![]() Driftbourne wrote:
That sounds a lot like Dash Riprock, after the legal battles of Zoh vs Zo! I was playing Dr. A-Prof in that mission & I agree - the post-mission RP was great. And completely contrived on the part of Dash's player. Absalom Ankhegs indeed! So far as the Vanities go, I have an Excel file listing them all.
![]() Driftbourne wrote:
While I can't reveal what mission this boon is from, here's the text of the boon: Awesome Possum (Vanity Boon): While assisting with the reveals too much info Dacilane Academy, you dealt with several opossums. One of them, named Dimples, took a shine to you and has decided to accompany you. This character gains a domestic opossum wearing a small bow. This opossum is a lovely friend to take with you but has no mechanical benefits. ![]()
![]() I feel your pain on the post-election front. What you're describing fell under the heading of Vanities back in PF1. I recall having PCs who owned ships, theatre houses, a barber shop, caravans, wizard towers, estates, & the like as well as having memberships in many diverse organizations ranging from the local assassin's guild to various temples to a PF Society crew who's main goal was to avoid busy work assignments from Drandle Dreng. Trying checking out this thread where others are asking about the inclusion of vanities in PF2e.
![]() Hi Driftborne, I, too, do most of my gaming via Play by Discord.
Male Gnome Rogue [UC] 5 / Monk [UC] [Scaled Fist] 4; Init +7; AC 28 (T24, FF22); HP 71/71; Fort: +10, Reflex: +16, Will: +5; Low-Light Vision, Perception +19 (+21 vs Traps)
![]() For those who care - this is the philosophy of the 29 Steps. 1st Step: Inhale
Death comes for us all. ![]()
Male Gnome Rogue [UC] 5 / Monk [UC] [Scaled Fist] 4; Init +7; AC 28 (T24, FF22); HP 71/71; Fort: +10, Reflex: +16, Will: +5; Low-Light Vision, Perception +19 (+21 vs Traps)
![]() The blue-haired gnome taps his chest & points to his picks & tools, then to Muddy. He slips away into the shadows after the grippli. DV 60ft, Perception +19 (+21 vs Traps), Trap Spotter, Stealth +22 (+23 underground). He also taps himself with a wand before entering the complex - mystic armor flickers before fading out. (Mage Armor - good for 1 hour) UMD to trigger Wand of Mage Armor DC20: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20 ![]()
Female Lashunta Envoy 10 / Soldier 3 (Ace Pilot +32) Speed:40, Fly 80; Init:7, SP:107/107, HP:85/85, RP:13/13, EAC:32, KAC:32, Fort:11 Ref:15, Will:9, Perc:17
![]() Q-K's will save DC 24: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 As her rifle slips from her grasp, Quantum-K gasps. Manere. Quid aid?:
"Wait. What did you say?" Triggering the Called fusion pulls the rifle back to her grasp, only to see her drop it again. Cacas!:
Crap! "She's a problem - Get Her!"
Q-K then slaps her shoulder patch to trigger her Lightwrap Inlay, becoming Invisible again. ![]()
agender Spanthinae (Tiny mantis swarm) N Evolutionist 5 | SP35/35 HP 33/33 | RP 7/7 | EAC 20; KAC 20 | Fort +5; Ref +9; Will +2 | Init: +5 | Speed 30ft, Fly 20ft | Perception +5 (Darkvision/Vibration Sense 30ft), SM +1
![]() If the crew out for a quick resupply, Dr. A-Prof intends to pick up a Trapsmith's ToolKIt.
