
OmniChaos's page

Goblin Squad Member. 435 posts (10,868 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 69 aliases.

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Feeling like this, it's alright. That's why we're all here. (¬‿¬)

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Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

Just messing, take it easy Shadow.

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Male Human (Ulfen) Transmuter 6 | HP 48/48 | Augment 7/7 | 1st 5/5, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 4/4
AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12, CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perception +9

I have access to the web again but the move is still being problematic, so expect a slow down in my posting from normal.

But the silence has hopefully ended.

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Male Chondathan Human Apprentice

I was going over some of my old books. Came across something interesting and maybe useful in Power of Faerun. Enjoy. ;)

Zhentilar of the Zhentarim Ranks:

Private- Stalwart
Corporal- Sternhelm
Sergeant- Swordhar
Lieutenant- Swordcaptain
Captain- Lance
Major- Battle Captain
Colonel- Ardragon
Major General- Dark Hand
Lieutenant General- Banefist
General- High Lord of the Zhentarim

Ranks and their Zhentish equivalent.

Zhentilar of the Zhentarim Decorations:

Blood of Zhentar (Ribbon)
Shield of the Raven (Badge)
Scourge of the Night Plague (Ribbon)
Bane of Phlan (Ribbon)
Terror of Mulmaster (Medal)
Conqueror of Ankhalus (Medal)
Annihilator of Thar (Medal)
Terror of the Moonsea (Medal)
Fist of Bane (Medal)

Decorations for service and battle, starting with the least of them.

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Drink plenty of fluids and get better.

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Male Chondathan Human Apprentice

As a transport and mobile base?

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Male Human (Ulfen) Transmuter 6 | HP 48/48 | Augment 7/7 | 1st 5/5, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 4/4
AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12, CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perception +9

Lorn can talk to Nerak now, so he can just tell him once he gets back.

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Male Chondathan Human Apprentice

Hope I am not stepping on DM toes. :)

You can get alot off FR wiki. Here are some links for Zhentil Keep and it's history. While the best book on Zhentil Keep would be Ruins of Zhentil Keep, which is what I have been reading sense I have a copy. Old but the lore is still solid even if the numbers are not, FR cares about continuity. Until WotC got greedy but I won't go into that. xP

In short there are two factions of Bane worshipers in Zhentil Keep. Both have their own temple as well. They do not get along.

The orthodox banites are the mainstream and original banites of Zhentil Keep. They believe Bane is the ultimate tyrant and their priest should rule over other worshipers of bane. They answer to the High Imperceptor in Mulmaster. Their temple in Zhentil Keep is smaller then the other and their power is much the same, being far less, compared to the other banites. They do not like or work with the Zhentarim to put it mildly.

The other banites are Fzoul's faction. They believe that Bane is best served by supporting tyrants to spread tyranny along with their faith and are allied with the Zhentarim. They answer to Fzoul, having broken ties with the High Imperceptor and rest of the church. Both their power and temple are greater in Zhentil Keep.

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Posting questions again just in case they may have gotten lost in the site insanity.


Do we get bonus equipment from our region? In the player's guide it says if you don't want the bonus equipment for your region you get a 100 gp instead. Sense some of the equipment may be useless to your class. What do I need armor for after all. :)

Also I don't know about anyone else but I followed the automatic and bonus language rules for your region as well. Don't know if your enforcing that or not. May effect language buffs the most I figure, which I am one of due to that pesky intelligence.

Also a little lore and stuff for anyone interested on a few things concerning Zhentil Keep. Spoiler warning!, don't open them if you rather not know. Anyways I am sure the DM will change/ignore as he will. ;)

Clerics and Cyric in Zhentil Keep:

The year that the DM is starting us at. Cyric is not a god you can worship yet. Bane is Zhentil Keep's god of choice, yet not the only one. Bane's high priest/chosen in Zhentil Keep will switch over to Cyric, then Iyachtu Xvim, and finally back to Bane. I will not go into details about him or this. Not stepping on DM toes. :)

Clerics are not stuck with the first god they choose. Depending on the faith they may not hold it against you for converting. How they react should you return after converting to another faith depends on the faith as well.

