Red Dragon

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The Swarm requires more minerals....

I was not a fan of 5th Age, so I typically leave it out of any Dragonlance that I run. My sweet spot is around 25 years after Legends. The Summer of Chaos happens but does not result in the gods leaving. I have always had an interest in Ergoth since I read the Defenders of Magic trilogy. The main character, Guerrand, is from there, and that is who I based my DMPC from my 2nd edition campaign on in high school. Thanks for the recommendations!

I love DL overall, but understand why many don't like 5th Age. Personally, I'd like to see a "retcon" that take things back to prior to the state of things prior to Summer Flame. But there are some good things in 5th Age too that can be reworked in. The rise of mysticism and "ambient" sorcery can still happen. Not that anything will ever happen with DL, WoTC doesn't care for it anymore, but there's plenty of materials on the setting already published for you to do your own thing. Since they've ended DL, I'm not continuing my games from where the 5th Age stopped.

So basically, I've done my own thing starting with that one thing I seem to love doing: TIMELINES. I seem obsessed with them. lol

During Age of Dreams

2500–963 PC Istar’s Rise
Istar began humbly, a small village on the temperate shores of the lake that shares its name. Its people were simple fishermen and farmers, living and trading in peace with their neighbors.
Into this land came the wizards of the White Robes, who sought to build their own Tower of High Sorcery, one of five that were to be raised across the face of Ansalon.
Unlike the Red and the Black wizards, who built their towers in the metropolises of Daltigoth and Qim Sudri (later called Losarcum), the White Robes — under the guidance of the seer Asanta — chose to dwell in simple surroundings, in the hopes that a city of peace and goodwill would grow around them.
The Istarens watched in awe as they raised the Tower from the rock beneath their feet. The sight of this glittering spire awakened something within their hearts, and they built gleaming halls of their own. The other villages around Lake Istar followed suit, and the area became a network of city-states, with Istar at its heart. As the years passed, Istar grew into a center of culture and trade in eastern Ansalon.

1799-1791 PC - Rose Rebellion and Fall of Ergoth
Eastern provinces of the first human empire of Ergoth rally to Solamnus, who trains an army and turns back imperial forces. He marches to Daltigoth in 1791 PC, outmaneuvering Ergoth’s forces and laying siege. The emperor grants the states independence. Solamnus honors the Swordsheath Scroll with the dwarves and the elves.

1775 PC - Knights of Solamnia
After his Quest for Honor, ruler Vinas Solamnus founds an order of knights to fight for Good. The Crown, Sword, and Rose Knights become the guardians of Ansalon.

1773 PC - Establishment of Palanthas
Vinas Solamnus turns to the city of Bright Horizon, long a lawless haven for pirates, mercenaries, and thieves. In the name of Paladine, Solamnus leads a group of knights, dwarves, and elves to Bright Horizon, bringing law to the lawless. Bright Horizon is renamed Palanthas.

1772 PC - High Clerist’s Tower
In a strategic mountain pass leading to Palanthas, Vinas Solamnus commissions the construction of the High Clerist’s Tower. Palanthas is redesigned and rebuilt by dwarven architects. The Great Library of the Ages appears overnight and Astinus, the immortal sage, first appears.

1750-1300 PC - Birth of Nations
The human nations of Sancrist, Solamnia, and Istar arise. Solamnia prospers, Ergoth declines, and the Silvanesti elves retire from the world, retreating into their forest.

1480 PC - Istar Grows as a Trade Center
Istar grows into a nexus for world trade, as Solamnia grows into a unrivaled military power.

1399-1010 PC - Dark Queen Plots
Once more, the Dark Queen plots. She seeds the earth with chromatic dragon eggs, which she had carefully nurtured in the Abyss. When the time is right, the eggs will hatch, allowing evil dragons to return to the world in vast numbers.

1060-1018 PC - Third Dragon War
The evil dragons unleash their fury, eventually turning toward Solamnia. The Orders of High Sorcery call a conclave, gathering at the Tower of Palanthas to create the five dragon orbs to defend the Towers of High Sorcery. The orbs are taken to different key locations across Ansalon, with the one from the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas being placed at the center of the High Clerist’s Tower. Dwarven architects modify the tower, making it a death trap that will utilize the dragon orb as a key component.
Huma Dragonbane: A young Solamnic, Huma Dragonbane, falls in love with the elf Gwynneth, who is really a silver metallic dragon named Heart. Paladine gives them a choice: they can live together as mortals, apart from the world, or they can help save the world from Takhisis. Their decision made, Paladine guides them to forging the first dragonlances with the aid of a dwarven smith wielding the Hammer of Honor and bearing a silver arm blessed by Paladine. Their victories rally the good metallic dragons to their cause. At last, Takhisis herself falls to Huma’s lance and agrees to depart Ansalon with her dragons. Unfortunately, Huma and Heart die as she leaves, having sacrificed themselves to ensure victory.

Age of Might

The Age of Might covers the period immediately following the end of the Third Dragon War through the Cataclysm, a period of about one thousand years. Some call this era the Age of Istar, for Istar was truly the key to the events that occurred during this period.

1000-800 PC - Istar Dominant
Istarian trade and economic standards spread throughout the world.
Resurgence of Thoradin: Dwarves reopen Thoradin, driving out occupying ogres. Istar’s proximity makes Thoradin a major supply center.

980 PC - Thorbardin Opens Kayolin
Solamnia grants Thorbardin mining rights in the Garnet Mountains as a reward for dwarven aid during the Third Dragon War. The dwarves delve the city of Garnet and founds Kayolin.
967 PC - Tree of Life Built
Dwarves begin work on the city of Zakhalax, also called the Tree of Life, in Thorbardin.

962-280 PC - Istar Before the Kingpriests
Many gods had clerics in Istar, though none of the churches held much power. This began to change in the aftermath of the Third Dragonwar. Though the war scarcely touched Istar, its people beheld the devastation in Solamnia and were afraid it might come to them. They turned to the church, and to the city’s growing warrior class, for help.
After several years of struggles, one of these warriors, Lord Galeric, named himself King of Istar. The church of Paladine threw its support behind him, and in return he named it the state religion of his realm. The First Son of the Istaran Church became the King’s foremost advisor, even above the Emissary of High Sorcery.
A period of militaristic expansion followed. Within a century, all the other city-states had bowed to Istar, which now began a long campaign against the neighboring kingdoms of Midrath, Gather, Ismin, and Dravinaar. When these “trade wars” ended, Istar had become an empire, with the other kingdoms as its provinces. Dravinaar, which fought the hardest, was split into two separate provinces, East and West, to keep its people turned against each other.
Ambassadors from Istar crossed the Khalkist Mountains to make alliances with the western lands of Kharolis, Ergoth, and Solamnia.
The bond between Istar and Solamnia solidified during the War of Bones. In this struggle, a Black Robe wizard named Salius Ruven, yearning for Istar’s riches, raised a vast army of the undead to plunder the young empire. He scattered the legions and surrounded the Lordcity itself. After months of siege, Istar was saved when an army from Solamnia attacked and destroyed Ruven and his forces.
Powers shifted in Istar. Because Ruven was a mage, the wizards of the Tower fell out of favor. The church’s power grew, and the Solamnic Knights became the defenders of Istar, the new leaders of its soldiers, the Scatas. A new realm, Taol, joined the empire, and the neighboring kingdoms of Seldjuk and Falthana paid tribute. Even the Silvanesti elves sent ambassadors, and the Lordcity became the grandest city Ansalon had ever seen.
In time, however, the warlords of Istar grew corrupt and dissolute. Bent only on increasing their wealth, they spent many lives in needless battles. The Solamnic Knights warned the church that they would withdraw their support if this didn’t stop. This led the First Son, Symeon, to overthrow Emperor Vemior the Fierce, and name himself Kingpriest of Istar in 280 PC

948 PC - Hill Dwarves Rise
Thorbardin founds Hillow, an outlying hill dwarf kingdom.

910-825 PC - Ogre Wars
Exiled ogres unite to flush the dwarves from Thoradin. The dwarves call upon Solamnic aid to drive the ogres away.

850-727 PC - Trade Wars
Istar’s strict trade standards rile the kender of Balifor, who mount an aggressive trade war. After years of military and legal action (much of which proves useless), Istar is defeated and signs the “kender tax,” exempting the kender from its trade standards.
673-630 PC - Istar and Silvanesti Clash
Istar expansion threatens Silvanesti maritime merchants. Sea skirmishes lead to a blockade of Istar, which re-signs the Swordsheath Scroll.

530-522 PC - Ogre Skirmishes
Ogres from the Khalkist Mountains threaten trade routes. Thoradin, Istar, and the Knights of Solamnia drive them back. Thoradin signs the Swordsheath Scroll.

490-476 PC - Raiders
Solamnia becomes more dependent on Istarian trade, currency, and culture. Barbarians in the Estwilde, resenting Istaren trade routes through their lands, raid caravans. Istar convinces Solamnia to attack the barbarians.

460 PC - Peace in the Land
Istar, the center of commerce, tax, culture and art, has become the dominant power in Ansalon.

280 PC - World Righteousness
Claiming to be the moral center of the world, Istar installs Symeon I as Kingpriest. Solamnia approves the effort to promote Good. The elven kingdom of Silvanesti grows antagonistic toward Istar’s growing arrogance.

260-212 PC - Temple of the Kingpriest
The finest artisans in the world gather to build a temple to the glory of Istar.

250-100 PC - Corruption of Justice
Istar represses the independence of anyone who disagrees with the Kingpriest’s policies and edicts. The elves, disgusted at human arrogance, withdraw and seal their borders

280-181 PC - Rise of the Holy Empire
Besides overthrowing Vemior, Symeon’s greatest act was tearing down the warlords’ old palace and ordering the construction of the Great Temple. Even with thousands of workers, both free men and slaves, however, the Temple was not completed for nearly fifty years.
In that time, Symeon I died, as did his successors, Symeon II and Teorollyn I, who was slain by assassins. Teorollyn II was deposed, in turn, for complicity in his predecessor’s death, and fled to Dravinaar, where he set up a rival church in the city of Losarcum. He lived out the rest of his life proclaiming himself the true Kingpriest.
In response to Teorollyn’s treason, his successor, Ardosean I, ordered all temples of evil gods closed, and their clerics executed. When this was done, he abdicated and Ardosean II took power. During his reign, Ardosean II launched a war of conquest against the kingdoms of Seldjuk and Falthana. Seldjuk surrendered quickly, but Falthana held out for more than five years before capitulating. Istar now controlled all human lands east of the Khalkists.
Soon After, the Ardosean line came to a complicated end: Ardosean II grew ill and died and was replaced by Ardosean I again, who was very old and only lived two more years. Ardosean III lasted six more, then died suddenly without leaving an heir. A two-year interregnum followed, during which factional fighting nearly shook Istar apart.

181-121 PC - Istar’s The Middle Years
The interregnum ended with riots in the Lordcity, which frightened the high clerics enough to set aside their differences and choose a successor: an iron-fisted cleric named Hysolar. Hysolar stepped up the campaign against evil, blaming enemies of the church for the riots. His reign was so harsh that the Silvanesti elves withdrew, and Solamnia’s Knights threatened to do the same. Before this could happen, however, Hysolar died of a burst heart.
To win back the Solamnics, the high clerics rejected Hysolar’s chosen heir and offered the throne to the High Clerist of the Knights of Solamnia. The High Clerist accepted, and became Kingpriest Sularis. He brought peace back to Istar, mending the bonds between the two nations.
When Sularis died, he named a merchant-prince named Giusecchio his successor. For the first and only time, a non-cleric became Kingpriest. Giusecchio was well liked, and increased Istar’s trade power, but many within the church resented him, and he was assassinated. The church then nearly fell into another interregnum.
Fortunately, an elderly cleric named Quenndorus came forward to spare the empire more violence. This peace would not last long, however, for the deaths of Quenndorus and his successor, Vasari I, would bring even worse strife.

121-97 PC - The Three-Thrones War
Vasari I was a good man who died an untimely death. He named an heir, his advisor Pradian, but no one was present to witness this, so his inner circle instead crowned an ambitious cleric, who took the name Vasari II, and issued the Edict of Manifest Virtue: his word was that of Paladine, and evil, in the form of his enemies, must be punished without mercy. Complicating matters, the Miceram, the Kingpriests’ Crown of Power, vanished.
Pradian fled to the border city of Govinna, where he named himself the true Kingpriest. Tis was the beginning of what would come to be known as the Trosedil, the Three-Thrones War. Pradian might have won this war — he had much support and strategic brilliance — but he was killed by an archer in battle. His successor, Teorollyn III, was far from his equal. Vasari III — who had himself succeeded Vasari II — prepared to attack Govinna, but at that time a new claimant to the throne rose, in Losarcum.
This man, Ardosean IV, won several major battles, and eventually laid siege to Istar. In the end, the people of the Lordcity gave up Vasari, and he was beheaded. Ardosean IV took the throne, but grew ill a month later and abdicated, making room for his successor, Symeon III. Together they defeated Teorollyn, and united the empire once more. When the war was over, the Silvanesti sent a new emissary, Loralon the Wise, to keep an eye on Istar, so that there would never be another Trosedil.

