GM Netherpongo's Warhammer Fantasy

Game Master Nathan Goodrich

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Difficult -10 =20 perception: 1d100 ⇒ 46

Wrapped in his own thoughts AND helping around the barge to curry favour with the new captain and crew, Axel misses the signs.

Female Halfling (Warhammer) Physician Wds 10/10 FATE 2/2 Fort 0/2 WS 20 BS 35 STR 20 TOU 35 INI 32 Agi 40 DEX 45 INT 40 WIL 47 FEL 40 Move 3

Intuition (37): 1d100 ⇒ 27

Magda, who was reading her new chirurgy book, was just sitting in a corner of the boat while hearing someone humming joyfully.

She realises, after a while,that she had started herself hummig the tune, and how bawdy the lyrics are, as she heard the song more than once during her studies... Students can be quite rowdy.

But she wonders where Lady Margarite heard the song herself, as its not the type of song you suspect a noble would know.

Well , we all had a life before growing up. But that's odd.

The book is way more interesting, but the halfling makes a quick mental note about the song.

Calph Intuition (44): 1d100 ⇒ 2

Calph Perception (hard 44-20): 1d100 ⇒ 36

Calph Perception (difficult 44-10): 1d100 ⇒ 43

Calph Fellowship (40): 1d100 ⇒ 15

[occ]Calph would love a dagger, perhaps a shortsword or something. He isn't a fan of the large dueling swords and sabers that burleier men would wield upon a tight ship. Just boggles his mind as to how they fight in the narrows and rigging with those things. leather jack yes please. AS you will have noticed I would like to use fellowship. I can play the horn, Tattoo, and carve. I would like to endear these sailors to our cause. A boat that goes that far north and as far south as they say they are from could be useful in the future. (Since the flatbottom is no longer an option.). I am looking for their runner flag, or the like so that they know to look for our signal and stop should we need them to or if they have business. (with a farm we will have more than enough to feed us if it supported 10x as many pirates)[/ooc]

To Zarine Calph explains that he is capable of reading. He just doesn't like to. "Important people read, not boatmen. Though me ma would say otherwise."

Other than that he busies himself about the ship. Helping out where he can so the rotations on the rest of the sailors isn't as rough as it would be otherwise. Entertaining, Crafting, or plain ordinary work.

just let me know if i need another roll here but i don't think anyone should ask for anything that would be too hard

"Important people read, not boatmen. Though me ma would say otherwise."

well they aren't the worst rolls...

Calph enjoys his time about the boat. Loving his regained freedom and sets himself into the rotations along side axel with a kind word, a smile, and bawdy tales of his midling years aboard his fathers barge. With those thoughts, he catches the tune that Margarite was humming and knows it well. Breaking the ice and chatting her up offering her a drink when it was 'more appropriate to do so for place and company.' he would say to her with a wink.

fellowship (40) : 1d100 ⇒ 22

i assume its going to have a difficulty one way or the other but i caught on so clearly its like i had been singing the same song when we bumped into each other in the halls as we passed each other lol.

the somber affair with the boy.

Calph hands the young boy two small pieces of rope and kneels down. "Ima gunna teach ya how to make knots like a sailor. Keeps the hands busy when the mind wont sit still." Pointing over to Zarine during one of her study groups with Axel. "though truth of it be. You could git yerself a pretty good education from a woman like that, reckon? Whatcha think boy? you gunna be a werkin man or a Thinkin man?"

He keeps the boy busy, plenty of odd jobs about ship and busy work to keep him occupied and asking questions about how and where as opposed to why and what. It wont work forever but it will buy us some time. Keep him talking about his future, what he wants. Where he plans to go. What his dreams of becoming are. He also keeps hinting that Zarines little school wouldn't be a bad choice either at least for the time being.

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As you get closer to the docks of Grunberg, Captain Ramos approaches you again. "They say that when Taal he made leeches, he no get it right. So when he made men, he try again with dockworkers."

Without asking directly, the captain is inquiring about what you want to do to unload your cargo. Smuggling it into town is an option. If you dock normally, the stevedores guild will be unloading your cargo for a fee, usually around a shilling per crate or bag. Since you have 25 cargo items, that would be 1gc 5/-, though you could haggle the cost down some.

