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Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 134 posts (1,433 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 84 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.
[Outpost VIII] PFS1 #8-99 The Solstice Scar, Version D (Subtier Tier 10-11) Jules DeLay Sign-In Sheet Slides Gameplay Discussion Players Characters
Jules DeLay
Sheet Slides
GM Kate's 5-13 Finding the Forgotten (inactive) GM Nomadical's 6-04 Secrets Long Submerged (inactive) GM Nomadical's Outpost VI 4-09 Through Sea and Storm (inactive) GM qstor's Emerald Spire 7 & 8 (inactive) XperimentakDMs SFS 4-14 Rasheen's Remembrance [tier 9-10] (inactive) Zero's #4-04: To Seek the Heart of Calamity [PaizoCon] (inactive) Zero's #4-08: Battle for Star's Fate (inactive) [Gameday XI] PFS2 3-98 Expedition into Pallid Peril (GM MattMorris) (inactive) [Outpost VI] SFS 5-10: Shadow of the Vault Lord (inactive) [SFS/ACE] 6-03 Project Dawn (inactive) [SFS/Outpost] 5-11 Archivist's Inquiry (inactive) [SFS/Paizocon Online] 6-16 Dawning Fate (inactive) [SFS] 6-02 Drift Scars (inactive) [SFS] 6-05 Unearthing Ulumbia (inactive) [SFS] 6-08 Lost Revelry (inactive) [SFS] 6-12 Yesteryear's Hope (inactive) [SFS] 6-13 The Beginning of the End (inactive) [SFS] 6-15 Extraction from Azlanti Space (inactive) [SFS] 7-02 Zo! vs Zo (inactive) [YEE/SFS/ACE] 7-05 The day the River Died (inactive) [YEE/SFS/ACE] 7-06 Archives of Eternity (inactive) [YFF/SFS/DMK] 6-11 Gifts Ungiven (inactive)