97-40 PC Peace Returns to Istar
By the war’s end, nearly all clerics in Istar had lost their powers. This sign of the gods’ disfavor should have troubled them, but they chose instead to believe that they no longer needed these powers. Symeon III’s rule, nearly fifty years of peace and prosperity, reinforced this notion.

94 PC - Extermination of Evil Races
The Kingpriest declares that certain races are inherently evil and must be either “brought to the Light” or exterminated. Hunters work to eliminate these creatures, earning high bounties. The minotaur kingdoms are conquered and the minotaurs forced into slavery, as they had been nearly 3,000 years before.

80-20 PC - Dominance of Istar Clergy
Istar is now truly the center of religion. All aspects of life require the approval of the priesthood. The status of Istar’s clergy rises; wizards are hunted as unholy. Most priests have lost all magical abilities having lost the favor of the Gods of Light. The clergy blame the influence of jealous mages and dark gods.

53 PC - The Clockwork Exodus
Istaren restrictions force a majority of gnomes in eastern Ansalon to head abroad while most who remain are confined to guarded enclaves. Many in the migration are masters of “clockwork” and some are welcomed on Sancrist Isle even if their inventions have the “unfortunate” trait of actually working as intended. The exodus would take its name from the clockwork vehicles that were used by the gnomes. Among these migrants is Abrams, a gnome rumored to be from Taladas.

50 PC - Clockwork War
In Sancrist’s Mt. Nevermind, amid the rising popularity in clockwork inventions, two groups of gnomes get into fierce competition that escalates into chaos. After the creations and their makers are finally contained, their creators are exiled. Abrams, who had nothing to do with the crisis, is also exiled. Bitter at being forced out again, he wonders western Ansalon until settling outside of Daltigoth.

40-41 PC - Turning Point, Reign of the Last Kingpriest
The reign of Symeon IV showed signs of strife again: Plague in the province of Taol leads to banditry, threatening to spread. Harsh clampdowns did little to discourage this. Symeon fells suddenly ill, and First Son Kurnos became regent in his stead.
Meanwhile, the First Daughter, Ilista, received a vision that she and Loralon interpreted as heralding a prophesied savior, the Lightbringer, in the kingdoms to the west. She journeyed far and wide, and found a monk named Beldyn, who had true clerical powers. Kurnos felt threatened by this, however, and when Symeon died, one of his first acts as Kingpriest was to cast both Ilista and Beldyn out of the church.
Beldyn’s healing drew many supporters to his side, however, and in the catacombs beneath Govinna he recovered the Crown of Power, which Pradian had hidden there many years ago. Kurnos tried to kill him with dark magic, but Ilista sacrificed herself instead. Beldyn marched on Istar, overthrew Kurnos, and named himself Kingpriest Beldinas Pilofiro — the Lightbringer.
Rise of the Hammerhall: Once on the throne, Beldinas stepped up the war against evil, declaring the Balance between light and shadow a heresy and promising to wipe out darkness forever. He founded a new knighthood, the Divine Hammer, to do his will, taking the place of the Solamnics.
The Hammer wipes out the last, hidden temples of evil, then began persecuting the neutral faiths as well. Persecution that Churches dedicated to the Gods of Light have rarely, if ever, undertaken before.

39 PC The Defiant Vision
Clerics of all faiths in the Empire of Ergoth receive a vision from the gods showing Istar’s destruction due to its corruption and desire for dominion. Istar would dismiss the visions and threaten Ergoth’s clerics for their “heresy”.
Ergoth’s Resurgence: Ergoth begins to develop new sense of nationalism centered not on emperors or generals but on the achievements of Ergoth as a nation. However, even this far from Istar, the Kingpriest has heavy influence among the population.

32 PC The Night of Broken Glass
Kingpriest Beldinas declares all Shinareans to be Foripon—heretics—for accumulating wealth that could have helped the impoverished. They join a growing list of the Kingpriest’s victims, as the order is virtually caste out over the next three years. The broken windows of temples and homes of Shinare’s faithful becomes a symbol of this persecution.

27 PC Edict Against Dark Magic
The Wizards of High Sorcery are ordered by Istar to disband the Black Robes and turn over for trail of those who have taken the Black. The Conclave ignores the edict, citing the Balance. A suspicion of magic users by the populace deepens.

24 PC The Maker
The gnome Abrams sets up a workshop in an old tower on a hill outside Daltigoth to resume his work toward humanoid constructs, with what he calls the spark of life. He sells examples of his more mundane work to the wealthy and aristocracy to fund his research.

22 PC An Unlikely Association
Bathelir, a cleric of Paladine, rescues Deela, a black robe, from execution by the Hammerhall and the two go into hiding. Bathelir is then declared a heretic for aiding a practitioner of dark magic. The two eventually find sanctuary in Daltigoth, where friends keep them out of sight of those loyal to Istar.
21 PC The New Emissary of Sorcery
Marwort the Illustrious, representative of the Conclave in the Holy Empire and master of Istar’s Tower of High Sorcery, dies. The Conclave then selects Leciane do Cirica, a Red Robe to take his place. This ignites controversy as a White Robe traditionally held the position and many consider her appointment an affront. Beldinas selects Cathan “Twice-Born” to guard Leciane for her own protection due to the deep distrust Istarens have for sorcery.

19 PC War On High Sorcery
In Lattakay, during a tournament honoring Beldinas, hoards of small demons attack the arena. The swarms are beaten off, but many are killed. With Leciane’s help, Cathan and a squad of knights track down the one responsible and discover Andras, a Black Robe, who sought to kill the Kingpriest. But before facing final justice, the Conclave intervenes and takes Andras into custody declaring that it is their responsibility to punish him. This is perceived as a disregard for the Kingpriest’s authority and when an Andras later escapes, the Conclave is accused of being behind the attack. As tensions begin to reach a boiling point between clerics and magi, its agreed that a conference be held at Eusymmeas Fountain in the city of Istar to talk peace.
Blood Plaza: As the Highmage Vincil da Jevra and the Kingpriest Beldinas attempt to negotiate, a magical duplicate in the appearance of a cleric, stabs the Kingpriest. In the confusion, the clerics and knights turn on the magi and many on both sides are killed including Vincil. Though Beldinas survives, the last chance for peace is lost, the war on High Sorcery begins.
Assault On the Towers of High Sorcery: Urged by the Kingpriest and Istar’s clergy, people throughout Ansalon turn on mages everywhere, but it is the Towers of High Sorcery that are the center of their power. So when forces are in place in Palanthus, Daltigoth, Istar and Losarcum, the Kingpriest plans to strike simultaneously using magical seeds obtained secretly to penetrate the Tower’s defensive Groves. However in Daltigoth, forces attack too soon and when the Grove is compromised, the Master of the Tower initiates the tower’s destruction to keep it and everything in it out of untrained hands. Both the Tower and much of the Ergothen capital are destroyed in the explosion.
In Losarcum, Leciane tries to warn Cathan to call off the attack but fails when the guards interrupt her. Cathan then proceeds with the attack as planned, but after getting through the Grove and the magical constructs, the Malachite Guardians, Cathan realizes to late what’s coming. Only with Leciane’s help does he teleport to safety before Losarcum is utterly destroyed. Leciane, having been fatally wounded during their escape, dies afterward.
Now fearful that rampant destruction will be unleashed if all five towers are destroyed, the Kingpriest grants the mages safe exile at the Tower of Wayreth if they leave the other two remaining towers. The Conclave agrees to the terms and surrenders the tower in Istar to Beldinas. However, before the Palanthas Tower is surrendered, Andras reappears and lays a death curse upon the tower by jumping and impaling himself on the front gate, barring all until the “Master of the Past and Present” claims the tower.
The Kingpriest and the Church of Istar declare victory, but with one city destroyed, one shattered, the core of the Hammerhall lost and its leader Cathan now vanished, the price is high.
The Hammer Shattered: A new Grand Marshal is left the task of rebuilding the Istaren knighthood and he does so by lowering standards and replenishing the ranks with those from the scatas (Istar’s Imperial Legions) and former mercenaries. In time the order is even more akin to religious military institution of mercenaries and hardliners.
Ergoth Defiant: With the destruction of the Tower of High Sorcery in Daltigoth, Emperor Gwynned VI declares a state of war with Istar. However, because of trade sanctions imposed by Solamnia and Istar, Ergoth’s “war” remains little more then skirmishes along the Solamnic border. But Ergoth does begin the slow build up of its forces while taking advantage of the populace’s growing sense of nationalism. Later, the Kingpriest declares the Emperor of Ergoth an Agent of Evil, but is unable to act against Ergoth due to ongoing rebellions and purges in eastern Ansalon, which tie down Istar’s scatas and a weakened Hammerhall.

18 PC - The Hall of Sacrilege
The Kingpriest establishes Solio Febalas --The Hall of Sacrilege-- within the former Tower of High Sorcery in Istar where magic and holy artifacts from “heathen” faiths are stored.
The Creators: Bathel and Deela meet Abrams at his tower and reveal the story of the
Malachite Guardians to the gnome inventor. By combining their knowledge they hope to create living constructs, but this time with full sentience. The humans hope for a defense against Istar, while the gnome hopes to create successful artificial beings. After three years of work, they build a creation forge and begin work on making the first “forged ones”. Using living constructs forged for war, the Em porer of Ergoth reserves them for the final assault on Istar.

15 PC - Chains of Gold
The institution of slavery is fully reinstated by the Kingpriest to punish those who are deemed evil, calling it “redemption through servitude,” while races deemed evil by nature are condemned to a life in servitude. The Arena of Games is reopened for gladiatorial games.

9 PC - Solamnia Weakens
A number of Solamnic aligned territories in central Ansalon between Lemish and Sanction drift away from Solamnia and it’s Knighthood and closer toward Istar and the Kingpriest. Istar’s power and influence having grown in the region for decades thanks to such cities as Xak Tsaroth and the puppet Kingdom of Kharolis. The process is speed up faster due to the Solamnic Knight’s withdrawal of resources and garrisons into Solamnia proper to guard against an increasingly belligerent Ergoth.

10 PC - Neutrality Outlawed
The Kingpriest finally declares all Neutral orders sacrilegious, and increases activity against the worshipers of the unaligned deities.

8 PC - War in the West
Ergoth finally launches it’s war on Istar but first must overcome resistance from Solamnia before marching onto Istar itself. The Ergoth-Solamnic clash will last for seven years, with Thelgaard and eventually, Solanthus coming under siege, while its allies surround Xak Tsaroth. However Gwynned VI the emperor, dies suddenly in 1 PC, and his fight against Istar dies along him. Thus the war’s halt forces Abrams and his human partners to vanish into the Last Gaard Mountains. Taking the creation forge and the first forged with them.

6 PC - Edict of Thought Control
Declaring evil thoughts equate evil deeds the Kingpriest empowers spies called the Araifas to search the minds of his subjects for dark thoughts. He even turned the Hammer on followers of the other good gods. Thinking himself wiser than Paladine himself, he decides to force the chief god of good to rid the world of evil.

1 PC - The Thirteen Signs
This was the beginning of the end. There were chances to turn things back, but none bore fruit. A rebellion led by First Son Revando ends in failure. Thirteen Warnings, sent by the gods to caution against the Kingpriest’s pride, goes unheeded. Even a whirlwind that destroyed part of the Temple was ignored. In the end, Beldinas carried through with his plan, daring to command the gods.
The Night of Doom and Disappearance of the Gods: Thirteen days prior to the Cataclysm, thousands of clerics disappear. Only clerics of true faith are taken; those who were not remain.
As clerics and priests of all alignments disappear, so does all clerical magic, thus many later come to believe that the deities themselves have abandoned Krynn.
Lord Soth’s Geas: Lord Soth, a Knight of the Rose, is given a chance by the gods to redeem himself for crimes he committed. However, He is turned from his path, by the blandishments of servants of the Dark Queen, and he fails his quest. As the Cataclysm strikes Soth is cursed to become a death knight.
Future Hope: Cathen Twice-Born, who recently reappeared, steals the sacred Disks of Mishakal from the Temple of Istar. He escapes as far as Xak Tsaroth where as the city is destroyed, he and holy disks vanish.

