Tyrants of Zhentil Keep - A Forgotten Realms Pathfinder Mythic Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master Dennis Harry

The Gauntlet

The Crypt

Dreaded Lair Cross Section

The House of Night

Faerun World Map

Geography of the Underdark

Faerûnian Character Regions

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Shadow's Status

The Discussion thread!

Male Kitsune Merchant


Male Human Gleeman 0 -- HP 10 : AC 20 CMD 14 Touch 14 Flat 14 : F +2 R +5 W +0 : INIT +4 Perc +4 CMB +0


Grand Lodge

Human Noble 0th // Hp: 8/8 |•| AC: 17/12/15 |•| Fort/Ref/Will: +2/+2/+3 |•| Initiative: +2 Combat: Falcata, +4 (1d8+3 / 19-20, x3) or Falcata Power Attack, +3 (1d8+5 / 19-20, x3)

Buenos dias.

Male Half-Janni, Jinnborn.


Male Chondathan Human Apprentice


Male Chondathan Human Apprentice

So does anyone else have any connection or set up in Zhentil Keep? Or is everyone just "fresh off the boat"?

Male Half-Janni, Jinnborn.

Pretty much, my character is currently across the sea of falling stars. So I'm going to need to do a good bit of traveling.

Male Kitsune Merchant

I'm from a completely different Continent, although my character has been here long enough to learn their language as well as ah... Get settled.

Male Chondathan Human Apprentice

I guess that means Silver is residing in the foreign quarter of Zhentil Keep. While Ja'far has not even arrived yet. Correct me if I'm wrong. ;)

Dorn resides in the inner quarter mostly so he can tend to his master's needs.

Male Human Gleeman 0 -- HP 10 : AC 20 CMD 14 Touch 14 Flat 14 : F +2 R +5 W +0 : INIT +4 Perc +4 CMB +0

I'm at the docks, making my way toward the Keep.

Male Chondathan Human Apprentice

The main docks are in the harbor district of the city and are restricted to Zhents or Zhentarim. The foreign quarter takes any non-zhent trading and shipping concerns at their docks on the other side of the tesh river that runs through the city. You can get to the other districts and main city by crossing the force bridge or tesh bridge.

If it's not clear already Zhentil Keep has a lot of security and does not let outsiders move around or stay in certain parts of the city without getting permission.

Male Human Gleeman 0 -- HP 10 : AC 20 CMD 14 Touch 14 Flat 14 : F +2 R +5 W +0 : INIT +4 Perc +4 CMB +0

In that case, I'm in the foreign quarter, making my way to the Keep.;)

Male Human Acolyte

Vorik has resided in Zhentil Keep for a few years.

Male Chondathan Human Apprentice

I wonder if we are going to start together or get gathered up like the DM has done before. Some are going to have more interesting journeys in that alone. x)

The main temple of bane in zhentil keep, called the black alter, is in the inner quarter. Are you a orthodox bane worshiper or not? Their are two factions in zhentil keep of banites.

Male Human Acolyte

What are the two factions?? And is there any books out there where I can learn more? All I have are the 3.x ones.

Male Half-Janni, Jinnborn.

I think Lords of Darkness might have the information you need. If not look on various wikis and checkout the candlekeep forum.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Chondathan Human Apprentice

Hope I am not stepping on DM toes. :)

You can get alot off FR wiki. Here are some links for Zhentil Keep and it's history. While the best book on Zhentil Keep would be Ruins of Zhentil Keep, which is what I have been reading sense I have a copy. Old but the lore is still solid even if the numbers are not, FR cares about continuity. Until WotC got greedy but I won't go into that. xP

In short there are two factions of Bane worshipers in Zhentil Keep. Both have their own temple as well. They do not get along.

The orthodox banites are the mainstream and original banites of Zhentil Keep. They believe Bane is the ultimate tyrant and their priest should rule over other worshipers of bane. They answer to the High Imperceptor in Mulmaster. Their temple in Zhentil Keep is smaller then the other and their power is much the same, being far less, compared to the other banites. They do not like or work with the Zhentarim to put it mildly.

The other banites are Fzoul's faction. They believe that Bane is best served by supporting tyrants to spread tyranny along with their faith and are allied with the Zhentarim. They answer to Fzoul, having broken ties with the High Imperceptor and rest of the church. Both their power and temple are greater in Zhentil Keep.