Power Groups in Zhentil Keep:

The Chruch of Bane: Fzoul's faction of the church of Bane, believing that the proper worship of the god of tyranny is to support a tyrant, has allied itself with the Zhentarim, which is headed by the most efficient tyrant around, Manshoon. It also participates in numerous ventures in Zhentil Keep, to bring wealth and power to not only the church, but those individuals who serve the Black Lord. Individual priests aid the Zhentilar, the Council of Lords, and the Zhentarim on various missions, providing many kinds of tactical support through the capabilities of different priest spells.

The Handful of Coins: The struggling merchants of Zhentil Keep who are not lords have organized in the last few years to form a secret and informal support network for each other. These folks help each other with smuggling and tax evasion, and by quickly raising funds for bribes for the lord magistrate or to pay off debts and fines. This cooperative effort helps them to avoid being shut down by the richer and unscrupulous lords. The Coins also exert a united front of pressure on the Council to try and get trade standards passed and firm rules in place so that fear of the Zhentarim does not drive away ail foreign trade, or so that certain lords cannot create trade monopolies on specific goods by using arson, blades in dark alleys, and similar means.

The Naug-adar: The naug-adar, or devil dogs, are the ever-watchful minor mages of the Zhentarim. These low ranking or inexperienced mages are given certain spying and eavesdropping tasks that the Zhentarim deem important and that require the magical capabilities endowed by the ability to use wizard spells.

The Naug-orls: Also known as the devil worms, the naug-orls are loosely the thieves' guild of Zhentil Keep, although they are so closely tied to the ruling lords and the Zhentarim that they ought to simply be counted as the scouting and reconnaissance arm of the powers that be in Zhentil Keep.

Orthodox Banites: The power of the orthodox following of Bane in Zhentil Keep, guided by the authority of the High Imperceptor in Mulmaster, has waned rapidly since the inception of the Zhentarim in the Year of Bright Dreams (1261 DR). During their heyday, orthodox priests of Bane were the confidants of the lords of Zhentil Keep, using their power and influence to help the lords in their business transactions and to enrich themselves and their church through the services they offered. The lords, in turn, supported the worship of the Black Lord, allowing the Banites unprecedented freedom of worship. This enabled the Banites to bring more worshipers into the Black Lordís fold than ever before. The Orthodox Banites lost much of their secular power within Zhentil Keep with the Imperceptorís initial (trumped up) discreditment in the Year of the Tressym (1263 DR), when Fzoul took over the church of Bane in Zhentil Keep.

Press Gangs: During the night-time hours, the dreaded press gangs roam the streets of Zhentil Keep in force. The press gangs are sometimes led or incited by naug-adar mages or depraved priests of Bane looking to test their skill or prove their worth to the Black Network or the church of the Black Lord. The press gangs are supposed to (forcibly) recruit able-bodied people into the ranks of the enlisted Zhentilar, These collections of brutal thugs are theoretically details from certain units of the Zhentilar that have suddenly had massive casualties and need to be reinforced quickly.

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You know about the Forgotten Realms game, I just noticed something. Sense we start out at 0 level everyone is going to be young. Human for example before picking up a class their 15 or 16 years old, depending on the class. Everyone's going to be a teenager. O.O

Oh the dramatics and angst that await us all! xD

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I am not a technical expert, just going off my own experience and a few others that talked about it. There was a thread made about it somewhere on the messageboards.

Like I said, when I used my desktop and wifi I got nothing. When I took my phone off the wifi and put it on mobile data I could pull up the site just fine. Maybe you had a different company or something.

Edit- Found it here.