0 - The Cataclysm
On the thirteenth day of Yule, the third day of the new year, the sky burns, and a fiery mountain like a burning hammer falls from the heavens upon Istar. The impact drags the city to the depths of the newly formed Blood Sea and fragments the rest of the nation. Ergoth is torn from the mainland to form two great islands. Waters pour into central Ansalon, forming the New Sea and shrinking the plains. To the south, lands rise and waters recede. The seaport city of Tarsis, unscathed, now lies far from the sea. The waters envelope most of Balifor; what remains is a desert waste, which the kender abandon. Thoradin becomes Zhakar, while the minotaurs regain their kingdoms which forms part of the Blood Isles.

Age of Despair

Time of Darkness

1-300 AC - The Shadow Years
Comprising the “dark age” of Ansalon, the Shadow Years see the persecution of the Knights of Solamnia and the beginnings of the Seeker Movement. The seeds for the next Dragon War are sown in secret, the Dark Queen gathering her forces once more to attempt to gain domination of the world.
The World Changes: Because of the Cataclysm, the very landscape of Ansalon is forever altered. New bodies of water form, such as the New Sea and the Blood Sea of Istar, while the waters recede in other places, leaving the port city of Tarsis forever land-locked. The geological changes are accompanied by meteorological changes, altering the climate, causing droughts, floods, and other natural disasters which will continue for decades. The devastation in turn cause social and political unrest as people attempt to adapted or place blame for the destruction.
The Gods Watch: The pantheons of Light, Balance and Darkness agree to step away from the world following the Cataclysm. Prayers go unanswered and divine magic disappears from the world. People blame the gods for abandoning them, while the gods wait for faith to return.
Some gods become impatient with the waiting, most notably the Gods of Darkness. The gods secretly move through the world, laying groundwork for their eventual return, but their promise prevents them from acting openly until Gilean acknowledges the time is right. Takhisis secretly works on her own plans.

1-20 AC - Refugee Exodus
Those who survived the destruction flee either into the wild or the few intact regions. Thousands of refugees, survivors of the kingdom of Kharolis and scattered Solamnics and Ergothens, flood the area, begging for aid from the dwarves of Thorbardin. High Thane Duncan refuses them, knowing that he cannot support so many additional people with the mountain.
Dark Queen Finds Istar: Takhisis takes the Temple of Istar, the central temple of the pre-Cataclysm nation, from the ruins of the city at the bottom of the Blood Sea. Because of the darkness and suffering caused by the Cataclysm, a rift was torn through dimensions, creating the deadly Maelstrom that dominates the newly formed Blood Sea. Takhisis drags the temple into the Abyss, intending to use it as a tool in her eventual return to power.

30 AC - The Gates Are Sealed
Duncan makes the decision to reserve food for those already within the mountain. He orders the gates of Thorbardin shut. He knows that the Neidar are still outside, and that they will suffer greatly, but he decides that saving six clans is worth the price of losing one.
Refugees continue to arrive, and many are so desperate they try attacking Thorbardin and tear down the gates. The dwarves within are forced to fight back, though they do as little harm as possible.

32 AC - Hill Dwarves Starve
After a series of particularly harsh winters, hunting game in the hills disappear. Crops continue to fail. The Neidar go hungry, and plague sweeps through them. They send a messenger to Thorbardin for aid, but he is turned away.

37 AC - Reghar’s Plea
The fell winters continue. Reghar Fireforge, Thane of the Neidar, arranges a moot with King Duncan at the neutral ground of Pax Tharkas. He pleads his case, but Duncan swears he can give no aid. The moot all but comes to blows, and the dwarf nations hover on the brink of war.

38 AC - The Wizard Gathers His Army
Fistandantilus realizes that the portal to the Abyss has moved from the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas to the fortress of Zhaman. The dwarves control Zhaman, and though he is easily powerful enough to overcome them, he knows that an army of his own can keep them away, and rid him of a distraction from his goals. He and his general, Pheragas, amass an army from refugees and bandits in the ruins of Solamnia.

39 AC - The Dwarfgate Wars
Fistandantilus, his clerical ally Denubis (the only cleric remaining), and his general, Pheragas, lead his army across the Straits of Schallsea to Abanasinia. When they arrive, they find two groups waiting for them: the Plainsmen, led by the chieftain Darknight, and the Neidar, led by Reghar Fireforge.
Both groups have heard of the approaching army, and wish to join with it — the Plainsmen out of greed for dwarven gold, the Neidar to avenge their pride, and both for the food they need to survive — though they do not trust each other. Thanks to the cunning of Pheragas, Reghar and Darknight agree to cooperate, and Fistandantilus’ army swells to three times its former size.
The first obstacle in the army’s way is Pax Tharkas, a fortress that has never fallen to any army. Long before they reach it, however, Fistandantilus sends a message to Argat, Thane of the dark dwarven clans of Daergar and Theiwar. Argat meets with him, and Fistandantilus bribes him with magic and treasure to betray his fellows. He also secretly promises Argat the head of Pheragas, his own general, once Pax Tharkas is taken.
When the army finally besieges Pax Tharkas, the dark dwarves turn on the guards, allowing the Neidar and their allies to take the fort. Many dwarves die, including all the gully dwarves. Many more are imprisoned, and the remainder retreat across the Plains of Dergoth. Ignoring his promise of Pheragas’s head, Fistandantilus breaks his word with Argat and spares his general. The army continues south.
Shocked by the betrayal, Duncan rallies his troops and imprisons the dark dwarves. He prepares a final stand at the gates of Thorbardin, but his friend, the hero Kharas, proposes a different plan. He seeks to slay Fistandantilus, and leads a party of mountain dwarf spies through tunnels beneath Dergoth, right into the midst of the wizard’s camp. The assassination attempt fails, though Kharas badly injures Fistandantilus before escaping again. This proves a meaningless victory, however, for Denubis heals Fistandantilus’s wounds.
The march continues, but his eagerness to reach Zhaman leads Fistandantilus to move the bulk of the troops too far ahead of their supply lines. Hunger and weakening morale begin to take their toll. Fistandantilus cares little, and makes preparations to use the portal beneath Zhaman. More and more of his men begin to desert, including Darknight and his Plainsmen.
To win the war, Pheragas aims to draw out the mountain dwarves, rather than fighting to take the gates. As he is composing a strategy for this, however, Reghar ignores his commands and orders the Neidar to march. Spies have told Reghar they mean to open the gates at dawn, and he means to move in to catch them by surprise. This is a trap, however, invented by Thane Argat to earn back the trust of King Duncan, and to teach Fistandantilus a lesson.
With more than two-thirds of his army gone, Pheragas decides there is no way to win the war. He also discovers that Fistandantilus intends to open the portal and enter the Abyss, with the help of Denubis, and determines to stop them. Before he can, however, Dewar spies attack. He slays them all, but is mortally wounded in the process. As he lies dying, he orders his captain, Garic, to abandon the war. Garic agrees, and leads the remainder of the army north, away from Thorbardin. Pheragas dies.
Meanwhile, on the plains, the mountain dwarves and hill dwarves meet in battle. Kharas leads the forces of Thorbardin, but is sickened at slaying his kindred. When two of Duncan’s sons fall in the clash, however, he heroically drags their bodies to safety, and rides away to safety in the mountains. From the foothills he watches in horror as the battle’s end unfolds.
At last, Fistandantilus opens the portal and face the Dark Queen at her weakest, but as he does so, a hitherto unseen gnome activates a magical device, interfering with the fragile spell. The magic flies out of control, and a wave of destruction flashes out from Zhaman with the force of a million fireballs. The keep collapses into a molten ruin that will come to be known as Skullcap. The blast sweeps across the Dergoth plains, destroying both armies as Kharas watches from afar. Only a few survive to tell the tale.
The plains become a blighted, swampy wasteland.
In the blast, both Denubis and Fistandantilus are killed, but even now, the Dark One is not defeated. Though his body is destroyed, his spirit lingers, hungry to claim a new vessel . . . which it will eventually find in Raistlin Majere.
In the aftermath, the mountain dwarves seal the gates of Thorbardin again. Duncan, heartsick at having caused so many deaths and at having lost his sons, dies soon after. The remaining dwarven Thanes squabble over who should become king next and Kharas grows disgusted with them. He storms out of Thorbardin, taking the Hammer of Honor (later the Hammer of Kharas) and the king’s body with him. The seat of the High Thane remains empty thereafter.

141 AC - The Stone is Planted
Takhisis takes the sacred Foundation Stone of the Temple of Istar to the wilderness near Neraka, where she will use it as a gate to and from the Abyss.
Slowly, and with surprising care, she begins to build an army. As she must seem to abide by the strictures agreed upon by the other gods prior to the Cataclysm, her work is done with the patience of one to whom time has no meaning.

142-152 AC - The Dragons Awaken
For ten years, the Dark Queen wanders the lands in disguise, awakening the evil dragons and preparing them for her work. The dragons have slumbered since the Third Dragon War, fading into the realm of legend and myth. She orders her dragons to move secretly, telling them to await her orders before acting.

157 AC - Berem Finds the Stone
The Foundation Stone of the Temple of Istar is found by a hunter named Berem and his sister, Jasla. He pries a green jewel from the stone, but in his greed, he accidentally causes his sister’s death. As the innocent Jasla’s blood flows across the Foundation Stone, the power of the Dark Queen is unleashed, and her Temple is summoned from the Abyss in all its unholy glory. The Dark Queen “blesses” Berem by embedding the green stone into his chest, granting him immortality. Berem runs, tormented by his sin.

210 AC - The Gate is Barred
Because the Foundation Stone of the Temple of Istar stands incomplete, Takhisis can no longer use it as a gate. The spirit of Berem’s sister stands as its guardian, her innocence and goodness preventing Takhisis from physically traversing the gateway. The Dark Queen does not surrender so easily. She casts her mind outward, seeking out followers and continuing her plans. Only now she must hunt down the Green Gemstone Man, for he is the key to unlocking the barrier in the Dark Queen’s path.

235-250 AC - Encroaching Humanity
Seeking to expand farmland and to build new settlements, humans begin encroaching upon the lands of the Qualinesti. With humans burning the forest to clear the land, the Qualinesti respond to protect their homeland. This sparks what will become a struggle between the Abanasinia humans and the Qualinesti elves that lasts for nearly fifteen years. After this time, the Qualinesti secure their borders and kill any human who steps foot within the forest. Likewise, any elves caught outside the forest find themselves the victims of violence.

249 AC - Tanis Half-Elven is Born
A Qualinesti princess, related to the Speaker of the Sun, is captured by a band of human brigands. She is taken by the brigands’ leader, and her rape results in the birth of a bastard, half-elven child. Named Tanthalas, the infant is taken in as a ward of the Speaker of the Sun, but grows up an outcast among both elves and humans.

287-295 AC - Egg Theft
At the order of the Dark Queen, the chromatic dragons track down the lairs of the metallic dragons, who still slumber as they have since the Third Dragon War. The chromatic dragons steal the eggs of their good cousins, secreting them within the mountains known as the Lords of Doom.

288 AC - A Bond is Forged
Flint Fireforge, a hill dwarf craftsman, is summoned to the court of the Qualinesti Speaker of the Sun, Solostaran, after the elven king receives a beautifully crafted chalice made by the dwarf’s hands. At court, Flint befriends the young Tanthalas, who find in one another a kindred spirit, as their own people consider each to be “outsiders.”

296 AC - The Dragons’ Oath
Once her forces have gathered all the eggs of the metallic dragons, Takhisis awakens the good dragons. She threatens to crush their eggs unless they stay out of the upcoming war. Helpless and unwilling to endanger their unborn, the good dragons take an oath, promising non-involvement as long as Takhisis promises to return their eggs once the war has concluded.

300-320 AC - Agents of Evil
Minions of Takhisis search unsuccessfully for Berem, the Everman. The Dark Queen needs Berem to complete the Foundation Stone, which will enable her to walk the face of Krynn once more.

308 AC - Assassination Attempt
The Qualinesti royal family is nearly assassinated, and Tanis Half-Elven is blamed. Flint Fireforge and Tanis manage to uncover the true culprit, the Speaker of the Sun’s court mage and younger brother, Miral, but in doing so a shadow is cast upon Tanis’s name.
A later argument between Tanis and Gilthanas, son of Solostaran and brother to Laurana, leads Tanis to leave Qualinost.

