Magic can do anything, but good tactics are the key to using it effectively. Hone your methods of spellcasting to a razor edge with Pathfinder Player Companion: Magic Tactics Toolbox! This handy volume includes effective spell strategies to augment allies, control the battlefield, or just blast foes—along with plenty of new spells and other rules options designed to work with these eldritch tactics.
Inside this book, you'll find:
Archetypes designed to increase a character's access to specific magic tactics, including the dimensional excavator, havocker, spell trapper, and more!
Magical options for characters of any class, including penalizing rods and rods of hindrance, new item mastery feats, and an array of wondrous items.
A multitude of new abilities, including investigator and rogue talents, metamagic feats and other types of spell-augmenting feats, and bloodline mutations.
This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.
ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-838-0
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
But what I love the MOST, is that this book made vanilla fighters great again. You might be saying, hold on, how can a book about magic make fighters great? Well, it introduces a new Martial Mastery option that lets fighters get "on the fly" supernatural abilities multiple times per day, such as flight, darkvision, see invisibility, and all sorts of cool options. It really revolutionizes fighters.
To check it out, just Google "Pathfinder Iron Caster".
There are a few things that are neat, but not solid thought out.
For example the pit alchemist. He is cool, but he can not use any of the other new pit mechanics in the book. They have a magical item to make pit more deadly, and a new pit spell that they can not use. This is a poorly edited document to not notice this.
Somethings are stupidly too powerful, like the blood mutations.
Despite being a magic splat book has no wizard or sorcerer archetypes, but 3 investigators!
In the end it feels like Paizo had a ton of magical like items that were scrapped from other books and plopped them into this.
This is a pretty typical Paizo product, with several useful options and a few great ones.
1. Dimensional Excavator (Alchemist) archetype, use Create Pit line of spells as throwable extracts.
2. Questioner (Investigator) archetype, Bard casting in place of alchemy.
3. Divine Scourge (Cleric) archetype, hexes in place of channel energy, must choose the curse subdomain regardless of deity.
4. Bloodline Mutations, blaster support options for Sorcerer and Bloodrager.
5. Manifold Stare (Mesmerist feat), use your painful stare more than once per round. Can be purchased with Bold Stare improvements rather than feats, and you don't need more than one or two of those anyway.
6. Rod of Perilous Pits, add a 3rd level or below spell effect to anyone who falls into your pit spell.
7. Secluded Grimoire (spell), protect a spell book that you can remotely summon at any time.
8. Lore Needle (item), 3/day use your highest Knowledge skill ranks to answer any other Knowledge skill you're trained in.
9. Impenetrable Veil (spell), allows high level casters to stealth at any time, get a bonus on stealth checks, avoid blindsense or similar effects, and avoid divination trying to locate them.
There's also some of the usual bad: most of the feats are bad and many of the spells are meh. The new Blood Hexes are awful, with bad action economy, bad effects, and 1/day unless you're a Witch/Shaman who has better options than trying to damage people in order to (later!) trigger these things.
Overall, however, the gems outweigh the stinkers, and I'm glad I spent my money to support more work like this.
I just noticed feats called Acute Shot and Superior Sniper, which seem odd because they don't sound that magic-y. What do they do?
Acute Shot applies to ranged attacks with a magic bonus and allows you to deduct range penalties from damage rather than to hit and apply sneak attack dice up to the magic bonus of the attack against targets with partial concealment.
Superior Sniper is a Rogue talent, which gives the Expert Sniper feat from Dirty Tactics Toolbox... which reduces sniping penalties by 10.
Anything that says it works for UnRogues?
Magic Tactics Toolbox wrote:
The following rogue talents are also available to the rogue class from Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained.
Two other questions springing to mind:
-Does crossblooded count as altering or replacing bloodline powers for bloodline mutations? (I think so.)
Yes, expanding your options for feature X counts as altering X at all levels. I was going to say "who cares, bloodline mutation isn't an archetype", then i re-read it and now I am a sad sheet because my sorcerer can't get +3 damage per die.