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

With my background as Steveadore-ing, could I get a bonus? Smuggling is gonna be hard. Also that merchant we freed? Presumably he’s experienced in such negotiations? Maybe a joint effort?

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

Zarine asks Wolfhard to make the arrangements since he will be selling / negotiating, and if Axel expresses an interest, she has them work together.

Once they make the call, she can help negotiate a price if needed, but I think it is up to Wolfhard, and sort of depends on what kind of merchant he is... all above board, or slightly below. My vote is that we haggle, but pay them. We want a good reputation. But I obviously don't want to be unable to buy things that we need, and Zarine has elf ethics, so if this is the way humans do things, as long as you aren't cheating elves, then go for it. :)

And if you need me to be there to help negotiate anything, let me know.

Her presence might help with some people, and be negative with others, depending on whether you want to try smuggling or not. :)

She also asks Wolfhard if he knows where they could pick up some lockpicks.

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"Thank you, my Lady. It might be best if you keep your head down while I negotiate with the stevedores. It'll be best if they think we can't afford their usual rates. As for the lockpicks I don't deal in those kind of goods myself, but I imagine that you might be able to find such things if you ask around. With your permission, I'll see what prices I can arranged for these goods," Wolfhard says.

With your answer, Captain Ramos orders his men to sail the ship to the docks. You make it to shore in Grunberg without any mishap and Wolfhard goes out to negotiate with the dockworkers. I'm lacking my notes on Wolfhard's stats right this moment, but the price will come out to around a shilling per cargo item. I'll get the final price to you soon.

With docking arranged, Wolfhard sets off to see what price he can get for the barrels of coal. The ammunition & wheat marked for the Kemperbad Grain exchange are stocked in a separate cart. I have no idea if it would work this way but for now I'll just roll carting prices in with the docking fees.

There were a number of objectives to accomplish. Where do you intend to go first?

Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

I’ll go with you Wolfhard, I have my old clothing that I wore as a stevedore. It’s not any guild or professional attire but it isn’t rich and it sets the right touch. I’ll be your fetch and carry and while I’m not that experienced I might pick up on a possible advantage.

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Axel & Wolfhard approach the stevedores waiting on the dock and do their best to chum them up.

GM Stuff:
Wolfhard Haggle 55 +10 assist: 1d100 ⇒ 39
Stevedore Foreman Haggle 41: 1d100 ⇒ 63

Wolfhard approaches the men, getting to know them a bit before asking if they can help him out a bit and proves to be unexpectedly winsome. The men grumble a bit but eventually acquiesce & agree to cut a penny off per cargo.

Wolfhard returns to the ship with a smile on his face. "Thems some good chaps up on deck. They agreed to unboard your Lady's cargo for 11 bits." Axel has a Haggle advance, so he was able to assist Wolfhard. The price is 0/11 per cargo, or 1g 2/11.

Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

He did very well M’lady… I was impressed.

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

Before we get to the below, we need to know what Margarite plans to do... is she leaving now? Happy to give her money for a night at an inn if needed.

Also, I forgot that we needed to "Evaluate" (skill) a lot of this stuff. It isn't on either of my lists... can I pay extra for one point in it, so it is usable? Or does anyone else have it? We should know what these things are worth before trying to sell or negotiate about them.

... I think we should figure out the above, and then we can move forward with the below.


Zarine thanks Axel and Wolfhard, and then passes out assignments

Wolfhard and Axel, please go sell the coal and if you can, and find the First Kemperbad Grain Exchange (owners of the ammunition and grain), and see if you can arrange a recovery fee for rescuing their property... and if they offer nothing, or skimp on a reward, then require that they at least repay our transport fees for bringing it back to them. When that is done, see if you can find someone who is willing to take all of the poor quality weapons and armor as well.

Calph, you take Konrad and see if you can find out where he belongs, and also ask around in your own way about some lockpicks.

She gives him money for this... not sure how much is appropriate, but whatever is appropriate plus some for ice cream or whatever for Konrad.

