
Guess?'s page

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Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Guess? will examine the robot remains and see if there's any way to salvage anything of value. Then he turns to the employees.

Still in his skittermander disguise, Guess? declares, "YARRR! I'm p'rate cap'n Laurie!! You'll find that we ain't yer run 'o da mill p'rates! Oh no no NO! This aren't yer lucky day b'cause we be p'rate BARBARIANS!! If yer dun got 'nythin of value to us, we EAT you! YARRRR!! Sentient-eaters we be! ARRRRRR!!!!"

To emphasize his words, Guess? pulls out a fork and knife!!

Intimidate: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (14) + 23 = 37

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Oh wow, we're not going to hijack those ships but rather we're going full on assault on the estate!

Guess? tries to angle the ship to give Akh and Jaraduk a better, clearer shot at the generators!!

Guess? will auto-aid the gunners.

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

"Rusty locks is also good for burglaries, of course!"

Piloting: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (9) + 22 = 31

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

"Alrighty, no spec ops boarding action for us today! Instead, suicide laser turrets of death it is!! Good thing I did nothing but play '2 Speedy 2 Serious - The Video Game' our entire time in the drift on the way here!"

Bumping up INT at level 10 brought a whole set of skill ranks to Guess? and with him now being the pilot, I maxed out his piloting ranks. In game lore saying that he picked up piloting skills through a video game is just as good an exaplanation as any!

Guess? gets ready to pilot through those bad, scary laser beams!
Piloting: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (13) + 22 = 35

Just throwing out the dice roll because I figure it will be needed for what we're about to do next.

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

"How do we get them to stop? You have heard how convincing I can be right??? Do you have any idea how many background pyramid schemes I've got goin on?? How many subscribers to my infomercial self-help courses?

"And if Eline is on the ship, then perfect!! We've agreed to take her hostage anyways, remember? This makes it even easier on us, amirite!?!?"

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

"Hmmm... We rope a dope! When the ship departs, we wait somewhere and send out a distress signal. I mean, look at this ship. Us being in distress is not a stretch. When they dock to render assistance, we board and take their ship."

Int DC10:
You realize Guess? conveniently left out mention of what he has in mind to do with the hijacked ship's crew...

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr
Akh Xi wrote:
"You're the boss Guess?! Lets at least hide it somewhere for when we need to lose some very persistent pursuers, like in that recent episode of Speedy and Serious."

"Oh! Oh! Yah! Yah!

"And remember how they Reisora'd the space station in 2 Speedy 2 Serious?? Then they used starships to push the station through the mine-laden asteroid field with starfighters in hot pursuit?!?

"It was fun to watch... But c'mon! It was soooo unrealistic! I like suspending disbelief as much as the next guy but that was toooo much, amirite?!?!"

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Guess? picked up:

Shirren language
Orc language
Optical Optimization: If you succeed by 10 or more at the skill check to deal additional damage on a trick attack, you ignore cover or concealment (but not total cover or total concealment) for that attack.
Ability advancements: Dex, Int, Cha, Wis
Skills: With the new Int advancement, Guess? got a boost to skill ranks and leveled up Piloting to 10 ranks, so he can be an effective pilot now for the party.

I haven't updated the character sheet yet. I'll get to that when I have a bit of time.

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

I copy and pasted the gear onto the slides for now. Feel free to cross out/remove any items that our characters picked up and equipped.

"I suppose we can try to take the ship with us. But I think a depressurized pirate ship might track attention that we don't want when we arrive at the resort retreat where Eline is currently located. Worst case, we stow the ship somewhere, save the coordinates and come back at some point some day to retrieve her."

After leveling up, I'll throw some of my character's new ability highlights in the discussion thread!

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr
Akh Xi wrote:
"Saviors might be pushing it a little Guess?..."

"Seems they're happy to finally die... We're saviors!"

