Giants of Autumn Twilight (Inactive)

Game Master Jubal Breakbottle

* Roll20 map

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Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

I think I want to stay with what I have. I like the concept and frankly a cleric is kind of important for heals. That said if someone needs to pilot one of them I have no problem doing that to keep the work off the GM.

Any ideas what would have specifically led us to the fort. Is there an NPC that could have told us to look for the party?

Common Background
I had been assuming the Zekal had arrived late back in Truneau and missed the hope knife ceremony. Can we use that for a launching point or shall we met in the wilds someplace? Our backstories would make it easy to get to the fort form there I would think.

Male Dwarf Fighter 7; Perception +4; Init +3; AC 21, HP 105/105, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Dwarven Double War Axe +15/+10 (1d10+12/x3)

Hello all! Thanks for the selection. The NPCs look interesting, but I think I would also like to stick with Crom.

Concerning the common background, perhaps we have been hired as mercenaries by a neighboring state (Lastwall?) to recon the orc/giant threat? We have traveled through Trunau enroute to explore southern Belkzen. Our explorations have led us to the keep.

I defer to the group on the war hammer and great sword. Crom specializes in axes, but he is also a follower of Gorum, so the sword would have some significance, if it is not better used by someone else.

* Saltmarsh *

Wulfrum. You have first pick with those magic items, since you were there.

Female Human Gunslinger/Occultist 3 | HP:28/28 | Grit 2/2 |
|AC 20, Touch 15, FlatFoot 15, CMD 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +6| Init +6 | Perception +10

Welcome all! Glad to have you onboard!

Starting from the start, after leaving Trunau, we set off to attack and assassinate the giantess leader, planning to attack Trunau. After barging in with a barge several kilometers from where we are now, we discovered the fort and saw a dwarf being forced to fight a bear with a skillet, and despite the comedic value of watching the fight, we decided to liberate him.

Afterwards, we uncovered that the orcs and the giants of the fort have been fighting, and we decided to attack it in order to undermine their efforts in the area.

And that's the short story - we can give you the longer one ingame!

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

Nice update.

Crom if that scenario works for Nox I would just say that I joined up with you in Trunau. Not in it as a mercenary but to protect the people the giants threaten and gladly throwing in with mercenaries.

That is of course up for change but I think it makes sense as I had built in Trunau as his origin and him having some knowledge of those already in the field.

Roll 20
Can you have more then one Avatar picture? I currently have it set for a character in anther game this is still ongoing.

Male Dwarf, Warpriest | HP 70/70 | Fervor 6/6 | Blessings 6/6 | AC 22, T10, FF 22, CMD 19/18 | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8 | Init +1 | Perception +13*, Darkvision 60 ft

Eh, I just have a moral quandary against one person having too much 'loot' for their level compared to the other players, hence my aversion somewhat to Wulfrum getting Agrimmosh.

But, really looking at everyone's profile even those of the NPCs, it makes sense for Wulfrum to be wielding it.

But again though, if anyone feels it's not right for Wulfrum to have too much loot for his level, let me know and myself and Wulfrum would both understand.

I'm going to go ahead and update for now my character sheet as having Agrimmosh and Uskroth's Armor.

Male Dwarf Fighter 7; Perception +4; Init +3; AC 21, HP 105/105, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Dwarven Double War Axe +15/+10 (1d10+12/x3)

Thanks for the summary Lys.

Sounds good Zekal, perhaps Crom was hired as a mercenary and he enlisted the help of you and Nox once he arrived in Trunau.

* Saltmarsh *

Varin had the artifact, Wulfrum. Someone needs to wield it.

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

Wulfrum, generally people joining later can have gear specifically tailored to their characters. I do not think I would have come across a +1 Corrosive Longbow in the Ginatslayer AP to say nothing of my quiver.

It is only right that you should get Agrimmosh in my opinion.