323 AC - Night of the Eye
During the Night of the Eye, when all three moons are in perfect alignment, a renegade wizard named Belize attempts to use forbidden magic to open a portal to the Lost Citadel, a dimension where the three gods of magic trained the first Wizards of High Sorcery.
Belize’s plot is foiled by Guerrand di Thon, an apprentice Red Robe, and Belize’s own apprentice—although Belize’s apprentice, Lyim, has his arm transformed into a snake.
As a result of this action, the gods of magic approach the Orders and instruct them to build the Bastion, a magical fortress that will guard against further attempts to reach the Lost Citadel.

326 AC - Birth of the Twins
Twin brothers, Caramon and Raistlin Majere, are born with difficulty to a mother of frail health. Caramon is born hale and healthy, but Raistlin is born sickly and the midwife does not believe he will survive. Kitiara uth Matar, the twins’ older half-sister, refuses to allow Raistlin to die, taking care of the infants as their mother begins sliding deeper and deeper into melancholy and her dreams.

329 AC - The Medusa Plague
A strange plague strikes Ansalon, primarily focused in Solamnia. The plague causes its
victims to succumb to high fever and the peeling of skin, before causing the victims’ arms to mutate into three-headed snakes—ending with the victims transforming into stone. The plague is found to be linked to the black moon, Nuitari, and with the help of that dark god, Guerrand di Thon neutralizes the plague. Meanwhile, the plague’s source is discovered to be Lyim, who has utilized the opportunity to sneak in to the Bastion and open a portal to the Lost Citadel, regaining his lost arm. The Bastion is destroyed, as it failed to protect the Lost Citadel.

332 AC - Raistlin Goes to School
Raistlin Majere, only a child, is enrolled in a school for potential wizards after his sister discovers his aptitude for performing prestidigitation and his interest in magic. Despite misgivings, and with the encouragement of a traveling White Robe wizard named Antimodes, the head of the school accepts the young child. Once Raistlin’s future is secure, Kitiara leaves Solace to search for her long missing father, and to find adventure.
Tasslehoff Burrfoot Arrives in Solace: After “finding” a bronze bracelet and wandering off with it, the kender known as Tasslehoff Burrfoot is tracked down by its creator, Flint Fireforge, and the dwarf’s young friend, the half-elf Tanis. The incident spawns a true but unlikely friendship.

The Time of Dragons: 332 –
The Time of Dragons marks the end of the Age of Despair and the beginning of a fifty-year period of strife that culminates in the Summer of Chaos. Unlike the previous years, this era is noted for direct involvement of the Dark Queen—and also the involvement of the other gods. Moreover, for the first time in more than thirteen centuries, dragons once more fly the skies of Ansalon.

332-340 AC - Evil Gathers
On the orders of the Dark Queen, the chromatic dragons gather in Neraka. They come from across Ansalon, and ally themselves with ogres, goblins, and with those evil mortals who have answered the Dark Queen’s secret call.
Ariakas and the Dark Queen: The wizard turned warrior, Ariakas, is lured to the Dark Queen, who offers to grant him power and riches beyond his dreams, as long as he serves her without question. He accepts the Dark Queen’s offer, and within two years will become the leader of her dragonarmies and one of the most powerful men on Ansalon.
Lyim Ascendant: The renegade ex-mage, Lyim Rhistadt, rises to power in the city of Qindaras, where magic is outlawed. He discovers a powerful artifact known as the gauntlet of Ventyr, whose ability to absorb arcane magic becomes a powerful tool for Lyim’s vengeance against the Orders of High Sorcery. Through guile and assassination, Lyim becomes ruler of the city, whose treaty with the Orders renders the renegade inviolate.

333 AC - Disciple of Takhisis
Verminaard, an illegitimate son of Solamnic blood, is granted visions from the Queen of Darkness. These visions lead him to discover Nightbringer, an ancient weapon of darkness, and awaken his own slumbering powers. Verminaard becomes one of the first true clerics of evil.

334 AC - War Against Wizards
Lyim Rhistadt gathers an army of magic-hating Qindarans and, armed with the Gauntlet of Ventyr, launches an attack against Wayreth. Although his army is halted by the combined might of the dwarves of Thorbardin and clever use of magic, Lyim manages to reach Wayreth Tower, where he plans to use the gauntlet’s ability to drain magic to destroy the Tower. He is defeated at the last moments through the strange magic possessed by Bram di Thon, nephew of Guerrand di Thon.
Birth of Ariakan: Ariakas, the self-proclaimed Emperor of Ansalon, consorts with the dark and tempestuous goddess, Zeboim, who bears him a son—Ariakan.

335 AC - Fall of House Brightblade
The peasant rebellions stirring throughout Solamnia turn against Castle Brightblade. The young Sturm Brightblade is secreted away from the besieged castle by his mother, and the two eventually find sanctuary across the Newsea, in Solace.

336 AC - Theros Arrives in Sanction
Theros Ironfeld, an Ergothen blacksmith and former minotaur slave, arrives in Sanction and opens his smithy. Within a few years, he becomes famous for the quality of his weapons.

337 AC - Dragon Highlords Named
From the ranks of those who have joined her cause, the Dark Queen selects five leaders, who are dubbed the Dragon Highlords. Each highlord takes control of an individual army, named for the chromatic dragons, who agree to serve as mounts and warriors in the armies. The head of the highlords is Ariakas, whose ruthlessness and tyrannical desire to become the Emperor of Ansalon appeals to the Dark Queen. From these ranks, the Dark Queen also begins again to grant her power directly, and more evil clerics walk the land.
Neraka Corrupts its Neighbors: Evil from the Foundation Stone draws evil creatures from nearby realms. The city of Sanction, not far from Neraka, becomes the dragonarmies’ base of operations, while the evil folk of Estwilde serve as reserve forces.
341 AC - The Dragonarmies’ Offer
An alliance is offered to the ogre nations of Kern and Blöde, as well as to the human kingdoms of Khur and the Pirate Isles. Most accept the alliance, rather than face destruction before the might of the dragonarmies.
Alliance of the Dark Gods: The minotaurs of Mithas and Kothas are ordered by their god Sargas (Sargonnas) to answer the Dark Queen’s call. The Black-robed Wizards of High Sorcery are also called to join the Dark Queen’s forces. The other gods of Darkness likewise secretly emerge, adding to the Dark Queen’s strength.

342 AC - Draconians Created
Priests of Takhisis and the Black Robe mages of Nuitari combine their magic with the power of the chromatic dragons in order to corrupt the captured eggs of good dragons to create the dragonmen. These draconians, as they come to be called, are assigned to different wings of the dragonarmies, while others are sent out to seek the Green Gemstone Man, who has evaded the Dark Queen’s capture.

343-347 AC - Evil Gathers Its Forces
Armies of cutthroats, ogres, and goblins, are trained to serve in the Dark Queen’s armies under the command of the Dragon Highlords. Violence is encouraged to weed out the weak, leaving only the strongest, most vicious recruits. One by one, the dragonarmies are deployed to key locations across Ansalon, where they undertake campaigns of conquest.

344 AC - The Companions Gather
Caramon and Raistlin take to performing on the street to support themselves. When Raistlin’s former master at the wizard school attempts to interfere, the chance arrival of a young kender named Tasslehoff Burrfoot, and the intervention of a young outcast Solamnic, Sturm Brightblade, set into motion the meeting between the young men with Tanis Half-Elven and Flint Fireforge. The group known as the Innfellows (later the “Heroes of the Lance”) is formed.

345 AC - Uncovering False Gods
Searching for rumors of the true gods, the Innfellows travel to Haven, where they find a church in which amazing miracles are performed. They discover the miracles are nothing more than the combination of illusion and the drugged fumes of burned poppy seeds. Raistlin uses his growing magic to expose the false god and the “priestess,” but the priestess is found murdered. Raistlin is captured by an angry mob, who attempts to burn him at the stake. He is rescued by his companions and the timely arrival of the High Sheriff.

346 AC - The Companions’ Journeys
In Solace, the Innfellows decide to undertake separate quests, searching for signs of the lost gods. The Companions are Tanis Half-Elven, half-elf of Qualinesti; the Neidar dwarf, Flint Fireforge; the irrepressible kender, Tasslehoff Burrfoot; the twins Caramon and Raistlin Majere, and their older half-sister Kitiara uth Matar; and the son of a Solamnic Knight, Sturm Brightblade. Each strikes off on a different quest, some alone and others traveling together, vowing to return to Solace five years hence.
Raistlin Takes His Test: Raistlin Majere and his twin brother, Caramon, travel to Wayreth Forest. At the Tower, Raistlin undertakes his Test of High Sorcery. During the Test, Raistlin makes contact with the evil arch-mage, Fistandantilus, and strikes a bargain. Raistlin successfully completes his Test and adopts the Red Robes of Neutrality.
Kitiara’s Son: Kitiara and Sturm Brightblade leave Solace together, heading north. During the journey, the two disagree with one another principles, leading Kitiara to seduce Sturm as part of a cruel game, denouncing him the next morning before she leaves him. Secretly, she bears Sturm a child, whom she names Steel, and leaves the baby in the care of a midwife, Sara Dunstan.
Kitiara Joins the Dragonarmies: After leaving Sturm, Kitiara travels to Sanction, where she meets with Ariakas. He tasks her with convincing a rebellious red dragon known as Immolatus to join the Dark Queen’s dragonarmies. She manages to charm the red dragon and returns successfully to Sanction, where Ariakas promotes her to the rank of regimental commander.
Brothers in Arms: After Raistlin successfully passes his Test of High Sorcery, he and his twin brother leave the Tower of Wayreth. The twins join a mercenary company, where the twins begin mastering combat—Caramon with a sword, Raistlin with magic.

348-352 AC - The War of the Lance Begins
In the spring, the dragonarmies invade Nordmaar and Balifor from Sanction. The two nations fall quickly, caught by surprise and by the unrelenting ferocity of the dragonarmies. Meanwhile, King Lorac, ruler of the elven kingdom of Silvanesti, brokers a deal with the dragonarmies to escape invasion. He vows to keep the Silvanesti out of the war in return for the dragonarmies’ agreement not to invade.
Draconian Engineers: On a bet, Ariakas has one of his draconians trained as an engineer in order to prove draconians can be as smart (if not smarter) than humans. After killing a human, the draconian engineer, Kang, deserts the dragonarmies and hides himself away.
Accidentally overhearing a Sivak named Slith discussing a treasure, Kang reveals himself and offers to help. After beating Slith’s disorganized troops into some semblance of order, Kang designs a rope bridge to help gain the treasure. A few months later, Kang returns to Slith newly promoted and assumes control of Slith and his men, forming the First Dragonarmy Bridging Company, which later became known as the First Dragonarmy Engineer Regiment.

349 AC - Silvanesti Betrayed
Despite the deal brokered by Lorac, the dragonarmies attack the forest nation of Silvanesti; forcing the elves to flee to the island of Southern Ergoth. The elven Speaker of the Stars, Lorac Caladon, attempts to use a dragon orb he had saved from the destruction of Istar to stop the invasion. He proves unable to control the power of the dragon orb, unwittingly allowing an evil green dragon known as Cyan Bloodbane to seize control of the hapless elven king. The green dragon whispers nightmares into the Speaker’s ears and, because of his hereditary connection to the realm of his people, Lorac’s nightmares are projected by the dragon orb, twisting the Silvanesti forest into a nightmarish realm. Spirits of the dead walk the forest, along with other monstrous creatures too terrible even for the dragonarmies to face directly. The dragonarmy abandons its conquest, as the forest is now worthless and corrupt.
Arrival of the Seekers in Solace: Hederick the Theocrat builds a temple to the Seeker religion in Solace, gathering about himself an ever-increasing number of loyal followers. His temple is mysteriously destroyed within the year.
The Chieftain’s Daughter: Goldmoon, daughter of the Chieftain of the Que-Shu, is honored in a ceremony promoting her godhood, and that will recognize her suitors. One suitor, Riverwind, does not recognize her “divinity,” for he was raised to honor the true gods. Riverwind is sent away from the Que-Shu to seek out proof of these “true” gods, if he ever wishes to marry the Chieftain’s daughter.

