Hired to transport supplies to a fog-shrouded world in the Vast, the heroes discover that a small military force from the Azlanti Star Empire has invaded and occupied the Pact Worlds colony there. The heroes must liberate the settlement from its merciless oppressors, but when they do, they learn that the Azlanti have taken both an experimental starship drive discovered on the planet and one of the colonists—an old friend of the heroes—back to the Star Empire!
This volume of Starfinder Adventure Path launches the Against the Aeon Throne Adventure Path and includes:
"The Reach of Empire," a Starfinder adventure for 1st-level characters, by Ron Lundeen.
A gazetteer and brief history of the Pact Worlds colony on Nakondis and its main settlement of Madelon's Landing, as well as a new colonist theme for player characters, by Ron Lundeen.
A collection of advanced starships built and flown within the Azlanti Star Empire, by Lyz Liddell.
An archive of fascinating new creatures, from beasts of living magma to massive clouds of devouring ooze, by Patrick Brennan, Ron Lundeen, Joe Pasini, and Owen K.C. Stephens.
Statistics and deck plans for an exploratory vessel of the Azlanti Star Empire, plus an overview of the forest planet of Nakondis, by Ron Lundeen.
ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-061-3
The Against the Aeon Throne Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Starfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure Path and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (1.0 MB PDF).
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
The Reach of Empire is an adventure with strong opening and closing acts, but one that struggles greatly in the middle with old-fashioned RPG design problems.
Spoilers ahead, so player don't proceed farther...
Part 1 does a terrific job of establishing the “why” for the PCs mission to Nakondis. Positioning Cedona as an old friend of the PCs but varying the circumstances by Theme provides great role-playing fodder out of the gate and goes a long way towards discouraging “we’ll run and get help” tactics once the colony’s situation is revealed. True to space opera sensibilities, part 1 rightly wastes little time before throwing the PCs into the action as their milk run for AbadarCorp is suddenly transformed by a space battle.
Groundside, three decent encounters await the PCs but none particularly stand out. Unfortunately, this is also where problems in story logic and adventure structure begin to emerge as foreshadowing for Part 2 where they will go full-blown. Specifically, the adventure assumes 3 encounters taking place less than an hour from the colony of Madelon’s Landing. Can’t people hear gunfire in Starfinder? PCs will presumably have fights with 2 Azlanti patrols and, if successful, likely have dead soldiers’ communications gear. Yet Azlanti communications aren’t fully explained until the Command Center entry in Part 2. The ground-based encounters foreshadow Part 2 problems.
Part 2 takes up most of the adventure as it is set wholly within Madelon’s Colony. Here the adventure structural and story logic problems manifest in full force. Nakondis is a forest planet perpetually shrouded by fog. Apparently, this is so that dungeon design logic can be applied to encounters in an otherwise open settlement. The fog is used as a pretense for limited vision and isolation, but it only applies for the sake of enforcing cliché fantasy adventure design. Examples of such include:
1. The PCs’ ship is parked only an hour away. Why don’t the Azlanti try to capture it?
2. The free-the-colony efforts fails to utilize rich wilderness setting detailed in the colony’s backmatter writeup in order to force a dungeon-room feel.
3. Cliché RPG-trope-style “why can’t the locals do this?” quests. The PCs would attract more attention. Oh yeah, the fog...
4. The Azlanti won’t realize water rationing isn’t happening once the water elemental is dealt with? Also, who among the Azlanti summoned and bound the creature? Olaraja is a technomancer, so he could possibly have cast the spell but lacks the power to bind it. Note to Paizo – when people complain about NPCs not playing by PCs rules, this kind of stuff is why.
There are good nods to some things (Azlanti language, counting the # of guards, if the PCs attack the garrison “early”) foiled by head-scratching omissions on others (Azlanti leadership/coordination; communications; colonists out-sourcing resistance to strangers).
Lisa Steven’s love of Star Wars is well known. So it should come as little surprise that Paizo’s own science fantasy would have an evil empire to contend with. In The Rise of Empire, however, the Azlanti Star Empire seems to take its inspiration from the worst incompetent-stormtrooper tropes. While the villains are primarily cadets and don't have great numbers, we are repeatedly told about their discipline and training which unfortunately seems to only enable the Azlanti to make stupid tactical decisions rather than operate as a training military unit. The Azlanti Empire as presented here isn’t worth fearing. They fail to apply force effectively. They are always in groups smaller than the typical 4-adventurer party. Who performs an execution with only 2 guards? When their garrison gets breached the Azlanti all stay at their posts rather than coordinating a combined defense? And this is explained by “years of discipline”! Why the hell does the guy left in charge NOT lead from the command center (aside from the need to keep him separate for CR-appropriate shenanigans? Azlanti leadership is non-existent. The Pact Worlds have little to fear from these fools.
