Helaman's page

Organized Play Member. 6,902 posts (27,844 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 20 Organized Play characters. 43 aliases.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Pretty sure it's on the final spiral... I haven't checked it in a week and saw your post

Grand Lodge

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Not me either thanks lol

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard
Magda Kupferaugen wrote:
I'd like to know who our foes are (2-Investigate)

Me too… and I think it could be a fun adventure arc… though we are NOT suited to espionage or urban combat lol

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

This explains a lot. Some one else was asking for logs and records earlier, and if we had them or not. I think those ‘unsavoury’ elements are more active than what you think.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Axel seems happy to wait on Lady Zarines pleasure. There was much to do… and he hoped that he would see some of that coin soon. He had much to do… much.

Wealth was a tool, it merely provided clothes, food and shelter… and whatever else was needed. And he figured he would need a lot. A sword perhaps? The notion seemed appropriate, and definitely some tutorledge in its use. New clothing better suited to the hard life of wandering and adventuring, stationary and books… all very likely needed.

He also considered that soon or later the Lady would somehow make introduction for him with an organisation that both scared and thrilled him. Witch hunters and imperial inquisitors had burned his grandfather teacher at the stake - would they similarly burn him if he failed to impress? On the other hand? They represented a doorway to relative safety and stability, and that he craved with an intense hunger.

He knew Magda wanted to get formal recognition in her craft. He would love to see how she handled that so that he made fewer mistakes with whatever petition he would later have to make. He would be happy to support her and even silently accompany her when seeking her credentials.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Ownership of the island… if you go to whatever authority covers that in full finery, well, it wouldn’t hurt. I dare say we will need to trade that book for tutureledge but let’s see how that goes… then I am gonna spend some xp (and some of whatever gold is deemed my share after the book) and look to upskill… that said I only have 40xp and need to get to 100 before I can read/write OR invest in proper and not petty magic. Long is the road of the wizard. As for the river wardens? Basics would likely be best… chaos cults tend to make authorities nervous and they might dig further… and find me if they start digging for additional voices, like our old crew.

Grand Lodge

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Didn’t the expedition leader who died on basilisk island where we ran away? I am getting vague stirrings of altzemers

Grand Lodge

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Sorry for the absence. Back-ish.

Grand Lodge

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COVID. Out for a few days to a week if last time is any indication

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AC16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 |HP 13/[13]| CMB +5/CMD16 | Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +0 |Init + 1|Perception +0|Sense Mot +0 Male Human Fighter/1

Dragomir has been repurposed a number of times… and he has again here.

An ex soldier who is handy with a great sword but used his fighter bonus feat to buy improved unarmed combat because I find that to be a feat that comes in handy until level 4… when it can be swapped out.

He first debuted in a PbP carrion crown campaign. It came in handy when he head butted skeletons to bits as a weapon preferrable to his sword for that purpose.

Grand Lodge

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Good response Zarine.

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AC15 (16)|HP 10/[10]| Str+4 Int-2 Wis+0 Dex-1 Con+4 Cha+2|Init -2|PassPercept 8|Pass Insight 8|Pass Invest 8| Inspiration [N] Human Male "Woyzeck only pawn in game of life"

I fear this has derailed the story… at this point I’d normally toss any adventure notes

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AC15 (16)|HP 10/[10]| Str+4 Int-2 Wis+0 Dex-1 Con+4 Cha+2|Init -2|PassPercept 8|Pass Insight 8|Pass Invest 8| Inspiration [N] Human Male "Woyzeck only pawn in game of life"

jewerly and coin purse of course, not sure the sword is worth it, but I have an instinct so I’ll take that too

Grand Lodge

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Black Dow wrote:
Old School GM Obermind wrote:
Bottom line, I intend to keep on joining games (within my limit of course). While waiting for a certain Night Below game I have been hearing about on the grapevine :)

I see what you did their mate ;) Hoping to have some news on that front this weekend - stay tuned :)

Keep me in the loop

Grand Lodge

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I miss MERP’s/RM.

Not so much VtM.

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AC15 (16)|HP 10/[10]| Str+4 Int-2 Wis+0 Dex-1 Con+4 Cha+2|Init -2|PassPercept 8|Pass Insight 8|Pass Invest 8| Inspiration [N] Human Male "Woyzeck only pawn in game of life"

Might be a short campaign lol

The big man rushes to his friends side and starts shaking him.

Yer alrigh’ matey?

Grand Lodge

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Well… it’s pretty much guaranteed he’ll say the word squirrel at this point

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AC15 (16)|HP 10/[10]| Str+4 Int-2 Wis+0 Dex-1 Con+4 Cha+2|Init -2|PassPercept 8|Pass Insight 8|Pass Invest 8| Inspiration [N] Human Male "Woyzeck only pawn in game of life"

You better not say anything about squirrels!, Woyzeck throws into the conversation unhelpfully. Not if you know what’s good for you!.

