
Guess?'s page

1,208 posts. Alias of bigboom.

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The moment Blank Ca sits down within The Booth, Wazasha dives right in with two immediate questions:

"Blank Ca, please share with our live audience, what has surprised you about what you’ve found here? AND why are you better than your companions???"

Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

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Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

Welcome everybody! Thank you for joining my table. This game starts March 6. More instructions coming soon!!!

Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

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Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

Welcome everybody! Thank you for joining my table. This game starts on or about Friday, May 27th. More instructions to come closer to the start date!!!

Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

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Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

Welcome everybody! Thank you for joining my table. This game starts March 6. More instructions coming soon!!!

Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

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Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

Welcome everybody! Thank you for joining my table. This game starts on or about Monday, September 6th. More instructions to come before then!!!

Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

Please ninja-dot the thread by deleting your initial post. It will still appear on your campaigns tab.

As we kick off the scenario, please note the following points:

  • Unlike other Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild scenarios, this scenario focuses on an event from the Starfinder Society’s history
  • Your characters for this scenario are not — at least not yet — Starfinders, and instead represent intrepid mercenaries hired for a single mission
  • If you would like to begin RPing introductions to each other before we kick off, consider yourselves all in a waiting room within the Lorespire Complex soon to meet with Luwazi Elsebo

  • Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Hey Everyone! Thanks for joining the table!!

    Some standard things to do before we get started:

  • On slide 2, enter your character information. I'll eventually use this to fill out your chronicle sheets
  • On slide 3, enter your initiative, your perception and throw your token up in the marching order map. Feel free to move your tokens around as you like to set up your marching order
  • Update your profiles with your character sheets or provide a link in your profile to wherever you digitally store your character sheet. The community has already put together some of the character sheets in BB code for us here: CLICK
  • As mentioned, I do ask that everyone make a good faith effort to post at least once per day except of course when life intervenes and this isn't possible. When I see a need, I will bot characters to keep things moving along so if you'd like me to bot your character a certain way, please do include botting instructions with your character profile
  • Finally, please go ahead and introduce your characters to each other in the gameplay thread anytime and feel free to RP if the inspiration strikes you

    I'll work on a bit of prep and look to kick off within a few days (assuming everyone else is ready as well)!!

  • Welcome! This is the recruiting thread for 1-00 Claim to Salvation.

    Please take a look at my GM profile page to read up on how I run PbP games. I do ask that everyone make a good faith effort to post at least once per day but of course life happens and this isn't always possible.

    This scenario requires the use of level 4 pregens, the details of which are available for download here: CLICK

    Farol, Joseph Martin 681, cmlobue and Scottybobotti:

  • Seats have been reserved for you because you've already expressed interest on Castamir's Flaxseed Station!
  • Please drop a quick little post here indicating which pregen you'd like to play...
  • Then head over to the discussion thread and follow the instructions there to get started!

    Everyone else: This leaves two more seats open which I'm happy to fill on a first come, first served basis. So if all of the above hasn't scared you off (kekeke) and you're still interested in playing, then post here which pregen you'd like to play. Assuming there is still space, I'll then point you to the discussion thread.

    Thank you everyone for your interest!!!

  • Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome everybody! Thank you for joining my table. This game starts on or about Friday, May 28th. More instructions to come before then!!!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please ninja-dot the thread by deleting your initial post. It will still appear on your campaigns tab.

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome everybody! Thank you for joining my table. This game starts February 16. More instructions coming soon!!!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please ninja-dot the thread by deleting your initial post. It will still appear on your campaigns tab.

    Welcome to Gameday IX!! This is the recruiting thread for 1-11 In Pursuit of the Scoured Past.

    Please take a look at my GM profile page to read up on how I run PbP games. If that hasn't scared you off and you're still interested in applying, please post your character's class & level and have your character sheet up-to-date. I'll gather other details (such as SFS number, faction, etc.) later.

    I do ask that everyone make a good faith effort to post at least once per day but of course life happens and this isn't always possible. I will bot characters to keep things moving along so if you'd like me to bot your character a certain way, please do include botting instructions with your character profile.

    See you in game soon!!!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please ninja-dot the thread by deleting your initial post. It will still appear on your campaigns tab.

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome to Gameday IX and thank you for joining my table of 3-00 The Last Bite! More details coming soon!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please ninja-dot the thread by deleting your initial post. It will still appear on your campaigns tab.

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome to Gameday IX and thank you for joining my table of 1-11 In Pursuit of the Scoured Past! More details coming soon!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please ninja-dot the thread by deleting your initial post. It will still appear on your campaigns tab.

