Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic (OGL)

3.10/5 (based on 48 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic (OGL)
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Raise your character to the pinnacle of magical might with Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic! Within this book, secrets arcane and divine lie ready to burst into life at the hands of all the spellcasting classes in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. In addition to the brand-new magus class—a master of both arcane magic and martial prowess—you'll also find a whole new system for spellcasting, rules for spell duels and other magical specialities, and pages upon pages of new spells, feats, and more. Because when it comes to magic, why settle for less than absolute power?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic is a must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. This imaginitive tabletop game builds on more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic includes:

  • The magus, a new base class combining deadly arcane magic with the skills and weapons of a trained warrior.
  • Words of power, an innovative and flexible new spellcasting system.
  • New options for dedicated casters, such as alchemist discoveries, alternative uses for channeled energy, druid companions, sorcerer bloodlines, eidolon abilities, witch hexes, and oracle mysteries.
  • Additional feats and magical abilities for martially oriented casters, including monk ki tricks, inquisitor archetypes, and ranger traps.
  • New magical conditions called spellblihgts, as well as systems for crafting constructs, binding outsiders, and spell-dueling.
  • More than 100 new spells, plus detailed guidelines for designing your own.
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-299-9


Looking for more? Check out the Resources and Free Downloads available for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Last Updated - 03/30/2012

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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Average product rating:

3.10/5 (based on 48 ratings)

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More Options ! more magic, ... MORE !


flavorful options, powerful options
classes, archetypes, feats...

while 100% of the boook might not please you, you want this book.

having the choice to build flavorful PC with the right options is priceless (and for this book, you have...)

ultimate magic, rrrrright!!

this book owes its selling rate for the Magus.

lazy feats, some options are good, some others just dotn´
Archetypes: the best Bladebound Magus
worst of all: Trapper Ranger

Spellblights: interesting but too complex for a fumble system
Spellword Casting: at the beginning it looks very nice, then i read it and... is the same spell restriction and opportunities at a expensive cost of time

feats: ok those are feats

Magic spellbooks: why you dont just paraphrase some words concerning about how to protect the spellbooks with some spells and thats all. maybe a feat or two for scaling this option, besides the spellbooks looks greats.

spells: again, the magus options are great.

my advice for you: buy the book, cut the pages concerned for magus, and dump the rest or Download the pdf at any place you can, print the magus and drop the rest


While I do not think that either this or Ultimate Combat deserve to be called "Ultimate" anything books (maybe Ultimate Monk), I do think that Ultimate Magic does better cover it's proported theme. In my opinion, Inner Sea Magic did a better job overall, but is sadly setting specific.

On th Divine Side (minus Paladin) this book is extremely, extremely limited. There are a few gems, but most are either placed really far out of reach, or just not worth what you give up for them, and might as well not have been there at all rather than tease.

On the Arcane side, this book is full of material, but severely lacking as well. There is an assortment of random material that just seems like it was left over from other books and tossed in here. The only magical items in this book (exceptionally noticable on the Divine Magic side) are Wizard's Spellbooks, (which of the top of my head, only 3 Classes in the entire game will actually have any use for beyond the sell price).

There are a lot of (would be) nice Feats, except they are specific to a Class, or build, or whose names imply it would be great for somone else besides who it is actually intended. Over all, there are a lot of options, but actually very slim pickings. Overall, it leaves a lot of classes and build out in the cold.

Whereas Ultimate Combat is at best Ultimate Monk, Ultimate Magic is closest to being more appropriate as Ultimate Wizard/Inquisitor, (arguably Classes that did not need more).

mediocre at best


This book is no Complete Divine or Complete Arcance. I mostl play a cleric and this book does little for me personally.

Yeah, its got some interesting tweaks, but for the price, i dobn't think thy are worth it.

So far I've used 1 feat and the spells from this book. Nothing else. Should've bought the APG.

A good product to add to your collection!


After reading through Ultimate Magic, some new mechanics offered in this book can add flavor and fun to an adventure.

The Magus appears to be a class that is fun to play as. You are able to swipe at your enemies with your sword in one hand and with magic in the other.

Spellblights are interesting. These curses can hinder the spellcasters in different ways.

