DM Talomyr's The Lost City

Game Master Talomyr

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Female Half-Elf Warlock (DJinni Pact) 3 HP 15/23 | AC 13 | Initiative +2 | MOV 30ft | Saves: STR +0, DEX +2, CON +1, INT/WIS: +4, CHA +6 | Perception +3 | Conditions: none

Looks like they are. I was thinking the same thing, but they're more than 15 ft from the door, so it'll require going in to cast it.

Cynidicean Arcana Cleric of Usamigaras & Diviner 2 | HP 3/24 | HD 1/1d8 & 1/2d6 | Recovery 0/1 | Portent 9,19 | 1st 1/4 | 2nd 0/2 | Inspiration! | Exhausted level 1
AC 18 | Str +0, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +3, Wis +4, Cha +2 | Initiative +2 | Perception +4, Darkvision 120 ft

OK. So, Emenius will go into cast. I missed the map.


HP 21/[31] Init + 1, AC 19/21, S: +5, D,+1, Cn: +5, I: +2, W: +0, Ch: +1 Per +2, Invest +2, Insight +0 Fatigue 1 Male Elf Fighter 3/Eldritch Knight

Cool and back... sorry all

Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

Sorry for the delays folks, got roped into a few household projects that took far longer than they had any right to.

Will be updating the game shortly.

HP 21/[31] Init + 1, AC 19/21, S: +5, D,+1, Cn: +5, I: +2, W: +0, Ch: +1 Per +2, Invest +2, Insight +0 Fatigue 1 Male Elf Fighter 3/Eldritch Knight

All good

Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

After tonight I will be out of the country for a few days and not likely to post again until Wednesday.

Grand Lodge


Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

Back home, but arrival was quite a bit later than anticipated (Let's hear it for delayed flights). Will resume posting tomorrow.

Grand Lodge

*thumbs up*

Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

I have been busy with helping move both friends and family into new homes since Thursday and haven't really looked at the thread recently, but it seems like we may have lost Gorn and Baheera.

Is that the case?

Male Forest Gnome Rogue 3| AC: 15 | HP: 23/23 |PP: 11 | PI: 13 | Inspiration: No | Shortbow: 1d20+5 (1d6+3) |Shortsword: 1d20+6 (1d6+4)

I don't think Gorn is out for good. He posted in another thread that he had a bunch of RL stuff come up the last week or two and that has forced him away from the boards temporarily. I think just a bot for a bit would work and then he'll return.

I don't know about Baherra, but it is vacation season. Could be back in a few days.

HP 21/[31] Init + 1, AC 19/21, S: +5, D,+1, Cn: +5, I: +2, W: +0, Ch: +1 Per +2, Invest +2, Insight +0 Fatigue 1 Male Elf Fighter 3/Eldritch Knight

I'd bet on vacation season.

HP 21/[31] Init + 1, AC 19/21, S: +5, D,+1, Cn: +5, I: +2, W: +0, Ch: +1 Per +2, Invest +2, Insight +0 Fatigue 1 Male Elf Fighter 3/Eldritch Knight

Just an FYI, I'm off to the snowfields at the end of the week on a working holiday, so if at drop for a few days, I'm still here in spirit. Bot me as needed and I will return.

Female Half-Elf Warlock (DJinni Pact) 3 HP 15/23 | AC 13 | Initiative +2 | MOV 30ft | Saves: STR +0, DEX +2, CON +1, INT/WIS: +4, CHA +6 | Perception +3 | Conditions: none

Sorry, been on a two week road trip (over 4000 miles). Back now and working to get caught up

Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

Family in town. Posting will be spotty at best until Sunday evening.

Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

Sorry for the delay, while the family visit is done, I seem to have picked up some sort of bug that has me somewhat less than fully functioning.

HP 21/[31] Init + 1, AC 19/21, S: +5, D,+1, Cn: +5, I: +2, W: +0, Ch: +1 Per +2, Invest +2, Insight +0 Fatigue 1 Male Elf Fighter 3/Eldritch Knight

Sort of back... on a working holiday... which is a LOT more work than holiday. Week 1? 60 hrs. Fortunately a lot of night watchman type work. Unfortunately sleep is ... problematic.

Cynidicean Arcana Cleric of Usamigaras & Diviner 2 | HP 3/24 | HD 1/1d8 & 1/2d6 | Recovery 0/1 | Portent 9,19 | 1st 1/4 | 2nd 0/2 | Inspiration! | Exhausted level 1
AC 18 | Str +0, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +3, Wis +4, Cha +2 | Initiative +2 | Perception +4, Darkvision 120 ft

We're going on a family vacation this Wednesday to Sunday. My posting will be very limited. Please bot me as necessary.


Grand Lodge

Sorry, had some insane shift work. 13 hr days... and I've another today. I have the Aust Friday off and will catch up.