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome everybody! Thank you for joining my table. This game starts March 30. More instructions coming soon!!!

    I'm unable to submit an order. I had previously tried to place an order but the transaction was declined as I used an old, outdated credit card.

    I've since entered a new credit card but when I click place order nothing happens. Also, the place order button is bright red.

    Any ideas on how to correct this? Take my money...please?

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome and please dot in here!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome to Gameday VIII and thank you for joining my table of 1-17 Reclaiming the Time-Lost Tear! More details coming soon!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome and please dot in here!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome to Gameday VIII and thank you for joining my table of 1-12 Ashes of Discovery! More details coming soon!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome and please dot in!!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome!!! More details coming soon!!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Thank you for signing up!!

    Let's get some of the startup administrative items out of the way and do the following:

  • Update your character sheet with your pregen's data. See here for pregens in BB format: CLICK
  • Fill out your SFS character's info on slide 2. When this adventure concludes, the chronicle will be applied to the character you specify. Note that dayjobs and slotting boons (as far as I know) do not apply to this adventure
  • On slide 3, fill out your character's perception and initiative
  • Also on slide 3, feel free to change your party's marching order
  • And finally, post up your character's introduction in the gameplay thread

    When everyone is done with the above, I'll kick off the mission briefing!!

  • Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please dot in and post up an introduction for your character here.

    This is the recruiting thread for 'Skitter Shot' starting as soon as I have four players.

    Please take a look at my GM profile page to read up on how I run PbP games. If that hasn't scared you off and you're still interested in applying, then post here which pregen you'd like to play. Alternatively, if you already have a skittermander character that is level 1 or 2, you may bring that character instead of a pregen. I'll gather other details (such as SFS number, faction, etc.) later.

    Pregen details here: CLICK
    Additional skittermander info on slides 5 & 6 here: CLICK

    I do ask that everyone make a good faith effort to post at least once per day but of course life happens and this isn't always possible. I will bot characters to keep things moving along so if you'd like me to bot your character a certain way, please do include botting instructions with your character profile.

    Lastly, I have one spot reserved those who have GM'd for me in the past. But otherwise, I'll take players on a first come, first served basis.

    Thank you for your interest!!!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please dot in here...

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    No need to post character details yet. I'll be gathering that later. However, feel free to discuss any items you wish here!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please dot in here...

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Discussion thread...

    This is the recruiting thread for '1-07 The Solar Sortie' starting in a couple days.

    Please take a look at my GM profile page to read up on how I run PbP games. If that hasn't scared you off and you're still interested in applying, please post your character's class and have your character sheet up-to-date. I'll gather other details (such as SFS number, faction, etc.) later.

    I do ask that everyone make a good faith effort to post at least once per day but of course life happens and this isn't always possible. I will bot characters to keep things moving along so if you'd like me to bot your character a certain way, please do include botting instructions with your character profile.

    Lastly, I have one spot reserved for X Hums as a part of a GM trade and one spot reserved for those who have GM'd for me in the past. But otherwise, I'll take players on a first come, first served basis.

    Thank you for your interest!!!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome aboard! I'm happy to have you in my game and I hope you have a great time!

  • If you haven't already, please look through how I run PbP games here: GM Bigboom
  • Next, please go to the slides here and fill out your character's details in slide #2 and #3: Slides
  • And lastly, please post your character's intro in the gameplay thread here: Gameplay

    I'll get started with the mission briefing as soon as we've got everyone checked in!

  • Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please dot in here!

    This is the recruiting thread for '1-05 The First Mandate' (tier 1-4) starting in a couple days.

    Please take a look at my GM profile page to read up on how I run PbP games. If that hasn't scared you off and you're still interested in applying, please post your character's class, level and have your character sheet up-to-date. I'll gather other details (such as SFS number, faction, etc.) later.

    I have one spot reserved for SanityAWOL as well as a spot reserved for those who have GM'd for me in the past.

    Thank you for your interest!!!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome to PbP Gameday VII!!

    This is a level 1-2 table of 1-99 The Scoured Stars Invasion.

    Please go ahead and discuss what character you'll bring (or are thinking of bringing) to the table but no need to list your character's specific details yet.

    Looking forward to running this special with all of you!!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please dot in here.

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please dot in here...

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please dot in here...

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Please dot in here...

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Discussion thread for OOC stuffs...

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Discussion thread for OOC stuffs...

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