DM Trawets |

I have some more time coming up and I have been kicking around the idea of an all wizard (only wizards) party game. The fun of these types of games to me is to find ways of overcoming the deficits of only having one class. I am leaning towards running the Falcon's Hallow series of modules (that will take over a year). Those will get you up to 8th level and I currently plan on continuing after that. I will have to run some things between the first two modules and the last two as there is a level gap.
I am having surgery at the end of the month and want to wrap things up by the time of the surgery. I am tentatively setting a deadline of May 21st. If there is a lot of responses I may end it earlier but will give a 48 hour notice.
I am looking to fill the four traditional roles: fighter, mage, cleric, thief as well as the bard role of encouraging. I will be taking 6 characters. We will be using a 20 pt buy. Races are Core and Featured. Background skills are in use and two traits allowed (no campaign traits). Take max wealth. No evil characters and I prefer characters that are heroic and want to save the world and don't have to be pushed into it. I also prefer more balanced characters; there shouldn't be any stats of 8 unless the racial lowers it to that. There will also need to be some people capable in social situations.
I am going to be more generous than I was with sources in my last recruitment. Allowed books are: Core, Advanced Class Guide, Advanced Players Guide, Advanced Race Guide, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment and Ultimate magic. Archetypes can come from any source. I may also allow things from other sources that supplement your role. For example, I allowed the paladin filling the cleric roll to take the Healing Hands feat even though it was outside of core (all I allow in that game). Same goes for equipment. I also generally allow things that are race specific. Anything outside of the listed allowed sources will need approval.
If I forgot anything please let me know.

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Races are Core and Featured
There shouldn't be any stats of 8 unless the racial lowers it to that.
I shall submit an orc wizard and I shall put no additional points into their mental stats.
Don't try to stop me. It's already done.
For my real contribution: Are the Words of Power rules from Ultimate Magic available? Never used them before but I think I can make a Scrollmaster tank out of em.

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Oh I love this concept. I'm not sure what I will present. Though I actually would suggest sorcerers instead of wizards, personally, I find sorcerers more capable in the "cover other classes" aspects. The fact I prefer spontaneous over vacian casting would be an added bonus haha.
Having said that, I'm going to start looking around for ideas with wizards. Leaning more to the rogueish vibe, based around enchantment + illusion or a focus on divination and finding information the other idea was a conjuration specialist. I'm leaning towards the spirit sleuth detective, which I'm liking the idea of more and more.
The other idea I had was a wizard focused on taking down magic of others, and hitting them with a sword. However this would require going down eldritch knight prc.

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Yes I've decided. Depending on what others submit, I'll submit one of the following, either a melee wizard with a transmutation+abjuration focus, filling the "fighter" slot, or an illusion+divination focused wizard filling in the rogue slot.
I'll let you know which I will be submitting for consideration.

Nazard |

I would like to put in a cat folk enchanter. He will double as a party face social guy and sling magic to temporarily take enemies out of the fight.
According to d20PFSRD, there’s a third-party alternative favoured class bonus for cat folk wizards that extends their dazing touch ability, and I was wondering if that would be a possibility.

DM Trawets |

I would like to put in a cat folk enchanter. He will double as a party face social guy and sling magic to temporarily take enemies out of the fight.
According to d20PFSRD, there’s a third-party alternative favoured class bonus for cat folk wizards that extends their dazing touch ability, and I was wondering if that would be a possibility.
I will not be oking any 3rd party material.
Yes I've decided. Depending on what others submit, I'll submit one of the following, either a melee wizard with a transmutation+abjuration focus, filling the "fighter" slot, or an illusion+divination focused wizard filling in the rogue slot.
I'll let you know which I will be submitting for consideration.
Either sounds good.
A word to everyone these modules get undead heavy so take that into consideration and anyone going for melee remember there is DR that may need to be overcome at some point.

Fighting Chicken |

Very intriguing concept. I'm thinking of either a Spirit Whisperer going for the fighter slot or an Arcane Warden going for the fighter and/or bard slot.