350 AC - Evil Rearms Itself
The dragonarmies and the forces of evil are strengthened by the captured nations. Forced
conscription swells the ranks of the foot soldiers, while the wealth of the captured nations swells the coffers of the Highlords. Takhisis and her army control all eastern Ansalon, except for the islands of Saifhum and Karthay. The minotaurs of Mithas and Kothas harass the retreating Silvanesti refugees.
Theros Arrives in Solace: Theros Ironfeld arrives in Solace, where he opens a new smithy. Soon, he is supplying weapons to Hedrick the Theocrat. When he discovers his weapons are supplying hobgoblins and draconians, Theros begins working with Gilthanas of the Qualinesti in arming the resistance against the Seekers and the dragonarmies, in which the Seekers have an agreement.
Riverwind Finds the Blue Crystal Staff: On his quest, Riverwind finds himself in the ancient ruins of Xak Tsaroth. In the ruins, he discovers an ancient temple, in which the statue of a beautiful woman holds a staff in outstretched hands. The goddess Mishakal appears to Riverwind in a vision, offering him the staff, which will allow for the return of good clerics. Riverwind escapes the ruined city, managing to return to his tribe weakened by fever, drugs, and injuries he sustained. His memory of his journey is troubled, clouded by the fever and nightmarish things he saw in the ruined city.

351 AC - Evil Turns West
Once more, in the spring, the dragonarmies begin skirmishes along the eastern border of Solamnia. The Blue Dragonarmy strikes across Dargaard Mountains, aided by goblins. The Knights of Solamnia, in recent disarray, cannot repel the attack. The Blue Dragonarmy occupies Kalaman, Hinterlund, and Nightlund, which allows the army to continue pressing the borders of the Plains of Solamnia and Gaardlund.
Betrayal finally allows the dragonarmies to enter Solamnia from the south, but the dwarves of Kayolin prove a stout bulwark against the advancing dragonarmies. By autumn, the knights respond and Solamnia becomes entrenched. The Red Dragonarmy leads an amphibious assault along the New Sea and across the Plains of Abanasinia. The nomads fall to their advance.
Hunt for the Staff : As Riverwind escapes from the ruins of Xak Tsaroth with the blue crystal staff, the black dragon Khisanth (Onyx) passes word of the staff through the dragonarmies. Recognizing the threat the staff might hold, draconians across Ansalon are ordered to disguise themselves and hunt down the staff, preferably without revealing themselves to the majority of the populace before the dragonarmies are ready to strike. The Seekers are also enlisted to aid in this search.
The Companions Gather: By autumn, much of Ansalon has fallen to the dragonarmies of the Dark Queen. However, the Companions from the Inn of the Last Home reunite in Solace. By chance or fate, they meet a nomad couple, Riverwind and Goldmoon, who possess the blue crystal staff—proof the deities of Light have also returned. When the powers of the staff are revealed before the Seeker, Hederick the Theocrat, Goldmoon is endangered. Unable to sit by and watch Goldmoon and Riverwind be overwhelmed, the Companions help the two escape Solace.
Sturm is granted a vision of a white stag, which leads the Companions to Darken Wood. In the haunted forest they meet the Forestmaster, its unicorn guardian. The Companions are told of the need to continue protecting Goldmoon and the blue crystal staff in order to help bring knowledge of the true gods back to Ansalon.
The Forestmaster aids the companions in escaping Darkenwood, but when the Companions leave the forest and approach the village of Goldmoon and Riverwind, they discover the village has been destroyed by agents of the dragonarmies searching for the staff. The Companions are captured by a group of draconians, but Tasslehoff and Flint escape, leaving them to mount a rescue.
The Wicker Dragon: Kang and his regiment of draconian engineers design a massive wicker dragon, using it to play a practical joke on the 33rd Baaz Infantry. The baaz bow down before and worship the false dragon idol, much to the amusement of Kang’s Regiment. The wicker dragon is destroyed, however, when the baaz infantry capture the future Heroes of the Lance. Tasslehoff Burrfoot uses the wicker dragon to scare the baaz off and barely escapes when the wicker dragon is consumed in fire.
Return to Xak Tsaroth: The Companions manage to escape the draconians and head for the ruins of Xak Tsaroth, partially guided by Riverwind’s fractured memories and by the uncanny knowledge of Raistlin Majere, who seems to have his own reasons for wishing to discover the lost city.
When the Companions find the entrance to Xak Tsaroth, they are met by the black dragon Khisanth (Onyx), who nearly kills Riverwind. However, Goldmoon discovers the Temple of Mishakal, and is able to heal Riverwind of the fatal wounds inflicted by Khisanth’s acidic breath.
In the ruins beneath the surface, Raistlin uses magic to charm a group of gully dwarves, and one in particular, Bupu, becomes utterly devoted to the wizard. The gully dwarves aid the Companions in finding Khisanth’s lair, where they discover the Disks of Mishakal.
Khisanth captures Raistlin, threatening to kill him if the Companions act, but working together, the Companions are able to defeat the black dragon. Goldmoon apparently sacrifices herself as she strikes the black dragon with the blue crystal staff and disappears in an explosion of magical energies that brings down the black dragon and its lair.
The Companions escape the crumbling city with the platinum disks, then find Goldmoon apparently unharmed in the Temple of Mishakal. Though she no longer carries the blue crystal staff, she wears a medallion of faith, becoming the first true cleric dedicated to the Gods of Light. Outside the city, the gully dwarf Bupu gives Raistlin a spell-book he had sought in Xak Tsaroth—a spell-book of Fistandantilus.
Returning to Solace, the Companions find the town has been targeted by the dragonarmies. Though they manage to elude capture for a short while, eventually they are caught and detained, thrown into a prisoner convoy headed towards Pax Tharkas. It is here the Companions meet the strange and eccentric wizard, Fizban, who temporarily joins the group—just as they are rescued
by Qualinesti rebels led by Porthios, cousin to Tanis Half-Elven and brother to Laurana. The Companions are escorted to Qualinost, where they meet with the Speaker of the Sun and discover that numerous people have been imprisoned in the fortress of Pax Tharkas. The Companions are told of the Qualinesti plan of evacuating their forest homeland. The Companions agree to rescue the prisoners of Pax Tharkas in order to give the elves the
time necessary for their exodus.
The Elven Fleet: Theros Ironfeld is approached by the Qualinesti for assistance in building a fleet for the elves, to aid in the elven flight from Qualinost. Theros is captured by the dragonarmies and, as punishment, his arm is severed before a rescue can be mounted. He is found imprisoned among the Companions when they are captured in Solace and being taken to Pax Tharkas, and is subsequently rescued by the Qualinesti rebels.
While the dragonarmies are distracted by the actions of the Companions in Pax Tharkas, the Qualinesti elves flee to join their Silvanesti cousins on the island of Southern.
The Prisoners of Pax Tharkas: The Companions utilize an ancient tunnel that leads into Pax Tharkas, where they are joined by the runaway Qualinesti princess Laurana, who has followed the group out of her love for Tanis Half-Elven. In the tunnels, they run into a giant slug, and Tanis Half-Elven is given the ancient sword of Kith-Kanan, Wyrmslayer.
Infiltrating the fortress, the Companions are separated, leaving Tasslehoff Burrfoot and the eccentric wizard Fizban to find a secret path leading to the throne room where the Dragon Highlord Verminaard and his red dragon, Ember, have headquartered. Tasslehoff and Fizban are noticed by Ember, who proceeds to attempt to kill them with his fiery breath. As the two try and escape, Ember’s breath melts the giant chains they are climbing down, sending them plummeting to their dooms. Fizban casts a spell creating a massive pile of feathers to stop Tasslehoff’s fall, but it is too late for him, and he is apparently killed. However, Tasslehoff is unable to find the eccentric wizard’s body.
The rest of the Companions infiltrate the prisoner populace, where Goldmoon discovers High Seeker Elistan, to whom she is meant to pass on the Disks of Mishakal; Elistan is destined to become the first true cleric of Paladine since before the Cataclysm. The Companions are able to help the prisoners escape, but they are met by Verminaard and his red dragon, Ember. A battle rages between Verminaard and the Companions, and when Ember seeks to destroy the escaping prisoners (including the children), he unwittingly enrages the senile red dragon Matafleur, who had been made the children’s guardian. As the Companions bring down Verminaard, who is unable to face the holy power granted to Goldmoon by the goddess Mishakal, Matafleur sacrifices herself in order to kill the younger, stronger Ember.
Meanwhile, a traitor named Eben Shatterstone, who has tagged along with the Companions, discovers someone very important mixed among the prisoner populace of Pax Tharkas—Berem, the Everman. As Eben seeks to lead Berem away, a portion of the fortress collapses, killing Eben and apparently killing Berem as well.
Following the rescue of the refugees, Goldmoon and Riverwind are married in a simple, beautiful ceremony.
The Council of Freedom and Entrance to Thorbardin: Following the escape of the refugees from the destruction in Pax Tharkas, the refugees form the Council of Freedom, with leaders of respective peoples representing groups of prisoners. The Council is formed by Elistan, Locar (a High Seeker), Hederick (the Seeker of Solace), Briar of the Plainsmen, and Brookland of the elves. The Council entreats the Companions to find a safe haven for the refugees, and to find the gates of Thorbardin, where they believe they can secure sanctuary.
The Companions seek out the gate to Thorbardin, where they find themselves embroiled in dissension among the mountain dwarves. They are told the only way the dwarves would allow the refugees to enter the mountain fortress is if the heroes can find the lost Hammer of Kharas. The kingsword known as Stormblade is discovered, and with it, and the aid of the Helm of Grallen, the heroes are able to locate the hammer in the floating island known as Derkin’s Tomb, where Kharas hid the hammer centuries prior. With both hammer and kingsword, Hornfel is made Thane of the Dwarves, and the gates of Thorbardin are opened, welcoming the eight hundred refuges from Pax Tharkas. Their duties accomplished, the Companions rest briefly before setting off once more, this time for famed Tarsis, a port renowned for its “white-winged ships.”
The Dragonarmies Advance: The dragonarmies march against Thorbardin, laying siege to its northern gate. A wing of the Red Dragonarmy strikes south, around the New Sea to Tarsis and the Plains of Dust, then marches towards Kharolis to cut off dwarven retreat.
The Companions in Tarsis: The Companions travel to Tarsis, using an ancient map possessed by Tasslehoff Burrfoot. Unfortunately, they discover the map is inaccurate, dating to a time before the Cataclysm—the devastation of the Cataclysm caused the bay of Tarsis to drain away, leaving the once-famed port city of Tarsis land-locked.
The Companions seek out the lost library of Khrystann, where Tasslehoff meets a contingent of Knights of Solamnia traveling incognito; as Solamnic Knights, they are not welcome on the streets of Tarsis. It is in the library that Tasslehoff discovers the secret of the dragon orbs, thanks to a pair of magical spectacles. Meanwhile, some of the Companions are caught and brought before the Lord of Tarsis, whose adviser works for the dragonarmies.
It is here that Tanis Half-Elven, Gilthanas, and Sturm Brightblade meet the Silvanesti princess Alhana Starbreeze, who has come to Tarsis to search for mercenaries willing to brave the Silvanesti Forest to save her father, Speaker of the Stars, Lorac Caladon. Caught by the lady’s beauty and nobility, Sturm makes himself her champion, and the elven princess is equally impressed by the human knight, giving him a precious star-jewel as a token of her respect. When the dragonarmies move in to occupy Tarsis, the Companions seek to escape, but the inn they are staying at is destroyed, separating the Companions into two groups—one group heading south to the Icewall to search for the dragon orb, and the other enlisted by Alhana Starbreeze to help save her father in the twisted Silvanesti Forest.
Lorac’s Nightmare: After being separated from their companions, the heroes Tanis Half-Elven, Caramon and Raistlin Majere, Tika, Goldmoon, and Riverwind are rescued by Alhana Starbreeze and her griffins. Pressed into aiding her in freeing her father, King Lorac, from the twisted realm of the Silvanesti Forest, the heroes strike off to the east.
The griffins drop the group outside the forest, leaving them to penetrate the twisted Silvanesti Forest, heading towards Silvanost, the heart of the realm. Caught in the nightmarish terrain of the forest, the heroes are given prophetic nightmares, showing each of them their possible dooms, and shaking the Companions to their core. Yet, the heroes struggle onward, eventually managing to reach the heart of Silvanost, where they discover King Lorac caught by the magic of the dragon orb, while Cyan Bloodbane whispers nightmarish imagery into the king’s ear, taking ruthless advantage of the king’s spiritual connection with his homeland to twist the forest into a dark, dangerous domain. The heroes release Lorac from the grip of the dragon orb, sending Cyan Bloodbane away from the forest, and setting into motion the eventual liberation of the forest from Lorac’s Nightmare. Drained by what he has seen, and by the relentless magic of the dragon orb, Lorac passes away, asking Alhana to bury him in the forest.
By right of his magical knowledge, Raistlin Majere lays claim to the dragon orb, while Alhana gives the magical blade, Wyrmsbane (twin to Wyrmslayer), to Tanis, as Tanis had to leave Wyrmslayer behind when the Companions were separated in Tarsis. Regaining their strength, the heroes travel to Port Balifor.
The Icewall: Joined by the covert Knights of Solamnia, who are led by Derek Crownguard, the Companions, including Laurana, Tasslehoff, Elistan, Flint, Sturm, and Gilthanas, strike off to Icewall in search of the dragon orb. Reaching a village of Ice folk, Flint agrees to remain behind as a hostage in order for the tribe’s shaman, Raggart, to serve as a guide to Icewall Castle for the others.
At first, Raggart is jealous of Elistan’s abilities as a true cleric, but he overcomes his jealousy and presents Laurana with a frostreaver. As the heroes reach Icewall Castle, they discover what appears to be a knight on the back of a dragon, wielding a strange lance. At first, Derek is convinced the knight is a renegade, riding an evil dragon, but Sturm does not accept this belief. This is reinforced by the action of the dead knight seemingly passing Sturm the lance, despite being frozen in the solid ice.
Back at the Ice folk camp, a massive force of thanoi, working for the dragonarmy, attacks the site. Flint aids the Ice folk in the defense of their village, successfully chasing off the walrus-men.
In the castle, the group is confronted by the dark elf and renegade wizard, Feal-thas, the White Dragon Highlord. Derek Crownguard’s knight companions are killed by the highlord, but Laurana is able to defeat him using the frostreaver. The heroes recover the dragon orb hidden within the castle. Fleeing the Icewall with the lance and the dragon orb, the Companions seek to head for Ergoth aboard a ship, but their ship is attacked by the white dragon, Sleet, whose icy breath is able to cause the ship to founder and run aground on the coastline of Southern Ergoth. The heroes are taken captive by the Silvanesti refugees, but once Laurana identifies herself as a Qualinesti princess, a Kagonesti healer named Silvara is tasked with escorting the heroes to Qualimori, the home of the outcast Qualinesti court.
Qualinesti Outcasts: When Laurana and Gilthanas are reunited with their father, Speaker of the Sun Solostaran, and elder brother Porthios, Gilthanas is welcomed as a hero, but Laurana is treated as a pariah, for she ran away from Qualinost in the dark of night in pursuit of the illegitimate Tanis Half-Elven. The Qualinesti claim the dragon orb in the name of the elves, along with Wyrmslayer, which Laurana has carried with her since she was separated from Tanis in Tarsis.
Heartsick, and realizing the elves should not control the dragon orb, Laurana gathers Theros Ironfeld, her brother Gilthanas, the Kagonesti healer Silvara, Tasslehoff, Flint, Sturm and the surviving Solamnic Knight, Derek Crownguard. Stealing the dragon orb away, Laurana leads the party away from Qualimori. Silvara tricks Derek Crownguard and Sturm Brightblade into leaving the group, taking the dragon orb with them as they head for a nearby Solamnic outpost. At the same time, Silvara leads the others towards the mysterious Foghaven Vale. Along the way, Gilthanas and Silvara fall in love with one another, but Laurana’s distrust of the silver-haired Kagonesti only increases, as they get closer to the vale. Once past the mystical defenses of Foghaven Vale, the group finds themselves standing before the legendary Dragon Monument, the Tomb of Huma Dragonbane. In Huma’s tomb, Silvara casts a spell upon the group, placing them into an enchanted slumber, but Tasslehoff manages to escape the spell by concealing himself beneath Huma’s massive shield.
Tasslehoff finds a hidden tunnel that takes him deep into the Dragon Monument, where he emerges into a chamber, to meet once more with the mysterious Fizban. Tasslehoff is shocked and overjoyed to find Fizban alive. Tasslehoff is then directed to notice murals depicting knights mounted on the backs of metallic-hued dragons, presumably dragons of light, as opposed to the chromatic dragons of darkness. Together, Fizban and Tasslehoff return to the chamber where the heroes slumber, and where Silvara seems caught up in a terrible conundrum, standing among the sleeping bodies. Fizban sternly orders her to release the spell and to tell them the truth.
Reluctantly, Silvara reveals her true identity as the silver dragon, D’Argent, sister to the same silver dragon beloved by Huma Dragonbane. Gilthanas is horrified, and a wedge is driven between the two young lovers. Gathering her courage, Silvara teaches Theros Ironfeld, how to create dragonlances, like the lance they had discovered in Icewall Castle.

