
Vicalan Shal'Tludeint's page

183 posts. Alias of OmniChaos.


HP 22 l AC 15/T 14/FF 12 l Fort +4/Ref +5/Will +7 l Init +7 l Perc +13

About Vicalan Shal'Tludeint

Vicalan Shal'Tludeint
Male Zekyl Conjurer 3/ Master Specialist 1
LN Medium Humanoid (elf)
Init +7; Senses Darkvision 120 ft.; Perception +13
AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+3 dex, +1 armor, +1 def)
HP 22 (4 HD)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +7 (+2 vs enchantment)
Resist cold 5, electricity 5; Immune sleep
SR 10
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Claw +0 (1d4-1/x2)
Ranged: Light Crossbow +4 (1d8, 19-20/x2)
SA: 1/day Breath Weapon (15-foot cone of 1d6 negative energy, Ref DC 13), 7/day Shift (10 ft.)
Spells (CL 4th) Concentration +8, +4 vs SR
2nd- Summon Monster II (2), Invisibility, Glitterdust
1st- Summon Monster I, Burning Disarm, Disguise Self, Expeditious Retreat, Windy Escape
0 (at will)- Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Penumbra, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 13
Traits: Eyes and Ears of the City, Resilient
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Alertness, Acadamae Graduate, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Skill Focus (Spellcraft),
Craft (Traps) +13
Knowledge (Arcana) +11
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +11
Knowledge (Nature) +11
Knowledge (Planes) +11
Knowledge (Religion) +11
Linguistics +11
Perception +13
Spellcraft +14
Languages: Undercommon, Elven, Draconic, Common, Drow Sign Language, Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial, Auran, Goblin,
SQ: Gliding Wings, Poison Use, Claws, Light Blindness, Arcane Bond (Greensting Scorpion), Summoner's Charm (2), Shift (10 ft.), Cantrips,
Location: On Person
Scholar's Outfit
Reversible Cloak
House Insignia
Bandolier (2)
Familiar Satchel
Book Lariat
Scroll Box
Iron Vial (5)
Wizard's Kit
Light Crossbow
Bolts (19)
Piwafwi of Resistance +1
Sleeves of Many Garments
Traveler's Any Tool
Ring of Protection +1
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (2)
Scroll of Rope Trick and Create Treasure Map
Scroll of Expeditious Retreat, Identify, Secluded Grimoire, Comprehend Languages, and Endure Elements
Scroll of Magic Missile
Scroll of Delusional Pride
Spirit of Wine (58)

Money: 17 gp, 2 sp


Vicalan's Shadow Dragon Skin Spellbook
Protection: Good Poison Needle Lock (Perception and Disable Device DC 30, Melee Atk +5 [1 damage plus greensting scorpion poison])

2nd- Summon Monster II, Stone Call, Web, Glitterdust, Rope Trick, Invisibility, Create Pit, Create Treasure Map, Summon Swarm, Locate Object, See Invisibility, Mirror Image, Alter Self, Lipstitch, Mad Hallucination, Acid Arrow, Symbol of Mirroring
1st- Alarm, Endure Elements, Protection from Evil, Protection from Good, Grease, Mount, Snowball, Summon Monster I, Identify, Windy Escape, Disguise Self, Magic Missile, Arcane Lock, Obscuring Mist, Secluded Grimoire, Comprehend Languages, Silent Image, Burning Disarm, Expeditious Retreat, Itching Curse, Interrogation, Cause Fear
0- All

Opposition Schools: Necromancy, Enchantment


Vicalan hails from the city of dark weavings, yet is a product of the Jaezred Chaulssin. A member of the Sshamath cell by way of birth. Life in Sshamath has always been good to Vicalan or at least better then most drow due in no small part to his talent and hard work in his art. Vicalan was taken in by the College of Conjuration early in his life as his talent in that school of magic marked him to them and so was quickly claimed in a city were all males were watched for arcane power. Vicalan quickly found that talent alone was not enough and more so when you were considered a rival by every other wizard. Vicalan dove into conjuration magic with a drive that even caused the masters to step back. Even Urlryn Khalazza took notice of the promising apprentice, this was Vicalan's misfortune. For reasons he has yet to learn Vicalan was sent to Menzoberranzan as an exchange apprentice to House Kewadin. Why or how that house managed and made that arrangement with the Conclave is another mystery to Vicalan. None the less he was sent by his college, rather Urlryn, to learn below House Kewadin's Wizard and he would. Alas Menzoberranzan is not Sshamath and his adjustment to their ways was not without incident. Mostly the death of a few lesser nobles that thought his place undeserved or resented him as an outsider. Sense then the attempts on his life have been few and far between, for he apparently has no ambition or desire to improve his position with in House Kewadin.

Appearance and Personality:

Vicalan is tall even by drow standards, easily meeting most females eyes if not looking down on them. His hair is short and left to fall where it may, yet well groomed enough not to insult the more dandy nobles. His eyes are solid black with whorls only seen at very close range. His build is not only slender as the norm but almost gaunt. His teeth are slightly more pointed then the norm as well. The most distinctive marks of his less then pure blood in the eyes of other drow are his fingers and wings. Possessed of longer then normal fingers that end in a true stright talons instead of humanoid nails, he constantly wears specially made gloves to hide them from casual observers. As for his wings they are large, long, slender, and as pure black as his skin. Useless for true flight due to his lack of strength but capable of supporting him when unfurled. He keeps them draped and their hooked tips atop each other upon his shoulders, allowing them to be mistaken for a cloak or coat by a misleading glance.

Concerning his style of dress, he prefers function over form. When given the choice of course he tends to the traditional dress of mages. Favoring robes with loose lower sections but always more ornament and form fitting upper attire. By need of his unique body, all his garments must be tailor made.

Vicalan is amoral, not uncommon among drow only his extends to all. He has no racial pride as is the norm among drow. A logical and pragmatic creature to his core he takes the best course of action without thought to emotion or morality. The only solid belief he holds is that order is better then chaos and unpredictability. He loathes anything that does not act upon reasons or rational motivation. He accepts that some are driven by emotion, not above that himself at times, yet still understands this. As opposed to thinking creatures that choose impulse over reason at a whim, mainly creatures such as demons. None the less he is also a cautious and patient man, taking the long view for gains rather then the short quick rise and fall so common around him. This is his preferred method but he is not inflexible adapting with events as they come when needed. Always the opportunist he seeks advantage with every encounter, what can not be turned into an advantage. He destroys without mercy and overwhelming power, allowing no threat to fester and grow.


DC 10+spell level

Level Progression
4th-Master Specialist
5th-Master Specialist
7th-Master Specialist
9th-Master Specialist