One chapter that I especially liked was the words of power. The concept was a little hard to wrap around but when you understand it fun ensues. I tried out a couple of words of power in an adventure and it was pretty fun. There was a point where I fought a spellcaster who also had words of power and it felt like the two were having a very destructive debate ha!

Overall I enjoyed this product and I recommend this to everybody!

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uriel222 wrote:
Since it dosen't specify a level, does the gravewalker get Bonethrall at first level, or at fourth (the level of the ability replaced)? If it is 4th level, what is the point of the Aura of Desecration for the first three levels?

It's at 1st level.

I think that abilities don't necessarily need to be at the same level as those they replace.

Since there's no level given, I'd say level 1.

Damnit, ninja'd by SKR by 14 seconds.

Silver Crusade

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
uriel222 wrote:
Since it dosen't specify a level, does the gravewalker get Bonethrall at first level, or at fourth (the level of the ability replaced)? If it is 4th level, what is the point of the Aura of Desecration for the first three levels?
It's at 1st level.

Bless you, sir. Is this true as a rule? That is, a class feature is always at first level if not otherwise specified, regardless of any replaced feature?

Oh, and speaking of Bonethrall, what is the DC for the save? Is it 10+Witch level+Cha (like a cleric)? Or 10+Level+Int (the Witch's primary casting stat)?

Shadow Lodge

I thought the rule was 'class feature replaces class feature at the same level unless otherwise specified', but I guess I was wrong. I can see a lot of one-level dips for 1st level abilities that swap out later level abilities happening.

Silver Crusade

I can see it both ways. On the one hand, it seems odd to "replace" a class feature you don't even have, yet. On the other hand, it does give designers more flexibility to balance archetypes. In the case of the gravewalker, for example, you wouldn't want to replace ALL hexes for the ability, but getting bonethrall (and Aura of Desecration) for the price of one hex seems like too good a deal.


uriel222 wrote:
Bless you, sir. Is this true as a rule? That is, a class feature is always at first level if not otherwise specified, regardless of any replaced feature?

There is no rule, and I don't want to suggest there is because I can't be 75% sure that everyone writes those with the same understanding of a precedent for it. An ability should say what level you get it at, and if it doesn't, it needs to be clarified. (For regular classes you can check the table, but for the sake of redundancy and avoiding "we moved this one level in the table and didn't check the text" errors, even for writeups with tables, the description of the ability should mention the level you get it.)

uriel222 wrote:
Oh, and speaking of Bonethrall, what is the DC for the save? Is it 10+Witch level+Cha (like a cleric)? Or 10+Level+Int (the Witch's primary casting stat)?

It should use her hex DC.


uriel222 wrote:
I can see it both ways. On the one hand, it seems odd to "replace" a class feature you don't even have, yet. On the other hand, it does give designers more flexibility to balance archetypes. In the case of the gravewalker, for example, you wouldn't want to replace ALL hexes for the ability, but getting bonethrall (and Aura of Desecration) for the price of one hex seems like too good a deal.

Bonethrall only lets you control 1 HD per level. So yes, you can have a 1HD human skeleton buddy at witch level 1 that obeys you, and (because of the aura), that buddy is slightly resistant to channeled energy, but it's no big deal. The druid's AC and the summoner's eidolon start with 2HD at 1st level, after all.

So I see the Qinggong monk archtype has gotten no errata yet. Maybe I missed it in this thread and it simply hasn't been added to the FAQ and Updates page?

Spear of Purity
In case this has not been mentioned before.
Spear of Purity has a listed effect of "spear-shaped projectile of chaotic energy" - it should read "good energy".
In addition this spell is not included in the paladin spell list - an error of ommission?

uriel222 wrote:
... getting bonethrall (and Aura of Desecration) for the price of one hex seems like too good a deal.

Aura of desecration is actually a two-edged sword. If can be as mutch a curse as it can be a blessing.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The errata for Ultimate Magic is up, as the book has now a second printing.

Liberty's Edge

I noticed that the new PDF is significantly smaller than the original. There was almost a 10 MB difference if I remember correctly. Hopefully that's a trend.


freeAgent wrote:
I noticed that the new PDF is significantly smaller than the original. There was almost a 10 MB difference if I remember correctly. Hopefully that's a trend.

Robot Chris has consumed the extra bytes and added it to the collective.