Magda, you and Hans come with me to report in to the Trading Company, report to the Riverwardens about the pirates, and ask about the ownership of the island. We can stop to ask about a physician's license as well, and I need to stop at the Elven sector.

Embassy/sector? Not sure... Zarine needs to send off a letter to her mother about what has transpired since they last communicated, and perhaps ask about the jewelry/clothing in a place that expects to see such quality. We can also ask about the boy and Klara when we inquire about the pirates... I feel like Klara may have been the owner of the dress and jewelry, but who knows. Not explaining the ghost part necessarily, but you know, asking about notable people that may have been kidnapped, etc.

Totally fine if Magda has other things she wants to split off and do as well... just laying it out the way it seemed everyone wanted to go in discussion, and putting the best dressed people with Zarine for our important political/public-facing tasks. Everyone I suppose will have opportunity to gather rumors.

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As you leave the docks, a man approaches the group gasping for breath.

"Thank...goodness I caught you in time," he says. "You're Magda & Axel, yeah? Some others too, of course. Pardon me...I had to run..." he takes a moment to catch his breath.

"Lutz Fischbein sent me to warn you that the Carved Crown is being watched by some unsavory types. We haven't been able to figure out what they want yet, but he asked me to get your report instead. There's a branch office by the docks where we can talk."

You can still be all together at this point.

Nodding to Zarine "T'will do m'lady. I am not sure when you would like for me to appraise the goods but if your not in a hurry I can attend the boy first."

Calph does have evaluate. its not high or anything but calph can do it.

He trails off as the runner comes bounding down the docks. "eh? Whats a 'Carved Crown'?" Looking the man over and gauging if this is some kind of a trap or distraction. Calph keeps a good eye on both the man and the goods on the dock.

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

We should have evaluated the goods long past, so unless we can retcon, we've just been thrown into an additional situation where we have to wait until Magda/Axel respond, and then hopefully do it all before anyone goes to sell anything.

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Female Halfling (Warhammer) Physician Wds 10/10 FATE 2/2 Fort 0/2 WS 20 BS 35 STR 20 TOU 35 INI 32 Agi 40 DEX 45 INT 40 WIL 47 FEL 40 Move 3

"unsavory types"? Again? Why cant we meet some well educated, honorable men? Are we AGAIN endangered?

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

Zarine nods at Magda, and looks towards Axel

If you two trust this man who knows your names, perhaps we should follow him to the branch office and find out what is going on before proceeding further?

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Only Axel & Magda have been to the Carved Crown, but it would be a sensible place to meet up. Likely they have told the others of it. The Carved Crown is a higher-end inn that the company the party has been working with (the Greater Reikland Trading Company) runs. Your specific contact is Lutz Fischbein, and his home is behind the inn.

The guy you are talking to now has a name, but I don't have it handy right now. He introduces himself, and is someone noone in the party has met before.

Seeing you begin to involve yourselves in local business, Margarite prepares to leave. "I have friends in town I should meet with. Hopefully they will help me get back on my feet. I do hope we will meet again under better circumstances. Thank you ever so much for rescuing me from those pirates." she says.

Not seeing any complaint, the man leads you to the branch office of the Greater Reikland Trading Company.

Does everyone go with him, or do you split up to run other errands? In addition to the party, you have Wolfhard, Konrad & your wagon full of cargo with you.

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

I guess we should all go to the branch office until we figure out who is watching for us and what to do about it?

Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

The Branch office… it would be a good idea. We could discuss our cargo, that powder we found and so forth.

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You follow Ernest Ferber (the name he gave you earlier) into the warehouse district, to a place where you can leave your wagon during the discussion. Like most of this part of the docks, its only somewhat shady back here.

The office you enter is neat and orderly, with a pair of clerks working on papers in the front room. Ernest leads you back to a small office attached to the building, where he maneuvers around a desk covered with documents.

"Very well, I realize this is all highly unusual, but Master Fischbein asked me to... BUWHH!" Ernest cries as he sits in his chair before it immediately collapses beneath him. He stands quickly, trying (and failing) to recover from the incident with any grace.

"Sorry about that..." Ernest mutters. "What did you learn about the salvage operation during your expedition?"

Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Axel stands confused and slightly stunned by the reaction.

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

Zarine tells the story of what happened.

Female Halfling (Warhammer) Physician Wds 10/10 FATE 2/2 Fort 0/2 WS 20 BS 35 STR 20 TOU 35 INI 32 Agi 40 DEX 45 INT 40 WIL 47 FEL 40 Move 3

Are you all right? Maybe you should... well, nevermind

The halfling was probably about to give the man a lesson in healthy eating and exercise, but keep her mouth shut.

For now.

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It sounds like Magda may have been assuming that Ernest Ferber is overweight due to his chair collapsing. His build is pretty normal. His chair just went kaput out of nowhere. There's no obvious cause.

Ernest listens closely to Zarine's story as she tells him about the failed expedition into the Verfefluss and their sighting of a basilisk, followed by the beastmen attack on the river and routing of the pirates. As the story continues on, he seems to grow confused. "That's an interesting tale. I'm glad you were all able to return safely. Were you able to find out anything further about the Earl though? To which of those locations did your map take you?"

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

Sorry, I think I need a refresher on what map/mission he is talking about. It's been awhile... apologies. I am sure my character remembers, but the player doesn't.

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Zarine doesn't remember anything about a map either. The only 'mission' she was aware of was that Lutz sent Axel & Magda on the Verfelfluss expedition as a way for them to make some money while the Greater Reikland Company did some digging into the shipping manifests the party recovered earlier.

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I've been debating it since last night, and if anyone else has the same questions as Zarine they can look in the spoiler from the post immediately above.

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

What map are you referring to, sir?

Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Axel also has the good grace to look confused by the merchant’s question.

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"Erm...I'm sorry. I had assumed you were following a map to the wrecked ship. How were you planning to find it, then?"

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

Seriously, what the crap? Is this honestly just something we have never heard of before? We have no idea what he is talking about?

Does Zarine see anything magical or otherwise that could have caused his chair to collapse? (Acute Senses and Second Sight)

You know, you don't seem to have been briefed very well. Perhaps we should proceed to the Carved Crown after all. Who sent you to intercept us?

Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

I put something in the discussion thread… pretty sure that tied into the basilisk bit IF hazy memory serves

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Axel: you didn't see a map during your trip down the Verfelfluss (where you encountered the basilisk) either.

Zarine: the important parts of his chair would've been behind the desk & out of sight. You aren't seeing any special movement among the Winds here.

"I was sent by Lutz Fischbein, and he instructed me that under no circumstances were you to return to the Carved Crown until notified otherwise."

You can make a Dramatic (SL matters) Intuition test.

Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Unsure of skill default: 1d100 ⇒ 43

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Intuition is a basic skill based on Initiative.

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

Intuition (50): 1d100 ⇒ 33

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You notice that he is getting increasingly nervous as the discussion continues. He's making up a lot of what he is saying on the spot.

And a bonus for your Acute Senses:

Ernest quickly glances over toward the window to his right once as the discussion continues.

Female Halfling (Warhammer) Physician Wds 10/10 FATE 2/2 Fort 0/2 WS 20 BS 35 STR 20 TOU 35 INI 32 Agi 40 DEX 45 INT 40 WIL 47 FEL 40 Move 3

Intuition (37): 1d100 ⇒ 70

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Zarine's spoiler is just information from the Intuition test. So if anyone would like to react without waiting further, that's fine.

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

He's making all of this up. Let's go.

Zarine leaves, hopefully before whoever the shill is waiting for arrives, and leads the group directly to the Carved Crown.

Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Your will M’lady, says Axel, turning up his nose with a slight sniff as if Ernest was now no longer good enough, the snub implied and expected to highlight Lady Zarine’s superior status.

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You leave the office and return to your wagon where Konrad, Margarite & Wolfhard are waiting before moving toward the merchant district where the Carved Crown is located. Once there, Margarite bids her farewell. ”I must go to meet with those known by my family. I shall say a prayer to the Lady that we meet again someday under better circumstances.”