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They had a node issue that mostly effected home computers and land lines trying to access the site. The site was accessible from your phone for example but not from your wifi. They corrected the issue with the internet company some hours ago so it's all good as far as I know.

This one was not paizo's fault. :)

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Question concerning the FR game, the Zhentarim don't have ranks as far as I know. At least not that I found in 3.5e, but they do have ranks in 5e. Are we using those?

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Δaedalus wrote:
Daleth the Lost wrote:
if you can only get one full caster choose Δaedalus. He is way more helpful. Making spreadsheets and waiting a whole month. As much as I would like to play if you can only choose one choose him.
I approve of this message.

Sounds just like a politician. At least we know he can play the evil role already. ;P

P.S. Don't mind me I have had two gourmet donuts when clearly, I shouldn't have. x)

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Male Human Natural Werehawk Incanter 2

Fenrarem is right, you take the form of your based upon animal. Werebat gets dire bat.

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I figured I would split the submissions into roles to make things easier sense we have so many now. If the old format is preferred let me know and I will change it back.



LE Hobgoblin Brawler- dickie
NE Skinwalker Unchained Monk- Seth86
LE Vanara Monk (Zen Archer)- Gramork
LE Oni-spawn Tiefling Unchained Monk- Spazmodeus
CE Human Unchained Barbarian- Master Elodin
LN Taninim Draconic Exemplar- Vrog Skyreaver

CN Kitsune Ninja- BeastMasterFTW
CE Goblin Unchained Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)- ignuspyre
CE Kobold Unchained Rogue- Jovich


LE Grimspawn Tiefling Exploiter Wizard- Δaedalus
Kobold Mesmerist- Gobo Horde
CE Sprite Hydrokineticist- Philo Pharynx
NE Grippli Alchemist (Beastmorph, Bogborn, Vivisectionist)- HedwickTheWorldly
NE Grippli Alchemist (Eldritch Poisoner/Toxicant)- Atremis Moonstar
CE Peri-blooded Aasimar Alchemist (Chirurgeon)- John Gs


LE Assimar Wind Shaman (Speaker for the Past)- Wade Willhelm
NE Dhampir Oracle- ObsessiveWiz
LE Kyton-Spawn Tiefling Life Oracle (Divine Herbalist)- Professional Calvinball

Let me know if any corrections need to be made.

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LE Hobgoblin Brawler- dickie
Tiefling Exploiter Wizard- Δaedalus
Kobold Mesmerist- Gobo Horde
CE Sprite Hydrokineticist- Philo Pharynx
NE Skinwalker Unchained Monk- Seth86
CN Kitsune Ninja- BeastMasterFTW
CE Goblin Unchained Rogue (Knife Master/Scout)- ignuspyre
CE Kobold Unchained Rogue- Jovich
LE Vanara Monk (Zen Archer)- Gramork
LE Oni-spawn Tiefling Unchained Monk- Spazmodeus
NE Grippli Alchemist (Beastmorph, Bogborn, Vivisectionist)- HedwickTheWorldly
LE Assimar Wind Shaman (Speaker for the Past)- Wade Willhelm
NE Dhampir Oracle- ObsessiveWiz
CE Human Unchained Barbarian- Master Elodin
NE Grippli Alchemist (Eldritch Poisoner/Toxicant)- Atremis Moonstar
CE Peri-blooded Aasimar Alchemist (Chirurgeon)- John Gs

Updated. Let me know if any corrections need to be made.

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Initiative +4, Perception +19, Cohort: Nakir


You've never done roofing have you?

Not that I recommend it. xP

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Initiative +4, Perception +19, Cohort: Nakir

Thanks for the link. Hope I am doing it right.

