GM KoolKobold’s Rise of the Runelords (PF1)

Game Master KoolKobold

Battle Map (Sandpoint Festival)

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Sounds good Kool, this character would remain an aasimar ranger. I appreciate you willing to let those of us who've tried to submit characters in multiple other attempts at other games hold off on rebuilding right this moment

Silver Crusade

All right, cool. I'd have to think a bit on what/who to submit. Leaning towards some sort of divine full caster/healer/support as that is what I usually play. Except I've already played most of them. I had an adoptive daughter of Father Zanthus from a previous game that ended fairly early but that wouldn't be suitable due to the new relation rules excluding him as such an NPC.


Some questions to help decide:

-Are items that increase the bonus of inspire courage allowed? Such as the Dervish Sikhe and the Three Reasons to live? What about feats like Master Performer and Grandmaster performer? Some divine caster archetypes have access to this Bard feature at the cost of some other things.

-Is magic item crafting allowed?

-Would a warpriest (or inquisitor) be considered for the divine slot or does it *have* to be a full divine caster?

Trevor86 wrote:

All right, cool. I'd have to think a bit on what/who to submit. Leaning towards some sort of divine full caster/healer/support as that is what I usually play. Except I've already played most of them. I had an adoptive daughter of Father Zanthus from a previous game that ended fairly early but that wouldn't be suitable due to the new relation rules excluding him as such an NPC.


Some questions to help decide:

-Are items that increase the bonus of inspire courage allowed? Such as the Dervish Sikhe and the Three Reasons to live? What about feats like Master Performer and Grandmaster performer? Some divine caster archetypes have access to this Bard feature at the cost of some other things.

-Is magic item crafting allowed?

-Would a warpriest (or inquisitor) be considered for the divine slot or does it *have* to be a full divine caster?

For the first two, I don’t see why not. As for the last one, depends on the build-a warpriest or inquisitor that focuses more on combat than divine caster is martial, though a mix of both can consitute as either, or wild card.

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Well, Wyssal has morphed quite a bit since I first posted her. I started looking at character advancement and spell selection, and also backstory. I really wanted to include Diefic Obedience for Chaldira Zuzaristan, but the Time mystery along with something like the Exalted prestige class got really janky and crowded. The Chaldira fork in the road won me over, So now Wyssal is a Divine Paragon Cleric instead. Trickery and Luck domains, with the Student of Faith campaign trait.

Probably TLDR Details:

Conversion to prepared casting will make for a better, more flexible, support/utility caster (I'll be picking up Scribe Scroll). So, compared to the Time Oracle concept, Wyssal won't be casting so many offensive or debuff spells that come with saves. On the other hand, that means I don't need to lean so hard into her casting stat, so Wyssal can help out in melee some. A bit of summoning might be on the table if it's useful without any summoning feats. I'm not enough of a summoning fan to invest feats for it.

Grand Lodge

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I'll go for my tengu swordsman

Alright here's the list of all submissions:

Completed/Semi Completed
Basil Kettering (elf magus [eldritch archer/hexcrafter]) by Luke_Perry
Darius Deverin (aasimar (human parentage) paladin [virtuous bravado]) by TheWaskally
Black Thom (half-orc unchained rogue [scout]) by Djack Nymball
Marcan Velder (half-elf unchained rogue [scout]) by Sbodd
Wyssal Freiling (halfling cleric [divine paragon] of Chaldira Zuzaristan) by rdknight
Satinder Coric (aasimar [human and elf parentage] ranger) by KyleS

Xiakon the Blade (tengu unchained rogue (swordmaster) by Critzible
Furnok of Ferd (human ranger) by Andral

Dotted for Interest
Jhilvar Falconhelm
Phillip Gastone

Did I miss anyone?

All set

Nah, I don't want to join a second RotRL sorry. I just dotted to see what people here are submitting :)

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Hey, just wanted to submit this tiefling alchemist, I'd originally submitted them for a carrion crown game a while back, dusted them off and refit them to your creation rules. feel like they'd probably be in that wild card role.

Lot of knowledges, big boost to KN at level 2, otherwise little bit of ranged damage and support.

They are the daughter of local half-elf alchemist Nisk Tandor.

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I would like to submit Zomeraand, a human universalist wizard. He's a fairly recent arrival, and has been working to establish himself as a local expert and scholar.

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Introducing Veera.

