About Zoruk MagnuStats:
Zoruk Magnu Male Azlanti Thassilonian Transmuter 1 N Medium humanoid (human) Init +2; Senses normal; Perception +1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 AC) hp 9 (1 HD) Resist Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee: Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2) Ranged: Masterwork Light Crossbow +3 (1d8, 19-20/x2) Atk Options: Spell-Like Abilities: 7/day- Augment SR --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ Abilities: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 10 Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12 Feats: Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Fast Learner Traits: Scholar of the Ancients- You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Knowledge (history) checks, and begin play able to speak and read Thassilonian. Transmuter- Whenever you cast a spell from the transmutation school, its effects manifest at +1 caster level. Once per day when you cast bull's strength, its duration is doubled. Skills: Craft (Alchemy) +8* Fly +2 Knowledge (Arcana) +9* Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +8* Knowledge (Engineering) +4 Knowledge (Geography) +4 Knowledge (History) +9* Knowledge (Local) +9* Knowledge (Nature) +8* Knowledge (Nobility) +4 Knowledge (Planes) +8* Knowledge (Religion) +8* Linguistics +8* Perception +1 Spellcraft +11* Stealth +2 Languages Common, Azlanti, Thassilonian, Draconic, Goblin, SQ: Focused Study, Arcane Bond (Crossbow), Physical Enchancement (+1), cantrips, Combat Gear: Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Possessions: Combat gear plus Explorer's Outfit, Spellbook, Masterwork Light Crossbow, Bolts (30), Haramaki, Dagger, Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath (2), Bandolier (2), Wizard's Kit, Chronicler's Kit, Scrivener's Kit, Grooming Kit, Scroll Box, Holy Symbol Hip Flask, Money: 36 gp
Spells Prepared:
Wizard Spells (CL 1st, 1d20+1 to overcome SR): 1st- burning disarm (DC 15) (x2), magic missile, ray of enfeeblement (DC 15)
Spellbook (Opposition Schools Illusion and Enchantment) 9th- 8th- 7th- 6th- 5th- 4th- 3rd- 2nd- 1st- Burning Disarm, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Burning Hands, Reduce Person, Enlarge Person, Ray of Enfeeblement 0- all Background:
Zoruk Magnu was born to a pair of scholars who came to Varisia to learn about its many secrets. Using the three major cities of Korvosa, Magnimar, and Riddleport as temporary bases to lunch their search into the ruins of Varisia their son was always on the move with them. Endlessly looking over their relics and absorbing it's lost knowledge. Learning from their discoveries as well as the knowledge of the places they traveled to. Yet the life of such explorer's is a dangerous one and finally their luck ran out. Still a boy he learned that his parents would not return from their latest adventure. The loss of both his perants was a hard blow, while they had prepared well for their only son in terms of living arrangements. Emotionally he was left with nothing, the scars on his heart changed him. Using some of his inheritance he became an apperentice to a well respected mage in Magnimar. He gained a ravenous hunger for the knowledge of Varisia's past as well as magic. Among his first revelations was the strange sense the ancient knowledge he absorbed in his younger days made when applied to modern wizardry. Giving him intense focus and power in his chosen specialization at the expense of forbidden counter parts on the thassilonian theory of magic. Finding some comfort in the god of magic's faith during this time he finally started the slow process of healing his heart. While perfecting his preferred method of wizardry. Finally gaining some of the spirit of his parents back once more he started to revisit the cities of Varisia. He found Korvosa to be a disappointment now that he was older, it was a city of self important flops with goals of culture and enlightenment above those of its neighbors. To him it seemed like they never got the message of being late on both counts, they could never measure up to Varisia's legacy. After leaving Korvosa he followed the Varisians in their native travel routes until he made it to Riddleport. Upon his arrival he quickly found the place to be nearly lawless, dropping no less then three would be pick pockets with his magic on his first day. His interest in the city's famed Cyphergate quickly lead to the cyphermages, who seemed more concerned with his coin then the cryptic monument. It seemed that ruin had been picked so clean their was little to gain at this point. After a time in Riddleport he once more took to the road, returning to Magnimar. It was on this trip that he stopped at Sandpoint, learning of its ruined tower. His curiosity got the better of him and he remained in the budding city to learn more about it. Finding it to be a charming place in comparision to what he had endured. During his time in Sandpoint he formed a number of relationships with some of it's locals. Mostly among those like himself interested in knowledge. His first encounter was with Brodert Quink, a wise sage, who took up residence near the old light. A scholar himself on Thassilonian ruins he was eager to share his knowledge and theories on the old light. Brodert introduced him to Chask Haladan, leading to his meeting of Sabyl Sorn, Ilsoari Gandethus, and Veznutt Parooh. While the only decent magic shop in Sandpoint, The Feathered Serpent made a relationship with the exciteable Vorvashali Voon all but a given. Zoruk has spent his time in Sandpoint interacting with these people mostly, he has with little success been attempting to open a relationship with the distant and elder Niska Mvashiti, better known as Madame Mvashiti, yet the ancient seer has rebuffed him a number of times. Yet all in all his days in Sandpoint are filled with study and the very rare, as well as discreet, visit to The Pixie's Kitten. Still he does at times leave town to study near by ruin's.
Zoruk is a bit of a bookworm. He has a great desire for magic and knowledge. As he has spent more time with tomes then people, he is socially awkward. As such he has a bad habit of speaking from a detached point of view. Due to his parents death he has an almost over developed sense of self preservation, while this does not make him a coward in the least. It does make him a conservative type in approaching problems. Still he has a drive that pushes him to fully commit to a course of action once chosen. Appearance:
Zoruk is a somewhat tall man with strong lean handsome features with light olive skin. He has raven black hair with a widow's peak, expressive brows, and deep purple eyes. He normally wears sturdy black boots, leather breeches, a belt, a light green shirt with a deep green vest over it, gloves, a varisian scarf, and a forest green cloak with a hood. His scarf, a gift from the varisian cravan he traveled with for some time, is made up of a number of colors. Bits of pink and blue, a good amount of red and orange, a great deal of green, and a dash of violet. Zoruk learned what these colors meant from the Verisians, considering it a personal treasure. Notes:
Progression Plans 2nd- Transmuter 3rd- Transmuter (Spell Penetration) 4th- Transmuter (+1 Int) 5th- Transmuter (Spell Focus (Transmutation), Craft Wondrous Item) 6th- Transmuter 7th- Transmuter (Craft Magical Arms and Armor) 8th- Transmuter (+1 Int, Skill Focus Knowledge) 9th- Transmuter (Martial Weapon Proficiency) 10th- Transmuter (Craft Wand) 11th- Transmuter (Spell Focus (Necromancy)) 12th- Transmuter (+1 Int) 13th- Transmuter (Improved Counterspell) 14th- Transmuter 15th- Transmuter (Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation), Parry Spell) 16th- Transmuter (+1 Int, Skill Focus Knowledge) 17th- Transmuter (Greater Spell Penetration) 18th- Transmuter 19th- Transmuter (Quicken Spell) 20th- Transmuter (+1 Int, Immortality) |