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AC15 (16)|HP 10/[10]| Str+4 Int-2 Wis+0 Dex-1 Con+4 Cha+2|Init -2|PassPercept 8|Pass Insight 8|Pass Invest 8| Inspiration [N] Human Male "Woyzeck only pawn in game of life"

Good point. Woy is staying on here… partially because that. I’ll have more vigor in 2024.

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AC15 (16)|HP 10/[10]| Str+4 Int-2 Wis+0 Dex-1 Con+4 Cha+2|Init -2|PassPercept 8|Pass Insight 8|Pass Invest 8| Inspiration [N] Human Male "Woyzeck only pawn in game of life"

Lets just say it’s gonna get dramatic if things take a certain turn…

Grand Lodge

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Mission accomplished :)

Grand Lodge

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Are you kidding? I was impressed AF. Great move.

Grand Lodge

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Grand Lodge

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All dwarf parties are fun

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

With my background as Steveadore-ing, could I get a bonus? Smuggling is gonna be hard. Also that merchant we freed? Presumably he’s experienced in such negotiations? Maybe a joint effort?

Grand Lodge

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Old School GM Obermind wrote:

Ok team, just give me some time to mull over which system I want to use for this one. I am seriously leaning toward OSwR for several reasons, but I will allow myself a few hours to decide.

@Eric Swanson: Just so you know, I am counting on you taking the ‘higher road’ and still join if we go OSwR ;)

In the meanwhile, I will share with you what I think is an hidden gem out there on the www - Scruffygrognard.com - there is a lot of interesting stuff in here, not the least of which is an AD&D3e version kinda thing which I think really deserves some credit, Planescape conversions, a take on a ‘classic’ approach to 5e, among others. Take a look if you have a chance, and don’t be discouraged buy the long loading times on the PDFs, they take some time but they do load. They are worth the wait, as the time and dedication put into this shows through.

Checking this out… s#@!, those are some loooong load times

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HP 21/[31] Init + 1, AC 19/21, S: +5, D,+1, Cn: +5, I: +2, W: +0, Ch: +1 Per +2, Invest +2, Insight +0 Fatigue 1 Male Elf Fighter 3/Eldritch Knight

Nice move

Grand Lodge

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I do like my WhFRP.

I’m still fiddling with Warlock! (Which is a OSR-esc approach to WhFRP) to tweak to get the feel closer to the original while keeping the simplicity of Warlock! game play.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Leather jacks for the villagers too. Wouldn’t hurt to have the core of a village militia outfitted from this. At the moment it’s every villager is a militia member is all

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Axel will help the elf sailor with his refitting efforts, figuring there isn’t any difference between Zarine and Calph apart from social class and his patron would like him to help one of her own.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Need a day all… fried out after a monster weekend

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Axel looks around the site dubiously.

Its not much of a spot… and quite out of the way, he hedges before brightening. But it is on the river and we could set it up as a rest waypoint!.

He looks around again.

Gonna take a lot of time and work through… much like my learning to read I expect.

Grand Lodge

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On another side note… anyone ever play or even hear of Warlock!, the rpg?

It’s the OSR remake version of the WHFRP, that uses a d20. I want to get into a discussion on it as I’ve spent a fair amount of coin buying a few PDF’s.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard
Zarine Brightbow wrote:

Ha ha. The noble does differ to an extent, but anything helps. And it is sad that all of the weapons are crap. From the way that the place where we found the boy was described, I thought that at least there would be something nice.

I am thinking maybe someone in the little village/outpost might have the proper tools to open something up, and since we're going to be sharing provisions and some of the other stuff with them anyway, they might be willing to help.

But yeah, might as well break the storeroom door with a rock if we can. Who has the best Strength roll?

Also, side note... glad you are staying as a magic user, Axel. My character wants to get you some training, and make you an even more valuable asset. :)

Good idea, maybe they have a crowbar?

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Firstly, ignore my last comment.

I thought it was for my other whfrp game.

I’m either looking to Wizards apprentice or Witch pt 2, the sequel, that said? I really want to apprentice.

Okay… this game?

In a penny economy? 400 ain’t bad!! Very good as far as my poor arse is concerned… the noble may beg to differ :)

Those books are a real boon and are likely worth gold.

As a purely out of character aside, I’m hoping for ownership of the magic book… for no other reason than this would POSSIBLY get me entry to wizard training without punative fee’s, debts and favours as a trade. Less strings equals more narrative freedom. It’s just a pity I can’t actually read it.

I figure at this point I need to calculate how much XP I need to prematurely exit vs how much I need to spend to meet required advances THEN exit.

Not sure what to do with those locked chest. But let’s break that locked door open.