The staff of the inn are sufficiently accustomed to seeing Axel & Magda, and they direct you toward a private table and ask you to wait. Soon, Albwin Adelman comes out to join you and introduces himself to Zarine and Calph. ”Unfortunately, the young master is away from town on business and will not return for some time. I do not say so to lay any blame, but we did expect your return sooner. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes you. If you have any information that must be acted on immediately, I can hear you out now or in a more private venue.”

After hearing you out, Albwin pauses for a moment with a troubled expression. ”This is rather unfortunate. Master Fischbein was highly interested in discussing his business with you further, but I am only partly aware of the nature of your enterprise.... I shall attempt to intervene on your behalf with Madame Eloise, as she attended your meetings in the past and may be able to act in her brother's place. I shall arrange for rooms for you in the inn if it pleases you. Different rooms than you used during your last stay, of course. I shall direct the staff to inform me of your return after I have discussed the matter with the young lady.”

Albwin walks away stiffly, apparently displeased with the task ahead of him.

Only Axel & Magda would know anything about Eloise, as she has never come up before, and they have never been given her name before. When meeting with Lutz in previous times, there was always a young woman in attendance who never spoke up. It's morning right now and you wouldn't necessarily be expected back at the Carved Crown before dinner.

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

Due to this morning's encounter, I believe that it is unwise to split up to do several errands as we had planned. Perhaps we should all go together to accomplish our separate goals. For some of them several of us will have to remain outside or unobserved, but I still want to have people within calling distance in case someone is trying to collect Axel and turn him over to the authorities, or whatever other challenges await.

They then discuss who should do what for each errand. Totally open to suggestions, but it does seem like someone is after us here.

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Do you mention any of this to Albwin, or is it just an internal group discussion? For the record, I don't think Konrad, Margarite or Wolfhard have any reason to suspect Axel of being a witch. The crew of the Flatbottom would be the larger worry on that particular issue.

Sticking together is fine though. What would you like to take care of first?

Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

As long as Zarine starts making enquires about any college of wizard representatives… and I’m hoping they coincidentally happen to be purple wind, at some point, I’m happy to help everyone deal with their individual projects first. I think Magda is best first in the hard light of day when surgeons etc might be more available

Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard
GM Netherpongo wrote:

Do you mention any of this to Albwin, or is it just an internal group discussion? For the record, I don't think Konrad, Margarite or Wolfhard have any reason to suspect Axel of being a witch. The crew of the Flatbottom would be the larger worry on that particular issue.

Internal group conversation

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GM Stuff:
Wolfhard Haggle (Coal) 55: 1d100 ⇒ 3
General Store Haggle (Coal) 53: 1d100 ⇒ 34

Wolfhard Haggle (Pirate Armaments) 55: 1d100 ⇒ 8
General Store Haggle (Pirate Armaments) 53: 1d100 ⇒ 9

Locksmith Scarcity (1-60 = available): 1d100 ⇒ 11

Let's handwave the roleplaying the your most obvious business in town for the sake of time.

You consult with Albwin again to help you locate the merchants you should speak to in town. Your first stop is at a general goods vendor that should be willing to buy some coal & the pirate armaments you collected. Wolfhard leads off in investigations but quickly finds that he had overestimated how much the coal is worth earlier and isn't able to obtain the price he wanted for it. He's still able to talk the merchant up some from the initial lower price and gets 9g 18/- for it. The merchant is more resistant to Wolfhard's entreaties for the pirate armaments due to the widely varied quality of the tack, but still agrees to pay another 12 crowns for the lot if you throw in the scrap metal knives.

Albwin is able to recommend a locksmith that might have some picks to sell for your chest, and they do have some lockpicks available to purchase for 15 shillings.

Albwin is also able to recommend an expert who should be able to evaluate the worth of the finery that you found. This would include the rapier, wedding dress, hair spike set with emeralds & flower-shaped brooch

As you start to search for someone that can act for the Kemperbad Grain Exchange, Reinhard comes to you with a proposal. "These military quartermasters are always looking to outfit their units. The ammunition you found was scheduled to go to the army up in Ubersreik, but they'd have never gotten it if you hadn't taken out those pirates, right? We should sell it to the riverwardens here in Grunberg. I bet the quartermaster would be amenable to looking the other way and we can likely make the sale for more than any finder's fee the Grain Exchange will grant you."