Age: 110 + 10d6 ⇒ 110 + (1, 6, 6, 2, 4, 5, 2, 4, 2, 3) = 145
Months: 60d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 4, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 2, 5, 5, 3, 3, 6, 3, 6, 2, 2, 1, 3, 4, 1, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1, 5, 5, 4, 5, 1, 6, 1, 3, 5, 6, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 5, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4, 5, 3, 5, 2, 4) = 197

So that means I am 145 years old plus (197/12=) 16 years and 5 months for a grand total of 161 years and 5 months old. Well at least I am not the oldest elf but still sort of close to that middle age, for an elf. ;)

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Initiative +4, Perception +19, Cohort: Nakir

Sorry that I suddenly slowed down. I got flooded by work out of the blue. Including weekends apparently.

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Initiative +4, Perception +19, Cohort: Nakir

Yeah well this is why political types have a habit of getting murdered too. This sort of setting being the one with the highest occurrence. :)

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Initiative +4, Perception +19, Cohort: Nakir

Then he can cast commune himself via an item if he is so mistrusting of every priest in two kingdoms. Hope he never needs healing or anything. :)

I think things are being compared to much to earth (or game of thrones) and it's history, which it is not. A lot of factors go in, but put simply. Aolis is not going to sign his loyalty, integrity, and life away. Not for something as fickle as a title and unfounded promises of what if. Not for someone who he does not know much of on any level. Certainly not because he was maneuvered into it, he can and did play that game right back for the insult. That is how Aolis saw it, an insult. People come to help you out and that is not good enough, you want it in a verbal contract on the first day. Not only that but in public so you can try and have some sort of hold on them or manipulate reputations.

The king has to prove himself of being worthy to Aolis (as well as his would be subjects I would think) if he wants his support. Aolis will not support a bad king because the people who suffer the most are the people he is doing all this for in the first place. This oath business regardless of his motives or intentions is being taken badly and rightly so in my opinion. He is undermining his own efforts and alienating the people he supposedly needs by trying to put a quick fix on them.

A good king who does not have to wonder about the LG priest lying to him. Is one that builds relationships with actions and diplomacy. All of which take time, patience, and effort but yield a solid foundation of trust and loyalty. Something extremely precious and valuable in a political climate of backstabbing and self interest.

If you never trust or extend a genuine hand, well you will always have no one and nothing but yourself to rely on. Yeah you run the risk of having it slapped away but that's the rather small price to pay. If you pay it at all, your offering trust does not mean you give it away. ;)

Your the guy all the realist and cynic PCs have to watch all the time. So you don't get tricked or killed by a devil possessed little boy with level drain touch and a breath weapon. (Yeah, seen it done and the paladin girl got it bad.) xP

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Initiative +4, Perception +19, Cohort: Nakir

Gnome on Half Orc love........THE HORROR!

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Initiative +4, Perception +19, Cohort: Nakir

Until someone cast a reduce person on him. ;P

Strangely enough Aolis has dealt with Axhammer's problem for almost all his life concerning his family. He dodged the forlorn bullet, Axhammer may need to dodge the bleaching. Then again Aolis does not advertise his past, much less the painful bits. But anyone with a little info on his family name will figure it out. Dagit being tied to Garess would definitely know, noble families snoop on each other to no end.

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Initiative +4, Perception +19, Cohort: Nakir


Dagit I suggest you not tell that story to Aolis. Killing baby dragons, even reds, will not go over well with him. At least not without a detailed reason as to why you had no choice. Also the size of the dragon it would take to make a medium or maybe half a medium full plate would be powerful enough to threaten armies. So let's just say the chest piece is from Draxil while the rest was on hand by luck. Your dwarven brethren have a proud history of red dragon slaying, mostly because you guys fight over the same resources. ;)

Forgive me but I'm a stickler for fluff at times. I like the fluff, it is fluffy.

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Initiative +4, Perception +19, Cohort: Nakir

For any elves or long lived races among us, strictly speaking we could have ties to everyone. If not directly then with a family member. Aolis has really gotten around and is no stranger to recognizing descendants of people he knew.

