Anthropomorphized Rabbit

questioning rabbit's page

50 posts. Alias of Vidmaster7.


Eh what's up doc?

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
How many useless deaths could have been avoided in the Old West if they had just built the towns large enough?

Eh'? I can think of a couple doc. Ever notice it's always the little guys who seem to need the most space?

Yeah Ain't I a stinker?

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That statement does kind of lend itself to "what happens after level 10?" don't it?

Eh? lets not go stealin' anyone else routine eh Doc?

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
You could get a Tasmanian devil.

Eh' I don't think that's a good idea Doc.

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Ordinary Rabbit wrote:

*eats carrot*

*is sooooooooo cute*

*is nekkid*

Eh, doing anything Friday doc?

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Eh wanna hear a fun fact docs?

The name Nimrod refers to a great biblical hunter. Bugs (the bunny) was using it sarcastically but people thought it meant idiot so there you have it. The nimrod effect.

Eh' Duck season for sure doc.

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Eh? Its the chaos rabbits you really got to watch out for doc.

yelp... Wizards leopards.. what are you gonna do doc?

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
Allergy season for people is mating season for plants.

Duck season!

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khadgar567 wrote:
Elfteiroh wrote:

They don't always confirm when we guess something right. Sometimes they tease us, of even say nothing if it's not the time to talk about certain things. We've seen this with the heal spell. Lot of the details were guessed before, but Mark didn't flag them as correct. He sometimes clearly ignored the guess to reply to the post immediately above AND the...
I know but they gonna eventually answer the question in blog post. but considering the essences perfectly match to spell components and dont match in to separate multi lists. it feels like some one made wrong mental turn on Albuquerque and get lost.

Eh you got to watch them wrong turns doc.

QuidEst wrote:
Gregg Reece wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
ChibiNyan wrote:
*Taps foot expectantly*
*taps lands expectantly*
*taps maple tree expectantly*
*taps out expectantly*

*tap dances expertly*

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Ofcourse you know this mean war...

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Just a Mort wrote:
Im sick and just went to see a doctor.

Well ain't that a stinker?

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Just a Mort wrote:
I'm a wabbit

'Eh, What's up Doc?

Eh whats this about carrots now doc?

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But are you?...doc.

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Brother Fen wrote:


It's not a weapon, but an improvised weapon. No need to give it expanded crits or multipliers. Then everyone will carry anvils and spend days setting them up everywhere.

*pops out of hole*

Eh that's a good point Doc!
...Now which way was it to Las Vegas again?

EH? lets not go stealing anyone else's gag. eh doc?

John Napier 698 wrote:
Sir RicHunt Attenwampi wrote:

That's my problem; my brain keeps trying to instead name them as skittlemanders.

Maybe you can buy a small pouch/bag of dehydrated skittermanders and just rehydrate them like sea monkeys?

Or those Instant Martians from that one Bugs Bunny episode. No, I don't know which one it was.

Eh' do you mean "Hare-Way to the Stars" Doc?

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^^^ *Holds up picture of a cracked pot*

Eh; I hope for your sake its not made my Acme.

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Well time for this rabbit to depart. Don't think it hasn't been a little slice of heaven...'cause it hasn't!

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gran rey de los mono wrote:
The other day I saw a frog wearing an orange vest and carrying a small gun. I asked him what he was hunting for. He said "Rabbit, rabbit."


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Admiral Yesteryear. wrote:

*stubs toe on way to bed*

*lies in bed... Safe falls through ceiling...
rubs wound, car door jumps out of closet and slices forehead*

Eh' that sounds awful loony toony

Eh, and that might be?

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*Holds up sign of a screw a baseball and an arrow pointing at Gran*

Can we not dog pile on the rabbit?

Eh. Wasn't that a raven Doc?

Old Grumpy Dragon wrote:

EH. Whats up Doc?

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Kileanna wrote:
You could go dinner to a Chinese restaurant and ending having to pay for a phylactery as a desert? I'm not sure I could afford it.

Eh. You lost me on that one, Doc.

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Less-Than-Adequate Duck wrote:


*accidentally steps on rabbit*

No. No! NO! I just E sharp not Flat rabbit!

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Adequate Duck wrote:


*tappy tappy tap*

Like they say, never send a duck to do a rabbit's job.

*Does full tap dance number to the melody of "Stage Door Cartoon" *

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Ordinary Rabbit wrote:
questioning rabbit wrote:
Eh, what's in it for me, Doc?
*sniffs new rabbit*

Eh, what's up, Doc?

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Eh, what's in it for me, Doc?

Regular hot or fiendishly hot?

*holds up picture of a screw and a baseball under an arrow pointing up*

Eh. ya think they liked that bit of advice doc?

^ holds up a picture of a screw and a baseball^

Paris how did I end up in Paris? I shouldn't have taken that left turn in Albuquerque,

The next poster is a big fan of carrots.

And remember, 'mud' spelled backwards is 'dum'.

aw Just when every bunny was having a good time. was that really necessary?

Here I go with the timid little woodland creature bit again. It's shameful, but...ehhh, it's a living.

that depends was that your last question?

Is it ever going to end?

guy that is trying to steal my gimmick

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Wait I still don't know what it is. what is it?

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ehh what's up doc?