Helaman's page

Organized Play Member. 6,902 posts (27,844 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 20 Organized Play characters. 43 aliases.

Current Campaigns

DM Talomyr's The Lost City

Aethorduil Faelaiien

GM WhtKnt's Darkness Within: A Carrion Crown Adventure Path

HelamanAethorduil FaelaiienMathus Kohlheim

From the whispering shadows of haunted Ustalav an ancient evil rises to grip the world in a new age of horror!

Amid the mists of this land of dark superstition and dread secrets stand both those who would defy the return of evil and those who would seek its terrible favor. Can the heroes discern their allies from their enemies in time to save a tortured realm from a tyrant’s return? Pathfinder’s darkest and most frightening campaign ever sets the heroes against the agents of Golarion’s most notorious villain, the Whispering Tyrant, in a terrifying trek across a land of lurking horror and ancient mysteries.


Cassiel Hawke: HP 31/35; AC 17/10/17; F+8 R+3 W+5; Init +2
Lorant Endronil: HP 10/24; AC 16/11/15; F+1 R+5 W+6; Init +5
Mathus Kohlheim: HP 35/35; AC 15/13/13; F+4 R+8 W+3; Init +3
Judah Locke HP 24/24; AC 15/12/13; F+1 R+3 W+3; Init +2

PF2 - Fall of Plaguestone

Valericus Rufinus Isauricus

Now that the mystery surroundig Etran's Folly has been uncovered, and Vilree's vile plot has been foiled, our adventurers wander the world looking for excitement...


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