Tiefling Craftsman 1 | hp 8 | Init +3, Perception +1 | AC 13/T 13/FF 10 | CMD 13 | Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +1

Sorry for coming in late! Was traveling as of a couple days ago and lost track. I know the game hasn't started yet but I still should have dotted in earlier and I apologize for that.

Speaking of "dotting in," is it okay to post to the gameplay thread yet? Would be useful to get this into my campaign tab.

My character came to the Keep via accidentally stowing away on a supply caravan. I'd expect he'd be discovered by the guards before fully entering, though he might be in the foreign quarter.

Shadow's Status

Go ahead and Invisidot if you want to get this on the Campaign Info tab. Post and then delete that post and it will appear in your tab. I am eyeing Saturday as the night to get things done but I don't want to promise anything as lately my plans have no amounted to much. The game WILL get started, I just need more time than I have had lately to get it done.

I am nearly done brainstorming the first adventure sequence, it is the backstory for a homebrew FR adventure I ran for my table top PCs about 13 years ago. The time period is right and it the rationale as to why your specific group would be tasked with that particular "dirty job" makes a great deal of sense as none of you are Zhentilar much less Zhentarim yet!

Shadow's Status

So I've got for the Roster:

Silver Suni
Vladislak the Bastard
Ja'far Mahavira
Dorn Xizurth
Vorik Kessler, and
The Pox.

Did I miss anyone?

Male Half-Janni, Jinnborn.

Gramork's character.

Sweet I was wondering if we'd be playing in your FR setting.

Sorry been away due to real life, in the middle of an existential crisis (sort of) and pbp has been a little outside my thoughts. At work now but fully updated alias is on a word file and just needs to be copy and pasted when I get home. DM, will be PMing you tonight.

Given some of what I've been reading about ZK, Kyorruel would likely be in the foreign quarter as well. Will give it slightly more thought tonight. He's on his way if he's not already there.

Male Half-Janni, Jinnborn.

Ja'far is a servant to Shianax the brown dragon. So he would need to travel by boat or magic to arrive at zhent keep. There is no doubt he'd be in the foreign quarters once there.

Tiefling Craftsman 1 | hp 8 | Init +3, Perception +1 | AC 13/T 13/FF 10 | CMD 13 | Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +1

Cool, posting then deleting worked!

Shadow's Status

Good news, I finally drafted the outline for levels 0-5!

I will begin prologues this weekend.

Male Half-Janni, Jinnborn.

Sexy, I will make sure to have my back story written out for you by tomorrow.

Shadow's Status

I know I still have a few outstanding PMs to respond to. I will get to those before I get Prologues up and running over the weekend.

Shadow's Status

I am currently migrating important write-ups from Recruitment to the Campaign Info tab. As we move along, I'll move this stuff to my DM Avatar but for now would rather have it here.

Shadow's Status

Some information in the Tab will require rolls to open, wait for Prologues to make such rolls.


Shadow's Status


I'm working with Shadow on converting Tyranny and Hatred into blessings, this is what I have for Hatred so far:
Minor: favored enemy vs one target for 1 round(minute)
Major: bane vs target for 1 minute.
No clue about Tyranny.


Let's keep working on these, not sure if I responded or not.


FYI folks, I have 2,484 PMs. Some information [what specifically I don't remember] was PMed to me, I'll search for it tonight but if I don't find it, you won't see it in the Campaign Info tab, kindly resend to me or post here in Discussion.


It's unlikely that I'll get Prologues up as I spent a lot of time just migrating data from Recruitment to the Campaign Info tab. Tomorrow I have a light posting schedule set up so I will prioritize this Campaign!

Shadow's Status

Of all the PCs that rolled, the two below are the only PCs (remaining, some people did drop out) who will have access to Psionic Wild Talents. They are listed below.

Dorn Xizurth:
– Wild Talent -
Sensing Eye
Wild Talent Cantrip
An image forms in your mind, revealing what you would see if you were standing some distance away.
Minor Action Personal
Effect: Choose one square you can see that is within 5 squares of you. Until the end of your next turn, you can determine your line of sight from that square.

Ja'far Mahavira:
– Wild Talent –
Thought Projection
Wild Talent Cantrip
You broadcast a thought or an image to nearby allies.
Minor Action Close burst 5
Target: One or more allies in burst
Effect You convey either an image or a message of 10 words or fewer to each target.

Note that these Talents do NOT give you Power Points.