Male Forest Gnome Rogue 3| AC: 15 | HP: 23/23 |PP: 11 | PI: 13 | Inspiration: No | Shortbow: 1d20+5 (1d6+3) |Shortsword: 1d20+6 (1d6+4)

Hey all, I'm heading out of town and somewhat off grid until late next week. Will likely have limited internet and so won't be able to post much or at all until I get back.

Please bot as needed.

Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

Thanks for the heads up. Enjoy your time away.

Grand Lodge

Have fun

Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

Out of town on business until Friday. Still intend to post, just will be later in the evening.

Grand Lodge

Cool, cool. Thanks

Female Half-Elf Warlock (DJinni Pact) 3 HP 15/23 | AC 13 | Initiative +2 | MOV 30ft | Saves: STR +0, DEX +2, CON +1, INT/WIS: +4, CHA +6 | Perception +3 | Conditions: none

Wow!!! I was not expecting that.

How do y'all feel about friendly fire? I can get at least 6 of them at once but Tek and Emenius could be in the blast radius.

Grand Lodge

Weeeeell, if it were me? I’d prob agree buuuuut it’s not be getting burned. That said? Burning hands would likely drop the gamblers.

Female Half-Elf Warlock (DJinni Pact) 3 HP 15/23 | AC 13 | Initiative +2 | MOV 30ft | Saves: STR +0, DEX +2, CON +1, INT/WIS: +4, CHA +6 | Perception +3 | Conditions: none

It's actually Thunder wave. 15 ft cube

HP 21/[31] Init + 1, AC 19/21, S: +5, D,+1, Cn: +5, I: +2, W: +0, Ch: +1 Per +2, Invest +2, Insight +0 Fatigue 1 Male Elf Fighter 3/Eldritch Knight

Same same

Grand Lodge

Apologies, am back

Grand Lodge

Running Red Hand of DOOM in 5e atm. Hobbos are still a frustrating foe for level 6 players with that 18 AC

Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

Hobgoblins are incredibly strong in 5e. Between the AC 18 and the extra 2d6 damage every round if they are next to a buddy, it gets ugly in a hurry.

HP 21/[31] Init + 1, AC 19/21, S: +5, D,+1, Cn: +5, I: +2, W: +0, Ch: +1 Per +2, Invest +2, Insight +0 Fatigue 1 Male Elf Fighter 3/Eldritch Knight

For RHOD I boosted their Str and Con by 1, giving +4 to hit and 12 hp. It’s a small but useful DM boost.

That 2d6 bonus seems REALLY badly thought out. A flat +4 or +1 to AC +1 to hit when fighting as a team would have made more sense AND not been 1st level player killers.

Female Half-Elf Warlock (DJinni Pact) 3 HP 15/23 | AC 13 | Initiative +2 | MOV 30ft | Saves: STR +0, DEX +2, CON +1, INT/WIS: +4, CHA +6 | Perception +3 | Conditions: none

Now would have been a great time to have a healing potion on me. Looking at my options, the swarming hobgoblins, and the fact I was 4 hp short of getting one-shotted by that last attack, using the key feature of the Genie pact seemed like the best move. Sorry guys.

Grand Lodge

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Are you kidding? I was impressed AF. Great move.

Grand Lodge

Sooo… we pick up as members of the three factions? Lol.

Cayde Shadowstrider | Male Cynidicean | Barbarian 3 / Path of the Beast | Outlander | Hit Points: 35/35 | Initiative +2 | AC 19 | Str +5 / Dex +2 / Con +5 / Int +0 / Wis +2 / Cha +0 | Perception +4, Investigation +0, Insight +2 | Active Conditions:

Maybe next time we don’t aggro two rooms of foes before busting into a boss fight…

Though to be fair, Cayde didn’t insist on a long rest to get his rages back and the first two rooms of people didn’t initially seem aggressive…

Grand Lodge

Caught me off guard. I thought they were sort of out of it and ‘mostly peaceful’.

I also probably could have caught a group of them in a flaming hands burst early on instead of MMing the boss cleric… leaving us to focus on the the caster.

Cayde Shadowstrider | Male Cynidicean | Barbarian 3 / Path of the Beast | Outlander | Hit Points: 35/35 | Initiative +2 | AC 19 | Str +5 / Dex +2 / Con +5 / Int +0 / Wis +2 / Cha +0 | Perception +4, Investigation +0, Insight +2 | Active Conditions:

We probably should have gone back to base and rested/resupplied before hitting the next level too, but hindsight is 20/20 and all…

Female Half-Elf Warlock (DJinni Pact) 3 HP 15/23 | AC 13 | Initiative +2 | MOV 30ft | Saves: STR +0, DEX +2, CON +1, INT/WIS: +4, CHA +6 | Perception +3 | Conditions: none

All true. Facing what was what, 3 to 1 or 4 to 1 odds at this level is pretty much a guaranteed TPK

Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

In hindsight, when Gorn's player disappeared after the possession, I should have given you more strong hints to regroup instead of having that character charge straight ahead for Darius (as directed within the text of the module, both this Goodman Games version and the original mod).