Nazard |

Nazard wrote:I would like to put in a cat folk enchanter. He will double as a party face social guy and sling magic to temporarily take enemies out of the fight.
According to d20PFSRD, there’s a third-party alternative favoured class bonus for cat folk wizards that extends their dazing touch ability, and I was wondering if that would be a possibility.
I will not be oking any 3rd party material.
A word to everyone these modules get undead heavy so take that into consideration and anyone going for melee remember there is DR that may need to be overcome at some point.
Fair enough. Would just take away any excuse to not use the manipulator subschool instead of base enchantment school.
However, good point about the undead. I'd hate to go through an entire module firing disrupt undead cantrips. I'll have to go through the spell list and see what there is in terms of buffing, if anything. However, it does also bring up the possibility of a necromancer--hallowed necromancer archetype, to be precise. This character would obviously fill in the party cleric role, but probably not be a catfolk. Will have to think more.

Nazard |

There are some nice buffing spells in the mid-levels of the enchantment school, and if I pick up enough necromancy and conjuration spells, he should still have plenty of options when the undead hordes start coming.
Do you want characters to be locals or come from away?
Disclaimer: I was intrigued by your idea because I'm currently sort of doing it myself, running a party of only kineticists through the Falcon's Hollow series of modules. The party is currently in the middle of the second module. I can keep player knowledge out of things (made easier by the fact that my catfolk will be spending skill points on face skills and not knowledge skills), but it's only fair to say up front that I've read these modules quite thoroughly.

Zakli Warbleflinger |

I am interested - and I am thinking more along the lines of a utility mage, specializing in getting around obstacles. How about a gnome clocksmith wizard? Stealth won't be a huge focus, but if we eventually get into crafting, he would probably be very into that.
Traits for Collector Gnome and Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind would give some Disable Device skills and be in flavor.
For future combats, maybe constructing other constructs would give us some muscle...
Probably would also take craft, alchemy to make some thrown weapons.
Not sure if this fulfills the rogue spot or not, but could lean spells towards shadow and stealth as well. Small and good dexterity should help.
Could also go halfling without the clockwork/construct and stick more to sneaky stuff.

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I think I will submit the transmutation/abjuration focused Wizard.
I'm trying to decide between dwarf and human. Dwarf gives some nice bonuses (potential +5 to all saves vs poision and Spells/SLAs!) and can use battleaxe/warhammers at level 1
Human gives +2 str/Int thanks to dual talented. And leans itself better to transmutation spells (beast shape, elemental form, etc) while dwarf may be able to take better advantage of the monstrous physique line.
He will be making use of transmutation school, enhancement subschool I think.

Edelsmirge |

Ok I am going to go with a thassilonian/pact wizard(HH) with the mercy patron and the oracle curse blackened for a teleporting cleric. Conjuration gives me celestial healing at 1st level and cure light wounds from mercy patron at 2nd. I can grab evocation as an opposed school and still get burning hands etc off the oracle list.

Robert Henry |

Well, what an interesting idea:
Here are the applicants in order of appearance:
Crisischild: orc wizard (a Scrollmaster tank)
Rorek55: transmutation/abjuration focused Wizard.
Nazard: Felos Male Catfold Wizard (enchanter, manipulator) 1
Fighting Chicken: either a Spirit Whisperer or Arcane Warden
Zakli Warbleflinger (PLP): gnome clocksmith wizard?
Edelsmirge: thassilonian/pact wizard(HH)

TheWaskally |

Yeah, those who know me on the posts will see this coming a mile away. I know the answer is likely no, but I'm gonna ask anyway. Because if I didn't, I beat myself up about it?
DM trawets, would you considering allowing the Eldritch Godling spellcaster class from Rogue Genius Games in your All-Wizard campaign?

DM Trawets |

Yeah, those who know me on the posts will see this coming a mile away. I know the answer is likely no, but I'm gonna ask anyway. Because if I didn't, I beat myself up about it?
DM trawets, would you considering allowing the Eldritch Godling spellcaster class from Rogue Genius Games in your All-Wizard campaign?
No 3rd party

ScorchedOne |

So I have an idea for a rather complicated character, so before I go mapping it all out:
Arcane Physician / Pact Wizard (FF) archetypes, with a final goal of going Stargazer.
Why, you might ask? To fulfill largely the cleric role, and gain eventual access to the healing hex which would be immensely useful.
Would this be acceptable?