And as Gorbacz pointed out above, we're now in our second printing of Ultimate Magic. If you've received the PDF from us, you can download the updated PDF from My Downloads. The Pathfinder Reference Document has been updated to reflect the changes.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The second printing looks great! I just noticed that the pdf bookmarks section has a small error. The Magus archetypes are part of the Inquisitor's bookmark instead.

Just wanted to throw this in here so that hopefully someone from Paizo will notice: The PDF version of the second printing for Ultimate Magic is missing the Magus archetype section bookmark under Alternate Class Options.

Now that the errata is out, I'd like to pick up a hardcover copy of the second printing. Is what is available now from the Paizo store guaranteed to be a second printing, or are you guys still trying to unload a few first printing books?

Michael Gentry wrote:
Now that the errata is out, I'd like to pick up a hardcover copy of the second printing. Is what is available now from the Paizo store guaranteed to be a second printing, or are you guys still trying to unload a few first printing books?

Paizo doesn't annound new printings/errata until the prior printing has sold out of their warehouse. As such, wheb you order direct from Paizo you will always get the most up-to-date printing.

This product now has a Lite pdf download option available. Learn more about it here!

Hi James,
I went this morning to my favorite hobby store and got the UMG. After spending a few hours going over it i noticed that it jumps from page 192 to 225!!!!!!!!! This is HIGHLY disapointing b/c it is a long commute and it was the last copy they had. When I noticed I called the store and of course they close early on Sunday's. Best case scenario I hope to get a full refund and not a store refund.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Errata doesn't seem to be incorporated into the lite version of the pdf yet.

Paizo Employee Software Test Engineer

Michael Martinez-Colon wrote:
I went this morning to my favorite hobby store and got the UMG. After spending a few hours going over it i noticed that it jumps from page 192 to 225!!!!!!!!! This is HIGHLY disapointing b/c it is a long commute and it was the last copy they had. When I noticed I called the store and of course they close early on Sunday's. Best case scenario I hope to get a full refund and not a store refund.

Hey Michael, I'm sorry to hear that you received a misprinted copy of Ultimate Magic and I want to make sure you receive a copy you're happy with.

We take the quality of our products here at Paizo very seriously, both in their creation and in the condition you receive them in. While misprints are a known problem that occurs in the printing process, we're happy to assist you if your book contain one. Before we take further action we would like to request that you first ask your local hobby store if they can replace your copy, as this is the fastest and easiest method for you to get a proper copy. If your local store is unable to assist you however make sure to let us know at Customer.Service@Paizo.Com and we'll assist you further at that time.

I've sent you an email as well, make sure to let me know if you need further assistance!

- Erik K

d@ncingNumfar wrote:
Errata doesn't seem to be incorporated into the lite version of the pdf yet.

This was caught and corrected on 5/17/12. An email was sent to all customers with this product in their downloads.

Hi Erik,
After 2 commutes I got a perfectly normal copy. THX for your interest.


Digital Products Assistant

You can now find the Companion Sheet found in this book on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Resources page.

I'm playing an Alchemist(Chirurgeon) in a friend's campaign right now and i noticed something odd. After losing Posion Use for the Infused Curative ability it seems very odd that the Chirurgeon would still retain the Swift Poisoning Ability at 6th level. what would be an equivalent ability that would actually fit the healing theme of the Chirurgeon?

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

So if I order now will I be replacing my first printing with a new second printing?

Webstore Gninja Minion

Cat-thulhu wrote:
So if I order now will I be replacing my first printing with a new second printing?

You should receive the latest printing when you order from us directly.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Cool. Thanks Liz.

Shadow Lodge

It looks like the first-to-second printing errata is missing an update. Apparently, a monk's vow of silence (pg 51) now grants 1 ki per level versus the previous 1 ki per six levels. However, it is not mentioned in the errata and has not been updated on the PRD--but the Ultimate Magic PDF and hardcover have been updated. Which is correct?

Another thing to necro this thread over, for some reason while the standard PDF had this problem fixed, the lite PDF for Ultimate Magic still has the missing Magus bookmark in the archetypes section of the book. It's still accidentally lumped in under the Inquisitor.

What is the page count for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Okay, having answered that question for UCam, and seen that you've just asked exactly the same question for basically the entire core rules line, I have to ask:

Why do you want to know?

obsessive compulsive disorder, I plan on buying a few hundred dollars worth of material, possibly a thousand dollars worth, and I don't want to buy something if the page count.