So, I picked this up today and have a question about Wall of Bone. The SR entry says yes; see text but the text says nothing about SR. It does reference Wall of Stone which normally doesn't have SR. Is this what is meant by see text or did something hit the editing floor?
Two other questions springing to mind:
-Does crossblooded count as altering or replacing bloodline powers for bloodline mutations? (I think so.)
Yes, expanding your options for feature X counts as altering X at all levels. I was going to say "who cares, bloodline mutation isn't an archetype", then i re-read it and now I am a sad sheet because my sorcerer can't get +3 damage per die.
...I am okay with that. It's kinda nice thinking that you can move away from crossblooded for blasting. As much as I love crossblooded, being the best at so much is a bit much.
"Magic bonus" is an undefined term that actually appears in the text of the Acute Shot feat. I can see wide table variation as to exactly what that phrase means. The introductory statement says "When magic aids your ranged attacks, you rarely miss."
So do we have confirmation on this yet? My assumption is any magically aided bonus... which would include spells AND enhancement bonuses from weapons.
Would the Warrior Spirit advanced weapon training option work for unarmed strikes? Or does it have to be on a manufactured weapon? And if it works on unarmed strikes, would it apply to all unarmed strikes (like with amulet of mighty fists) or gotta specify a limb?
"Magic bonus" is an undefined term that actually appears in the text of the Acute Shot feat. I can see wide table variation as to exactly what that phrase means. The introductory statement says "When magic aids your ranged attacks, you rarely miss."
So do we have confirmation on this yet? My assumption is any magically aided bonus... which would include spells AND enhancement bonuses from weapons.
That is how I would play it too -- but the phrase is definitely vague enough to create doubt, as earlier messages in this thread indicate.
So with the havocker, do the DCs for infusions use the witch's Int modifier or does it work out like a kineticist and you have to use Con (Dex if it's a form infusion)?
So with the havocker, do the DCs for infusions use the witch's Int modifier or does it work out like a kineticist and you have to use Con (Dex if it's a form infusion)?
I find it interesting how the two reviews have a very different view on the Dimensional Excavator.
Not really fair. I love the idea of the class. I was pointing out the weakness of the book in that the class can not use use the new pit options offered in the same book.
It strongly suggests the entries were independently thought out without consideration for each other. All it would have taken was one person to slightly edit the new options so they work with eachother.
Question about the second bloodline mutation Blood Intensity:
"Otherwise works like Intesified Spell"
Does this mean you can raise your caster level above the normal limit, but up to your actual caster level or +CHA mod, which might be higher than caster level?
And is the spell supposed to take a higher spell slot?
You can raise the number of dice above the normal cap, to a maximum of your caster level or the spell's cap plus your Str/Cha modifier, whichever is lower.
So a 10th level sorcerer with an 18 Charisma casts shocking grasp. Even though her caster level is 10, the spell's cap (5) plus her ability modifier (4) is 9, for a total of 9d6. If her Charisma were 22, the result would be 10d6, as the spell's dice are still limited by her caster level.
I don't think it was intended to use a higher-level spell slot, but the wording is vague on how much of the Intensified Spell feat it brings along. For example, it might only allow five extra dice (as Intensified Spell does).
It´s kind of what i thought, although i would personaly have no problem with something that costly and limited in use apply the complete modifier above caster level.
Thanks a lot!
Are you required to have the prerequisites for the Master Sniper feat before you are able to take the Superior Sniper talent?
For clarification, it reads..
"Superior Sniper: A rogue who selects
this talent gains Expert Sniper (Dirty Tactics
Toolbox 10) as a bonus feat. If she already has this
feat, she can instead select any feat that lists
Expert Sniper as a prerequisite, as long
as she meets the feat’s prerequisites."
If anyone could shed some light on that, it would be great.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Samuel K 495 wrote:
Are you required to have the prerequisites for the Master Sniper feat before you are able to take the Superior Sniper talent?
Are you required to have the prerequisites for the Master Sniper feat before you are able to take the Superior Sniper talent?
I don't believe so.
If that is the case, could a Halfling with the 'Swift as Shadows' Racial trait and this Rogue talent use the sniping mechanic with no penalty at level 2?