DM Trawets |

DM Trawets wrote:Races are Core and FeaturedDM Trawets wrote:There shouldn't be any stats of 8 unless the racial lowers it to that.I shall submit an orc wizard and I shall put no additional points into their mental stats.
Don't try to stop me. It's already done.
For my real contribution: Are the Words of Power rules from Ultimate Magic available? Never used them before but I think I can make a Scrollmaster tank out of em.
I apologize for the delay. You post made me laugh and I took it as a jest and didn't read it all apparently. I have never used Words of Power before, but they are in an allowed source. I don't relish a new system but if you won't to give it a go I won't say no, only if things don't work out we may have to change to a traditional caster. Sound good?

DM Trawets |

There are some nice buffing spells in the mid-levels of the enchantment school, and if I pick up enough necromancy and conjuration spells, he should still have plenty of options when the undead hordes start coming.
Do you want characters to be locals or come from away?
Disclaimer: I was intrigued by your idea because I'm currently sort of doing it myself, running a party of only kineticists through the Falcon's Hollow series of modules. The party is currently in the middle of the second module. I can keep player knowledge out of things (made easier by the fact that my catfolk will be spending skill points on face skills and not knowledge skills), but it's only fair to say up front that I've read these modules quite thoroughly.
As long as you have a backstory that puts you in Falcon's Hollow I am good. I honestly don't think Falcon's Hollow is a good place for a wizard to be from as there is no place to learn the trade so you might want to leave and come back if you want to be a local.
I have no issue with player knowledge of these modules. These are some of the first I ran (didn't run Hollow's Last Hope) and I've played through them myself afterwards.
Stranger races may face some bigotry in Falcon's Hollow. While all sorts end up here most are human.

Felos |

Fortunately, as an enchanter, Felos is quite skilled at winning folks over.
I agree that being local doesn’t work too well. I gave him the backstory of a rich merchants’ son with no interest in trade who fell in with a wizard while trying to eat the nice old lady’s yellow bird familiar and initially agreed to study since it would give him more chances to complete his snack.

DM Trawets |

I have seen a number of good ideas posted here. It likes like several going for the cleric slot.
As far as what I am looking for in a particular role I have very little in the must haves.
Fighter: should be able to take and deal damage. This might be filled at higher levels by summons/familiars/whatever you can come up with.
Mage: Heavy arcane investment. High DCs possibly crafting or metamagic or both. Your classic wizard. A blaster would work in this slot as well.
Cleric: Healing, status removal if it can be acheived
Thief: Disable device. Scouting can be achieved a number of ways. I am not concerned with being able to disable magical traps. You are wizards and should have no problem finding them.
I am taking 6 so the other two slots are a bit up in the air. I may take two of one or even three if they come about things in different ways.
I am leaning toward wizard only levels so please don't build based on a PrC you may not be allowed to take.
If you have any questions please let me know.

Herkymr the Silly |

I have an oread wizard for melee. with shield, mage armor, +1 natural armor, and iron skin 2 (6/day) I can get an armor of 21 for long periods of time.---i.e. most battles last less than 10 min so I'm good for most battles.
He will focus on touch spells. And have the alchemy skill to add variety in what he can do to help party and boost resists.
oread melee wizard
Oread wizard 1 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 205, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 87)
CN Medium outsider (native)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +2
AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 19 (+4 armor, +1 natural, +4 shield)
hp 10 (1d6+4)
Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +3
Speed 20 ft.
Melee mwk wahaika +2 (1d6+1)
Special Attacks metal rending
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—body capacitance[ACG], mage armor, shield
. . 0 (at will)—disrupt undead, prestidigitation, touch of fatigue (DC 13)
. . Opposition Schools Fire
Str 12, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 11
Feats Catch Off-guard, Scribe Scroll
Traits arcane temper, resilient
Skills Acrobatics +1 (-3 to jump), Craft (alchemy) +7, Heal +2, Intimidate +0, Perception +2, Profession (soldier) +5, Sense Motive +2
Languages Common, Draconic, Ignan, Terran, Undercommon
SQ arcane bond (masterwork wahaika), ferrous growth[ARG], iron skin, stone in the blood[ARG]
Other Gear mwk wahaika[UC], wizard starting spellbook
Special Abilities
Arcane Bond (Masterwork wahaika) (1/day) (Sp) Use object to cast any spell in your spellbook. Without it, Concentration required to cast spells (DC20 + spell level).
Catch Off-Guard Proficient with improvised melee weapons. Unarmed foe is flat-footed against your improvised weapons.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Ferrous Growth (1/day) Make a piece of iron or steel grow into an object up to 10 pounds in weight.
Fire You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Fire school.
Iron Skin +2 (6/day) (Su) Increase armor bonus for 10 minutes.
Metal Rending (Su) Deal extra damage vs. metal armored/bodied foes. At 20th level roll twice vs. SR and take higher.
Stone in the Blood Gain fast healing 2 for one round anytime you are subject to acid damage.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at https://www.wolflair.com
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc.®, and are used under license.
I have to work on the background still but the crunch is done.