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Initiative +4, Perception +19, Cohort: Nakir

It's the river kingdoms, pretty sure chaotic is a solid bet. Bandits willing to kill people in order to rob them, sounds pretty solid to me too on the evil side.

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Think of hellknights like judge dread, all law very little anything else. The trick is making the laws that they have to follow, as long as it does not conflict with their code which is pretty fair really. Their just heavy into the punishments and getting to the problem with their methods.

My 2c

Sending a PM your way.

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HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

Just out of curiousity, what's House Kewadin's sigil?

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Throwing in Sinuo for consideration. Most of the crunch is done, working on the rest. :)

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Male Human (Ulfen) Transmuter 6 | HP 48/48 | Augment 7/7 | 1st 5/5, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 4/4
AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12, CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perception +9

::Drops more rocks on you::


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Male Human (Ulfen) Transmuter 6 | HP 48/48 | Augment 7/7 | 1st 5/5, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 4/4
AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12, CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perception +9

Knowledge (Local) vs Ringleader: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Once the way is clear, Nerak makes his way to the others. Shaking his head as Lorn hovers above him shining light and nasty looks upon those around him as he moves. Nerak speaks not with a soft or even a impassioned voice, but rather a strong and reasoned one.

"We are besieged by yet another orc horde. It is not the first, it will not be the last. Yet Trunau endures. It can not be said to do so by numbers, the orcs breed endlessly so that even with their savage ways they need not preserve their people in any way. Trunau does not endure by virtue of might, orcs are born strong and grow stronger by trial of survival among their violent nature. Our home does not endure by virtue of ingenuity for make no mistake the wicked minds of orcs have a talent for war we may never know. So why does Trunau endure before all that is the orcs that claim and hold this land we call our home, that we refused to let them rob us of."

His stare hardens as it falls on the mob, for a moment reminding those that forget, he is still ulfen. Be it a weak one.

"She endures because we know unity. We know the value of life and that we would throw our own into the great beyond before letting it be twisted by the likes of those that know nothing of it. Our hopeknives are a symbol of that unity and the ties we have to our own. Yet you would force one of our own to soil such a precious thing upon her kin, not in mercy but defense. Trunau endures only in unity, without it she is lost. Be it in body at the hands of orcs, or be it in soul at the hands of betrayers that would bring death to their kin. Blood in these lands means nothing, the ties we forge mean everything. I will not stand nor be kind to those that would break such ties."

He took his place beside his comrades. He may not agree with some of their approaches but he did not doubt their hearts or loyalty, something those before him could not certainly say less they show themselves to be clear deceivers, of themselves or others.

Diplomacy Aid: 1d20 ⇒ 11

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Taste the anticipation, for it is gritty and bitter. Only one knows if it's finish will be sweet or sour. So we wait for him. ;)

Would sound so much better in a Dracula voice I think for some strange reason. Could be my brain wacky from lack of sleep. xP

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Concerning alias, if it's one I would really like to play at some point, have really gotten detailed on, or just like from his time in another game then I keep them. Personally I think of it the same as my account, it's part of my history that's all. ;)

That or I am a pack rat that has trouble getting rid of stuff. xP

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Male Tiefling Investigator (Empiricist) 7

Concerning intimidate, Pain clearly stated it was the influence option while Mordren did not state which option she intended (unless I missed it). It's not a catch all skill like say perception. If your using the demoralize option, you sort of have to say so or it's up in the air for interpretation. That being said, you would treat Rileng as an enemy when you did it, sense it does not effect allies. Be sure that's what you want as it does have a mechanical effect unlike say threatening someone.

In case anyone is wondering I am waiting on the DM, that spoiler was not empty. So much or all of this could be moot one way or another. Which is why I have not posted. ;)

My weather has been sunny most of the day. Getting a little raining and overcast now. Guess you guys are up north.