Male Tiefling Alchemist (Gun Chemist) 2 | HP 15/15| AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | CMB +4, CMD 14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +0 | Init: +3 | low-light vision, darkvision 60, Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft

Hey guys. Sorry, I missed the selection post yesterday. Give me a minute.

Male Tiefling Alchemist (Gun Chemist) 2 | HP 15/15| AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | CMB +4, CMD 14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +0 | Init: +3 | low-light vision, darkvision 60, Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft
Wulfrum Boulderhead wrote:

O.o....where....when did we pick up that Warhammer?

That thing is nasty.

Ok. So looking over character sheets, the only thing I think that confuses me is Nox's armor. Is it a Mwk Breastplate with +1 Giant Defiant Armor Spikes? or is it a +1 Breastplate with +1 Giant Defiant Armor Spikes?

Nevermind, did math. It has to be the later.

I hate the idea of it as I don't like one character getting too powerful compared to the others gear wise, but if no one wants to use the Warhammer, Wulfrum would gladly use it.

I'd be happy to relinquish the Armor he's wearing in order to do so but I mean a +2 Warhammer that has impact on it is nasty.

+1 Giant-defiant breastplate with regular armor spikes. I figure I’ll use the spikes on any enemy that tries to close under the reach of my longaxe. Speaking of, I like a reach weapon if we’re to be fighting giants, someone else can have the hammer.

I’ll stick with Nox, but I’d like to tie my background in with the dwarf NPCs. Say he’s a cousin who went looking for them some time after they left initially or something. I’m fine with meeting up with Crom and Zekal in Trunau. Unless Crom wants to be a friend/extended family who came looking for the Nargrymkins with me, and we both met up with Zekal in Trunau?

Male Dwarf Fighter 7; Perception +4; Init +3; AC 21, HP 105/105, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Dwarven Double War Axe +15/+10 (1d10+12/x3)

Sounds fine to me Nox.

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

Ok so Nox and Crom (both related to NPC??) travel to Trunau and all find they are to late for the seige of Trunau. Zekal is also late to the party but feels he has a holy obligation to work against this threat to civilization. They join forces to head out after the heroes and search for the dwarfs family. Happy circumstance put both goals in the same place.... a fort.

* Saltmarsh *

How about Nox and Crom are related to Wulfrum? The NPC dwarves weren't through Trunau.

Is everyone equipped with their new gear?

When ready, open the grate somehow.

Male Tiefling Alchemist (Gun Chemist) 2 | HP 15/15| AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | CMB +4, CMD 14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +0 | Init: +3 | low-light vision, darkvision 60, Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft

No reason they'd have to be. Trunau is just somewhere we were passing through while looking. Maybe a bad lead had us thinking they'd be there but they weren't. Being related to a famous giantslayer would be a nifty piece of backstory for Nox, since he's dedicated his life to that same pursuit.

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

I added a few minor items to my gear and am all set.

How do you want to work us in? Do you want us to RP introductions or just be at the gate having met.

Male Human (Ulfen) Transmuter 6 | HP 48/48 | Augment 7/7 | 1st 5/5, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 4/4
AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12, CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perception +9

I am packing up the computer today to move. So I won't be posting for a while.

DM PC me as needed. I'll let you know when I am up and running again.

Everything on my sheet should be good and up to date except for spells prepared, feel free to adjust that as needed.

Male Dwarf Fighter 7; Perception +4; Init +3; AC 21, HP 105/105, Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +3, Dwarven Double War Axe +15/+10 (1d10+12/x3)

Crom is good to go. I'm fine being related to Wulfrum - cousins?

* Saltmarsh *

Retcon your arrival in spoilers, and go ahead and open the grate

Male Dwarf, Warpriest | HP 70/70 | Fervor 6/6 | Blessings 6/6 | AC 22, T10, FF 22, CMD 19/18 | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8 | Init +1 | Perception +13*, Darkvision 60 ft

Sounds fine to be cousins, Wulfrum lived under the mountain for some time before moving to Trunau to be a blacksmith as part of a long standing tradition between the Dwarves and the settlement.