Things begin to improve in Part 3 but easily-avoided gaffes remain. The crashed starship’s power was offline until restored by the Azlanti. Yet, the adjutant robot has been online/powered for several centuries. This leads to the robot’s “chronology circuits” being damaged so that the robot thinks it’s only been a few days. This overly complicated and ham-fisted solution could be better explained by the robot being forced into dormancy when the crashed ship’s power failed and the robot only coming back online once power was restored. To the robot, it’s still a matter of days without the overwrought hoop-jumping. It also would allow for precious word-count to be better used elsewhere.
Azlanti who, for various reasons, always fight to the death is fine. However, non-lethal weapons are readily available in Starfinder and my group captured several Azlanti this way. If having the Azlanti always fight to the death was intended to keep the PCs from interrogating the enemy, adventure authors need to be aware of Starfinder nonlethal weapons.
Those issues aside, the wreckage of the Royal Venture makes for an interesting and effective dungeon-crawl. Part 3 concludes with an exciting starship combat finale and does a good job of setting up the next installment.
Excellent articles on Nakondis, Nakondis Colony, Madelon’s Landing, a cool colonist theme, and starships of the Azlanti Empire, as well as new Alien Archive entries.
The Rise of Empire opens and closes on strong story beats but flounders greatly through the middle. The story, setup, and setting are all great conceptually but flawed in execution. Standard fantasy adventure quests and ‘monsters stay in their room’ logic are on full display and most lack a creative spark or differentiator to make them memorable.
This standard fantasy rpg adventure design also prevents effective utilization of both the setting and the Starfinder rules. The colony writeup discusses mining operations and science stations outside of the main colony. Nakondis could have been a more realized setting if some of the resistance missions had leveraged these locations. Also, a fair bit of word count is spent on hovertrikes. Rather than utilize the larger setting and having vehicle combat encounters, their inclusion is relegated to a weak Return of the Jedi hoverbike homage.
It’s hard to say why an adventure with great concepts and tools has such a flawed execution. With over 100+ adventure path installments, Paizo is the undisputed king of adventure path writing. They are also riffing off one of the cornerstones of modern pop culture that is loved by many of Paizo’s staff. This leads me to conclude that The Reach of Empire suffers due to Starfinder AP’s significantly lower page count than their Pathfinder counterparts receive.
Reach of Empire is a 4-star story that fails to utilize the tools of its genre and rpg system to its fullest (vehicles, scope, tactics, etc.). It falls back on tired tropes of its FRPG predecessors that don’t work in the scope that science fantasy affords. The result, unfortunately, is a 2-star execution.
On the surface, the first installment of Against the Aeon Throne, "The Reach of Empire," hits a lot of notes that I look for as a GM. A routine mission with an established cast runs afoul of an unexpected development, and cad and crusader alike find themselves thrust into a battle against a ruthless and unknown foe. It is only after you look past the polished exterior to the AP's finer details that the flaws begin to become apparent.
The AP begins with a cast of level 1 characters who are all presumed to know and work with each other traveling to a colony in the Vast on a routine supply mission. Each PC has their own connection to the colony through a plot-critical character, as outlined by the PC's chosen theme. In a way, this serves to provide each character with a personal stake much in the same way Campaign Traits did for Pathfinder APs. Unfortunately, unless the GM shares the first few pages of the AP with the players, they have no way of knowing about this connection ahead of time when building characters, so it almost feels like the players are ambushed with a connection to the story they did not have a hand in crafting. In my experience, this means players will be less likely to act on that roleplaying hook, since it was not a decision they made and therefore they have little emotional investment in it. Nonetheless, the effort to ground the PCs within the story is appreciated, and I hope to see more elements like this in subsequent Starfinder APs (perhaps even AP-specific themes, or a Players' Guide that explains the significance of each theme and its connection to the story).
After the inciting action, an artfully-done encounter that plays up the threat of a mysterious foe, the PCs transition into the main action of the book, and into a sandbox-style adventure for them to investigate and explore. The AP does a good job taking into account the various actions the PCs might take, and also takes care to provide bits and clues about the PCs' enemies that builds a more complete picture over time. The sandbox section culminates in a daring raid on the enemy stronghold, which, while still somewhat a dungeon crawl (albeit a brief one), provides the PCs with various options on how to proceed through it.