DM Trawets |

I have an oread wizard for melee. with shield, mage armor, +1 natural armor, and iron skin 2 (6/day) I can get an armor of 21 for long periods of time.---i.e. most battles last less than 10 min so I'm good for most battles.
He will focus on touch spells. And have the alchemy skill to add variety in what he can do to help party and boost resists.
** spoiler omitted **...
The wahaika is an exotic weapon so you would need to spend the proficiency for that. I would recommend a quarterstaff as you can two hand it for extra damage. The other thing I see is a comment. If going for the melee position I would lower your Con to 14 and raise your Str to 14. It will allow you to take power attack and get more damage from two handing. It's your build so that change is up to you.

DM Trawets |

can you give more info on falcon's hollow or is there a free pdf or something I can read? I have never played nor read about these modules. I am having a hard time writing a background due to my lack of knowledge on the setting.
Try this article Falcon's Hallow. It is a small town where people end up when they have no place else to go, doing back breaking labor for people that don't care what happens to their workforce and owns just about the whole town.

Herkymr the Silly |

His father was al alchemist while his mother he has been told was a soceress. He has never met her as she died years before he can remember. It is her love for magic and his quest to understand and draw closer to her that has fueled his study of magic. However, his father taught him the importance of offense as well as defense and so he grew up with martial training and elisted in the local militia for a time.
He has come to falcon's hollow with two intents/goals
1.) He is following a rumor that his mother's bloodline was tied in with hag's in the area. He seeks to find more information on theses creatures.
2.) He wants to get a darkwood staff for his own personal vanity.
He will advance by taking more touch spells for damage. He will most likely take combat casting and arcane armor feat to allow for armor and casting in combat as he progresses. His stat increases will go 2 ways, intelligence,strength. Both of these will allow greater damage.

DM Trawets |

Crisischild: orc wizard (a Scrollmaster tank)
Rorek55: transmutation/abjuration focused Wizard
Fighting Chicken: either a Spirit Whisperer or Arcane Warden
Kerkymer the Silly: oread melee wizard
Nazard: Felos Male Catfold Wizard (enchanter, manipulator) 1
SodiumTelluride: Spirit Whisperer
Edelsmirge: thassilonian/pact wizard(HH)
SchoredOne: Arcane Physician / Pact Wizard (FF)
Zakli Warbleflinger (PLP): gnome clocksmith wizard?
Please let me know if I have forgotten anyone.

ScorchedOne |

I've completely gone off that concept based on your suggestion. Now I'm looking at Spellslinger, because when else am I going to play that archetype? Will have that up before the original deadline, or whenever you say a different deadline exists.
EDIT: "Thief" role, with perception and disable device.