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

"Oh hey! We're actually your saviors, aren't we? I'll add that to the long list of achievements in my CV - Savior of undead! Right below 'freedom fighter' and right above 'high school career counselor'."

And on that note, Guess? fires at pink!

24-atm extrusion rifle vs KAC: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29 (Manual sight reduces range and AC cover bonuses by 2 if character doesn't move)
Damage (B): 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (4, 2) + 9 = 15
Trick Attack Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 6) = 15 and flat-footed to all, if trick attack succeeded
Targets CR10 and below are auto flat-footed vs trick attack

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Guess? fires at blue!

24-atm extrusion rifle vs KAC: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34 (Manual sight reduces range and AC cover bonuses by 2 if character doesn't move)
Damage (B), crit: 2d10 + 9 + 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (9, 7) + 9 + (4, 4) + 9 = 42
Trick Attack Damage: 4d6 + 4d6 ⇒ (2, 1, 6, 3) + (4, 6, 2, 2) = 26 and flat-footed to all, if trick attack succeeded
Targets CR10 and below are auto flat-footed vs trick attack

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

"Die! You undead scum! Or is it live? So... that you can die..?? BAH!"

Guess? opens fire on yellow and if yellow is down he'll fire on blue.

24-atm extrusion rifle vs KAC: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30 (Manual sight reduces range and AC cover bonuses by 2 if character doesn't move)
Damage (B): 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (10, 8) + 9 = 27
Trick Attack Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1, 3) = 14 and flat-footed to all, if trick attack succeeded
Targets CR10 and below are auto flat-footed vs trick attack

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

"Behold! The skitter that's gunna crack your skull!

"FOR THE GLORY OF LAURIE!!" yells Guess?, referring to his current alias as he gets swept up in the moment.

Guess? again fires at the vesk captain!

24-atm extrusion rifle vs KAC: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23 (Manual sight reduces range and AC cover bonuses by 2 if character doesn't move)
Damage (B): 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (4, 7) + 9 = 20
Trick Attack Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 5) = 16 and flat-footed to all, if trick attack succeeded
Targets CR10 and below are auto flat-footed vs trick attack

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

"Melissa, if things go sideways, hit the airlock, reisora their ship, then enter negotiations, okay?"

Guess? fires at Red!

24-atm extrusion rifle vs KAC: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (9) + 14 = 23 (Manual sight reduces range and AC cover bonuses by 2 if character doesn't move)
Damage (B): 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (8, 8) + 9 = 25
Trick Attack Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 3, 1) = 14 and flat-footed to all, if trick attack succeeded
Targets CR10 and below are auto flat-footed vs trick attack

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Guess? takes a guarded step away from yellow then activates his jetpack to navigate over to the airlock button and hits it, intending to lock out pink and orange!

If hitting the button requires a move action, then Guess? won't have enough actions to take a guarded step, in which case Guess? will just provoke yellow.

"Nope, you two are NOT invited to the party!"

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Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Actually, now that I look carefully at the map, red, pink and orange are actually in our ship's airlock. Can Melissa or Guess? spend a surprise round or round 1 action to hit a button to make the airlock doors come slamming down, trapping those three?

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

I think Melissa already has her cloak turned on. During Guess?'s antics, Melissa could have already made it to the bridge to try and take over their ship or selectively decide what position you're in to engage in combat. Up to you.

This is probably going to be a tough combat though. If you hijack their ship, it might draw off one or two of them. Or like Akh said, I wonder if there's a way to seal the air locks on both ends and trap some of them.

"Skitter emancipation!" yells Guess? as he fires another shot.

If Guess? gets another shot from surprise round:
24-atm extrusion rifle vs KAC: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
Damage (B): 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (1, 8) + 9 = 18

Guess? fires during round 1:
24-atm extrusion rifle vs KAC: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33 (Manual sight reduces range and AC cover bonuses by 2 if character doesn't move)
Damage (B): 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (7, 1) + 9 = 17
Trick Attack Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 1, 5) = 13 and flat-footed to all, if trick attack succeeded
Targets CR10 and below are auto flat-footed vs trick attack

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Guess? continues his delaying tactics.