The final part of the AP sits on somewhat shakier ground. A proper dungeon crawl this time (again, brief), the dramatic action culminates in an explosive finale that bookends the adventure rather well. Unfortunately, there are a few plot holes in this final part, and particularly astute players might raise questions about the strange decisions their foes make at this point in the story. Despite this however, the overall flow of the narrative is solid, and leaves the players (likely) satisfied and eager to continue on to part 2.
Further Explanation:
The AP offers no explanation as to why the enemy, when faced with dwindling forces and vastly outnumbered by rearmed and angry colonists, would continue to fight to the death. Indeed, there seems to be no consideration that the PCs might lead an army of one-hundred or so angry colonists to confront the final, token occupation force.
So, I have just spent most of my ink praising the AP for its content. Why then does my title allege differently? It all comes down to the details of the AP itself. "The Reach of Empire" does little in the way to introduce the principal villain or their motivations, raises questions about the villain's competency and plan, and only teases a plot-critical character without developing it further. In other words, very little of the actual plot gets developed in this book. The only thing that the players know by the end is something they learned relatively close to the beginning, with the addition of one or two facts that aren't really relevant because they already had a personal stake in the story anyway.
The Villain:
The adventure background tells us that the ultimate villain of the campaign is a minor Azlanti noble who overstepped his authority in pursuit of a secret project in order to improve his political standing within the Empire. While all of this is plausible and makes for really good television, the players have no notion of who is ultimately responsible for the invasion of the colony. There are ways that this can be handled, such as communications from the noble to his minions in the colony, or even just foreshadowing who the villain might be. For example, "Rise of the Runelords" introduced Karzoug in the first book, although the PCs would not learn who he was until at least the fourth book. Without this connection, "The Reach of Empire" feels somewhat isolated from the next two parts of the AP.
The Plan:
The villain's plan involves occupying a colony with effectively twenty-four high school students and two Aeon Guard soldiers. While it makes sense that the villain wants to keep the head count low in order to maximize secrecy, one can only imagine the political scandal a headline like "Local Lord Loses Entire Academy Class on School Field Trip" might cause--which is essentially what happens by the end of the first book.
Overall, "The Reach of Empire" is a good start and a good skeleton to work off of, but definitely requires the GM to write additional content to fully flesh it out. Vignettes exploring each PC's relationship with a plot-centric NPC, and asides or scenes that foreshadow the main villain, are both needed in order to really make the story substantial, and connect it to the AP's overarching plot. If this is not done, players are mostly left to assume the dramatic stakes of the story based on a few sentences at the front of the book telling them "you like this person and want to save them."
In the end, I would give "The Reach of Empire" 3.5 stars, but since fractions are impossible I'll round up to 4 because I like the ideas presented within, even if they needed a little more time to develop.
The developers & Ron Lundeen seem to have thought about everything the players could do in this perfect little gem. The adventure reads like a great mix between railroad & sandbox. Everything is structured perfectly, every character theme gets a different reason for being on the mission. The bad guys act really believable and as logical as a military unit would. Nakondis is a colony that seems to be real enough to exist somewhere in the Vast of space.
The amount of information about the Azlanti space empire in this book alone would suffice to build a campaign in their empire.
The fact that a lot of things can only reasonably achieved if
the characters kill Azlanti soldiers and use their armor to impersonate them
should have been advertized in a players guide, as it makes chosing certain races like Ysoki, Vesk or Kasatha less ideal than humans, androids or lashunta.
It is possible to play those, but some things won't work.
Having no dice from Q-works yet and seemingly having to wait until march 2019 for the pawns.
The first "short AP" begins so great, that i am curious if the other parts can keep up. There are no lenghts in this volume, it reads like a 90 minutes nonstop action movie!
If i had to decide between 3 part APs (of all kinds of starting levels) & conventional 6 part APs starting at level 1, i would decide for the 3 parters.
But luckily, i can have both, which is the best kind of offering.
The 3 part APs offer the great opportunity to:
-test an adventure idea
-offer more different APs in a year
-continue other APs after they ended
I really applaud Paizo (and the people behind this ideas) for trying new things like short APs, the new double-sided flip-tiles starter packs & pocket editions.
That kind of stuff keeps things fresh.
