The Chronicles of Urliek (Inactive)

Game Master Critzible

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Grand Lodge

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Greetings all I had an idea for a nuatical campiagn a while back but didnt pan out.

I am currently running a 5e Temple of Elemental Evil mashup campaign but have an idea for a campaign based in a Grimdark Human centric world with no Full casters

Only partial casters remain. Witches,Wozards, Sorcerers, Kineticists, Arcanists, Clerics, Oracles,Druids,Pyshics(i misspell this all the time) are gone.

Think the Early Modern era tech [ie The Pike and Shot, 30 Years War, Protestant Reformation, Holy Roman Empire Ext.]

Avable Classes are: Barbarian, Bard, Fighter, Ranger, Paladin, Rogue,Alchemist,Cavalier, Inquisitor,Magus,Gunslinger,Bloodrager, Shifter, Vigilante, Slayer, Warpriest,Investigator, Medium, Occultist,Hubter,Swashbuckler, Spiritualist, Mesmerist, Summoner(No Synthesist), Monk,Brawler,Skald

Might allow for Gesalt, but magical items are rare. Most monsters are considered mythical. Undead are known as are some other things (Giants, Ogre, Orcs,Goblins, Elementals)

Most common issues are bandits, political intrigue, Guild politics, pending wars, active wars, religious strife . Ect.

Most will take place in The Grand City [using alot of Lankhamar as the basis for the City ]

Races would be: Human, with 1/2 Orc, Changeling, Aasimar, Tiefling, Elemental Blood, Working on a 1/2 Fae to replace 1/2 Elves, also Mongrel Folk. Also Ratfolka as I love Ratfolk

Guns are still early but are more available, but heavily restricted.

Arcane magic is mysterious and its practictions considered untrustworthy.

Might have a singular main religion with philosphies out thier and A smatterinf of old gods. Not sure on that yet

My goal is to tell a grimdark tale of possible upheval with the world set up in a large game of politics and war. Sinister forces seeking to manipulate the world in jopes to bring back ancient gods and demons [like The Great Old ones and Demon lords]

Sounds interesting. Given the relatively low magic, have you considered using Automatic Bonus Progression?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

That's intriguing.

Ooooo! Scandalous!! I'm intrigued!!

Nice idea Critzible, I'd certainly be interested. I'll hold off on more questions until it's an official 'recruitment thread.'

Since we're talking low magic, if you wanted to go a different route, there is always The World of Xoth

This sounds very interesting. Will definitely make a submission for this.

So is this PF1 or 5e?

Hmmmm. Interested.

Grand Lodge

scranford wrote:

So is this PF1 or 5e?


I think I might be interested in giving this a shot. :)


I would be interested.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

All the characters should dress like Landsknecht

While I know they're barred because they trigger the full caster tag, but in a low magic setting Oracles are thematically appropriate as their magic "comes at a price".

I'm assuming Unchained Summoners, or are you willing to allow the OG?

Robert Henry wrote:

Since we're talking low magic, if you wanted to go a different route, there is always The World of Xoth.

That's a nice resource. I like the section on Natural Healing in a "sword and sorcery" setting.

Grand Lodge

No high level spells save rhe Occultist who has super limited spells.

OG Summoner. Just no Synethisist Summoner.

Basically 6th level spells are the max.

Also no Kineticists as they wont fit.

The idea is the Gods had to shut off the flow of magic and miracles as it was breaking reality and the Old Gods, Demons, Devils, Dark Fey and more began to alter the landscape ans it took the remaining gods to unite and curb the onslaught. One of the few times rhe Dawn Gods all worked together. Some became even more twisted then the others and another divine war happemed limiting the power of Divinity in humans.

Thats basically the idea.

Critzible wrote:

OG Summoner. Just no Synethisist Summoner.

Nice. I have a Summoner character I'm still peddling to games which I will submit if this transitions from Interest to Recruitment.

I'm also curious if you'd be allowing the Unchained version of the classes.


Critzible wrote:
Most monsters are considered mythical.

I just want to clarify that you don't mean that monsters are using the Mythic rules, right? I think you mean that they are rare and are considered mythical stories.

Anyway, I've heard of lots of people express interest in a low magic 3.x or PF1 campaign, but I've never heard from anyone who's played in one and navigated how low magic affects the game's balance.

Dark Archive

I would be interested for sure

I could be interested in this!

Grand Lodge

Andostre wrote:

I'm also curious if you'd be allowing the Unchained version of the classes.


Critzible wrote:
Most monsters are considered mythical.

I just want to clarify that you don't mean that monsters are using the Mythic rules, right? I think you mean that they are rare and are considered mythical stories.