agender Spanthinae (Tiny mantis swarm) N Evolutionist 5 | SP35/35 HP 33/33 | RP 7/7 | EAC 20; KAC 20 | Fort +5; Ref +9; Will +2 | Init: +5 | Speed 30ft, Fly 20ft | Perception +5 (Darkvision/Vibration Sense 30ft), SM +1
![]() This is driving home the point to me that Dr. A-Prof needs a minion/grad student of their own, to handle technicalities. ![]()
Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15
![]() On the off-hand that Grump takes a direct hit, his Mk 2 Electrostatic Shield shocks that attacker. Retaliatory E-Shock: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4 ![]()
Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15
![]() Tromping forward, following the trail, Grump readies his stormhammer for the eventual conflict with the birds. Perception, wary for other complications: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (18) + 21 = 39 Note also that his Clearsight Goggles make the foliage less of a factor. ![]()
![]() Just a weird tangent here. We tried getting Lexa Doig as a media guest for a local sci-fi/gaming con at one point. We'd heard that she liked playing D&D, so she seemed like a good fit. Alas, she didn't make it to the con, but we did get a good story from her response. She replied that though she would've loved to attend, and maybe bring her half-elf PC to one of the tables, the con was happening right in the middle of Andromeda's filming season. ![]()
Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15
![]() Grump focuses his attention on the landing area as the crew approaches it. Engineering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
If he needs to select just 1 option, it would've been Perception, as that's his best of the 3. ![]()
Agender Pahtra CG Precog 7 | SP49/49 HP 39/39 | RP 9/9 | EAC 23; KAC 24 | Fort +4; Ref +11; Will +3 | Init: +6 | Speed 40ft, Fly 30ft | Perception +11 (Lo-Lite/Darkvision), SM +10; Spells L1-5 L2-4, L3-3
![]() Nikko doesn't have a great shot tucked away in their Paradox satchel, but shots fly hoping to find actual targets instead of just figmentary flyers. Gunnery with a computer boost: 1d20 + 11 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 11 + 1 + 2 = 28 ![]()
Agender Pahtra CG Precog 7 | SP49/49 HP 39/39 | RP 9/9 | EAC 23; KAC 24 | Fort +4; Ref +11; Will +3 | Init: +6 | Speed 40ft, Fly 30ft | Perception +11 (Lo-Lite/Darkvision), SM +10; Spells L1-5 L2-4, L3-3
![]() "No, no, OMG no, yuck, maybe, no, that has promise, no, no, THAT"S IT!." Nikko's vision dips back into the realm of probability as they shuffle through various screens on their comlink & they come up with a likely firing solution. Paradox = 17, so with a Gunnery of +12 & a +1 from Tkerik, that's a Gunnery = 30 ![]()
Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15
![]() ((My bad - forgot to shift my icon from my pahtra to the dwarf.)
Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15
![]() Grump nods as he pulls out his tablet, queuing up a video of a recent Strawberry Machine Cake concert, focusing mostly on the enthusiastic shots of two dwarven tween girls. "Those are my nieces - Dora & Darla (short for Adorable & Darling). I'd do anything for them & would think... poorly... of anyone who threatened them. So, ya - I understand protecting your family." diplomacy assist to make her more trusting and talkative: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 4 + 2 = 22 [ooc]Grump's priming the pump for someone diplomatic to nudge her into a more trusting frame of mind.[/ooc[ ![]()
Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15
![]() "I've always gone with Better life bubbled than breathing troubled, but yours works just fine too." Let's just presume that everyone opts in on the LB & get on with meeting the locals. ![]()
![]() Kate Baker wrote:
Hi Kate. Odds are good that I'll be bringing my dwarven asteroid miner mystic for this mission.
Male Dwarf NG Mystic 10 (Star Shaman) | SP 100/100 HP 66/66 | RP 10/10 | EAC 25; KAC 27 | Fort +7; Ref +5; Will +13 | Init: +2 | Speed 40ft, Fly 70ft | Perception +21 (Darkvision), SM +15
![]() My take on PF1 kineticists was that they were generally OP & that I didn't enjoy the mindset that usually accompanied them. Wasn't all that happy to see them reappear in PF2. ![]()
![]() I realize that when Spell Gem Understanding (SGU) appeared that there were just the 3 casting classes - Mystic, Technomancer, & Witchwarper - & SGU only mentions those 3 classes in its description. Since that time, we've seen the addition of another caster class - the Precog.
![]() XperimentalDM wrote:
Keep me in mind when you decide to run some more. I've got PCs ranging from 1 to 12![]()
![]() Grump powers up his jetpack & flies to the other side of the ziggurat, sipping around one column & along the pyramid's base. Once there, he stares daggers at Dortay. "We could've done this the simple way. Had an ale & some conversation. But Nooo - you felt you had to throw down. Fine - hope you enjoy the headache. Mind Thrust III DC 19 Will for half: 7d10 ⇒ (2, 5, 5, 6, 5, 5, 10) = 38 ![]()
![]() The Ragi wrote:
My TM has done just that. Bought several utility spells & loaded them into their wrist-mounted computer. "Astra, cast Detect Radiation." ![]()
![]() Reading thru the Exp. Prototype entry - it looks like all it replaces is the AI ability from the baseline Mechanic.
How does this interact with the Control Net ability, granted at 17th level? Is it just a lost ability for the Exp.Prototype Mechanics, since Control Net specifically calls out being able to distribute Mechanic levels between Exo-Cortex & Drone? Does it function in a similar fashion, but only allowing a mix of XP Armor & XP Weapon? Does it allow mixing all 4 options (really suspecting this isn't the case). Thoughts? ![]()
![]() Joe Jungers wrote:
A couple verses from their oral history of this legend Gnashy teef & slashy claws.
Longshank towns he loves to burn.
Giant feets he stomps around.
![]() Eleanor Ferron wrote:
I've heard that the goblins have their own version of this legend. They call him Gobzilla... ![]()