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Until proven otherwise I'm going to fantasize that "archetypes, feats, and character options for PCs of any character class." includes a proper spellcasting archetype for the Rogue... Even though I'm sure it doesn't. :p
A 'Gray Mouser' class that combines a bit of arcana with rogue traits, could be fun.

Luthorne |
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Ooh. I hope it has Bloodrager versions on non-CRB Sorcerer bloodlines. That would be great.
Definitely agreed. I love bloodragers but the relative lack of bloodlines makes me sad...if this thing is going to add more bloodrager bloodlines, might be a must-buy for me.
Not that that I wouldn't appreciate more sorcerer bloodlines either...

Redblade8 |
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Ooh. I hope it has Bloodrager versions on non-CRB Sorcerer bloodlines. That would be great.
Gods, yes. I can think of 4-5 bloodlines easily that I'd like to see detailed that way. Accursed and Boreal stick right out as the main ones; I'd like to be able to use them to fight like a night hag or a frost giant, respectively.

Fourshadow |
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How about a way to give Spell Kenning to Bards who should have had it in the first place?! I would be willing to give up Dirge of Doom and Inspire Greatness for Spell Kenning I & II, myself. It sure would be nice to swap out features like that.
How are Skalds literate enough or cosmopolitan enough to do that?! Makes no sense to me.

djones |
Until proven otherwise I'm going to fantasize that "archetypes, feats, and character options for PCs of any character class." includes a proper spellcasting archetype for the Rogue... Even though I'm sure it doesn't. :p
Sounds great, but I imagine it would exchange spellcasting for sneak attack. With the feats from dirty tactics toolbox though a reduced progression could be doable though.

deuxhero |
A feat that gives cantrips to "half" casters (or just bloodragers given this is Arcane focused).
I'll be even more ambitious with my fantasizing: I am hoping to see something that lets characters of any class cast spells.
Yeah, actual casting, not SLAs.
3.5's Magical Training feat which gave actual level 0 casting (and could be combed into Precurious Apprentice, giving you one level 2 slot) was interesting.
Hidden Talent in psionics gave you a 1st level power and enough PP to use it a few times a day. Was pretty nice and fairly balanced.

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Just a couple of thing I'd like to see...
- More blaster spells -- like lesser orb of...
- An arcane version of produce flame - more like x rounds of throwing magic missiles
- An arcane version of flame blade - this a staff of arcane energy but still does touch attacks
- A bloodline that increases BAB
- Lower level staffs - a cost of 750gp or 2 prestige point
- Swap spell staffs
- When gaining a bloodline spell. Instead of receiving the default bloodline spell you can gain a spell from any other spell list depending on the linked attribute to class skill of bloodline
- A raw spellcasting archetype with out class abilities but more spellcasting per day
- Spells, feats or items that make better use of these class abilities that are almost obsolete at higher levels
-- like making the 1st level wizard abilities move actions instead of standard actions then later free actions.
-- Or spending X2 1st level class abilities to regain X level spell slot
-- 3.5 spells ting prodigy
-- a feat to take damage to regain spell stots
-- a feat to use your spell casting attribute instead of dex or str for spells that require attack rolls

Snively |
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-I miss the Quest spells of 2nd edition. Things that are only allowed because of DM Fiat because they are so powerful. How about 10th level spells?
-A spellcasting version of Weapon Focus/Specialization?
-A feat to improve metamagic feats?
-Magical Ceremonies that can have earth-shattering concequences?
-I second the Wild Mage! WITH The Wild Surge random effect table!
-How about Cantrip magic items?
-Use/day magic weapons? (+2 bonus 3/day, Vorpral 1/day, etc?)
-Comperable spells for overused spells, a la Shocking Grasp?
A feat to treat any one/two spell(s) like it's on your spell list!

Evan Tarlton |

Evan Tarlton wrote:I'd love a variant summoner that can summon multiple eidolons, like in Final Fantasy.Doesn't the Broodmaster archetype cover that?
No. That gives you multiple eidolons at all times. I'm thinking more like Pokémon, ie. different eidolons which can be swapped out as the situation (and the character's level) allows.