"And now, the welcome dance as we accept and submit to you, our betters! You've always deserved respect and anyone at Broken Rock who has ever disrespected you will assuredly eat their words!"

Bluff: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (7) + 21 = 28

And on that note, Guess? breaks out in a welcome dance (although the accompanying song lyrics isn't quite exactly the right application in this context).

Profession (dancer): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

As soon as he finishes his dance, Guess? immediately rolls right into a speech describing the great glory of our new captain. "OH BEHOLD! The undead greatness of Captain Kyanhex! Never has there been an undead vesk with such a glowing, healthy hide! His intelligence, a brain the size of a planet! ...." And so on... Guess? lavishes praise for as long as he thinks he can hold the boarders' attention.

Profession (orator): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

Then Guess? rolls into a speech declaring why our crew is pitiful, deserving and in need of the great new captain.

"Look at us!! A crew short of the minimum headcount needed to even operate a ship! Consisting of a bull who, let's admit it, has no skills whatsoever. He's basically just labor. And a dragon-shaped robot who complains and is around mostly just because he's tall. We really needed someone who can reach the galley's top shelf, I certainly can't! And hey, I'M the captain?!? How desperate can we be when the skitter is the captain??? ..." Guess? continues to denigrate Jaraduk, Akh and himself for as long as Guess? thinks it'll continue to elicit laughs and chuckles from the boarders.

Profession (orator): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

And finally, Guess? rolls into a declaration of legal rights and obligations that both parties have and owe to each other.

"Captain Kyanhex may demand the cleaning of his boots four days per week... Akh may, upon request, eat any organic materials left on the shower caddy every fourth day of the month... " Guess? throws out all manner of statements until it appears the boarders are on the verge of losing patience.

Profession (lawyer): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

At this point, Guess?'s next action depends on how long he was able to stall and how far Melissa has gotten. If she's gotten far enough to reisora the undead ship, before Guess? gets to the end of his speeches, then we'll resolve Melissa's actions first? If Guess? gets to the end of his speeches and Melissa hasn't yet gotten far enough to take their ship, then Guess? kicks off the ambush!!

Guess? ambush attack:
"NOW!!!" yells Guess?, signalling Akh and Jaraduk to kick off the surprise attack!

Guess? targets the enemy captain!
24-atm extrusion rifle vs KAC: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (2) + 14 = 16 (Manual sight reduces range and AC cover bonuses by 2 if character doesn't move)
Damage (B): 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (7, 1) + 9 = 17
Trick Attack Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 3, 6) = 13 and flat-footed to all, if trick attack succeeded
Targets CR10 and below are auto flat-footed vs trick attack

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Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

In preparation for the other ship to board, could we have spent time setting up booby traps with grenades in the cargo hold and airlock areas? Sticky entangle grenades in the airlock vicinity to bottleneck them. Damaging grenades close to deal as much AOE as possible amongst them. Also, could we have set up some container boxes to provide Jaraduk and Akh cover when they're in the caro hold?

Later, when the other ship boards...

"Wait their ship isn't pressurized? Then let's just kill 'em all. There's no point in reisora-ing..." Guess? notices Melissa has already taken off.

"Hmmm... well okay then! Maybe if we delay them in the airlock long enough, Melissa can take control of the ship, steer it away, tearing at the connection between their ship and ours, and fling them off into space!"

Guess? yells out to the visitors, "Nufriend Captain Kyanhex! We welcome you! But before we formally surrender and before you cross the threshold onto the soon-to-be-your ship, we must first engage in the formal conqueror's welcome ceremony and recitation! It's a tradition amongst this crew and our peoples to welcome all superior beings properly.

