Raven of Bonespire |

I will be getting only the players handbook, Dungeon Master's guide, and the Monster Manual. and that's only because I am a collector. I do like some of the rules changes, but some of them are still very plainly a holdover from 4th edition. as for actually playing, I am very much a pathfinder fan, but I may run a D&D campaign just for giggles...
-Posted with Wayfinder

Anton Medvyed |

Unless WotC decides to make amends and completely remove the horrors introduced with the 4th edition, I'm going to stay with Pathfinder for life.
They should own the trademark of D&D, but I think the real spirit of the game is not bounded to the Name D&D.

Anton Medvyed |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

About World Cup, being a rare kind of Italian who doesn't follow football championship (I only watch National team sporadically)...Here is a funny video I just found :)

Zartana |

Movie studios should get soccer players epic death scenes

Lorald Orlovsky |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

::holds back 4th edition rant::
Ahem, I would have to agree that 4th edition destroyed what I liked most about dnd. The lore, forgotten realms was a personal favorite of mine and they just ruined it purely to justify redesigning the system. They have done it in the past granted but that was a change of small measures and subtly with good story and development. 4e was basically a hammer flung from outer space into the unsuspecting utopia of good lore. Which was the basis for our beloved Pathfinders existence. 4e broke the spirit of dnd and pathfinder is it's reborn form. In my opinion it's too late, WotC messed up beyond repair. Paizo did what they should have and we love them for it.
So in short, no I have zero interest in any new DnD. Pathfinder is my bread and butter and it's full of deliciousness. x)
P.S. Forgive me if it sounded slightly like a rant.

Zartana |

Im just interested in the dragon story. I love dragons I have an entire campaign based on dragons. Hence im interested in it. I have 6 hard covers based on dnd and its dragon lore
-Posted with Wayfinder

Gareth de Lockhart |

I looked at the starter rules PDF but nothing grabbed me. In any event, I never bothered to learn another game system to any great extent with the exception of 1/2e to 3e, and I don't anticipate that changing.

Old Guy GM |

Shame these forums aren't more customizable. if I could I would rename the Darkness forum, Wolf Hunters and the Fox Antler's Dragon Hunters.
You can, go into the campaign and "edit Campaign", can change the title. Not the campaign info tab, click on the blue title i.e. "The King's Patron blue link from your "My Campaigns" screen.

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There's an idea I've had for another campaign, not that I need one, but i wanted to see what you all might have to say about it.
Pathfinder, mythic, advanced classes only. Probably start out at level 5 or 10. It's called the Last Days of Old Azlant. You play champions of Azlant who witness and try to prevent the fall of Azlant.
The issue I foresee, aside form the complexity created by the high power level, is that since so little is known about Azlant a lot of the setting would have to be cooperatively created by the players and myself. Even something as basic as the domains of the deities would have to be agreed upon.
I love doing this kind of work, but I always want the players to join in, which not everybody is willing and able to do.

Natalya Artemisa |

A thousand times yes!
Love cooperative world building and the premise sounds great.
Consider your first person signed on :)

Lorald Orlovsky |

I don't feel like having a big post. ;)
Personally Mardavig I think that is a huge headache in so many ways. That aside it would take a huge amount of prep work before even looking for players just for the reasons you describe of lacking information. You basically have to build an entire world from that time. Azlant from my impression of what little information is given, was an advanced magical civilization to the point where magic was akin to futuristic sci fi tech. They created a moon base after all, that being a failure cause it got corrupted and connected to the abyss. Oh yeah they also created a proto god from a demon lord they dragged out of the abyss too. Which may or may not have been their intention. Which while I am rambling, demon lord Zura is said to have been an Azlanti queen before her demonic transformation. Kinda shows a pattern. xP
Anyways I would suggest for the sake of your sanity to try going about it a different way. If your really on the back in the distant past theme then Thassilon is a better choice with more information by a good amount. You even get stats on a few key figures. If your willing to go with the present but want an ancient feel then you could go with one of the ideas from an older AP, Serpent's Skull to be specific. Where the countless number of serpentfolk that have been in stasis sense they lost the war awaken. Their is nothing to say that a number of Azlanti did not do the same when earthfall came around in an attempt to ride it out. These two newly awaken forces could clash in the present because of their old history or one waking up could have some how done the same to the other. Not only having them face a world that has changed in countless ways but also deal with an old threat that failed to succumb to time.
Just my take on it, hopefully something helps.
P.S. Earthfall took down two ancient gods that tried to stop it. Acavna the moon goddess of Azlant, Amaznen the god of magic and beloved of Acavna. Any awakened Azlanti could have strong connections to one or both gods and their fates. Acavna is connected to the mordant spire and Amaznen to the starstone. Plenty there to work with if you so choose.

