[SFS - PbP PaizoCon 2021] 3-19 Rat's Repentance - GM bigboom (Inactive)

Game Master bigboom

Maps & Slides

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Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

Welcome everybody! Thank you for joining my table. This game starts on or about Friday, May 28th. More instructions to come before then!!!

Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

In the meantime, feel free to dot in on the Gameplay thread!

VC Australia - WA

Just snagged the last spot.
I have no idea who I will bring. I see, now I look, plans for a L3 Operative and a L4 Mechanic. If we are playing up, I think my only choice is my L3 Envoy, otherwise it will likely be L1 someone.

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Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

Welcome aboard numbat! Good to see you!

Shadow Lodge Contributor

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In the words of Obi-Wan Kenobi, "Hello there!"

Now that my last PbP game is done and my character did indeed survive, I can start getting him ready for this one! My only PbP-formatted character is a level 3 operative, but if that very much doesn't fit with others, I can probably whip something else up.

A quick note that I really won't be able to post much at all between May 28th and May 31st...I did something crazy and agreed to be part of the PaizoCon Organizing Committee, so I'll be 1/3 of the team running the "live" portion of the show that weekend. Once we hit Monday night, however, I'll be good! :)

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Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

Welcome! Welcome! That's perfectly fine. In fact we, can keep things slow for the first several days and then really kick things into gear once the "live" portions of PaizoCon have wrapped up.

I suspect most of us here are participating in various live sessions throughout the weekend so slow rolling the PBP table for the first few days is totally fine.

Paizo Employee Designer

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Yea, you somehow got the privilege of ending up with 2/3 of the Organizing Committee on this table with you... So thank you for understanding the need for us to be slow through the weekend.

I still need to figure out who I am bringing to this, since I won't have the ACP to play the other concept I'm super excited about yet...

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Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

Woo! PaizoCon VIPs at the table!?! Now the pressure's on!


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VC Australia - WA

Lowly HQ drone here. I actually managed to not volunteer for a whole lot this time, mostly because real life has been throwing enough challenges my way.
I think we should have a fun crew playing this game and I know we have a fun GM.

If we drop to the lower level, I think I want to spend some ACP to make a spacefaring fox. Otherwise, happy to play my SRO.

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Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

Happy space fox??

Okay, slides are up! Links to them are up top and in my name subheader. If the links don't work for you, please let me know!

Some standard things to do before we get started:

  • On slide 2, enter your character information, including dayjob rolls - you may roll your dayjobs here in the discussion thread
  • On slide 3, enter your initiative and your perception. Also on slide 3, move your tokens around as you like to set up your marching order
  • Update your profiles with your character sheets or provide a link in your profile to wherever you digitally store your character sheet
  • Finally, please go ahead and introduce your characters to each other in the gameplay thread anytime and feel free to RP if the inspiration strikes you

    Of course as mentioned, no rush to get any of these items done anytime soon. We'll get things fully started after the weekend's live events have concluded!

  • Acquisitives

    M Aasimar Guard Soldier 2: Spd:25, Init:4, EAC:16, KAC:18, SP:00/18, HP:0/18, RP:4/5, Fort:5, Ref:3, Will:3, Perc:7, Darkvision

    You have the document marked as view only.

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Ah...right! Please give it another try now. Thank you!!

    Second Seekers (Jadnura)

    | SP 32/32 | HP 26/26 | RP 6/6 | EAC 17 KAC 18 CMD 26 Electricity Resist 5 | Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +3; Evasion, +1 vs. radiation effects | Init +6 | Perception +9 (Darkvision 60ft) Trap Spotter +13 (10ft) | Active Effects: None | Armor Environmental Seals: Inactive (3 days remaining) | Male Elebrian (Death-Touched) Operative (Ghost) 4

    All set here.

    Also of note, I have GM'd this once before, so Oz will take a back seat to strategic group choices whenever possible. He'll be fine for tactical decisions, though.


