
Omega Man's page

******* Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 134 posts (1,433 including aliases). 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 84 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Same here - though I'll take one with the artwork once you complete it.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

I'm fine with playing 7-05 with Dr. A-Prof.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

I'm ok with playing up.
We'll just need to protect the envoy.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Be sure to fill in the RPG Chronicle sheet & to drop your token & details into the map.
Links are up top.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Traveling the next three days, though I'll make time to check in daily.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Hey - got the call this morning.

My current plan is to dust off Shaft, Crank Shaft (my android operative 6) for this mission, though my L5 Mechanist Evolutionist is in the last round of the final combat in another mission (so I guess that Dr. A-Prof is a tentative possibility as well).

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard
Benoit Battlestar wrote:
Am I following the rules for Greater Command properly?

I think that'll be our GM's call.

Greater Command expands on the basic Command spell.

The Drop command says:

Drop: The target drops whatever it is holding. It can’t pick up any dropped item until its next turn.

Greater Command extends the duration to rounds/level & grants a new save every round at the start of the PC's turn.

This spell functions like command, except you can affect up to one creature per level and the targets continue the specified activity beyond 1 round. At the start of each commanded creature’s action after the first, it can attempt another Will saving throw to break free from the spell. Each creature must receive the same command.

I was planning to play it that Q-K couldn't recover & keep her grip on her dropped rifle until she shrugged off the spell, but she managed that (against impressive odds) the next round. Plans were to have her swap to a new, un-dropped rifle.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

New laptop - back in the game.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Nice boon.
Thanks again for running.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

GMKludde - I always enjoy your music/band inclusions in the session

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

I'm beginning to feel that Zahenni has a middle name, & that middle name is Rasputin.

She just... won't... cease to be a problem.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

For those who are slowed (Omni, Kneepuncher, Chryssi), remember that Slowed means you get either a move or a standard action & your movement rate is cut in half.

Not fun at all.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard
AbadarCorp Entertainment wrote:
Omega Man wrote:

How're we looking, so far as nearness to the end of this mission?

I'm juggling PC options for an upcoming 7-10 mission & wondering if Omni might be available.

The last group took about 1-2 weeks to finish from the point where you are now. This one runs a bit long.

Thanks for the update.

I'll likely be pulling Omni from the candidate list for that mission.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

How're we looking, so far as nearness to the end of this mission?

I'm juggling PC options for an upcoming 7-10 mission & wondering if Omni might be available.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

At least the turns are going quickly.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

May be less for Omni - that random roll took her into a dead-end area where she can hide - well out of sight of the scary guy. Though she'll probably hide in one of those tiny rooms.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Good luck, you two.

Being taken off the board for 10 rounds is gonna be painful.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Or if 0-Rion can find some spell gems of Share Language, Kendra can cast them via her Spell Gem Understanding ability.
Those are good for 24 hours each.
140 credits each

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

We may not even need a Captain.
I've often found that 2 gunners outperform a Captain & a Gunner.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

A question for Phaeton_nz.

Should Chryssi's weapon include a +3 damage for weapon specialization?

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Great game, as always.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Are we close to completing this mission?

Trying to judge Dr. A's availability.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

I have the same access issues.

As the rest have said - I had a fun time playing.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Hey - is there any chance that we can pick up the pace a bit?
I'm hoping to have Grump free for Outpost in early March.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Complete agreement with all the comments.

Had fun.
Sheet looks good.
Hope to game with any/all of you at a later date.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just a weird tangent here.

We tried getting Lexa Doig as a media guest for a local sci-fi/gaming con at one point. We'd heard that she liked playing D&D, so she seemed like a good fit.

Alas, she didn't make it to the con, but we did get a good story from her response.

She replied that though she would've loved to attend, and maybe bring her half-elf PC to one of the tables, the con was happening right in the middle of Andromeda's filming season.

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Can someone else take a stab at hacking the system?

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Happy New Year to you as well, Kate!

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Indeed - Happy New Year!

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

Question for Darkrunner.

As a 7th-level Operative, don't you get the ability to Take 10 on your Trick Attack checks?

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard
Dr. A-Prof wrote:

Dr. A-Prof offers to assist Navasi's search.

Mostly for speeding things up.

Apologies - PC crossover again...