Edit- ::Falls over:: I just got DM sniped! ::raises shaky fist:: Avenge Me! XD

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Male Half Elf Fighter Crossbowman 4/ Ranger 1

::holds back 4th edition rant::

Ahem, I would have to agree that 4th edition destroyed what I liked most about dnd. The lore, forgotten realms was a personal favorite of mine and they just ruined it purely to justify redesigning the system. They have done it in the past granted but that was a change of small measures and subtly with good story and development. 4e was basically a hammer flung from outer space into the unsuspecting utopia of good lore. Which was the basis for our beloved Pathfinders existence. 4e broke the spirit of dnd and pathfinder is it's reborn form. In my opinion it's too late, WotC messed up beyond repair. Paizo did what they should have and we love them for it.

So in short, no I have zero interest in any new DnD. Pathfinder is my bread and butter and it's full of deliciousness. x)

P.S. Forgive me if it sounded slightly like a rant.

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Updated and corrected.

Umbryl Char - Male Human Magus
Darven Nole - Male Half Elf Fighter
Valeria Windsong - Female Human Fighter
Sylvia Jahlyn - Female Human Warpriest of Shelyn
Thunarr - Male Human Brawler

Serol Udelukina - Male Human Transmutation Sin Mage
Zwain - Male Human Enchantment Sin Mage
Zoruk Magnu - Male Human Transmutation Sin Mage

Clang - Male Dwarf Cleric of Sarenrae
Selina Aldaeth - Female Human Paladin of Shelyn

Corrin Whisperwind - Male Half Elf Fighter

Alexis Ravani - Female Human Bard

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Male Aasimar Expert 1/ Conjurer 2

Just had to share this, worth a chuckle. :)

From Guide to Absalom:

“Are you crazed? Get out of her way! No,
don’t look surprised again, it marks you
as easy prey. You’re still looking at race or
bloodline to determine rank, and that means
nothing in Absalom. Look at clothes and
gear, you fool! If they wear tight leathers
and quality shirts, carrying a sword or axe,
they’re hotspurs like myself. Bracers and
rings are most likely wizards or priests,
though wands are a better giveaway.
Patched clothes mean either commoners
or assassins, so watch yourself. But robes
and huge hats? Huge hats mean money, and
that’s always trouble.”
—Donnica Mycelene Ia-Tep, native hotspur
and wearer of a modest, brimmed hat

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The drow lost Celwynvian to the elves, the result of a foolish young matron. Yet the elves could not hold the city, their are still danger's lurking. An organization called the Wovirl have come from the darklands to take back the city. Your going to take back the lost city and more.

I am looking for 2-3 players maybe more depending. The adventure has already started but is still early so anyone chosen will be coming into an existing group. I am looking for players that will use sound tactical thinking otherwise you will get killed. I am not out to kill you but if you do something in poor judgement expect a reaction by the enemy.

The setting is Celwynvian after the drow were driven out, the great houses of Zirnakaynin want the city back in the hands of the drow. Yet none are willing to send their personal forces so they left it to a mercenary organization called the Wovirl which the PC's recently joined. You will be part of a group that is spear heading the mission.

Character Creation
Ability Scores-25 point buy
Race-Drow Noble
Class-Any (We already have a Summoner, Magus, and Inquisitor)
HP-Max at 1st lvl, Half +1 afterwards
Traits-2 plus 1 tied to your backstory and approved by me.
Money-25,000 gp

When it comes to your backstory do not have any ties with a House. I think that covers everything. If I missed anything or you have questions feel free to ask.

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Dude you just gave me a tarrasque flashback from early epic. Also reminds me about a epic lich with a ring made of pure negitive energy. Talk about PC hell, destroyed a whole plane to take down that one. A GM should not need to "sway" things, unless they lack knowledge. Just don't get mad when the PCs make a plane destroying bomb. xD

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Male (?) Unknown, (Host Body) Drow Metal Elementalist 17

Solivala's face breaks for the first time in untold years as it is covered by shock. His orbs nearly fall out of the air their orbit broken by the sudden unexpected emotion from their master. But in moments his swarm rises like a protective fog around him.