I would like more stuff than that, like:
-Alien Archive stat cards (depicting the 94 statted creatures in the book, picture on one side, stats on the other)
-AP map packs (providing miniature-sized flip-mats & flip-tiles depicting the maps inside each AP volume)
-Starfinder Tales novels
My question is, will this be Starfinder AP #7, or will the numbering start over for each Starfinder AP?
The Starfinder Adventure Path will be numbered like the Pathfinder Adventure Path; frex, Pathfinder Adventure Path #7 was Curse of the Crimson Throne 1 of 6.
I tried to get them to number the Starfinder Adventure Path volumes in binary, but was told there wouldn't be enough room on the spine for Starfinder Adventure Path #111.
My question is, will this be Starfinder AP #7, or will the numbering start over for each Starfinder AP?
The Starfinder Adventure Path will be numbered like the Pathfinder Adventure Path; frex, Pathfinder Adventure Path #7 was Curse of the Crimson Throne 1 of 6.
I tried to get them to number the Starfinder Adventure Path volumes in binary, but was told there wouldn't be enough room on the spine for Starfinder Adventure Path #111.
The real missed opportunity was not going metric for Starfinder.
My question is, will this be Starfinder AP #7, or will the numbering start over for each Starfinder AP?
The Starfinder Adventure Path will be numbered like the Pathfinder Adventure Path; frex, Pathfinder Adventure Path #7 was Curse of the Crimson Throne 1 of 6.
I tried to get them to number the Starfinder Adventure Path volumes in binary, but was told there wouldn't be enough room on the spine for Starfinder Adventure Path #111.
The real missed opportunity was not going metric for Starfinder.
I'm envisioning the 80s "Satanism" backlash to D&D, only this time it's because Paizo would be trying to teach our innocent, impressionable youth about the mathematically-precise dangers of metric. :v
My question is, will this be Starfinder AP #7, or will the numbering start over for each Starfinder AP?
The Starfinder Adventure Path will be numbered like the Pathfinder Adventure Path; frex, Pathfinder Adventure Path #7 was Curse of the Crimson Throne 1 of 6.
I tried to get them to number the Starfinder Adventure Path volumes in binary, but was told there wouldn't be enough room on the spine for Starfinder Adventure Path #111.
The real missed opportunity was not going metric for Starfinder.
I'm envisioning the 80s "Satanism" backlash to D&D, only this time it's because Paizo would be trying to teach our innocent, impressionable youth about the mathematically-precise dangers of metric. :v
It just seemed to me that going to a Metric base for Starfinder would have enhanced the "science fiction" feel of the setting.
Use a base 10 system? That's preposterous. We should use a.. *counts fingers*... wait.. *counts toes instead*... Hrm.. well, we could.. Nevermind.
Jokes aside, I wouldn't have minded the metric system for SF either. However, since I already have so many D20 SW products, converting it for a homebrew is far from difficult.
As for the shorter AP against the mighty Azlanti Star Empire, I see this as an introductory AP to them against a very small number of Empire forces. It's like Star Wars Rebels - The Adventure Path... Little group going against a fraction of the big bad, but still enough to make a difference. Eventually I'm sure we'll go up against the BBEE (Big Bad Evil Empire).
My question is, will this be Starfinder AP #7, or will the numbering start over for each Starfinder AP?
The Starfinder Adventure Path will be numbered like the Pathfinder Adventure Path; frex, Pathfinder Adventure Path #7 was Curse of the Crimson Throne 1 of 6.
I tried to get them to number the Starfinder Adventure Path volumes in binary, but was told there wouldn't be enough room on the spine for Starfinder Adventure Path #111.
The real missed opportunity was not going metric for Starfinder.
I'm envisioning the 80s "Satanism" backlash to D&D, only this time it's because Paizo would be trying to teach our innocent, impressionable youth about the mathematically-precise dangers of metric. :v
It just seemed to me that going to a Metric base for Starfinder would have enhanced the "science fiction" feel of the setting.
Custom units would have worked too. Imperial units are based off anthrocentric things, metres are based of geocentric things, neither should be in use on Kasath/Castrovel/Vesk Prime
My question is, will this be Starfinder AP #7, or will the numbering start over for each Starfinder AP?
The Starfinder Adventure Path will be numbered like the Pathfinder Adventure Path; frex, Pathfinder Adventure Path #7 was Curse of the Crimson Throne 1 of 6.
I tried to get them to number the Starfinder Adventure Path volumes in binary, but was told there wouldn't be enough room on the spine for Starfinder Adventure Path #111.