"You know we skittermanders always strive to be helpful and serve all Vesk overlords! I've been teaching the other members of my crew the same sacred values we skittermanders and vesk hold so dear and sacred! Otherwise, if we don't engage in the formal conqueror's welcom ceremony and recitation, proper relations and expectations won't be set, leading to avoidable future tensions and misunderstandings!

"First, the arriving conqueror dance!!"

Bluff/Diplomacy to convince them to stop advancing and observe the so-called ritual: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (13) + 21 = 34

From up high on the catwalk, Guess? begins a dance, "This dance represents your power and glory as the arriving conqueror!!"
Profession (dancer): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

Guess? intends to try and hold the boarder's attention, keeping them in place with 1) a conqueror dance to symbolize their arrival, 2)
a welcome dance to symbolize our acceptance of the new conqueror, 3) a speech describing the great glory of our new captain, 4) a speech declaring why our crew is pitiful, deserving and in need of the great new captain, and 5) a declaration of legal rights and obligations that both parties have and owe to each other.

Guess? figures if he can hold their attention through all that, Melissa should have plenty of time to pull whatever shenanigans she's got in mind.

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Engineering: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (4) + 19 = 23

Looking over the scan results, Guess? remarks gleefully, "Just six of them? Oh man, this hijac... This reisora-ing will be easy, amirite?!?!"

Turning to Melissa, Guess? says, "If all six of them board, then you can sneak onto their ship and take over. Akh, Jaraduk and I might even retreat out the other airlock, you detach their ship, we board their ship and leave them stranded on the Slim Chance. At that point we'll have control of the more powerful ship!

"If anyone from their crew doesn't board, then perhaps best you stay on board and help us take out the boarders. After that, we can then all board their ship to mop up whomever remains."

Guess? says to everyone, "Whaddaya'll think?"

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Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Guess? is, as always, disguised. This time, he's a skittermander named Laurie.

Guess? wrote:
"First, metal-eating rock bugs that wanna eat our ship. Now flesh-eating space fairies that wanna eat us... Whatever happened to good ol fashioned space pirates?"

"Gobbammit! I spoke too soon!"

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18

"Guys, I have no idea what their intentions are but if I had to guess, they're gunna take this poor excuse for a ship and indenture us. Or if we refuse servitude, they'll just space us.

"That's what I'd do if I were a pirate, yaaaarrrrrr!!!"

How long does it take to scan a ship? Any chance we can do a scan to identify their crew complement?

"Okay, they're not gunna be friendly. That's a given. So if Melissa is going to sneak on board their ship to reisora it, Akh, Jaraduk and I will have to keep them busy.

"I suppose I can keep them talking for a bit as they board. But positioning-wise, Akh and Jaraduk, would you be okay meeting them on the same level in the cargo hold where the airlocks are? I'd take a sniping position up on the catwalk overlooking the hold.
(kind of like how we were positioned when those assassins tried to take us out on this ship)

"Problem is whether they'll still have crew on board the ship when Melissa sneaks on board. If they do, no offense Mel, but I don't think you've got enough firepower to overwhelm them. But given our skeleton crew, fortune favors the bold!"


To buy some time while we're getting ourselves set up, Guess? responds to the intial hail, "Greetings nufriend Kyanhex! Always happy to be of service! But maybe you don't want to board just yet. We're transporting some highly unstable materials, liable to go critical if any explosions or severe tremors should occur. That will trigger an even larger reaction - big enough to destroy us and you as well!

"We don't want this to happen to nufriends! How about we finish our delivery first, safe and sound? After that, we come back to you for boarding! Sound good? We'll be back in about three days, promise!!"

Take 10 bluff for 31.

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

I'm okay either way. Guess?, however:

"I vote to do the Triaxus job. If we do it, I'll see if I can negotiate UPBs rather than cash once we arrive.

"What does everyone else vote? If it's a tie, then I'm okay with skipping the job and going straight to Eline. No harm, no foul."