::Scanning.....subject found....directory.....ENDER SERIES....sub-directory.......World Ender......file listing....GEAR WYRM....threat level high....chances of destruction using current form and abilities.....00.01%.....advising retreat or a change in paramaters::

Solivala composes himself. The paramaters could always be changed.

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Male Baelnorn (Elven Lich) Diviner/Summoner -
Headmaster Ryo wrote:

"Spying is not something I generally condone, but keeping an eye on them when they are in public would be harmless people watching, so there really isn't much I could do to stop you as long as it does not interfere with teaching your students."

Ryo does not appear to be giving out his stance on the matter one way or the other, merely option.

Filne shrugs.

"Spying implies their is something worth hiding. Innocent people have nothing to fear from their little secrets. After all what could simple townspeople have to hide that would matter to us. I for one could care less to find out who has been sneaking extra eggs out of the hen house or that so and so's son is seeing the local barmaid. Anything that would be worth our attention would be dangerous and so being forewarned would give us time to avert such a tragic event in the making or at least prepare for it."

He shrugs again then bows.

"Well all these theories serve little purpose. Let us simply do our duty and hope for the best. If you'll excuse me I must return to watching the students and stopping a highly strung kobold from putting more students in detention then in their classes. Headmaster."

He quickly walks away towards yet another victim of the rampaging kobold.

Feel free to hold him back if you need to say anything. ;)

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Male (?) Unknown, (Host Body) Drow Metal Elementalist 17

A light clicking sound can be heard thru the empty school halls. If their were eyes to look upon the bearer of such a sound they would find an odd sight indeed. What appears to be a tiny humanoid stick figure made up of gears racing down the hall carrying a amulet over its shoulder. Its feet gears moving with bluring speed as it heads for the clock tower where its master beckons. Its strange metallic snicker goes unheard as it speeds along with glee, running upon the walls and roof with ease as it spirals home.


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The lizard runs after the stick, upon getting to it he bites it then spits it back out. It turns in the direction of the dwarf with what seems an angry eye, sparks flying over it body more so then before.

Shocker Lizard moves away from the party. But with in 30 ft. of the doorway you guys came in. Hostile towards Indeo currently.

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As soon as the party enters the room a dog sized lizard runs out towards Colyne. The lizard seems eager for something rather then outright hostile as it stops before Colyne. A small bolt of lightning jumps off the lizard and strikes Colyne, yet the lizard does not seem to have noticed as it stares at Colyne.


1d8 ⇒ 6 nonlethal electricity dmg
Reflex DC 12 for half dmg

Init Order:

Shocker Lizard 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Colyne 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Scar 1d20 ⇒ 12
Nngara 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Deslin 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Indeo 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Shocker Lizard

Colyne takes 6 nonlethal dmg, 3 nonlethal dmg if he makes his save. Indeo is up. I remind you that fluff is not always there purely for fluff's sake. (hint hint)

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I was thinking of running a one shot adventure, sense I have never DMed here. If things go well it may turn into a longer series of adventures. If anyone is interested let me know. Below are some rules for character creation for the interested.

Character Stuff:

Starting level 1
25 point buy, no stat over 18 before racial mods and no stat under 8.
Core races are good but am willing to allow others.
Any class I have access to is allowed, but I reserve the right to disallow them with good reason.
One starting trait, I may allow more.
You get an extra 100 gp to starting your starting gold.
No evil alignments, all others are fine.

Let me know if I missed anything or if you have questions.

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Male (?) Unknown, (Host Body) Drow Metal Elementalist 17
narrator wrote:

Given the power levels of the kids at this school I'm starting to think that the wards around Agartha are as much to protect the rest of the Empire from us. ;P

Thats right, its not so much a school as a warmachine waiting to be provoked. ^.^