She's an elf arcanist originally from Magnimar where her family run a magic/potion shop. She's been staying with a cousin who works at the glass works in standpoint. She's a worshiper of Soralyon and acts something like an archaeologist. She'll focus more on utility and debuff/buff spells though she will still have some attack spells.

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@Violant: That's fair.

Everything looks good for Lily, Zomeraand and Veera. Though Zomeraand, select one more trait please.

I have selected Scholar of Analects as my third trait.

Let me know if there is anything else I need to adjust.

Dotting interest for when I get home the second.

Just for background purposes, are both Player's Guides usable? There is also a LOT of information in the recent 7 Dooms for Sandpoint player's guide, can we draw from that?

Gaelyn Flexxt wrote:
Just for background purposes, are both Player's Guides usable? There is also a LOT of information in the recent 7 Dooms for Sandpoint player's guide, can we draw from that?

Not sure what the difference is between the OG and Anniversary Player’s Guides, but I’d rather stick to the Anniversary as that’s the version we’re playing.

Also, no on the 7 Dooms For Sandpoint, as that setting is set about 20 years after the events of RotRL

Liberty's Edge

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Will use this profile for a bloodrager eventual dragon disciple. Obviously I will be reworking everything. Should have it updated in a day or two.

Dreaming up a dwarf, but unsure what class to submit given the other submissions. Just a matter of what skill set I would want to offer beyond the core of being an unfraggable center.

Have a good idea for a monk, cleric, or fighter.

Here is a link to my submission, Dargrin Greystone, dwarf cleric of Angradd. As a note, I should mention that the plan would be for him to dip one level into either fighter or ranger at level 2 so that his weapon familiarity will apply to the dwarven longaxe and the dwarven boulder helmet. From there on out, he would return to cleric.

So here is Drogeney's Submission. She is mostly done but I will still be making a few revisions before the window closes.

Several wonderful (and familiar) wizards, and multiple clerics including a dwarf. I will have to consider a martial as to not step on toes.

@Kobold Do you have any issue with a Karmic monk? I was thinking of making a peaceful but irritable dwarf that serves as a bit of a papa wolf to the party.

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GuardYourPrivates wrote:
@Kobold Do you have any issue with a Karmic monk? I was thinking of making a peaceful but irritable dwarf that serves as a bit of a papa wolf to the party.

Looking at that archetype, that’s from Occult Adventures…which normally I would say no to, but it doesn’t seem to actually have any abilities that reflect the occult magic system, so, I’ll say yes.

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@GM KoolKobold - thank you for the support and character review. I'm withdrawing for "outside" reasons.

Hopefully, I'll catch another one of your recruitments or we end up as players at the same table.

Looks like it's going to be a great game. Good luck everyone and game on!


Liberty's Edge

Lots of changes made but still many edits to go.

GM KoolKobold wrote:
GuardYourPrivates wrote:
@Kobold Do you have any issue with a Karmic monk? I was thinking of making a peaceful but irritable dwarf that serves as a bit of a papa wolf to the party.
Looking at that archetype, that’s from Occult Adventures…which normally I would say no to, but it doesn’t seem to actually have any abilities that reflect the occult magic system, so, I’ll say yes.

Sorry about the slip. I don't normally look at book source when browsing archetypes, and never thought Monk would have anything to do with the classes I normally associate with that. All said, I am getting a great idea for the character and build, so thank you for approving.

Silver Crusade

I'm making an oracle with god-meddled curse and I have same questions as in this thread. Does the curse include spells the oracle casts on himself? Would you say scrolls and wands trigger the curse?

Liberty's Edge

I have finished, it is a masterpiece, 'mwah' 'mwah', thank you, you'll love it, I know you will!

or maybe not but still fun to make.

Submitting Manush, gnome witch who has been living in Sandpoint for 10 years.

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Boy, GM KoolKolbold! I do not envy your choices for characters! Veera and Wyssal are both great-looking submissions! I look forward to seeing Mjustgaparta's god-meddled oracle!

Djack Nymball thank you for at least dotting!

@Mustaparts I don’t think so, I’m deciding that it’ll be divine spells from enemies

@TheWaskally And there’s still three weeks left of recruitment. This is gonna be horribly tough…

All dwarf party!

Character submissions tend to be pretty tough.

Satinder Coric wrote:
Character submissions tend to be pretty tough.

Well, submissions can be for players particularly if there is gestalt or tristalt etc, but selections definitely can be tough for the GM. Not so much for the players. You get chosen, or you don’t. Then again, if you participate in “Recruitment” then you takes your chances….