* Saltmarsh *

I’m on a biz trip until Friday. Keep RP until I can post then.

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

For marching order Zekel would tend to be near the back.

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

Stats are good on GP thread.

If it is dark as a kind of standard thing Zekal will cast light on an arrow and carry it. It will be the first he shoots so it lights where the enemies are.

Male Tiefling Alchemist (Gun Chemist) 2 | HP 15/15| AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | CMB +4, CMD 14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +0 | Init: +3 | low-light vision, darkvision 60, Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft
DM Jubal wrote:
Nox Copperscale wrote:
I can't move my icon on Roll20. Nox & friend should have moved back out of the tunnel last turn, if someone wants to move me.
I had given Charles S control of Nox and friend, because you wrote that you were on first. So, I just switched control of Nox and friend to Uriel and gave Charles control of Crom. It would help me if you changed your name in the Roll20 game to your character. thanks

So as not to further clutter the game thread....

How do I do that, exactly? Uriel is the name of the character from the first Roll20 game I was in, now I don't seem to be able to change the name I post with. It's annoying.

* Saltmarsh *

Click on the gear in the top right corner.

Change your Display Name under My Settings.


Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

I do not think I have open been at such a loss as to how to help other then taking some of the damage myself.

* Saltmarsh *

This is AP is full of these encounters. Let me know when you’re ready to fast forward.

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

Wulfrum and DM Jubal - the Shield Other will last for four hours. I am not sure the best way to track this but there it is.

Female Human Gunslinger/Occultist 3 | HP:28/28 | Grit 2/2 |
|AC 20, Touch 15, FlatFoot 15, CMD 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +6| Init +6 | Perception +10

Hey guys! Just posting to let you know, I'm without electricity for the next couple of days, so I won't be able to post. I'll try and get something up at least before the big holidays, but I might also be a bit scarce then.

Hopefully won't miss any big battles. Sorry!

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

I am impressed by the damage output of the dwarfs. Very cool.

Male Dwarf, Warpriest | HP 70/70 | Fervor 6/6 | Blessings 6/6 | AC 22, T10, FF 22, CMD 19/18 | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8 | Init +1 | Perception +13*, Darkvision 60 ft

You can put out some nice damage early on but boy can you slack off long term. Ranged can murder yah long term, but Spells are legit the destroyers of tabletop.

Sometimes I feel like it's a shame cause you need the Fighter for the first 8 levels but after that, you feel half useless sometimes other than as a hit taker.

At least that's my spin on it from the years I've played.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Ulfen) Transmuter 6 | HP 48/48 | Augment 7/7 | 1st 5/5, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 4/4
AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12, CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perception +9

I have access to the web again but the move is still being problematic, so expect a slow down in my posting from normal.

But the silence has hopefully ended.

Female Human Gunslinger/Occultist 3 | HP:28/28 | Grit 2/2 |
|AC 20, Touch 15, FlatFoot 15, CMD 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +6| Init +6 | Perception +10

Welcome back, Nerak!

I'm still without power, or was yesterday. I'll check after work!

Male Human (Ulfen) Transmuter 6 | HP 48/48 | Augment 7/7 | 1st 5/5, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 4/4
AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12, CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perception +9

If anyone is willing to give me a summary that would be great. It seems the game play thread exploded while I was gone. :)

Male Dwarf, Warpriest | HP 70/70 | Fervor 6/6 | Blessings 6/6 | AC 22, T10, FF 22, CMD 19/18 | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8 | Init +1 | Perception +13*, Darkvision 60 ft

Hmm, basically we dealt with an Ooze. It tried to eat Wulfrum, we went into the sewers and climbed up a thing. The other Ooze seeing it's brother died decided it was full, we then went into the fort proper and took the big hallway instead of the medium sized hallway and found....Giants! Now Blue pants giant is dead and Red giant is mad that he can't hit a dwarf to save his life while three dwarves are crawling all over him biting his knee caps.