Zartana |

Sounds interesting. I will help where I can. Also. I now have the hard cover of mythic adventures
I am slowly building a world too. GM, if interested, we can chat about that too :)
-Posted with Wayfinder

Anton Medvyed |

Sounds very interesting, but I'm currently involved in too many campaigns right now, so I don't think I'll have the time for a cooperative contribution.

Gareth de Lockhart |

Like Anton, I am stretched too thin with six games for me to join another.
Have fun at it!

Jenya P. |

Interesting stuff, it would be intriguing to play as a group of people who realize the danger and try to warn people unsuccessfully and failing at that try to prevent it. The success condition can be pretty onerous so they'll likely fail and then you can pick up maybe five years later when the crisis breaks out. Then if they fail then five years later again with a last ditch evacuation. Some later characters could be survivors from earlier phases.
This is all spitballing of course.

Anton Medvyed |

Yesterday evening I saw "Monty Python Live (mostly)", who else of you was at this global live broadcasting event?

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I am the worst at fighting through a crowd to join a game. That's why I started my own instead.
I'm just saying that if, in the future, anyone here joins such a game and perhaps needs another player. Or decides to start one of their own. I would be most appreciative of being made aware.
I have no doubt that Iron gods will be very popular for the next six months.

Chief White Eagle |

I'll keep an eye open. but I don't know if I will try for one. don't know enough on the AP yet to know if I will like it.

Sebastian Callen |

I am the worst at fighting through a crowd to join a game. That's why I started my own instead.
I'm just saying that if, in the future, anyone here joins such a game and perhaps needs another player. Or decides to start one of their own. I would be most appreciative of being made aware.
I have no doubt that Iron gods will be very popular for the next six months.
I'm with you 100% on that. I hate wading through the recruitment process. I am running 3 now just for that reason as well. I joined this one on an invite, when I made a similar request for a game, glad I did!

Helikon |

I might try my own hand in leading. I ask you honestly how hard is it, how time consuming. I could get the books and start a recruitment. I did lead a few, but only in german and on the table.
Ok I made a decision.
I will lead Iron gods.
5 players 20PB or 3W6x6
4-5 players. If there is interest. I will make a closed thread if at least 3 people tell me they are interested.
GMs get the advantage in selection!

Zartana |

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As mentioned I am definitely interested.
Per your question i have the time demand to be minimal but constant. Setting up a combat is the longest thing, but aside from that i just pop on a couple times a day. The trick is you can't leave the players alone too long. Skip a day and people start to lose interest. You have to be on there everyday.
I'm lucky because you guys generally let me have weekends off, but I try to check in several times a day mon-fri. In this instance having so many players is actually a bonus, because it means there's usually something for me to respond to at any given time.
I did have a crazy idea for a Numerian android soulknife, but that's probably too out there. I'll re-read my Iron Gods players guide and come back with a character by end of day.

Azih |

Interested here as well. The PBPs I find work better also have an understanding that a player can be either botted or skipped if they are inactive for a bit, especially during combat just to keep things moving. Looking at it, would like to make an Archivist Bard, Knowledge/Skill Monkey/Face type character. Looking at all that probably won't be the best at combat hah, probably focus more on buff/debuff.

Zartana |

Sounds good :)
-Posted with Wayfinder

Zartana |

Applied :)
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Zartana |

Boon to play catfolk :P I know a feat would be better. But I wanna try this build :)
Bluff, feint, sneak attack with 1d8s
-Posted with Wayfinder

Helikon |

It is mainly a crutch for you to build a more interesting character.
Like your character is afraid of heights. And you say. Well i fly up. And I say in a PM you are afraid of heights. You do not do that! Or I say after 10 meters you are sickened no save and just WANT to get down.
On the other side. If you say your char is very good looking, this might influence your char in a very positive way with NPCs who are attracted to your sex.

Jenya P. |

Got it. I like my obsessive little gear head then. I'm guessing that you're not too interested in min maxing right? I kinda want to bump the int of my character at the expense of cha even though that's not the optimal way of playing a bard.

Zartana |

I like the idea of a witty, and a bit chrasmatic. And a bit angry. And with bluff and feint... i foresee sucker punches.
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