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

IC-ly, it makes sense to rush to Eline. But OOC-ly I think we know it doesn't matter if we do the side quest first. And we may not have a chance to come back to it later. Let's see if there's a sensible in-game reason to go on the side quest.

Guess? checks how long Eline is booked in her current hotel for the company retreat then cross-references for the expiration date of the Triaxus job.

If there's enough time to complete the job and get to Eline before she checks out and leaves the retreat, Guess? will advocate for Triaxus, saying, "Given our circumstances, some extra cold, hard cash can never hurt."

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

"Hmmm? What? You misheard. I said:

"Yo! Let's embrace always!"

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr
Melissa_Norveg wrote:
"So are you upset about the threat to your life or the species appropriation?"

"I've never said I'd eat any of you all!

"to your face anyways..."

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Piloting: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

"First, metal-eating rock bugs that wanna eat our ship. Now flesh-eating space fairies that wanna eat us... Whatever happened to good ol fashioned space pirates?"

Speaking of which, I forgot to have Guess? try to locate side jobs before leaving Absalom. Or is that no longer a thing available for us to do anymore in the AP?

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Mysticism: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

"Guys, I'll be honest. That sound is the distress call of an assray. Unfortunate name for their entire species, amirite?.

"But more importantly, assrays are flesh-eating vacuum fey creatures. So if ya ask me, I think we should steer clear of 'em. If they're in distress, they're probably looking for a meal to strengthen them up. Last I checked, we're made of flesh and we don't like being some other monster's meal. Agreed??"

Guess? takes the controls, getting ready to hit the accelerator and rocket the ship away as soon as everyone else agrees.

Guess? intentionally (or unintentionally? I haven't decided yet) mispronounces the creature name, same as when he said "television" earlier.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Guess? says, "While we're all stronger together, sometimes an individual finds they must strike a different path. Nothing remains forever and while I miss Del and I believe she made us all a better version of ourselves, she has struggles that only she can work out. I hope that, at the end of the day, she finds herself in a better place. And that our paths will cross again at some point."

Guess? will break out some of the good liquor to share.


And for the next second shift, Guess? tries to pick up the crew's morale the only way he knows how. With a prank.

Akh Xi wrote:
"Is Guess going to turn into one of them later tonight"

Guess?, probably unwisely, shows up in disguise as a genereaver with some obvious goblin features. But instead of acting like a crazed, bloodthirsty mutant abberration, Guess? just acts normal as though nothing is off.

Disguise take 10 for 31.

"Hey, waddup Akh! Food kinda sucks, amirite?!? At least once we catch up with Eline we can raid the resort pantry. They're sure to have something tasty! Amirite?!?"

While chatting away with Akh, Guess? constantly waggles the scary-looking barbed finger at Akh.

"Man, I've been craving eating something different lately. No idea why. It's not like anythin's change since yesterday, amirite?!?"

Guess? grins but with his genereaver disguise - it certainly isn't a pretty smile.

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr
"Melissa_Norveg"[b wrote:
"Yup. He's raving. Akh get me the BIG needle of sleepy drugs.... " [/b]


Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr
Jaraduk Cometrunner wrote:
Aka “Slim Chance”

Even better!

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Looking at the asteroid debris, Guess? says, "I've got a bad feeling about this."

Piloting: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (13) + 12 = 25

Hearing Melissa's statement triggers Guess?'s memory on what these things are. "OHMIGOBS!! Those are giant, metal eating rock bugs called televisions!! We gotta get outta here before a live one spots us and makes us their midnight snack!!

"Battle stations everyone!!"

Guess? kicks the ship into gear and accelerates as quickly as possible away from this eddy!

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Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Our first ship was Last Chance. And the treasure ship, didn't we name it Second Chance? So the Rust Bug... how about we name it Fat Chance??


Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr
Melissa_Norveg wrote:
"That wouldn't be very likely and what would be the difference if it did?"