    M Aasimar Guard Soldier 2: Spd:25, Init:4, EAC:16, KAC:18, SP:00/18, HP:0/18, RP:4/5, Fort:5, Ref:3, Will:3, Perc:7, Darkvision

    profession: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18


    Female Aasimar Mystic (Empath)-7 | SP:42/42, HP:46/46, RP:6/6 | EAC:18, KAC:19 | F:3, R:3, W:8 | Spells/day : 1st 4/4 2nd : 4/4 3rd: 2/2 | NG | WAY | 124312-717

    I've played this once before but I don't remember much.

    profession: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24


    Morlamaw Vanguard 4 (Athlete Theme) | Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic) | LN | SP 39/40 HP 32/32 RP 3/5 EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Fort +7; Ref +4; Will +0 |Defensive Abilities: mitigate 4; Resist: cold 5 Movement: 30 ft., Swim 40 ft. | Size: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft. |
    Athletics +10 (+18 when swimming), Culture +7, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +11, Mysticism +6, Profession (profession (pugilist)) +9

    I have played this once before.

    Profession (Pugilist) w/professional clothes & tools: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 8 + 1 + 4 = 31

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!
    Ozmin Black​stone wrote:
    I have GM'd this once before
    Celly wrote:
    I've played this once before
    Sir Feighnswelle wrote:
    I have played this once before.

    And I have neither played this once before nor have I GM'd this once before.

    So in aggregate, that makes us...... well, nothing really. But that sentence started off sounded like there was going to be an insightful statement, no?


    Just to reiterate, although I will get things rolling in the gameplay thread over the weekend, we won't go full steam until after.

    Have a good con weekend guys!

    Manifold Host

    Gender neutral N SRO, Icon, Envoy 4 | SP 24/24 HP 26/26 | RP 6/6 | EAC 17; KAC 19 | Fort +1; Ref +5; Will +4 | Init: +5| Perc: +7, SM: +7 | Speed 30ft |Darkvision |Robotic, Healing Circuit | Active conditions: none.

    Turns out I had some chronicle sheets to apply so Walter is actually L4. I am completing the level up and will update my online sheet ASAP.

    I am still willing to change characters to a level 1 if we want to bring it down to Level 1-2 play.


    Morlamaw Vanguard 4 (Athlete Theme) | Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic) | LN | SP 39/40 HP 32/32 RP 3/5 EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Fort +7; Ref +4; Will +0 |Defensive Abilities: mitigate 4; Resist: cold 5 Movement: 30 ft., Swim 40 ft. | Size: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft. |
    Athletics +10 (+18 when swimming), Culture +7, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +11, Mysticism +6, Profession (profession (pugilist)) +9

    Sir Feighnswelle has no history with the "antagonist" in this scenario. I would be fine bringing a level 1 PC, if there is a preference around the table.

    Manifold Host

    Gender neutral N SRO, Icon, Envoy 4 | SP 24/24 HP 26/26 | RP 6/6 | EAC 17; KAC 19 | Fort +1; Ref +5; Will +4 | Init: +5| Perc: +7, SM: +7 | Speed 30ft |Darkvision |Robotic, Healing Circuit | Active conditions: none.

    Testing - no background or botting instructions but the basics should be there.


    Female Aasimar Mystic (Empath)-7 | SP:42/42, HP:46/46, RP:6/6 | EAC:18, KAC:19 | F:3, R:3, W:8 | Spells/day : 1st 4/4 2nd : 4/4 3rd: 2/2 | NG | WAY | 124312-717

    I have no preference either way.

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Northern Dreamer has not yet dotted in but we've been in contact via Discord and she'll certainly be getting setup once the weekend's activities have calmed down.

    In the meantime, I'm going to kick things off in the gameplay thread so everyone who is set with their characters can begin intros and RPing with each other.

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Hello! I hope everyone had a great time over the weekend!

    Now that the weekend is over, we all know the REAL fun begins - with the PBP tables of course!

    Hehe... Just kidding!! ;-)

    I believe Ozmin, Northern Dreamer and Walter Echo all need a bit of downtime to recover from the weekend. So with this in mind, I'm thinking to progress us on to the first quest around Tuesday morning, USA Eastern time.

    Would that be sufficient or would any of you prefer another day? If any of you need another day, just say the word and I'll target Wednesday morning!

    In the meantime:

  • Northern Dreamer, if you can complete mustering by filling out slides 2 and 3, that would be great!
  • Ozmin and Walter Echo, if nothing else, if you can drop a little hello in gameplay to at least mark your presence with the rest of the party, that would be great as well!

