Male Human Diviner 1
CN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +3
AC 12 (16), touch 12, ff 10 (+2 Dex, +4 mage armor)
hp 6 (1d6)
Fort 0, Ref +2, Will +6
Speed 30ft
Melee Dagger -1 (1d4-1) or
shocking grasp -1 (2d6)
Ranged Light crossbow +2 (1d8)
Wizard Spells Known CL 1st; concentration +5
1st (2/day)-shocking grasp, true strike
0-acid splash, detect magic, distrupt undead, light, read magic, resistance,
School Divination, Prohibited Schools Enchantment and Illusion
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 11
Base Atk 0, CMB -1, CMD 11
Feats Iron Will, Spell Focus (divination)
Traits Inspired by Greatness (campaign), Zealous (race)
Skills Appraise +8, Know (Arcana) +8, Know (Planes) +8, Know (Religion) +8, Linguistics +8, Perception +3, Spellcraft +8
Languages Common (Taldane), Osiriani, Kelish, Draconic, Infernal, Necril, Aklo
SQ Diviner's Fortune (4/day), Eldritch Knowledge, Forewarned, Talisman of Revealing
Other Gear dagger, light crossbow with 20 bolts, wizard's kit, eldritch grimoire, talisman of revealing (arcane bond), 10 gp
A young man in Wati, Hofor bore witness to an exploit of the legendary Professor Petros Lorrimor in his hometown. The foreigner sought out the Ravenous Sphinx to uncover the Third Riddle and maybe locate the other two. While he was unsuccessful, his drive for knowledge and fearlessness inspired the nightmare-prone Hofor. Lorrimor spent extra time in Wati to cultivate the eager scholastic younger mind, encouraging Hofor to seek out knowledge and to show courage in the face of fear.
After the professor finally returned to Ustalav, Hofor was determined to live up to the faith Lorrimor showed in him. One night, he snuck into the necropolis, the source of most of his recurring nightmares. He vowed to spend the night in a tomb to show himself there was nothing to fear. However, he was not ready for the mundane dangers. A misstep caused him to fall into a forgotten tomb, devoid of corpse or belongings to carry into the next life. The sole item of note was a mummified hand grasping a strange leathery bundle. Hofor, swallowing his fears of the undead, peeling back the fingers and unwrapped the bundle to reveal a strange item.
An onyx scarab carved with bat wings. Alien hieroglyphs swirled and shifted across its carapace. It was ice cold to the touch, sending shivers through his fingers to his heart. Whispers drown out his own thoughts, lulling him into a dreamless slumber. When he awoke he was in his bed, dirty and bruised and clutching the idol.
Hofor began to correspond with Lorrimor, eager to learn more about the Dark Tapestry and its influence in Orision and beyond. Impressed by Hofor's scholastic zeal, Lorrimor sponsored his admittance to Korvosa's Acadamae, where the Osirian studied in the Hall of Seeing. However, Hofor did not finish his studies. Hofor learned of Lorrimor's death via being expelled, as the professor's death meant the end of his sponsorship. Leaving Korvosa, Hofor of Wati made his way to Ravengro to pay his respects to his hero and idol.
Hofor is a driven if unhinged man. His discovery of the madness of the Dark Tapestry has made him desperate to understand and master its weirdness. Inspired by the legends of Petros Lorrimor Hofor hopes to one day be spoken about for his own work against the undead and the outer gods. He is zealous, often disregarding personal safety to glean another clue or bit of information.
He is not quite middle-aged but he has spent his entire youth researching the occult and peering into the darkness of the unexplored world. He is bitter towards most other students of magic, having been "delayed" in his scholastic career and being expelled from his studies. He appreciates the academic minded and those driven to pursue personal goals, and he has little respect for the entitled.
He is oblivious to mundane traps, only looking for magical items or grimoires to find more knowledge. He's the one who will risk sanity and soul to even glimpse forbidden lore, grasping at the spellbooks and libraries of cultists and necromancers. He'll claim its to combat these forces, "to know one's enemy", but his thirst teeters on the edge.