Anyway, I've heard of lots of people express interest in a low magic 3.x or PF1 campaign, but I've never heard from anyone who's played in one and navigated how low magic affects the game's balance.

Yeah though Im not familiar with the Unchained Monk

And yeah More myth then Mythic

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

I would definitely consider either a Magus, or Hunter for this, someone who draws their power from diligent arcane study, or nature itself rather than the gods.

I wonder if "no full caster" will result in a more magical party than normal i.e. most characters being 1/2 caster or 2/3 caster.

ElbowtotheFace wrote:
I wonder if "no full caster" will result in a more magical party than normal i.e. most characters being 1/2 caster or 2/3 caster.

Not for some of us :)

Grand Lodge

Arcane casters [save Bards and Those who use Alchemy] are feared and distrusted at best with Hatred and could be assaulted

Occult casters are a mixed bag of mystery and fear. Can be mistaken for Divine or Arcane.

Divine casters are tolerated some are hailed as saviors others as tolerated devils in disguise as many blame the gods for the lack of Magic they relied on for so long.

An Inquisitor could be fun. Are archetypes allowed/limited?

Since Pike and Shot was mentioned what are the chances of mass combat occurring?

Grand Lodge

I'm pretty open to archtypes.

Thier might be some battles. As mercenraries are a thing. I do plan to have some possible chance of war.

I am interested. Sounds like a fun, dark, gritty campaign.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Any idea on when you plan to start an actual recruitment?

Dark Archive

This could be fun. I would be interested.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Im thinking about a month from now give or take a week.

Interested for sure. Particularly if its real-world parallel/inspired. I have a couple of characters that might work well.

Most likely Mesmerist cause well... I love them! :D

Looking forward to the full recruitment.

I'd be looking to play a bard.

You've got my attention.

If the setting is adjacent to modern day, and I could be playing a bard, I could easily reference recognizable lyrics, songs, and modern musical instruments! I'm excited for when the Recruitment goes live!

I'd be down.

Dark Archive

Well, I'd certainly be interested in this.

Critzible wrote:
OG Summoner. Just no Synethisist Summoner.

They do get pretty wizardly, between 9th level summon monster and the APG summ's spell discounts, so it is worth keeping an eye out. But hell, I may even submit one myself.

Question. If we worked out an adjustment to its more problematic aspects, would you consider a Synthesist Summoner? Mainly by disallowing the HP cheese and readjusting ability scores to work more like wild shape. That way you don't have immortal summoners with 8/8/8 physical stats in base form.

TBH I've never really seen why people ban Synthesist. it is literally worse in every conceivable way than baseline Summoner. Summoner is strong because of action economy. You get two fully fledged characters for the price of one.

Synthesists trades half your actions for...slightly better physical stats. It's an awful trade.

It's like building a Fighter who gets +4 to attack rolls...for the cost of being permanently Staggered. It ain't worth it if you're actually optimizing.

I do agree though that base Summoner is essentially a full caster in disguise, which is problematic. The usual compromise I see is to run the OG Summoner but with the Unchained Summoner spell list. This brings them in line with other 6-casters.

Grand Lodge

True Ill look over summoner again

Critzible wrote:
OG Summoner. Just no Synethisist Summoner.
pinvendor wrote:
Nice. I have a Summoner character I'm still peddling to games which I will submit if this transitions from Interest to Recruitment.
Storm Dragon wrote:
I do agree though that base Summoner is essentially a full caster in disguise, which is problematic.

Curse you, Storm Dragon! You're ruining it for me!


Naw, in all seriousness. My summoner will just be there with popcorn to watch their eidolon wreck bad guys.

Dark Archive

Just wondering if and when this is going to recruitment? I've been keeping tabs on it for a while but it's been a month since anyone posted anything

I've also been watching, but figured if Critzible posts that will be the sign it's happening, but no pressure. And if nothing, easily accepted as well!

Grand Lodge

Might be soon. Iorning out my possible story threads.

Now that I've got some time to think about it, I might actually give the Vigilante class a try--thinking either a Cabalist or Warlock when the recruitment finally goes up.

Vigilante has some neat stuff in it. If 3rd party is allowed, Spheres of Power has a couple of REALLY cool Vigilante archetypes I've always wanted to try that you might like.

Grand Lodge

Yeah no 3rd party. I would keep to rules I know.

That being said... I'd also love to play a Mesmerist...

Certainly makes a good fit for a Cavalier with a couple wheellocks and a mortuary sword.

Okay so a month from April 5th would have been May 5th which as come and gone are you still working to get players for this game or has it actually started already?

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