Grand Lodge

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NG Male Human (Chelaxian) Battle Cleric of Iomedae Level 4 AC23 (25), HP: 38/48, Other Status: Wounded 3 Fort:+9, Ref:+7, Will:+11, Perc:+9 wins initiative ties SPD: 25ft Healing Font 2/[2]

Move us back one square to inside the corridor so only one owlbear can get at us at a time… assuming they don’t have reach, the next step is to observe. It’s possible they aren’t hostile or there is some clue to domestication etc

Back! We don’t want them doubling up on us! Into the corridor a few feet so their bulk only allows one at a time to get us!

Grand Lodge

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NG Male Human (Chelaxian) Battle Cleric of Iomedae Level 4 AC23 (25), HP: 38/48, Other Status: Wounded 3 Fort:+9, Ref:+7, Will:+11, Perc:+9 wins initiative ties SPD: 25ft Healing Font 2/[2]

LOL. I love these games because it helps us remember to work together. It’s my pleasure

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

I will take him M’lady… if he will come to find Daddy that is, and am used to toting burdens around… he would be light in my arms, he says, also on the same page. But let us make haste, time is short and there are other buildings.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Sooo... Do I post the clip of the people dealing with that passenger in the 80's movie 'Airplane' aka 'Flying High'?

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AC15, touch 13, FF13, HP 35/[35], Fort:+4 ;Ref:+8 ;Will+3, Init +3, Perc +7 (+8 vs traps), Sen Mot +5 Bombs 5/[7] "Mr Black" Male Ustalav Human Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Cyrptbreaker)/3-Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade)/1

The Doktor isn't the only one confused AF... pretty epic appearance though

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AC15, touch 13, FF13, HP 35/[35], Fort:+4 ;Ref:+8 ;Will+3, Init +3, Perc +7 (+8 vs traps), Sen Mot +5 Bombs 5/[7] "Mr Black" Male Ustalav Human Alchemist (Chirurgeon/Cyrptbreaker)/3-Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade)/1

The Doktor, still having residual fears of the supernatural is initially scared but now is confused, very confused indeed. The effect for both conditions is exactly the same... he stands there with his eyes bugging slightly and his jaw slackly hanging open.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Maybe ambush that drunken pirate? Gives us an easy win and some chance of gathering intel?

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Just an FYI, I'm off to the snowfields at the end of the week on a working holiday, so if at drop for a few days, I'm still here in spirit. Bot me as needed and I will return.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Looks like a shingding... good for us in some ways, let's get that skull away from here. You know anything you could, you know, share with one who is trying to get some learning about this sort of thing, he asks VERY respectfully, and definitely still unnerved.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Also if we find anything more, like piles of untraceable gold coins :)

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HP 21/[31] Init + 1, AC 19/21, S: +5, D,+1, Cn: +5, I: +2, W: +0, Ch: +1 Per +2, Invest +2, Insight +0 Fatigue 1 Male Elf Fighter 3/Eldritch Knight
Gorn Steelbreaker wrote:

"Confound, O man. Do you know how long it has been since last I stepped foot in these halls? Much has changed and much I do not know. I do not even recall those statues even being here, least of all feeling fancy in the foots.

Since they will not stand between us and JUSTICE, I suggest we make haste in the direction they wish us to travel."

Gorn-Demetrius flies through the Eastern door with single-minded purpose.

The elf starts swearing sulfourously in elvish as he darts after Gorn.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Stealth 33: 1d100 ⇒ 75

Oh... Joy... still might beat that 97

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Wise move... the altar, IF it's more than just some gag or sick joke, is gonna tell us a lot about what we are facing.

The young man seems very apprehensive.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

If I might add my 2 coppers?

I'm feeling that Calph wanted to have their moment to RP their experience, add some vermisitude to the evilness of the situation and was hoping we'd play along. That said Zarine isn't wrong in looking at the situation rather the person. As a character Zarine has been while not uncaring (she's helped me out of a big bind) she's not exactly warm and fuzzy either. Heck, she's a Noble, and pretty damn practical.

You are both playing to character... but the respective characters are sparking off each other, and it feels to me both players are coming at this from their respective angles. No one is in the wrong here.

Might I suggest, in the interest of game continuity, that both sides "soften" their position?

Calph can come to themselves, have an epiphany that the situation is very dangerous atm and maybe put the worst of it on a mental shelf to be sorted through later (this may not be the survivor experience but it keeps things flowing).

Zarine can realise that a fellow Elf (even if they are a different sort, ethnically and socially), is going through some stuff and have an epiphany of their own that this might well be a potential ally with an axe to grind against the bad guys and while not "stable" atm, to help them along to the point they can become useful and point them in the right direction?

It might not be 100% "real" but will keep the game moving and give time for RP later.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

WHFRP is... one of those games where you feel like you push uphill, ALL the time. To be fair our DM is light on us while keeping the flavour. If this was a tabletop game it would be better.

As for complaining, nah, I'm just happy you are still playing AND doing a lions share of the interaction, especially as I disappeared for a few days there.

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