Grand Lodge

@DM KOOL KOBALD: Was wondering if I can introduce a group of Tengu to Sandpoint? Like ones Who came and have set up an enclave around a shrine to Hei Fang? They are new and live in Tents, and Xiakon was the abandoned Son of an old Tengu Swordsmaster who died adventurering and Xiakon found himself near by living with a Murder of Crows? Then this group of like 10 appear and adopt him after like 4 years.

Critzible wrote:
@DM KOOL KOBALD: Was wondering if I can introduce a group of Tengu to Sandpoint? Like ones Who came and have set up an enclave around a shrine to Hei Fang? They are new and live in Tents, and Xiakon was the abandoned Son of an old Tengu Swordsmaster who died adventurering and Xiakon found himself near by living with a Murder of Crows? Then this group of like 10 appear and adopt him after like 4 years.

That’s fine! Just make sure that at least one of them has a name. More for you to bounce off of.

Grand Lodge

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Works for me. I figured it would be the old priest.

Dark Archive

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I am dotting in.

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Jhilvar Falconhelm here, still interested. I saw a few similar ideas to what I was tinkering with show up in the recruitment and was getting discouraged, when I was suddenly inspired to roll up a blonde-haired, half-orc Paladin of Sarenrae wielding a falchion. Could be a lot of fun.

Working on him now, will get him posted today or tomorrow.

Grand Lodge

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Xiakon the Blade
Male Tengu Unchained Rogue(Swordsmaster) 1st Neutral
Age:20 Hgt:5’5” Wgt:130 Feathers;Black Eyes:Gold
Deity:Hei Feng
HP:12 Initiative:+3 Perception:+8(+9 v traps)
Str:12 Dex:16 Con:12 Int:14 Wis:14 Cha:13
Languages:Common,Tengu,Elven, Sylvan, Goblin, Draconic,
CMB:+1 CMD:13
Fort:+1 Reflex:+5 Will:+2
AC: 17 |10+4(Lamallar Leather)+3(Dex)|
Lamallar Leather:
Cost 60 gp; Weight 25 lbs.
Armor Bonus +4; Max Dex Bonus +3; Armor Check Penalty -2
Arcane Spell Failure Chance 20%; Speed 30 ft./20 ft.
Lamellar is a type of armor in which small plates of various types of materials are strung together in parallel rows using fine cord. Lamellar plates can be constructed from lacquered leather, horn, or even stone, though suits of iron and steel are the most common. Lamellar armor can be crafted into various shapes, including partial pieces such as breastplates, greaves, or even entire coats. The properties of specific suits and pieces of lamellar armor are determined by their material.

Mwk Cold Iron Dueling Sword +4 1d8+1 Crit:19-20/x2 3lbs. 40gp* Slashing
|hese slightly curved swords measure just over 3 feet in length.

An dueling sword can be used as a martial weapon (in which case it functions as a longsword), but if you have the feat Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dueling sword), you can use the Weapon Finesse feat to apply your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier to attack rolls with a dueling sword sized for you, even though it isn’t a light weapon. You can also wield a dueling sword in two hands to apply 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus to damage rolls.

HP/inch 30; Hardness 10; Cost Weapons x2 normal. Add magic enhancement +2,000 gp.

This iron, mined deep underground and known for its effectiveness against demons and fey creatures, is forged at a lower temperature to preserve its delicate properties. Weapons made of cold iron cost twice as much to make as their normal counterparts. Also, adding any magical enhancements to a cold iron weapon increases its price by 2,000 gp. This increase is applied the first time the item is enhanced, not once per ability added. A double weapon with one cold iron half costs 50% more than normal. Items without metal parts cannot be made from cold iron. An arrow could be made of cold iron, but a quarterstaff could not.

Dagger(5) +3 1d4+1 Crit:19-20/x2 Range 10ft 1lb(5lb) 2gp(10gp) Piercing
Cestus: +3 1d4+1 Crit:19-20/x2 1lb 5gp Bludgeoning
Dueling Dagger +3 1d4+1 Crit:19-20/x2 Range 10ft 1lb 12gp Piercing
|This dagger is used in the off hand to block attacks. When you fight defensively or use Combat Expertise while wielding a dueling dagger, your bonus to AC increases by 1. This benefit applies even if you did not attack with the dueling dagger. If you aren’t proficient with a dueling dagger, you treat it as a dagger and gain no special benefits. Any effects that apply to daggers apply to dueling daggers.