Akh Xi wrote:
"Well Melissa, then Guess would be immortal and ravenous, which he may consider an upgrade, but which may be quite dangerous."

Guess? replies, "I may not be immortal and ravenous, but I AM ALREADY god-like and ravishing!!!"

Having DNA-based memories of the genereaver and now finding out that there's a whole subculture of genereaver conspiracy theorists, the wheels in Guess?'s head start spinning. He takes a deep breath and blurts out without pause exactly what he's thinking:

"There's an angle to this guys! There's money to be made. I can smell it!! We feed this conspiracy theory with misinformation and alternate facts. Get people to believe the most outrageous, unbelievable things. We spread fear with lies. Develop a fanatical, maniacal following. Then we monetize it by claiming we're the only ones that can save them. We take donations. We sell merchandise... plushy genereavers! We say we'll use all the funds to fight the underground, illegal labs creating genereavers! But all the funds will be deposited into an account designated as such that we can use it for any purpose, such as building a golf resort on a tropical planet, not just the stated purpose of combating genereavers. We'll make millions!!


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Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr
Melissa_Norveg wrote:
The DNA was easy enough to obtain. He left it all over town...

And Guess? is darn proud of it too!!

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Ah yes, fort save. Guess?'s specialty! Keke

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Now I've GOTTA know the backstory behind The Thing!

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Unless there are spoilers, any chance you can ooc-ly share with us the backstory of The Thing? Seems to me this was a very unusual enemy.

Guess? searches the body for loot.

"Not sure I'll find much but gotta check, amirite??

"Hey maybe we should call Ratrod and ask if he had any long lost family members that went missing around the time he acquired this ship..."

Guess? will give Ratrod a ring.

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Not quite liking The Thing's stare, Guess? takes a step back and fires again!

24-atm extrusion rifle vs KAC: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17 (Manual sight reduces range and AC cover bonuses by 2 if character doesn't move)
Damage (B): 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (8, 6) + 9 = 23

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Oh! I forgot to mention the previous crit from Guess? should've knocked to target prone. Ah well, next time!

"It recognizes the truth! The truth that I'm the most high value target! So yes, I one hundred percent have this coming!!" declares Guess? cheerfully, perhaps not fully understanding Melissa's jab. Or perhaps just willfully choosing to misinterpret Melissa's jab.

Guess? activates his jetpack and flies diagonally and up over The Thing landing underneath Akh for safety and cover, then fires again!

24-atm extrusion rifle vs KAC: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (15) + 14 = 29
Damage (B): 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (5, 4) + 9 = 18

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Guess? fires away (with his readied action)

Life Science: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

Not. A. Clue!

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

If Guess? were to take on the piloting role as a frequent, ongoing thing, maybe I can reshuffle some of Guess? skills to improve his piloting skill. Right now it is zero ranks and buffed up from jack of all trades. I had to do a skill reshuffle previously to bump up engineering when Strek left the party.

But I'd only do this if there's a frequent, ongoing need for piloting throughout the rest of the AP. Any advice on this one?

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

But if we do continue with starship combat, here are the potential roles Guess? can fill:

Pilot +12
Engineer +19
Science +17
Gunnery +12 (I think)
Captain <-- As Melissa said, probably not so important with us being a crew of 4

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Guess? squeals and moves over to Akh for protection while drawing his rifle. Then Guess? readies an attack to fire after Melissa reads the note and indicates we should open fire.

Readied attack:
24-atm extrusion rifle vs KAC: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (20) + 14 = 34
Damage (B): 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (4, 10) + 9 = 23
Damage (B), crit: 2d10 + 9 ⇒ (1, 8) + 9 = 18

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

In my opinion, handwave the starship combat. While I like the system and I think it's fun real time, I feel it's a drag on PBP.