352 AC The Trial of Sturm Brightblade
Once Derek Crownguard and Sturm Brightblade reach the Solamnic outpost, Derek attempts to take complete claim for the recovery of the dragon orb, simultaneously leveling serious charges of dishonor against Sturm Brightblade in order to discredit him. During the trial, it is revealed that Sturm Brightblade is not, in fact, a Knight of Solamnia, nor does he have the right to wear his father’s armor. However, upon the oath and trust of Gunthar uth Wistan, Sturm is cleared of the charges of dishonor and granted interim status as a Knight of the Crown, until the matter is settled.
Placed under Crownguard’s command, Sturm sails with other Solamnic Knights on towards Palanthas, then to the High Clerist’s Tower, where the Knights of Solamnia plan to entrench themselves and prevent the dragonarmies from laying claim to the wealthiest city on Ansalon.
The Red Wizard’s Wonderful Illusions: In Port Balifor,
the Companions stay in the Pig and Whistle Tavern, where they seek some way into Flotsam and enemy-controlled territory. While there, they discover among themselves numerous talents: Raistlin performing his prestidigitation, Tika dancing, Goldmoon singing while Riverwind plays his flute, Caramon performing acts of physical strength... and thus is born the traveling sideshow known as The Red Wizard’s Wonderful Illusions. Under this guise, the heroes are able to earn money and travel safely to Flotsam.
Goldmoon is also able pass on the word of the true gods to a populace desperate for hope, and true clerics of light begin appearing across Ansalon once again—in small numbers at first, but eventually in greater and greater numbers.
The Whitestone Council: Representatives from the remaining free nations gather on Sancrist at the Whitestone Glade to forge an uneasy alliance. After the Companions rediscover the legendary dragonlance in Icewall and recover the dragon orb from Icewall Castle, the two artifacts are brought to Sancrist. Unfortunately, arguments over who will control the dragon orb spark between the Silvanesti, the Qualinesti, and the Solamnics, until a fed-up Tasslehoff Burrfoot darts out, takes up the dragon orb, and shatters it against the legendary Whitestone.
As the enraged attendees turn against Tasslehoff, a brilliant silver lance pierces the air, embedding itself with violent force in the otherwise indestructible Whitestone.
The lance is a dragonlance, thrown by Theros Ironfeld, and the first known to have been forged since Huma’s time. With these, the forces of the Whitetone Council can finally strike back against the dragonarmies. With Laurana’s testimony, Sturm is cleared of all charges of dishonor, and Gunthar asks her and her friends to travel to Palanthas in order to bring word of his innocence to the knight and the others of his garrison. Laurana agrees to do so, and along with Flint and Tasslehoff sails from Southern Ergoth to Palanthas.
Tanis and Kitiara: When Tanis and the others arrive in Flotsam, a city controlled by the dragonarmies, they try to book passage on the Perechon. While in town, Tanis and Caramon acquire sets of armor worn by officers in the dragonarmies.
When Tanis is set upon by an elf, who mistakenly attacks him believing Tanis to be in league with the evil armies, the half-elf is saved by the commander of the Blue Dragonarmy, who is none other than Kitiara uth Matar, his former lover. Believing Tanis is now a member of the dragonarmy, Kitiara invites Tanis along with her, and the two resume their love affair.
Siege of the High Clerist’s Tower: In early spring, the Blue Dragonarmy besieges the High Clerist’s Tower near Palanthas. Laurana is named the Golden General, a token position meant to honor her for her part in recovering and reconstructing the dragonlances, and she aids in the defense of the tower. The Blue Dragonarmy seems too powerful to be defeated, until Tasslehoff discovers another dragon orb within the tower. With his Glasses of Arcanist, the kender is able to translate the language of the orb, and reluctantly gives that information to Laurana. Laurana uses the dragon orb and reveals the deadly secret of the tower—that it had been modified to serve as a death trap against attacking dragons. Regrettably, Sturm Brightblade dies in one-on-one battle against the Dragon Highlord of the Blue Dragonarmy, who reveals her true identity to Laurana when Laurana rushes to the side of the fallen Sturm. Kitiara taunts Laurana with news of Tanis, while giving her three days to bury their dead.
Into the Maelstrom: While Kitiara is away in Palanthas, Tanis returns to the inn where his companions are staying. He convinces them to board the Perechon immediately, telling them they must leave Flotsam quickly before Kitiara discovers their whereabouts. Aboard the Perechon, Tanis discovers that Maquesta’s helmsman, Berem, is the one who everyone in the dragonarmies has been searching for, the Green Gemstone Man. The Companions flee Flotsam, but unfortunately, Kitiara has had Tanis followed, not completely trusting her half-elven lover’s “conversion” to the Dark Queen. As the Perechon sets sail, it is pursued by blue dragons led by Kitiara.
In desperation, Berem sails the ship into the deadly Maelstrom at the heart of the Blood Sea, seeking to escape capture by the Dark Queen. As the ship is caught in the inexorable pull of the whirlpool, Raistlin uses his dragon orb to abandon his fellows and his brother, setting himself on his own path towards the future. Abandoned by Raistlin, with the blue dragons and Kitiara driven off by the Maelstrom, the Perechon is dragged beneath the waves.
The Companions awaken to find themselves in the undersea ruins of Istar, where they have been taken by the Dargonesti sea elves that saved them. Tanis is able to convince the sea elves that even under the sea they would not be safe from the Dark Queen’s evil designs of world conquest. Finally, Tanis and the others are able to convince the sea elves to take them back to the surface, to Kalaman. The sea elves escort the Companions to a small fishing village outside of Kalaman, removing much of their memories of Istar and the sea elves, although Caramon and Tika retain some memories, particularly of their newly forged bond.
Secret of the Draconians: A special force of knights, aided by the elven prince Gilthanas, the silver dragon, D’Argent, and the copper dragon, Cymbol, successfully infiltrate the city of Sanction, discovering the secret keeping the good dragons out of the war. When it is revealed that many of the captured good dragon eggs had been used to create draconians, the metallic dragons are freed from their oaths and swiftly enter the war.
In Palanthas: The dragon orb transports a battered and weakened Raistlin to the steps of the Great Library in Palanthas, where, due to a strange pact with Astinus, he is granted access to the spell-books of Fistandantilus that have been stored there.
Meanwhile, after the battle at the High Clerist’s Tower, Laurana convinces the Lord of Palanthas of the city’s danger from the dragonarmies, despite treaties made between the city and the Dark Queen’s forces, pointing out that such treaties hadn’t saved the Silvanesti. Lord Gunthar places control of his armies in her hands.
With the arrival of the metallic dragons, and the aid of the dragonlances forged by Theros Ironfeld and other dragonlances discovered in hidden caches, the forces of the Whitestone council are finally able to take the offensive. The good dragons and the dragonlances are able to help claim vital victories for the Whitestone Forces. Flint, Tasslehoff, and their bronze dragon mount, Fireflash, capture Kitiara’s second in command, Bakaris.
Counterattack: In the summer, the armies of the Whitestone Council begin striking back at the dragonarmies. They quickly reclaim much of Solamnia.
The dragonarmies counter by unleashing their reserve forces, including five flying fortresses, but their conquests are already slipping away. The liberation of Kalaman by Whitestone forces marks the beginning of the end for the dragonarmies.
In a desperate ploy, the Golden General makes plans to march her Whitestone forces across the Estwilde to assault the vale of Neraka, the stronghold of Takhisis’s forces.
Ariakan, son of the self-proclaimed Emperor of Ansalon, Lord Ariakas, is taken prisoner by the Solamnic Knights.
As the Golden General makes plans for her march eastwards, she receives a missive from Kitiara, offering to trade a wounded Tanis for the return of Bakaris. Despite misgivings from Flint and Tasslehoff, and the suspicion of a trap, Laurana spirits Bakaris away from Kalaman, leaving her army behind, heading to the appointed meeting place with only Flint and Tasslehoff at her side. They are met by Lord Soth, the death knight whose loyalty to Kitiara is truly undying. In the confusion, Bakaris assaults Laurana, but is struck down by Tasslehoff, and the death knight Lord Soth spirits Laurana away, taking the Golden General prisoner.
To Neraka: In Kalaman, Tasslehoff and Flint reunite with Tanis and the others, telling Tanis of Laurana’s capture. The heroes head southeast, traveling through the rugged Nerakan mountains, where they meet up once again with the eccentric wizard, Fizban. Berem, terrified of encountering the Dark Queen in Neraka, attempts to escape the heroes, but is prevented by Flint. Unfortunately, Flint has a heart attack, and the others come upon Berem leaning over the prone Flint. Enraged, Tanis tries to kill Berem, believing the Everman responsible for Flint’s death, but the Everman’s curse prevents him from truly dying.
Within the mysterious hidden valley known as Godshome, Flint’s body is magically whisked away by Fizban. It is here where Berem reveals the full truth behind his origins, and the reason he fears the Dark Queen—and why she fears him. This only proves to strengthen the belief that Tanis and the others must take Berem with them to Neraka, as they seek to rescue the captured Laurana.
In Neraka: When the Companions arrive in Neraka, Tanis has the others infiltrate the temple, while he seeks out Kitiara, offering himself in exchange for Laurana.
Kitiara accepts Tanis’s offer, although she plans on betraying her word. She tells Tanis that if he strikes down Ariakas and brings her the Crown of Power Ariakas wears, that she will allow Laurana to go free. As Kitiara maneuvers Tanis into position, he discovers a Black Robed Raistlin among the ranks of the Dark Queen’s forces. Raistlin tells Tanis that he will remove Ariakas’s magical protections, providing him with the opportunity he needs to strike.
As Tanis is preparing to move against Ariakas, the others investigate the dark temple the Queen of Darkness has built upon the Foundation Stone. Beneath the temple, they are discovered by Gakhan, a draconian assassin loyal to Kitiara, who brings his formidable forces to bear against the Companions. Horrifyingly, before the eyes of the Companions, the events revealed in the prophetic nightmares of the Silvanesti Forest begin to occur, as one by one they seem to fall against the sheer number of the enemy. It is the appearance of Raistlin that enables the prophesied events to change, however. Raistlin lends his aid, reuniting Berem with the spirit of his sister, Jasla, as he throws himself upon the Foundation Stone and is finally able to embrace true death.
With Berem’s death binding the Foundation Stone, the Dark Queen’s connection with the physical realm is torn, and the temple begins to fall apart. In the confusion, Tanis is able to strike down Ariakas and gain the Crown of Power.
The Dragon Highlords and their forces fall to fighting one another over gaining control of the crown, giving Tanis and Laurana the opportunity to escape the crumbling temple. They are met by Kitiara, who allows them to leave together, taunting Laurana with the fact that Tanis will never forget her. As they escape, Lord Soth appears and hands Kitiara the Crown of Power, the two leaving jointly with their own plans in mind.
The Companions are reunited outside the ruins of the temple, where Fizban reveals himself to be the god, Paladine. He congratulates the companions, wishes them a fond farewell, and disappears. In the night sky, both the constellations of Takhisis and Paladine return to their normal positions, threatening each other in eternal conflict.
The War of the Lance Ends: With the defeat of the Dark Queen, her dragonarmies scatter across Ansalon, retreating to remote corners of the continent. Dragons, both metallic and chromatic, retreat as well, although they can still be occasionally seen soaring through the skies.