Beak +3 1d3+1 Critx2 Piercing/Slashing

Sling 1d4+1 Crit:x2 Range:50ft -lb -gp
Bullets(10) - Wgt.5lb 1sp

Total: 11 |8+2+1=11]
Acrobatics |1+3(dex)+3
Bluff +5|1+1(Cha)+3|
Diplomacy +5|1+1(Cha)+3
Disable Device +7(8) |1+3(Dex)+3+1(UR)
Intimidate +5|1+1(cha)+3
Knowledge(Nature)+6 |1+2(int)+3
Knowledge(Religion) +7|1+2(int)+3+1(T)
Perception +8(9)|1+2(Wis)+3+2(Race)+1(UR)
Sense Motive +6|1+2(Wis)+3
Stealth +9|1+3(Dex)+3+2(Race)
Sleight of Hand +7 |1+3(Dex)+3
Survival +7 |1+2(Wsi)+3+1(T)

Background; 2
Profession:Cook +6|1+2(Wis)+3|
Linguistics +10 |1+2(int)+3+4(race)|

You have come here to see about expanding the presence of your chosen faith after receiving visions that told you your faith is needed—what that need is, though, you’re not quite sure.

Benefit You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (religion) checks, and Knowledge (religion) is a class skill for you. If you cast divine spells, pick three spells on your spell list. You are particularly adept at casting these spells, so they function at +1 caster level when you cast them, and their save DCs (if any) gain a +1 bonus.

Select one specific type of animal ravens. You were raised from infancy by an animal or pack of animals of that type. You learned their ways and have more in common with your beastly kin than members of any humanoid race.

Benefit(s) You gain a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks and can use speak with animals as a spell-like ability at will to communicate with the type of animal that raised you.

Ancestral Weapon: Dueling Sword

You have inherited a sacred tribal weapon wielded by your forebears, and you were trained in its use from a young age.

Benefit(s) Select either cold iron or silver. You begin play with a masterwork melee weapon made of the material of your choice. You must be proficient with this weapon, and its combined cost cannot exceed 500 gp.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with weapons made of the selected material.


Explorer’s Outfit: 8gp
This set of clothes is for someone who never knows what to expect. It includes sturdy boots, leather breeches or a skirt, a belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), gloves, and a cloak. Rather than a leather skirt, a leather overtunic may be worn over a cloth skirt. The clothes have plenty of pockets (especially the cloak). The outfit also includes any extra accessories you might need, such as a scarf or a wide-brimmed hat.

Rogues’ Kit:
Price 50 gp; Weight 37 lbs.
This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, caltrops, chalk (10), a flint and steel, a grappling hook, an iron pot, a mess kit, a mirror, pitons (10), rope, soap, thieves’ tools, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin

Dark Archive

Ohhh, I might just apply for this.

Quick question. How do you feel about the Oozemorph Shifter? It's one of my favorite archetypes, but it tends to have funny interactions with gameplay at early levels. Of course, I have backstory reasons as well as potential ways to get around town without drawing undue attention.

Rosc wrote:

Ohhh, I might just apply for this.

Quick question. How do you feel about the Oozemorph Shifter? It's one of my favorite archetypes, but it tends to have funny interactions with gameplay at early levels. Of course, I have backstory reasons as well as potential ways to get around town without drawing undue attention.

Um…hmm, I’m a little torn on that. Shifter itself is fine but reading up on the oozemorph shifter, not sure how well that can play out in this game that’s just as RP heavy as it is combat heavy.

Maybe you could start as a regular shifter and then retrain into an oozemorph at later levels when you'll be able to use your humanoid form for longer? Don't know if that could work with what you had in mind for your backstory.

Silver Crusade

Dropping in to give an update, I'm still interested to join. Have a few character concepts I'd like to try. I'll try and stat them up somewhere tonight.

First, for the full martial slot, I was thinking of a teamwork-based Halfling .Bloodrager/Brawler that buffs his allies and grants them extra attacks. Can be the main tank, or a backup mostly melee damage dealer/party buffer.

The second is a bit of a comfort pick for me, a Herald Caller cleric with the Luck Domain and Combat Advice as a feat. Can use all her actions to heal or buff allies but can fight decently well, and could use summoning abilities in dangerous situations especially after the early levels.