Plus I'm not going to wade through 20 pages thread postings to find an answer. I don't think my sanity would hold up.

plus, are you an employee of Paizo, it's looks like your just a subscriber.

mdoverl wrote:

obsessive compulsive disorder, I plan on buying a few hundred dollars worth of material, possibly a thousand dollars worth, and I don't want to buy something if the page count.

Plus I'm not going to wade through 20 pages thread postings to find an answer. I don't think my sanity would hold up.

plus, are you an employee of Paizo, it's looks like your just a subscriber.

It's 255 pages.

Thank you very much Ashram

Community Manager

mdoverl wrote:
plus, are you an employee of Paizo, it's looks like your just a subscriber.

Paizo employees have a golem icon next to their names (like mine does). In the future, I'll make a note to include the page count in the product description when they get added to the website.

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I notice that for the Djinni and Shaitan bloodlines, the Djinni gains electricity resistance and immunity, and Shatain acid resistance and immunity. However, the actual genies gain the reverse. Was this intentional?

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

No one cares but me.

RJGrady wrote:
I notice that for the Djinni and Shaitan bloodlines, the Djinni gains electricity resistance and immunity, and Shatain acid resistance and immunity. However, the actual genies gain the reverse. Was this intentional?

That is weird. I think the Djinni and Shaitan creatures may have their immunities backwards.

That is actually likely a screw up with the Bestiary and not Ultimate Magic. The air genies are supposed to be immune to electricity and the earth genies are supposed to be immune to acid. This shouldn't be a case where earth and air genies are unable to harm the other.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I'm pretty sure the air and earth genies are not supposed to harm each other. Despite their elemental opposition, they aren't actually at war. The djinn actually don't get on with the efreet.

Djinn have had immunity to acid since D&D 3.0. They do not appear to have had any similar trait in AD&D.

Is there a printing with the FAQ'd Bard archetype Sound Striker yet? It was announced in March I think... I loved the alteration 'Weird Words' got.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

The description for icy prison Lists the range as "medium (10 ft. + 10 ft./level)", when it should be "medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)".

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Malfunction requires a Fort save, but doesn't affect objects, so by definition it can't affect constructs, the very creature type it is designed to affect. It needs (object) added to the save line, or the type of save changed.

GreySector wrote:
Malfunction requires a Fort save, but doesn't affect objects, so by definition it can't affect constructs, the very creature type it is designed to affect. It needs (object) added to the save line, or the type of save changed.

Might I direct you here: Ultimate Magic errata thread.

3 soundings of the "horn" any time in the spells duration of 1 round?

Is the duration a typo?

School evocation [sonic]; Level bard 1, inquisitor 1, paladin 1,
ranger 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Component S
Range personal
Effect 3 peals of a horn
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You create the sound of a large hunting horn, blowing up
to three notes as loud as a roaring dragon. These notes can
be heard up to 2 miles away in typical outdoor conditions.
You can make these sounds at any point during the spell’s
duration as a free action, and each sounding can be short or
long, allowing you to send very simple coded messages.

I just dropped my Ultimate Magic hardcover (purchased 10 years ago, May 2011) and the back cover ripped partially from the spine.

So I'm glad to see there are still some of these in stock.

I'm likely to get a second one given the damage to my original.

When did the cover price go up?

is this first edition or second edition? im trying to figure out my books that i have and am getting because for a while my dad told me my rulebook was second edition even though it wasn't and now i don't trust what i think.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Krolmnite the sorcerer wrote:
is this first edition or second edition? im trying to figure out my books that i have and am getting because for a while my dad told me my rulebook was second edition even though it wasn't and now i don't trust what i think.

Ultimate Magic is in the First Edition line of rulebooks, visible up at the top of the store page. the 2e equivalent is Secrets of Magic.

Grankless wrote:
Krolmnite the sorcerer wrote:
is this first edition or second edition? im trying to figure out my books that i have and am getting because for a while my dad told me my rulebook was second edition even though it wasn't and now i don't trust what i think.
Ultimate Magic is in the First Edition line of rulebooks, visible up at the top of the store page. the 2e equivalent is Secrets of Magic.

ok thank you

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