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Guess? replies to Niva, "If you take a good, hard, honest look at our mutual history, you'll find that we never started any backstabbing between us. All underhandedness and deceit was started by you. We of course responded but we've always been measured in our response. Plus, we saved your lives from that prison planet and even helped your crewmate save his uncle's life." Guess? gestures towards Dizzy.

"So yah, we agree to a truce. I'm warning you though. We never started any bad blood and we won't. But you start anything with us again and our response will no longer be measured. I'm no saint. We'll end anything you start... permanently.

"We have an understanding?"

Guess? (whom I guess is still disguised as Eline if we're meeting them right after leaving Eline's secret office) gives Niva the most threatening look that he can muster.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (9) + 22 = 31

Nothing else that Guess? wants to do. Pretty much ready to ship out!

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Responding to Melissa, Guess? holds out his hand and pretends to concentrate. Like a Jedi using telekinetic force powers.

"Sheer force of will, of course!"

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

"That ship looked barely spaceworthy, much less capable of aiming a weapon and firing. But hey, better'n nuthin! Unless you think you can also convince Niva to give us a ride on the Wintermourn...?"

Guess? thinks through in his head how difficult it might be to Reisora the Wintermourn...

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Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

With our current summer break downtime, I'm going to take some assumptions and liberties in this post to fast forward things a bit, if that's okay?

Profession (corporate professional): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

"Ah ha! This server makes perfect sense. Eline has illicitly copied the entire corp's servers to spy on her corporate rivals and probably to gather intelligence to blackmail her peers. This basically amounts to the equivalent of an illegal governmental surveillance spy operation on its own citizenry! Absolutely unethical (by some standards) but not at all surprising.

"This is actually pretty commmonplace once you reach a certain rank on the corporate ladder cuz if you don't do it, you'll get blindsided and someone will knock you back down a few rungs... or off the ladder completely!"

Guess? will search around the area to see if there's any other potential loot to pick up.

After gathering any valuables, Guess? says, "While, I'm glad Dizzy's uncle will be okay, we still need to figure out where Eline actually is located. Time to con some of those suckers sitting outside. Gather up back around me into entourage marching order!"

Guess? puts on an angry, frustracted face, leads the party back out to the group of office workers that opened the secret door for the party and growls, "I was never here! Understand!?!?"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (9) + 22 = 31
Assuming this is enough to keep those office workers quite and not inhibit the party's movement:

Guess? continues walking out to Siro and roars in frustration, "SIRO!! You've done well so far! Do not fail me again and you can count on that promotion! There are operatives in The Company moving against us. No real threat but highly inconvenient because they're staking out my scheduled retreat locations. I have to return right now or things will look suspicious to the board but I'll need my accomodations moved. That should throw off their surveillance for a couple days. Find me the closest hotel suites to the retreat activities and meetings but NOT on the approved company list. That will throw those $#*%holes off for a bit!"

Guess? glares at Siro adding as much pressure as possible while to force Siro into quickly providing a hotel.

Take 10 skill focus bluff for a total of 31. Assuming this is enough to convince Siro:

Once Siro brings up a suggested hotel, Guess? says, "Show me on the map how far is it from my scheduled hotel!"

Once the party gets a look at Eline's actual hotel location relative to the new one that Siro has suggested, Guess? will say, "Good job Siro! You're moving up!"

Guess? turns to Melissa and says, "Book the suite! We're leaving now!"

With destination known, Guess? leads to the group out the front door and back to our hideaway to plan how we're going to actually get to Eline.

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Actually, we've observed the golems get healed by electricity. So perhaps not that doshko. ;-)

Male, CN Space Goblin, Corporate Agent Operative (Free Trader) 9 | SP 60/60 HP 52/52 | RP 11/11 | EAC 27 KAC 28 | Fort +4; Ref +14; Will +10 | Init: +13 | Perc: +18(+24 to notice traps), SM: +18 | Speed 55ft, Swim 20ft | Active conditions: owes Del 3229cr

Just a relaxing lil massage is all it was!! ;-P

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