353 AC - Harrying the Foe
Whitestone forces scour the land, hunting down the remnants of the dragonarmies. The dragonarmies still occupy much of central, eastern, and southern Ansalon, but they no longer are bound together under the Dark Queen. Each dragonarmy and surviving leadership has their own goals and plans, but the efforts of the Whitestone Council do much to hinder these plots and reduce their numbers.
Master of Past and Present: Raistlin Majere, Hero of the Lance, former Red Robe wizard turned to Black Robes, enters the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas. He is proclaimed the Master of Past and Present.

354 AC - A Hero’s Fall
Caramon Majere, Hero of the Lance, helps Solace rebuild and return to normal. When his new wife Tika goes back to working at the Inn of the Last Home, Caramon finds that there is no one who needs him. He sends a letter to his brother Raistlin in Palanthas. Months later the letter is returned unopened, with the words “I have no brother” scrawled on the envelope. This sends Caramon spiraling into depression and alcoholism, and his body grows flaccid and out of shape. Caramon ceases building the house he promised Tika, and spends his days at a seedy bar in Solace known as The Trough.

355 AC - The Knighthood Evolves
Gunthar uth Wistan becomes the first Grand Master of the Knights of Solamnia since the Cataclysm. One of his first orders is for the Measure of the Order to be updated to reflect modern times.
The Elves Return: The Qualinesti and Silvanesti return to their respective homelands. The Silvanesti begin the arduous task of cleansing their forest of the remaining taint of Lorac’s Nightmare.

356 AC - Children of Dragons
At the Tanniyn Isles, southwest of Gargath Isle and south of Adlatum, humans face extermination by Morgion, god of disease. However, a stranger reveals a way to save the inhabitants through a ritual allowing dragon souls denied life by the creation of the draconians (both metallic and chromatic) to merge with a host. Allowing life for one and a second chance for the other. But since metallic draconians tend to evil and chromatic ones toward good, this new race of dragonborn will retain more freedom, a legacy of their human ancestry. The identity of the stranger is never known.

355 AC - The Knighthood Evolves
Gunthar uth Wistan becomes the first Grand Master of the Knights of Solamnia since the Cataclysm. One of his first orders is for the Measure to be updated to reflect the modern knight.

356 AC - Master of Past and Present
Revered Daughter Crysania and Black Robe arch-mage Raistlin Majere meet in Astinus’s study at the Great Library of Palanthas. Crysania seeks to turn Raistlin from the path of darkness as a testament of Paladine’s glory. Raistlin casts kiss of night’s guardian on the cleric and they later meet at the Tower of High Sorcery. There, Raistlin tells Crysania of his plan to overthrow Takhisis and end the suffering she has caused the world. Crysania, blinded by her own ambition, twists this in order to see Raistlin as a man warring against darkness, not one who seeks to become its master. She then makes preparations to seek the council of the Wizards of High Sorcery at the Tower of Wayreth and tell them of her plans to redeem the Black Robe.
Death of A Monarch: Solostaran, the Qualinesti Speaker of the Sun, finally succumbs to his venerable age and dies, leaving his eldest son Porthios to become the new Speaker. Tanis Half-Elven, already bound for the funeral, is requested by Paladine’s cleric Elistan to escort Lady Crysania to Wayreth. When the pair stops in Solace, they see just how low Caramon has fallen. Tanis leaves Crysania in Solace and rides on to Qualinost.
A Trip Through Time: Crysania, Raistlin, Caramon, and Tasslehoff travel through time to Istar in the months before the Cataclysm. Raistlin defeats and absorbs Fistandantilus’s essence, becoming even stronger, while Caramon shakes off his addiction and becomes physically fit once again. Just as the Cataclysm occurs, the four go to the Dwarfgate Wars. Once Raistlin has fought through the war, he and Crysania enter the Abyss to challenge Takhisis. Meanwhile, Tas and Caramon jump into a warped future where Raistlin has proven victorious and killed all the gods at the cost of life on Krynn. In this reality, Raistlin is fated to wither away, unable to create or restore life to the world. Tasslehoff and Caramon travel back to Palanthas to prevent this timeline from ever happening.

357 AC The Blue Lady’s War
Kitiara uth Matar leads the remnants of the dragonarmy from Sanction and lays siege to Palanthas. Spectral forces commanded by the death knight Lord Soth supplement her army and tip the balances of battle in Kitiara’s favor.
Tanis Half-Elven is in the city, fighting on the side of the Knights of Solamnia. Once Kitiara is in the city she goes to the Tower of High Sorcery to stop her half-brother Raistlin from reentering the world. Having been tricked by Lord Soth into believing that the dark elf Dalamar seeks to aid Raistlin, Kitiara tries to kill him, but is slain instead. Tanis makes his final goodbye to the only other woman he loved before Lord Soth disappears with the highlord’s body and calls off his undead forces.
Raistlin’s Sacrifice: When Raistlin’s twin Caramon enters the Abyss intent on stopping the mage one way or the other, Raistlin realizes that his victory over Takhisis can only bring destruction to the world. Raistlin grabs his destiny by the reins and changes the course of his actions, sealing the Abyss with himself inside in order to prevent Takhisis from being unleashed upon the world. Caramon escapes the Abyss with Crysania in tow. Te cleric is now blind, but has gained wisdom as a result of her trials.
Dark Scion, Ariakan Goes Free: Solamnic Knights release Lord Ariakan from captivity. Following a vision he receives from the Dark Queen, he decides to form the Knights of

358 AC - The Great Lie
The Wizards of High Sorcery seize the opportunity to boost their reputation across the continent and inform the people of Ansalon that Raistlin entered the Abyss solely to save Crysania from the clutches of Takhisis. This tale of Raistlin’s “heroism” helps the Conclave and wizards in general gain even greater acceptance among the land as young men and women flock to train in the ways of magic at unprecedented rates.

360 Que-shu Return
Heroes of the Lance Riverwind and Goldmoon finish restoring the village of the Que-shu and gathering their remaining people under one banner. The Que-shu declare them their new leaders in response to the couple’s tireless efforts and leadership.

362 AC - A Union of Elves
Porthios and Alhana Married In a move to unite the kingdoms of Qualinesti and Silvanesti under a single banner a political marriage is made between Porthios Kanan and Alhana Starbreeze, the respective rulers of both elven kingdoms.

363 AC - Sky Watch*
A Carthen expeditionary flotilla appears in Krynn's Northern Sirrion ocean via planer travel and locates an archipelago they designate the Stella Vigil Isles (South). An outpost is established, including a base for airships for Krynn's south hemisphere. But rather than spy on the world below, the primary mission is The Long Watch, watching skyward. Half a year later, another outpost is setup in the Spine of Taladas, they designate Stella Vigil Isles (North), to begin similar operations in the northern hemisphere.

367 AC - Lemish Confrontation
Solamnia and the knighthood clash with the inhabitants of Lemish, now seeking full nationhood, and hoping to expand at it's neighbors (particularity Solamnia's) expense. Clashes with the Solamnics prove disastrous and the Lemish resort to gorilla warfare while pretending to be a victims. Few are willing to take their side, as many remember it was Lemish that sided with the dragonarmies during the War of the Lance. Lemish sues for peace and pays reparations to avoid occupation.

368 AC - Rainbow Serpents
Couatls, feathered serpents, and distant cousins of dragons, are spotted over Nordmaar's Sahket Jungle, with sightings increasing over the next few years.

369 AC - Rise of the Ogre Reavers
An “ogre-mage” called the Red Reaver, organizes ogres in the Last Gaard Mountains in Southern Ergoth and begins attacks on the southern elven settlements. Despite calls from the commander of Castle Eastwatch for aid, few recognize a greater threat, believing these ogres will eventually turn to in-fighting or the ogres in Daltigoth would destroy the Reaver themselves out of fear.

370 AC - Knights of Takhisis Founded
Lord Ariakan officially invests the first Knights of Takhisis. All knights receive the Vision: a look at their own personal roles in the Dark Queen’s divine plans.
Azure Flight: Blue dragons holding out in the northern Khalkist and Planes of Dust begin to vanish. Some seen flying out into the North Sirrion Ocean, their numbers mysteriously declining for some years now, however few on the continent know the truth.

371 AC - Ariakan Discovers Ithin'carthia
Exploring from the mainland, Ariakan discovers the island continent of Ithin'carthia, home of the the Tarmak. Learning their history, Ariakan claimed to be Amarrel, their prophesied Warrior Cleric. After proving himself in the arena, the Tarmak swear loyalty to him. The Tarmak sailed back with Ariakan to Storm's Keep where the blue painted brutes prepared for the war that Ariakan plans for Ansalon.
Panzer Lehr: Leclerc, a Cleric of Gilean, vanishes in the Last Gaard Mountains, presumably captured by ogres. He said to friends at the Great Library he was searching for the location of "The Vault" where he believed pre-cataclysm Ergoth was building a secret army of living armor.

373 AC - The Jacualsprima War
As people prepare to observe the holiday commemorating the self-sacrifice of Huma and the silver dragon Heart, the Red Reaver and his followers attack in mass toward the remaining elven settlements of Qualimori and Silvamori. Local resistance slows the assault, while having tracked the ogre's movements, the Solamnic knights counterattack and crush the ogre's flank. The Red Reaver's lieutenants lead a retreat, only to find escape blocked by other ogres having no intention of allowing them escape. However, as his forces are crushed, it's learned that the Red Reaver is not an ogre-magi or even an ogre but a rare minotaur mage who merely sacrificed the ogres in the south as he launched his main attack.
Battle of Arbor Pass: In the Sangra di Corij (Blood of Corij) Mountains, a sub-range of the Last Gaard Mountains, an ogre column lead by the Red Reaver himself is destroyed while attempting to reach Foghaven Vale and Eastwatch. An outnumbered group of knights block the pass in the hopes of delaying the Reaver but never face him. Later a scout party into the pass finds only the dead ogres host, but no sign of the Red Reaver. A bounty by the Solamnics and even the ogre Dictator of Daltigoth, is offered for any definitive proof of the Red Reaver's demise.