Male Human Acolyte
DM Dreadmaster wrote:


I'm working with Shadow on converting Tyranny and Hatred into blessings, this is what I have for Hatred so far:
Minor: favored enemy vs one target for 1 round(minute)
Major: bane vs target for 1 minute.
No clue about Tyranny.


Let's keep working on these, not sure if I responded or not.

You approved Hatred, don't think we came up with anything for Tyranny.

Tiefling Craftsman 1 | hp 8 | Init +3, Perception +1 | AC 13/T 13/FF 10 | CMD 13 | Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +1

As a suggestion: for Tyranny, the blessings under the Glory blessings would actually probably be appropriate. While the domains themselves are quite different, the blessings are thematically fine. I would just change Glorious Presence to working on self rather than allies touched (call it "tyrannical presence" isntead).

Male Chondathan Human Apprentice

The talent sounds like it's from a different edition or system. Will the text be altered to conform with our system? As I don't know what a minor action is supposed to be and squares are not a fixed measurement used in pathfinder or 3e.

Pretty sure Dorn is set. Nothing needs to be addressed for him now, maybe in a few levels or so. :)

P.S. Does being a local yourself reduce the knowledge DCs?

Male Half-Janni, Jinnborn.

Minor actions are from 4e if I remember correctly.

Tiefling Craftsman 1 | hp 8 | Init +3, Perception +1 | AC 13/T 13/FF 10 | CMD 13 | Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +1

I am presuming people were talking about the warpriest blessing system, which is very specifically a Pathfinder mechanic introduced in the Advanced Class guide. You earn the "minor" blessing at first level and the "major" one later.

Male Half-Janni, Jinnborn.

Dorn was talking about a minor action to use our psionic powers.

Speaking of which, I really like mine. Could be useful if I need to convert some useful idiots . Also since we're teenagers, all the boyish pranks I can pull with it.

The only thing I need to be addressed is the half-janni template, which I'm sure Storyteller will get to later.

Shadow's Status
Dorn Xizurth wrote:

The talent sounds like it's from a different edition or system. Will the text be altered to conform with our system? As I don't know what a minor action is supposed to be and squares are not a fixed measurement used in pathfinder or 3e.

Pretty sure Dorn is set. Nothing needs to be addressed for him now, maybe in a few levels or so. :)

P.S. Does being a local yourself reduce the knowledge DCs?

Minor action should read Free Action and one square should be considered 5'.

No, being a local will not reduce the DC.

Tiefling Craftsman 1 | hp 8 | Init +3, Perception +1 | AC 13/T 13/FF 10 | CMD 13 | Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +1

Ah, my mistake.

Shadow's Status

I am still working on the overview of the city. I may not get to Prologues till tomorrow but I will be home from work a bit early and try to put some time in before my mother in law leaves and I am on child patrol to knock out the Prologues.

I may also be sending out some PMs re races tomorrow as well. Considering how long it took to get the game off of the ground, if some PCs are a bit delayed in build it's not a problem.

Male Chondathan Human Apprentice

Here is a big map of the forgotten realms for you. ;)

Sadly I could not find a good Zhentil Keep map pre ToT on the web.

Male Human Gleeman 0 -- HP 10 : AC 20 CMD 14 Touch 14 Flat 14 : F +2 R +5 W +0 : INIT +4 Perc +4 CMB +0

Checking in. I don't have any burning questions or clarifications, but I am following the thread.

Shadow's Status
Dorn Xizurth wrote:

Here is a big map of the forgotten realms for you. ;)

Sadly I could not find a good Zhentil Keep map pre ToT on the web.

Thanks, added it to the Campaign Info Tab.

If I cannot find one, I will just take a pic of the map from the boxed set and load that as a map I think here is vital as w will be playing in the city with great frequency at least until level 5 ;-)

Shadow's Status
Mawj wrote:
Checking in. I don't have any burning questions or clarifications, but I am following the thread.


I hope to have more of the city fleshed out tomorrow morning post workout, I should have a little bit of time as I am a client site tomorrow and do not have my normal 1 to 1 1/2 hour trip to work.

Shadow's Status

I'll get one more background post up tonight followed by the creation of playable races and then Prologues!

Shadow's Status

Well, that took a while...

Shadow's Status

Gramork, PM sent your way.

Ja'far half-janni is next and I will PM that to you once I am done.

Shadow's Status

OK, I will be doing the Prologues tomorrow, a bit burnt out here.

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