Female Human Gunslinger/Occultist 3 | HP:28/28 | Grit 2/2 |
|AC 20, Touch 15, FlatFoot 15, CMD 18 | Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +6| Init +6 | Perception +10

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! I wish you all a wonderful time, lots of joy and overflowing plates!

I still don't have power in my place, so I went to friends for Christmas. I'll get back to regular schedule, and I'm loving the tempo.

Male Human (Ulfen) Transmuter 6 | HP 48/48 | Augment 7/7 | 1st 5/5, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 4/4
AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12, CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perception +9

Merry Christmas everyone.

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

Ah yes, I wish you all the same and many more. Just ate so much I can hardly think straight.

* Saltmarsh *

Merry Christmas and happy holidays. I wish you and your family all the best health and happiness.

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge
DM Jubal wrote:
"Everyone is up. Double check your positioning in Roll20"

I am sure that is completely innocent and there isn't something terrible through the door.

* Saltmarsh *

Of course not. It’s a tea party. ;D

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

Could be worse could be: "Everyone roll a will save."

* Saltmarsh *

My family are heading further up north for a week. We'll have wifi, but they'll consume more time. Tomorrow is the travel day.

You killed the giantess, but I have to figure out what happens when she called for help.

Male Human (Ulfen) Transmuter 6 | HP 48/48 | Augment 7/7 | 1st 5/5, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 4/4
AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12, CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perception +9

Happy New Year!

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

Yes, happy new year to all.

Status: None | Cleric 5 / Ranger 2 | 69/69 HP 21 AC | 13 Tch | 18 F | +8 F | +7 R | +8 W | 18 CMD | +5 CMB | +3 Ini |+8 Percp | +10 {+13 Gnt} Corrosive Longbow 1d8+1+1d6 {+2 G} X3 | +9 {+12 Gnt} Silver Spear 1d8-1 {+2 G} x2 | Status: None | 7/7 Channel (3d6) | 50/50 Silver Arrows | 40/40 Arrows | 7/7 Binding Ties | 7/7 Enlarge

Since were in the room can we see more of that area to the south that Wulfrum is standing by?

* Saltmarsh *

You need to go to or through the double doors to look out. Right now, the body of the giantess is blocking the way to casually look.

* Saltmarsh *

OK, players. The game is stalling.

If you're not going through the open double doors to the balcony, then let's start acting in 1 minute increments.

Remember, you closed the door to the treasury/cage room downstairs and left the two manticores who cannot fly away feeding on the dead hill giants. So, the first wave of defenders will have to get through them. There's no other way up to where you are, besides climbing the exterior walls, which would be last resort for defenders of the fort.

Also remember, that you have yet to search this room. Just saying.

Male Human (Ulfen) Transmuter 6 | HP 48/48 | Augment 7/7 | 1st 5/5, 2nd 5/5, 3rd 4/4
AC 14, Touch 12, FF 12, CMD 15 | Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 | Init +2 | Perception +9

Nerak is ready to ID any loot or what not.

Male Tiefling Alchemist (Gun Chemist) 2 | HP 15/15| AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | CMB +4, CMD 14 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +0 | Init: +3 | low-light vision, darkvision 60, Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft
DM Jubal wrote:

OK, players. The game is stalling.

If you're not going through the open double doors to the balcony, then let's start acting in 1 minute increments.

Remember, you closed the door to the treasury/cage room downstairs and left the two manticores who cannot fly away feeding on the dead hill giants. So, the first wave of defenders will have to get through them. There's no other way up to where you are, besides climbing the exterior walls, which would be last resort for defenders of the fort.

Also remember, that you have yet to search this room. Just saying.

So the double doors across from the entrance we used are just a balcony or something? I was thinking they were a second entrance to the room.

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