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I have a couple errands to run today but after that I’ll give the updated list of submissions, including who’s finished their backstories and who needs to work on theirs.

Here is Mustaparta's oracle. Background still developing.

So today was busier and ended with me being wiped. I’ll have the list done by tomorrow. You all have such great submissions and it’s already tough to choose as we have two weeks left of recruitment open.

Alright here's the list:

Basil Kettering (elf magus [eldritch archer/hexcrafter]) by Luke_Perry
Darius Deverin (aasimar (human parentage) paladin [virtuous bravado]) by TheWaskally
Marcan Velder (half-elf unchained rogue [scout]) by Sbodd
Wyssal Freiling (halfling bard [sound striker/studious librarian]) by rdknight
Satinder Coric (aasimar [human and elf parentage] ranger) by KyleS
Xiakon the Blade (tengu unchained rogue (swordmaster) by Critzible
Furnok of Ferd (human ranger) by Andral
Scera (human void wizard) by Drogeney
Brand the Bold (human bloodrager [draconic bloodline]) by Ironperenti
Zomeraand the Magician (human wizard) by Cuchulainn
Lilian "Lily" Tandor (tielfing [half elf parentage] alchemist [mindchemist]) by Codanous
Veera Yurandiel (elf arcanist) by Veegees
Dargrin Greystone (dwarf cleric of Angraad) by SphinxTreecat
Manush Karapetyan (gnome witch [veneficus witch]) by Kittenmancer

Jayan (human oracle [time mystery; god-meddled curse]) by Mustaparta
Baerothak (half-orc paladin) by Jhilvar Falconhelm

Phillip Gastone

I believe that is everyone so far, if I have missed anyone do not hesitate to say so, either on here or by shooting me a private message

EDIT: If it can be possible, can you all post an RP example with your characters, both on the recruitment and in your character profile?

I've decided I'm not going to submit a build, there's plenty of competition, and I *have* played half the campaign.

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Darius Deverin RP example:
Darius woke up nearly a half-hour before the sunrise. The young Deverin instinctively looked at the other side of his bed, finding it empty. The young noble sometimes secreted a local maiden up to his room after performing at The Rusty Dragon, but last night did not bore such fruit. Which was fine. The aasimar did not need companionship every night, but it was always appreciated, along with being appreciated.

Darius is a paladin of Shelyn, Golarion's Goddess of Music, Beauty, and Goodness. In the dark early morning, the aasimar unveiled his halo, a divine gift of his latent celestial heritage. From the light that show from his brow, Darius easily navigated the room to his desk. There, the paladin found one of his tindersticks and lit a candle. At his desk, Darius said his morning prayers to The Eternal Rose, and recited her Paladinic Code.

One of the benefits of waking early was being the first one to take a bath. This had become so commonplace that one of the house servant already had the water kettles prepared by the time he came out of his room in his robe. Darius worked fast to fill the tub, quickly get in and washed, then dry off and make it back to his room before his brothers woke. The clean paladin quickly passed his older brother, Vali, as the second older son emerged from his door. ”It's all your, Vali”, Darius responded, ”but I'd hurry if I were you.” The sharp-eye paladin thought he saw a lady hiding behind his brother trying not to be seen.

Well! Good on you, brother, Darius thought as he close his bedroom door. The shelynite would make a concerted effort to be enough of a distraction so Vali could ushers his guest out of the manor secretly, as his family did for him on many occasions.

Darius dressed himself, wearing his stylish dark blue outfit, with his holy symbol of Shelyn displayed properly. The paladin left his room with his masterwork lute and case in hand. Darius went outside just as the first rays of sunrise were breaking over the Turandarok River, and found his small stump he liked to sit on. Darius stretched his fingers and began to practice his lute, perfecting a lilting Varisian folk melody to greet his Goddess and the day. After about 5 minutes, a medium height brunette maiden with long wavy hair discreetly rushed out of the side door and down the trees just off the path up Deverin Manor as to not be seen on the roads. Vali's guest, no doubt, and Darius quickly exchanged glances, but the shelynite gave the young woman a friendly nod and continued on with his practice. Sometimes the family enjoyed being awoke by Darius's lute practice, some mornings not so much. When breakfast was called, Darius would find out which.

After breakfast, the paladin of Shelyn would make his way to the nearly completed Sandpoint Cathedral. He promised Father Zanthus to help complete the painting of the moldings on the second landing.

I have also added the RP example to Darius's character sheet.

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