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I can't get any of these to open. I've tried downloading this three times over the past hour and a half, none work.
What are you using to try to open the file? I've been able to unzip the file and open all of the PDFs in Acrobat.
I can confirm mussary's report though that the individual files for each level of mystic actually contain the mechanic's character sheets.

Doktor Archeville |

Doktor Archeville wrote:I can't get any of these to open. I've tried downloading this three times over the past hour and a half, none work.What are you using to try to open the file? I've been able to unzip the file and open all of the PDFs in Acrobat.
I can confirm mussary's report though that the individual files for each level of mystic actually contain the mechanic's character sheets.
I'm using WinZip. I just tried again with a fresh download, it's still giving me the "these files cannot be unzipped" message.

Doktor Archeville |

Doktor Archeville wrote:I'm using WinZip. I just tried again with a fresh download, it's still giving me the "these files cannot be unzipped" message.What OS?
Windows 7.
This is the first time I've ever had any problems with a Paizo download. And it's just this product: I got the Starfinder Society RP Guide today, too, and it unzipped without any problems.

Doktor Archeville |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I usually get that message when the download fails to complete. The current size of that Pregens file is slightly over 90 MB. If your file is smaller than that, you might not have it all.
That seems to be it -- I just tried downloading it again, and the download cut off at around 35 MB.
Switched to a different browser -- was using Opera, switched to Firefox -- download worked fine there. Huzzah!

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

If ever these get updated, or we get new iconics/pregens, there are two things I'd love to see:
1. BAB listed somewhere on the sheet. This isn't currently listed that I can find, and it's especially relevant to starship combat and gunners.
2. Ranged weapons having their ranges listed. There are SO many different guns out there, and they all have different ranges. Experienced players will have trouble memorizing them all, much less new players. Considering that the ones most likely to be using these are newer players, this would help immensely, and keep the game flowing (as opposed to stopping for 5 minutes to try to find it on the weapon chart).
my 2c

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If ever these get updated, or we get new iconics/pregens, there are two things I'd love to see:
1. BAB listed somewhere on the sheet. This isn't currently listed that I can find, and it's especially relevant to starship combat and gunners.
2. Ranged weapons having their ranges listed. There are SO many different guns out there, and they all have different ranges. Experienced players will have trouble memorizing them all, much less new players. Considering that the ones most likely to be using these are newer players, this would help immensely, and keep the game flowing (as opposed to stopping for 5 minutes to try to find it on the weapon chart).
my 2c
While BaB is relatively easy to remember - only Solarian & Soldier have full, all others have +3 @ level 4 & +6 @ level 8, looking up weapons ranges took a lot of time.
Haladir |

Is there a reason this file should be 91 megabytes? This seems really excessive when the PFS file for over four times the classes is only 38 MB.
It looks like the art in the SF sheets may be higher-resolution, and there are more graphical layers in the SF sheets.
But, seeing as memory is measured in giga-bytes these days, unless you're connecting to the Internet via a 56k modem, I really don't see how a differential 50 MB of data would be an issue...

Weissrolf |

Yesterday I ran the first AP using six out of the seven pregens for my players. Turns out that only one (1!) of these pregens is learned in the Culture skill, while the AP keeps asking for Culture rolls over and over again. That would be the human envoy, which unfortunately was the only pregen not chosen by my players.
And since Culture cannot be used unlearned we were pretty flabbergasted by the absence of the Culture skill in our group?! So without the human envoy these pregen characters are not able to solve the first AP?! They also don't come with any of the profession skills used as alternative for the culture rolls.
On the other hand most of them come with high enough ranks in Computers (rather reduntant), which is what I had them roll to get the first few bits of information before doing the leg-work.

Elinnea |

Don't forget that anyone can attempt to recall knowledge untrained for a DC up to 10, and if it's in an area of their theme's specialty they might be able to attempt up to DC 15 (if the Theme Knowledge ability brings the DC down to 10). Also being able to use Computers to gain information is helpful, and makes a lot of sense to me thematically with the science fantasy setting.
All that being said, I do think it's strange that most of the pregens don't come equipped with such a commonly-referenced skill. Several of them do get ranks in Culture by the time they reach level 8, at least.

