They could also use a rope of climbing, which they might have found a lot earlier on in the Adventure Path. The character with the rope could use it to save himself from the fall by commanding it to attach onto something.

They havent found it. The rogue is going to use his climbing hook attached to the rope to use it like mission impossible whem one of the PC fall. He have a hero point to use it. Its going to be a very cinematic encounter

Dark Archive

Hako wrote:
Tarod wrote:

One of my players, a witch, thought to cast Web across the wrhilwind to catch the players in it. Whats the hardness and the hp of the web?

The spell description doesn't specify those stats. As a GM, I would be inclined to find a way to let the web work, since I like to reward player cleverness and because it is a tough encounter and your PCs are in a tough spot.

That being said, it is hard to imagine that the web could propel with enough force to enter the whirlwind, capture the players, and exit through the other side. Also, the spell description says the web needs to be attached to two opposing points (, so I don't think it quite works as your player suggested (which would be more like a net). However, the witch could potentially use the web to catch the PCs as they are dropped out of the whirlwind, by attaching one end to the bridge and the other end to the house. Perhaps the witch can prepare the spell and hold his/her action until the whirlwind drops the captured PCs? I'm not sure how that would work under the rules as written, but I would probably let the witch do it, and I would probably have the whirlwind dump the PCs somewhere where the web would work to save them.

The air elemental might not realize the PCs survived (it is pretty dumb) and the witch could hide on the far side of the bridge until it went away. I think that would be a cool, cinematic way to complete the encounter without killing the PCs.

I think the same too. As you do, I like to reward when my players think on different ways to solve these encounters. I will tell you how this finish. Thx a lot :)

Dark Archive

Hi. Im running this adventure with my players and we are now at Caromarc Mansion.
They are in great trouble beacuse had trigerred the huge air elemental trap and some are caught in te whirlwind while otres are trap between it and the door.
They all have low hp after the trolls fight and a fall from the bridge will be mortal.
Are there any way to scape from the whirlwind?
One of my players, a witch, thought to cast Web across the wrhilwind to catch the players in it. Whats the hardness and the hp of the web?

Thanks and sorry for my english :)

Dark Archive

I really love your ideas, specially Somnus and his double sided clerics.

For the N one im thinking in some kind of primal god, the first one that create everything combining different elements.

You said that the god of magic might be sexless, I really like that idea, maybe sometimes it appears as an old man (maybe like Elminster) and others as a beautiful woman (like Galadriel in LOTR) with eyes that change its colour every second.

Dark Archive

I'm creating a new campaign setting for my pathfinder adventure in wich the gods have a direct interaction with the world and the players.

After dividing the different domains and aligments I need names for the gods (and maybe some history for the god if you want ^^). Each god have to prefered weapon and the players may decide between each one.

This is the division I've made:


LG: Law, Good, Animal, Plant, Community.

Weapons: Longbow, Light crossbow

God of farming and trade



NG: Good, Healing, Sun, Repose, Glory

Weapons: Scimitar, Glaive

God of fate and redemption.



CG: Chaos, Good, Travel, Liberation, Luck

Weapons: Short sword, Starknife

God of dreams and freedom



LN: Law, Artifice, Protection, Luck, Nobility

Weapons: Warhammer, Bastard sword

God of the forge and cities



N: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Protection

Weapons: Trident, Mace

God of creation and protection



N: Magic, Trickery, Rune, Knowledge, Destruction

Weapons: Quarterstaff, Dagger

God of magic and secrets



CN: Chaos, Strength, War, Glory, Destruction

Weapons: Longsword, Greatsword

God of battle and weapons



LE: Law, Evil, Darkness, Destruction, Death

Weapons: Spike chain, Whip

God of darkness and undeath



NE: Evil, Death, Magic, Charm, Madness

Weapons: Scythe, Ranseur

God of envy and nightmares



CE: Chaos, Evil, Destruction, Weather, Liberation

Weapons: Greataxe, Morning star

God of wrath and disaster


Any suggestion are welcome and thanks in advance.

PS. Sorry for mistakes, im not english :)

Dark Archive

You should come to Spain, specially to Madrid hehehe