374 AC - Second Exodus
Elves unwilling to return to the homelands and unsatisfied with Southern Ergoth, decide to remigrate again, this time to the smaller isle of Cristyne.

375 AC - Lords of Corruption
Takhisis has Chemosh summon Sylvyana, the Ghoul Queen, from the River of Time who sets up her new domain deep in the Woods of Lahue at the feet of theAstivar Mountains. While, the Dark Queen resurrects Dragon Highlord Feal-Thas as an arch-lich.
Iryl Songbrook settled in Schallsea.

377 AC - The Divine Touched
Not seen since the Age of Dreams, the first devas, mortals touched by the divine are sighted in areas associated with gods of good. They are also reported along the periphery of the Blood Sea and other remote regions heavily touched by the Cataclysm three and half centuries ago. Some scholars theorize they are the reborn clerics from the Night Of Doom prior to the Cataclysm.

378 AC - A Journey of Honor
Tanis Half-Elven and Caramon Majere journey to Storm’s Keep and meet Steel Brightblade, the son of Sturm Brightblade and Kitiara uth Matar. Tanis reports the existence of the Knights of Takhisis to the Knights of Solamnia, the Temple of Paladine, and the Orders of High Sorcery, but few heed his warnings.
The Legion of Steel: Sara Dunstan, surrogate mother of Steel Brightblade, founds the Legion of Steel, a hidden knighthood based on the concept of justice.

380 AC - United Plainsmen
All the scattered tribes of Abanasinia now look to Goldmoon and Riverwind for leadership.
Solamnic Auxiliary Established: As provided by the revised Measure, the Solamnic Auxiliary is officially established. Formed by those who believe in the tenets of the Knights of Solamnia, but not knights themselves. The ranks are also opened to practitioners of high sorcery despite resistance from many in the knighthood.

381 AC - Mages Storm the Keep
Wizards sent by the Orders of High Sorcery attack Storm’s Keep, seeking to wipe out the wizardly Knights of the Thorn. Justarius, Red Robe Master of the Conclave, is among those lost in the attempt. Dalamar the Dark becomes leader of the Conclave.

382 AC - Elven Succession
Porthios, the Qualinesti Speaker of the Sun, successfully ends Lorac’s 20-year Nightmare of Silvanesti. Gilthas, son of Laurana and Tanis Half-Elven, is unwillingly placed on the throne of the elven kingdom of Qualinesti through a coup led by General Konnal, who simultaneously steals away the Silvanesti throne as well. Porthios and Alhana are named dark elves and are forced to flee from both elven kingdoms.
Changes in Solamnic Knighthood: Gunthar uth Wistan retires as Grand Master of the Solamnic Knights and Sir Thomas of Thelgaard is elected the new Grand Master. His first act is the knighting of the Tanin and Sturm Majere (sons of Tika and Caramon Majere) as the first non-Solamnics to enter into the knighthood. With hopes of more to follow.
The Azure Tempest: The City of Lost Names comes under the rule a gigantic blue dragon who creates a permanent sandstorm around the ruins. Numerous disappearances forces the region's desert inhabitants begin keeping others away.

386 AC -
Silence Falls from Bastion
Night of the Comet

The Present
“The future is not some place we are going to but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination.”
-John Schaar

Northern Ergoth between War of the Lance and the Summer of Chaos would fit this AP well with some adjustments. The barbarian province of Ackal Province to the north of Ergoth Proper could stand in for Qadria. Ergoth's founder Ackal Ergot (just place his tomb in the mountains of either northern or southern Ergoth) would be an easy fit for First Emperor of Taldor. Not much happens in Northern Ergoth during the Age of Dispair or the 5th Age. You won't trip over much when it comes to the mainland


I think Herbert's Dune series had an in-universe law about how nukes can be used. Maybe it could be applied in SF too. Retaliation only.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm sorry Dave. I can not answer that.

Now here is a Starfinder AP I'm excited for, even if it is a short.

Could this be the Star Trek "Balance of Terror" espiode of Starfinder? We'll see.

The Mad Comrade wrote:
Lord Mhoram wrote:
Yakman wrote:

Lensman is pretty much the anime that I would style a Starfinder game after.

I keep forgetting they turned those books into an anime.

Lensman, going on memory, is the highest-tier space opera I can recall. Intergalactic wars featuring weapons systems that inspired, at least in part, both USN bridge redesigns during the 1940s and Lucas' Death Star. Good stuff.

One can hope that Starfinder gets close to this ...

The animated film was a fun one, but my recollection of it is quite dim at this point.

Lensman "may" have influenced DC Comics Green Lantern Corps (not the original 1940s charactor of the Golden Age. But the Silver Age stuff).

....there's an idea.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Jurassic Pratt wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
Well that is disappointing:(
Could you elaborate? Were you hoping for an AP set in a different area or something? I for one am psyched that we get a chance to battle another (maybe even multiple) Runelord.

Not every thing is of equal interest to every person, so it's probably best to just leave it at that.

Personally, I'm really excited to FINALLY be able to finish up the "Runelords" trilogy. "Return of the Runelords" contains some plot elements that I've been eager to explore pretty much since day one of Pathfinder, back when I was working on Rise of the Runelords. I've been dropping hints and foreshadowing and other things about a lot of the stuff that's gonna take place in this AP for decades. Gonna be really fun to see how it all works out!

Your hints and foreshadowing hasn't gone unnoticed.

Currently? Brainstorming The Red Star IN SPAAAAAACE

Also: Fear God and Dreadnought

Something like Red Star IN SPAAAAACE.

I love seeing Space Battleship Yamato listed. That was my first anime (which got a remake in Japan and I can't even see it. Bummer)

Been playing since 2013.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

What font do you prefer to write in?

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Scoundrel the Tiefling wrote:
Just curious to anyone whose beta/alpha played or heard anything.
Very little to nothing from Spelljammer as the Paizo folks have expressed a severe dislike for Spelljammer's fantastick style of cosmology, and it's "wildspace", and seem to be going more for a heavy science-fiction feel.

Yes some medivel scholars thought the nightsky was the inside of some sphere or dome. Yes we have what scientist call the Dyson Sphere concept started by Freeman Dyson. But to mainsteam folks the sphere's in a soup thing just does not work.

I was a SJ fan back in the day, and I always found the whole 'solar systems inside giant cystal spheres; floating in a universe of soup' to be ridiculous to the point of obsurity. Most everything else I was fine with.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The traditional reason is that in most cultures and mythology from the real world is that giants are usually cast in villain roles.

Disney is trying to change that it seems... LOL! ;)

...although there *are* some seemingly evil ones in the preview... :P

They did the good giant thing before in 1958's Paul Bunyan

Eric Hinkle wrote:
DaemonAngel wrote:
Funny how this pops up at about the same time as Hasbro (D&D owner)announces that it has given publisher, River Horse, the MLP license to make and RPG version of MLP.
Really? Sorry to ask an off-topic question, but where did you read this?

I heard that was getting a game license for Jim Hanson's Labyrinth. When I visited the site I saw the Hasbro/MLP thing. A day later I see this here. Again a funny fluk of timing in term of general subject ie unicorn PCs. I did not think that Company of Unicorns was based on anything other than the standard mythos.

Eric Hinkle wrote:
DaemonAngel wrote:
Funny how this pops up at about the same time as Hasbro (D&D owner)announces that it has given publisher, River Horse, the MLP license to make and RPG version of MLP.
Really? Sorry to ask an off-topic question, but where did you read this?

I ment in terms of timing (ie pure coincidence and not any attempt at deliverate timing or influnce).

Two Steps from Hell. Obviously. lol

Funny how this pops up at about the same time as Hasbro (D&D owner)announces that it has given publisher, River Horse, the MLP license to make and RPG version of MLP.

Well there goes yet another USS Enterprise.

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In a battle royal of monsters, remember: The Dragon always wins.

Animate Hair???
I mean.

Should take another look at that counter. Thanks.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Paris endured five years of occupation by one of the most brutal regimes in history (1940-44). Paris will continue to endure, it's spirit will not be easily extinguished.

When things get scary or bad, some people tend to leave the location in question (in this case Kintargo). They may not leave the Provence entirely, just head for the rural areas.

I've been thinking a incorporating a refugee aspect. Not sure how to do it though. What would it reflect and effect play down the road (no pun intended)? The actions of the PCs or the city regime? Both?


Two Steps from Hell (Obviously lol)
I found the music for Batman: Arkham Origins and Arkham Knight OSTs work well with the night operations the PC carry out.

TRDG wrote:

GMing this one as well and running session 5 over at Roll20 today!!

This Ap is WAY better than Giantslayer and quite fun to plan and do prep work, let alone run it. 6 PC party and they finally almost have the wasps nest cleaned lout and can;t wait to see how the Rebel mini game concept works out in game. :) The players as well I suspect, LOL

I think you and you players will have a blast playing through this, just make sure you and the players like playing urban AP's is all I would caution about in general.

Good luck and hope to hear from your group if you do in fact get this going.


From what I've heard, I'm glad I skipped the Giants one. I'm digging this AP though.

Once I mentioned liking B5 and all the Trekkies and Jedi/Siths in the room gave me a nasty look.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

So your players from Hell's Rebels get to play the "other side", and get to undo everything their previous characters accomplish? Uh, lol.

Also, Way of the Wicked from Fire Mountain Games. Just say'n lol


Listening to From Ashes To New on Spotify

In order of importance right now:
Guild Wars 2
Star Wars: The Old Republic (Been sub since day 1, but will soon take my traditional vacation from it since I've played for awhile now).
Champions Online, but only a couple of months a year as Gold Member. Not worth playing as much as before. It still has THE BEST character appearance creator of any MMO. Also, it is the only Comic/Super Hero MMO out there right now, since we lost City of Heroes/Villains. So when I'm in the mood, that's where I go (don't care for DCO, so don't bother suggesting it). Indeed, the people I know from my Super Group in CO are in Guild Wars 2 also. So still playing with the same friends :)

I love Final Fantasy but can't get into the online version for some reason.

The one epic MMO I loved that isn't around anymore is Anarchy Online. It had its problems but still.

And I'm proud to say I have NEVER played World of Warcraft. And never will. Same for "Elder Snore Online"

Meanwhile, back in 1964
Robinson Crusoe on Mars

I've waited years for a Rogue Squadron movie, too bad its another prequel. Will still see it though.

Could never really get into The Forgotten Realms. I want my Dragonlance film, one that's actually good. Asking for the moon I know. But WOTC and Hasbro only care for one setting; Forgotten Realms (Eberron a close second). Just as well I guess, film makers don't know how to handle things like mortals relationship with deities, which is one of the corner stones of Dragonlance.

Do want.

Did a space station lose it's chief of security...ok I'll stop now...

Curse of the Crimson Throne

I used a random table that dictated what items a magic chest contained whenever it was opened at one time. Had a couple of good items come out of it. But after they rolled a curse that made the chest into a demonic devourer (which ate two PCs) they stopped using it.

Still random stuff can be rather fun. Particularly for players who think there so prepared for anything.

Wow....just wow. O.o

That cats don't have Owners, they have Staff.

I wouldn't give the Doctor any stats, I'd strictly keep him as a npc/story mechanism.

Dragonlance has mortals "partnering" with dragons to ride into battle.

I'm guessing this is one of those questions with an "Oh that's what it means," moment.

Either that, or your head will explode if you figure it out.

Surprised there isn't a kilt related joke in this thread already.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think I'll skip this one.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Pazio, you just buried the needle on the Awesome Meter :D

Personally, I'll skip this AP. Giants aren't really my thing.
However, I do like seeing stuff that pays homage too the old greats of D&D (i.e. The Temple of Elemental Evil, Dragon Mountain etc).

This looks promising. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

There had to be an AP dealing with the "Diabolical Empire" eventually. To me it feels like a quasi-follow up to Wraith of the Righteous, but minus the "mythic" part.

1) If Aroden is "all" dead, what's his purpose in the Setting? What is his "Legacy"?

2) Could you tell the folks you work with from me how awesome they are? ^_^