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For most of the pregens, I'm fine with them not being trained in Culture. The only one that doesn't make much sense at level 1 is Raia, the lashunta technomancer, since she's interested in being a first contact specialist. Might just be an artifact of only having so many points to spread around at 1st level, though.
I chalk it up as a learning experience - make sure your group can have one or two people that can do every skill, because you never know what you might need to do in the field.

Weissrolf |

How can you make sure your group has got that when 6 out of 7 pregens do not offer said skill? How is a beginner group even supposed to know that this skill is so important that the taking the human envoy is nearly a necessity to play the only available AP? In the first part of the first "Absalom Gang War" there is a total of 8 Culture checks, some of which are DC 15+.
6 people did not want to play the human, only to later find out that their group is full of computer experts that don't know their way around in normal (cultural) life. Let's just say that this leaves a bad first impression on new players.

shervo |
Keskodai: Harm Undead feat does not match Core rulebook wording (requiring to spend RP instead of slots)
Navasi: Get'em! does not match Core rulebook wording (duration)
Althronus: Black Hole does not match Core rulebook wording (5 ft of movement instead of 10)
Iseph does not have errata included (bonus to trick attack, Constructed description)
Scout (Quig drone) does not have errata included (maneurability)

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

There's still a bunch of errors in the various sheets. I was hoping that they would fix them for season 2, rather than just add the new ones.
Will the existing errors for the various pre-gens be fixed at some point in the future?
I am hoping to look at the older sheets as time permits, however it has been made clear that my priorities are scenarios followed by Additional Resources. I still have numerous notes on updating our past pregens, but those may take a bit more time.
Thanks for reminding me of the importance, though! :D

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The Keskodai pregen does not appear to have the correct skill bonus for Mysticism.
Keskodai/1 Mysticism Skill Review:
Wisdom (18): +4
Ranks: 1
Mystic Class Skill: +3
Connection Skill (Mysticism/Medicine): +1
Theme Knowledge (Priest): +1 (mysticism is already a class skill of mystics, so +1 bonus to skill)
Total: +10 (vs +9 on the pregen sheet)
(...and the same issue probably propagates forward - haven't looked)
Please review & fix as needed. Thx!

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The Keskodai pregen does not appear to have the correct skill bonus for Mysticism.
Keskodai/1 Mysticism Skill Review:
Wisdom (18): +4
Ranks: 1
Mystic Class Skill: +3
Connection Skill (Mysticism/Medicine): +1
Theme Knowledge (Priest): +1 (mysticism is already a class skill of mystics, so +1 bonus to skill)
Total: +10 (vs +9 on the pregen sheet)(...and the same issue probably propagates forward - haven't looked)
Please review & fix as needed. Thx!
Again, something I'm looking to get compiled and corrected in a future release.

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I noticed something else with respect to Keskodai's languages. The CRB allows the following:
Common, Racial (Shirren, Telepathy), Home Planet (Vesk? Nope), INT bonus (+1: Celestial)
Keskodai/1 comes from Verces, but doesn't have Vercite as a language (the language of his home planet). Was Vesk a typo and supposed to be Vercite?

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HoloGnome wrote:The Keskodai pregen does not appear to have the correct skill bonus for Mysticism.
Keskodai/1 Mysticism Skill Review:
Wisdom (18): +4
Ranks: 1
Mystic Class Skill: +3
Connection Skill (Mysticism/Medicine): +1
Theme Knowledge (Priest): +1 (mysticism is already a class skill of mystics, so +1 bonus to skill)
Total: +10 (vs +9 on the pregen sheet)(...and the same issue probably propagates forward - haven't looked)
Please review & fix as needed. Thx!
Again, something I'm looking to get compiled and corrected in a future release.
Sorry - I am in error. There is no connection skill until 2nd level. When I was reading through the mystic abilities, I accidentally included it in first. So...+9 is correct.