As a reminder, you agreed earlier to give Wolfhard a fifteen percent commission for his help in selling the goods above. At present, his fee for the coal & weapons would come to 3g 5/-. I assumed he got an assist for his Haggling above, which let me just do the rolls myself.

Reporting to the riverwarden about the pirates should be straightforward, but how much do you tell them?

Tasks that likely still need to be handled:
* decide what do to with the marked ammunition & grain
* decide what to do with Konrad Links
* find out who has ownership of the pirate island
* any personal tasks

Female Wood Elf Courtier Noble (Scion) | Wounds 15/15 | Fate 1/1 | Fortune 1/1 | Resilience 2/2 | Resolve 1/1 | Status: Gold 1 | WS 50 / BS 40 / Str 35 / T 40 / Ini 50 / Ag 40 / Dex 45 / Int 45 / Will 40 / Fel 40 | Movement 5 | Corruption = 0 | Night Vision / Second Sight / Acute Senses (Vision)

NPCs: Yeah, what Axel said. I wasn't thinking about other people around, sorry.

Updated group loot, but the lockpicks should go on Calph's sheet, since I think he is the only one that can use them... correct?

Riverwarden: we just tell him the end where we took down some murder pirates, and rescued some people they were holding. No details on how we did it for now. We tell him there were several people misplaced, and ask if he has heard of any kidnappings associated with pirates. (But we don't bring Konrad inside with us... he will wait outside with Calph for this one.)

After the Riverwarden, we go with Magda to ask about a physician's license, unless she wants to go alone.

I go in with only Hans (dressed in my livery) to get the "finery" evaluated so that we don't seem like looters.

After we do other errands and get everyone safe in the inn, then Zarine goes to the Elven embassy or sector... however it works. She sends a letter to her mother (complete report, nothing left out, but written in Elven, sealed with her personal seal, and trusted to Elven messengers). While there, she asks around about the ownership of the island, and about who to talk to concerning the college of wizards. ... Assuming the elven community has contacts and that they will tell me because I am ranked high in that society.

I also ask about bows... I know Calph needs one, and I want one as well so we have an option besides melee. We should be able to get some gear with the money we just got... so if anyone else needs something specific, speak up, and we can give out general pocket money to everyone as well once we find out what the other things are worth and decide what we are doing with them.

What we are doing about Konrad depends on what we hear... if he has a family, we will return him. If not, open to suggestions. I don't really want to just dump him at an orphanage, but maybe we could find him a boarding school or somewhere to apprentice, or [insert your idea here].

Anything I am forgetting?

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Reiklander Male Fate 3 | Fortune 2 | Resilience 1 | Resolve 1 Wounds 19/(19) Rogue. Career: Witch/Hexer Moving to Apprentice Wizard

Ownership of the island… if you go to whatever authority covers that in full finery, well, it wouldn’t hurt. I dare say we will need to trade that book for tutureledge but let’s see how that goes… then I am gonna spend some xp (and some of whatever gold is deemed my share after the book) and look to upskill… that said I only have 40xp and need to get to 100 before I can read/write OR invest in proper and not petty magic. Long is the road of the wizard. As for the river wardens? Basics would likely be best… chaos cults tend to make authorities nervous and they might dig further… and find me if they start digging for additional voices, like our old crew.

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Female Halfling (Warhammer) Physician Wds 10/10 FATE 2/2 Fort 0/2 WS 20 BS 35 STR 20 TOU 35 INI 32 Agi 40 DEX 45 INT 40 WIL 47 FEL 40 Move 3

Maria is both happy and nervous about asking for the medical license.

Becoming a true, real doctor seemed a far fetched dream only a few months ago, and now she will be soon one.

Sure, in her family, this would be a time for celebrations, a day or more, maybe a week, to gorge themselves with food and wine, in total disregard for their health...

Madga frowns on this, but she is, after all, an halfling. And after all they have been through, maybe a decent, well cooked meal would be welcome.

With a decent bottle of wine. Or two. But no more.

First, getting the official license. Then, we'll see.

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