Crai |
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"Dual School Spells" were introduced at the very end of 3.5's reign. They were only seen in a few of WotC's splatbooks ... but they were genius spells in design and gave you multiple utility options (including early dismissal of the spell for a quick alternate benefit).
All Pathfinder spells are Single School Spells. Going the Dual Route will open-up a vast array of new spell options for the arcane spellcaster.

David knott 242 |

David knott 242 wrote:No. That gives you multiple eidolons at all times. I'm thinking more like Pokémon, ie. different eidolons which can be swapped out as the situation (and the character's level) allows.Evan Tarlton wrote:I'd love a variant summoner that can summon multiple eidolons, like in Final Fantasy.Doesn't the Broodmaster archetype cover that?
Ah -- I think I have seen that in some 3rd party products, but definitely nothing from Paizo.
The closest thing Paizo has done to that is the Morphic Savant archetype, which basically gives you a single eidolon for which you can change the base form once per day (and you can select different evolutions for each base form).

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These items might already be in pfs I just don't recall if they are already there.
-- a mundane action using your spell craft to help spell casting - example ( using a move action - draw a chalk circle around yourself and make a spellcraft check to gain a bonus to caster level.)
-- Something like the rituals from 4th ED. This was the ability to produce spell effects during downtime but to use time instead of spending spell slots. (Example, when interrogating the captured NPC rather than spending a spell slot to cast zone of truth spends 30 minutes and some inexpensive components to create the spell effect)

Apocryphile |
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Souphin has some nice ideas above, I especially like the idea of the chalk circle.
That said, arcane casters are very powerful in Pathfinder..
A feat to add a spell or two (one of your highest level, or two others) to your spell list could be awesome, but could also create opportunities for huge abuse.
Some kinda Stamina or Burn system for casters could be fun, as could the "Sudden X" line of metamagic feats which allow you to apply X feat to a spell once a day without preparing it ahead of time.
I played Tears of Bitter Manor with an Arcanist who owned a copy of the Book of Harms. Being able to sudden maximise a spell once a day (even if I did take damage when doing it) was awesomely useful. I'll be interested in the spell books which are going to be included.
A Burn or Stamina system could allow you to raise Caster Level in return for fatigue (and Nonlethal damage). That'd be great.
Loads more low level magic items will be great too. I don't see why half or more of the items in Player Companions are hugely expensive items which will hardly ever see the light of play.
Magic item restrictions would be great, and could be used to bring the price down. It's a +2 Shortsword, but only when you're in dim light. If someone casts daylight it turns to a -1 Shortsword!!

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Loads more low level magic items will be great too. I don't see why half or more of the items in Player Companions are hugely expensive items which will hardly ever see the light of play.
I totally agree, especially in PFS where players cap at around 11th level
Magic item restrictions would be great, and could be used to bring the price down. It's a +2 Shortsword, but only when you're in dim light. If someone casts daylight it turns to a -1 Shortsword!!
I see many feats that are very situational and I think if these limitations could be set on magical items then this could drive down the cost. Especially if these items had cost that only spell casters could provide, like how clerics can spend uses of channel energy on certain items to create an effect. An arcane character can spend class abilities or arcane spells to create other effects.

Fourshadow |
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I would still like to see Spell Kenning be a Bard option because it sounds more Bardic than Skaldic! Since when are those backwoods bumpkins hobnobbing it with Clerics and Wizards?! Nah, it should have been a Bard-thing! The cosmopolitan scholars are more likely to know that than their redneck cousins.

Crai |
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More 'Power Component' options would be wonderful. Our groups use them all the time as they are extremely cost-effective tools for occasional and specific use of certain magic spells.
Besides, the ones we currently have in Pathfinder are wonderfully creative in their flavor text and thematic concept. Unforunately, there's only a small handful of core spells they apply to ...

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"10 magic warriors who bond with their masks to hide their identities and increase their spellcasting powers"
Is anyone else thinking that some of the 10 apprentices of Old Mage Jatembe or their decendants are actually the Decemvirate of the Pathfinder Society?
Either that or they use their rituals for their decemvirate helms...

David Neilson |
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It seems that either that, or the Decemvirate are essentially a case of convergent magical research. Sort of the way blades in Pathfinder at least have some affinity for grabbing and binding souls. As evidenced by things like Soul Drinker, Final Blades, or the Field of Ten Thousand Swords.
It would make sense if masks magically are associated with protecting your identity.