The Exchange

Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard

I'd think that it'd still return - just a bitt muddier than when you threw it.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (mostly) druid, with tidbits of bard
GM Kate wrote:
I love that stunt by Grump, by the way. If I could only award hero points in Starfinder!

Happy to entertain.

Making the game fun for the GM is one of the goals I strive for when I play.

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

Congrats Doug.

You work like a madman.

The Exchange

I'm interested in playing.

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

Thanks for the heads-up, Mark.

I suspect that my PC will just carry a badge of office & worry about the nuts & bolts when the Skull & Crossbones series hits the shelves.

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

Retired: 1
Pasha Qolloran ben Kasiim <Half-Elven Paladin 10/Bard 2> [Qadira]

Active: 7
Sanuba <Elven Rogue 4/Ranger 2/Pathfinder Delver 5> [Shadow Lodge]
Chelzy D'Tona <Human Sorcerer 8/Oracle 1> [Cheliax]
Fuego! <Halfling Alchemist 5/Oracle 1> [Andoran]
Mal Havok <Half-Orc Black Blade Magus 7> [Taldan Baron]
Damini <Human Monk 2 /Cleric 2 of Sarenrae> [Grand Lodge]
Dorakk <Dwarven Ranger 1/Inquisitor 2 of Torag> [Silver Crusade]
Sylazi <Human Gunslinger 1 [Pistoleer]> [Sczarni]

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

If there was a light flail, I'd opt for that.

Since there isn't, I just plan to have my Chelaxian PC carry a silvered scourge around as her badge of office as a Signifer with the Order of the Scourge Hellknights.

All flavor, not crunch.

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

Bob Jonquet wrote:
I've searched all the society-approved rules/books and have not seen a scourge (cat-o-nine-tails) listed. I was hoping to see it in the Adventurer's Armory, but alas no. Is it available?


Its mentioned in the First Steps Pt 1 [in the scene with the Paracountess], but best as I can tell it has no stats. Any help?

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

I like this method of handling the situation.

Simple, concise, & something I suspect many people are already doing.

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

Since the OP didn't ask about retirement, I didn't include that data.

Addendum to Qolloran.

Retired as of 9/1/11.
Promoted to V-C.

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

Pasha Qolloran ben Kasiim
Half Elven male
Paladin 10/Bard 2

May 31, 2010 to Feb 14, 2011
[approx 7.5 months]

Raised once
due to a barfight in Sniper in the Deep

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

When I played the series, our GM just asked which faction these PCs were going to eventually end up becoming & logged them as such.
The undecided PCs got lumped into Grand Lodge & if they opted for something different later, then the GM edited the play info for those PCs.

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

Gotta love the bling.

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

Hiya Andrew,

Sorry you couldn't make last night's session at Game Theory. Folks had fun, but I think they might've been able to use your expertise. Perhaps another time.

Anyhow, you might point out to them that it'll help your standing in the Society if you can log the sessions that they've played (after all, those games would count towards your Star-ranking).

And, at worst, your players will have an account with Paizo that they can use for whatever fell purposes they decide - buying stuff, seeing what new things are in the pipeline for imminent release, access to the PRD, checking out the forums, etc, etc.

Hope to see you again at the GT sessions.

OM [aka Joe]

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

JP Chapleau wrote:
JP (singing "Baby got back")

Sir Mix-a-Lot or Jonathan Coulton?

Coulter Link

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

shadowcat wrote:

for example, cheliax:



one picture that means more than all the flavor text

I could totally see Melinda Clark as the Paracountess.

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

Pretty sure that even if your Fame is 4 or less that you still have access to all the goodies in the 'Always Available' category.

So 1st level scrolls & potions, masterwork weapons & armors (& +1 versions of the same). And basic Wayfinders (can't forget them).


The Exchange

Do you roll your characters?
Last time I rolled up a PC though, we used a matrix of 36 rolls, 4d6/drop low , arranged in order in a 6x6 square, then choose a row or column you liked.

Is your answer the default of your gaming group?

How long have you been gaming?
Since 1979

What system did you first game in?
1st played: D&D box set, quickly replaced by AD&D.
1st GM'd: Champions.

The Exchange 5/5 5/55/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In Raleigh we generally have 3-5 tables on Thursday night & 1-2 on Monday evenings.

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