We can do a couple of things here:

1) Play it out and see if any gets a 20 on a death save to return to consciousness before all are down.

2) Call this a TPK with the exception of al'Adhaa, who remains invisible and flies himself and Baheera within the lamp away, back to the three factions above in the pyramid. Where we can call it done or carry on with new party members from the factions now that you successfully reunited them.

3) Start over with a new campaign. I would be happy to run a different 5e game, likely one of the WotC produced books rather than something 3rd party. One I would be hesitant to run would be Wild Beyond the Witchlight as a number of us came from a Witchlight game and I would be hard pressed to match DM Fern's version of that game.


Cayde Shadowstrider | Male Cynidicean | Barbarian 3 / Path of the Beast | Outlander | Hit Points: 35/35 | Initiative +2 | AC 19 | Str +5 / Dex +2 / Con +5 / Int +0 / Wis +2 / Cha +0 | Perception +4, Investigation +0, Insight +2 | Active Conditions:

Cayde was hoping to engage the big priest guy, giving Tek and opportunity to rogue disengage with the bonus action, then come over and backstab the priest…Of course, Cayde was also planning to hit the priest on his swing and not get hit three times himself.

Grand Lodge

Let’s play it out… then let our genie kin get away.

I’m happy with then either solution

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Cynidicean Arcana Cleric of Usamigaras & Diviner 2 | HP 3/24 | HD 1/1d8 & 1/2d6 | Recovery 0/1 | Portent 9,19 | 1st 1/4 | 2nd 0/2 | Inspiration! | Exhausted level 1
AC 18 | Str +0, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +3, Wis +4, Cha +2 | Initiative +2 | Perception +4, Darkvision 120 ft

Let's play it out. It's been decades, since I've been in a TPK. But, they're memorable.

I'm up for either solution, too.


Male Forest Gnome Rogue 3| AC: 15 | HP: 23/23 |PP: 11 | PI: 13 | Inspiration: No | Shortbow: 1d20+5 (1d6+3) |Shortsword: 1d20+6 (1d6+4)

Dang, I've been traveling a bit lately and haven't been able to view the map very well. For whatever reason, I thought we were down to just Darius and a single hobgoblin. So very, very wrong I guess.

As for my last action, I have to hit one of the cultists. Hopefully one that is wounded. I was hoping the illusion might distract Darius enough to keep Cayde from getting hit, but too many attacks for that to work.

At this point, Tek might be able to escape with Baheera by grabbing her bottle and using a Disengage/Dash and Dodge actions followed by run like mad. Maybe the illusion could still provide just enough of a distraction to give him a step or two on any pursuit. With Cayde down, that seems like the only real choice and probably fits with the gnomes prior experiences and fears. (This wouldn't be the first near TPK he's witnessed, and the whole experience is probably causing some serious flashbacks.)

If, and I'm guessing it is a big if, Tek and Baherra can escape then I guess they can muster some allies to return to rescue (if resurrection or raise dead scrolls are available) the others, they we could go from there. Or maybe they just say screw this and take their chances in the desert.... :)

Male Forest Gnome Rogue 3| AC: 15 | HP: 23/23 |PP: 11 | PI: 13 | Inspiration: No | Shortbow: 1d20+5 (1d6+3) |Shortsword: 1d20+6 (1d6+4)

Totally DM's call, but if Tek and Baheera are leading the cultists on a merry chase for a little while, it seems like Cayde might have a chance to stabilize someone and maybe even get into hiding before they come back.

Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

Cayde is down as well.

Cayde Shadowstrider | Male Cynidicean | Barbarian 3 / Path of the Beast | Outlander | Hit Points: 35/35 | Initiative +2 | AC 19 | Str +5 / Dex +2 / Con +5 / Int +0 / Wis +2 / Cha +0 | Perception +4, Investigation +0, Insight +2 | Active Conditions:

I think with a natural 20 on the death save Cayde wakes up, but I haven’t looked up the rule…

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Goblin Caves Side View | Lost City Map | Roll20 Maps

That is the case.

You are conscious and at 1 HP. I'll get a post up in the game thread shortly.

Grand Lodge

Appropriate that the barbarian didn’t die.

I’ll take the period till after thanksgiving off then, GM permitting, comeback with a new character, doubtless a Cyndadynian but who knows, maybe an adventurer who’s been in captivity for a year or two and now freed.

Male Forest Gnome Rogue 3| AC: 15 | HP: 23/23 |PP: 11 | PI: 13 | Inspiration: No | Shortbow: 1d20+5 (1d6+3) |Shortsword: 1d20+6 (1d6+4)

GM: Let me know if you want any rolls during the escape. I'm also happy to just handwave things so we can pick up at a later time in order to get the others involved again.

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