My question is, will this be Starfinder AP #7, or will the numbering start over for each Starfinder AP?
The Starfinder Adventure Path will be numbered like the Pathfinder Adventure Path; frex, Pathfinder Adventure Path #7 was Curse of the Crimson Throne 1 of 6.
I tried to get them to number the Starfinder Adventure Path volumes in binary, but was told there wouldn't be enough room on the spine for Starfinder Adventure Path #111.
I am very much fine with a shorter path.
My roleplaying group exists for 25 years now and we have 3 out of 5 players who enjoy beeing gamemaster. Shorter path means we were able to switch more often which is very nice.
On the other side i am not so happy with the change in schedule. We usually only have time for 2 playing sessions each month and with a monthly schedule we have to skip some parts.I would have wished that it would alternate with pathfinder. One month pathfinder and the next one starfinder.
I hope on the other habd that the page count will go up to 100 like in pathfinder. The extra informations provided on those sites were really great. Well we have enough experience to fill that by ourself but its nice to have some prepared solutions at hand.
Use a base 10 system? That's preposterous. We should use a.. *counts fingers*... wait.. *counts toes instead*... Hrm.. well, we could.. Nevermind.
Jokes aside, I wouldn't have minded the metric system for SF either. However, since I already have so many D20 SW products, converting it for a homebrew is far from difficult.
As for the shorter AP against the mighty Azlanti Star Empire, I see this as an introductory AP to them against a very small number of Empire forces. It's like Star Wars Rebels - The Adventure Path... Little group going against a fraction of the big bad, but still enough to make a difference. Eventually I'm sure we'll go up against the BBEE (Big Bad Evil Empire).
I once wrote a paper for my high school AP Calculus class about how calculus would have been different if we had 6 fingers on each hand. Base-12 calc is fun. :)
Monthly is better. (for those of us who would like to be able to engineer massive intergalactic conspiracies where the Great Old Ones created the Devourer, who turned around and made the Dominion by eating their planets (as per Chyzaedu article from Occult Bestiary)
Edit: the bit about Great Old ones is mere conjecture, although the laughing black hole that ate the homeworld of the Chyzaedu is reminiscent of the Devourer
Are these going to be part of the "official" adventure path numbering system?
And do this mean no regular AP during these months?
I'm fairly certain these 3-parters are every bit as official as any other adventure path Paizo has released. They're just experimenting a bit with the format.
Oh gee, we're fighting an evil empire in space? *sarcasm* I'm totally unprepared for that scenario and I shall be so helpless because I couldn't possibly have been dreaming of this exact scenario since 1985.
There's the Dead Suns AP before this if you need more time to prep.
Uh, no. The point I was making sarcastically was that thanks to Mr. Lucas, Mr. Hamil, Mr. Ford, Madame Fisher, and a certain hairy gentleman, I've already worked-shopped this scenario out and I have several strategies to deploy.
Any word on whether the Alien Archive will include a new playable race or not?
Unlikely we'll find out for sure (unless a dev wants to be kind enough to give us some hints!) until someone gets hold of a copy but every AP volume except for the first has had at least one playable race so I'd say there's a good chance.
Any word on whether the Alien Archive will include a new playable race or not?
Unlikely we'll find out for sure (unless a dev wants to be kind enough to give us some hints!) until someone gets hold of a copy but every AP volume except for the first has had at least one playable race so I'd say there's a good chance.
There *Is* a new playable race in this volume, but I won't give you any hints as to what it is. I am mean that way.
EDIT: You know what? I will tell you that Joe Pasini wrote the playable race. Is that a hint? Who can say?
is the starfinder AP artwork going to continue featuring all 7 iconics?
We're moving to a more Pathfinder style of using four specific iconics for a whole Adventure Path, though that means some iconics might see a lot of action during a year. The numbers seven and four don't really get along well together.
There *Is* a new playable race in this volume, but I won't give you any hints as to what it is. I am mean that way.
EDIT: You know what? I will tell you that Joe Pasini wrote the playable race. Is that a hint? Who can say?
Galthains? I'm looking through Mr Pasini's credits trying to figure out what it could be and I'm coming up short.
You are too cruel, Jason Keeley.
Aw, I don't think anyone has ever said that about me before...
This playable race is totally new, not a conversion of anything Paizo has done before. But it isn't completely unfamiliar to the science fiction genre.
Would love to hear some thoughts about the first part of the story/details about the articles at the back and monsters when someone gets a pdf of this!