Torgald Frostbeard |

Glad that this is still open after life calmed down, and thank you for approving the concept. Meet Torgald Frostbeard!
Dwarven Bonded Wizard!
Torgald is a transmutation wizard who uses shikigami style. He carries a book of grudges, and if forced to defend himself, he uses the book as a weapon, literally beating the enemy to death with the recorded grudge.
I decided to go with Bonded Wizard for the following reasons:
(1) Arcane Bond (Ex) "A bonded wizard must select an item as her arcane bond. The bonded object’s hit point and hardness increase by +1 per level the bonded wizard possesses."
* It would not do for his Book of Grudges to become damaged!
(2) Hidden Bond (Sp) "A bonded wizard can change the appearance and magical aura of her bonded item at will, as if using disguise self and magic aura, but affecting only the item; for the purpose of disguise self, the item’s item type (such as weapon or ring) is its creature type."
* Now he can have it so that the unworthy cannot read from the book. To any but those given the honor, the book will appear blank.
(3) Bonded Force (Su)
* Gives him extra uses of spells like mage armor, shield and spiritual weapon. And at lvl 9 they get better! Plus it has to take a visual appearance. And it just feels right for a dwarven wizard to have ethereal armor.
(4) Reshape Bond (SP)
* Make-whole for his bonded item? If by some disaster the book should become damaged, or even worse, ruined, then it would be great to have this.
So basically the archetype just works for this dwarf. And for the future...given that he makes the most use out of improvised weapons, he'll likely want to use the Elemental Body spells as much as possible, with the focus being on Earth Elemental.

Leialoha of the Sugalo |
Hmmmm don't play a lot of casters, but couldn't resist a game run by DM Trawets. This is RH's Fey summoner Leia. She will provide woodland skills and ranged support early on. I will get the fluff done as soon as I finish the crunch. Working on Feats and traits now then will apply skills appropriately.
DM you mentioned considering other sources to help fill rolls. What is your thoughts on using the Source Inner Sea Gods for traits, specifically Deadeye Bowman?

Torgald Frostbeard |

I'm somewhat amazed that nobody has gone with Wood Arcane School. Enchantment bonus to Intelligence, and a scaling ranged attack that uses intelligence for hit and damage.
Also, because I forgot to mention it. Transmutation School, with Illusion and Necromancy as opposition schools.
And I've decided to take the Shapechange Focus School. Because telekinetic fist just does so little damage. An extra attack, even at -5 to hit, is better than throwing 1d4 damage.

Robert Henry |

I'm somewhat amazed that nobody has gone with Wood Arcane School. Enchantment bonus to Intelligence, and a scaling ranged attack that uses intelligence for hit and damage
Sadly didn't know it existed... like I said, I don't play a lot of casters.
If there is an archetype to play "Harry Dresden" let me know where it's at. I fear one would have to multi-class in to gunslinger and we're not able to...

ScorchedOne |

Torgald Frostbeard wrote:I'm somewhat amazed that nobody has gone with Wood Arcane School. Enchantment bonus to Intelligence, and a scaling ranged attack that uses intelligence for hit and damageSadly didn't know it existed... like I said, I don't play a lot of casters.
If there is an archetype to play "Harry Dresden" let me know where it's at. I fear one would have to multi-class in to gunslinger and we're not able to...
Literally doing this. Spellslinger wizard. Already my plan.

Torgald Frostbeard |

Asking about guns?
https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/wizard/archetypes/paizo-wizar d-archetypes/spellslinger/
Shoot spells through a gun. Which sounds cool, but it seems pretty weak to me. You give up way too much. 4 opposition schools, no cantrips and no arcane school. Ouch. I’d personally just go Wood School and fluff the spear as a gun, with your shots per day being how many bullets you have.

Robert Henry |

Robert Henry wrote:Literally doing this. Spellslinger wizard. Already my plan.Torgald Frostbeard wrote:I'm somewhat amazed that nobody has gone with Wood Arcane School. Enchantment bonus to Intelligence, and a scaling ranged attack that uses intelligence for hit and damageSadly didn't know it existed... like I said, I don't play a lot of casters.
If there is an archetype to play "Harry Dresden" let me know where it's at. I fear one would have to multi-class in to gunslinger and we're not able to...
LOL, well, I don't want to steal your plan. So I better stick with an elf. I am looking at that Wood Arcane School thingy though :)

Leialoha of the Sugalo |
... I am tentatively setting a deadline of May 21st. If there is a lot of responses I may end it earlier but will give a 48 hour notice.
Well, it looks like were getting down to it.
Leia is RH's Fey Summoner applicant. I guess she might be applying for the 'mage' slot? Skills in survival and carries a bow, go figure for an elf right? Will use most of her spell slots summoning fey to help her.
I'm still putting together her background, but planning on having it done tommorow.