  • 1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Hello again everyone!! I've heard from Northern Dreamer and she'll be putting her character together so I'm going to look at progressing us forward (gamewise) on Wednesday.

    BUT WAIT! There's more! As most (if not all) of you know, there's a chance to win prizes at cons. The organizing committee needs to report prize winners sooner rather than later so we're going to roll for Paizo gift vouchers now! A roll of 1 or 20 wins! So everyone, please drop a 1d20 roll here in the discussion thread.

    Here's mine!!
    Gift Voucher!: 1d20 ⇒ 14

    Good luck and we'll soon get things moving again in the gameplay thread!


    Morlamaw Vanguard 4 (Athlete Theme) | Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic) | LN | SP 39/40 HP 32/32 RP 3/5 EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Fort +7; Ref +4; Will +0 |Defensive Abilities: mitigate 4; Resist: cold 5 Movement: 30 ft., Swim 40 ft. | Size: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft. |
    Athletics +10 (+18 when swimming), Culture +7, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +11, Mysticism +6, Profession (profession (pugilist)) +9

    Voucher?: 1d20 ⇒ 2


    Female Aasimar Mystic (Empath)-7 | SP:42/42, HP:46/46, RP:6/6 | EAC:18, KAC:19 | F:3, R:3, W:8 | Spells/day : 1st 4/4 2nd : 4/4 3rd: 2/2 | NG | WAY | 124312-717

    voucher?: 1d20 ⇒ 14



    voucher: 1d20 ⇒ 15

    Shadow Lodge Contributor

    Will one of you be receiving my voucher?: 1d20 ⇒ 14

    No such luck, alas.

    Paizo Employee Designer

    Do I have a shiny to give away?: 1d20 ⇒ 12

    No shinies today. :-(

    VC Australia - WA

    prize roll: 1d20 ⇒ 15

    VC Australia - WA

    Day Job, Profession (Activist): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (7) + 17 = 24

    Apologies for the late start.

    VC Australia - WA

    A preference for "low-tier" has been expressed so I am going to try to pull together a level 1 character ASAP.

    Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

    Gender neutral CN Kitsune, Xenoarchaeologist, Witchwarper 1 | SP 0/5 HP7/9 | RP 6/6 | EAC 14; KAC 15 | Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +0 | Init: +2| Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft |Low-Light Vision |Shapechanger| Spells: 1st 1/4 | Active conditions: none.

    OK, switch made.
    This is a hastily constructed, experimental character so I hope it works.

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Ummm... So I just realized I forgot to direct everyone's attention to my profile: GM bigboom

    Some disclaimers and warnings there about my style. As well as some general ground rules for the table, although the ground rules are pretty much the same as most other PbP GMs on the board here.

    Okay! And with that out of the way, back to the gameplay thread!!


    M Aasimar Guard Soldier 2: Spd:25, Init:4, EAC:16, KAC:18, SP:00/18, HP:0/18, RP:4/5, Fort:5, Ref:3, Will:3, Perc:7, Darkvision

    It wouldn't let me edit, but the puzzle one about the flowers, the answer is 3.
    As for the boxes one, since they are all mislabeled, open the box labeled apples and oranges, since that one has to be one or the other. You will dish out an apple or orange signifying which one it is. It it is an orange, for example, you peel the label off the orange box and put it on the mixed box. The box labeled orange no longer has a label, and the apple box is still wrong. You can't just simply swap the mixed label with the orange label, cause the apple label will still be wrong, so the mixed box label goes on the apple labeled box and the apple label will go on the box originally marked oranges.
    The rest are all just hypothetical what would you do.

    Edit: Technically speaking the number question, assuming it is a whole number is 1 guess. The minimum number of guesses to get is right is still 1, since you can get it right on the first try. If the question was how many minimum guesses would you need to guarantee it, the answer would be 10. You start at 500 at half it each time. Then go to 250 or 750, then 375 or 125, etc.


    Morlamaw Vanguard 4 (Athlete Theme) | Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic) | LN | SP 39/40 HP 32/32 RP 3/5 EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Fort +7; Ref +4; Will +0 |Defensive Abilities: mitigate 4; Resist: cold 5 Movement: 30 ft., Swim 40 ft. | Size: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft. |
    Athletics +10 (+18 when swimming), Culture +7, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +11, Mysticism +6, Profession (profession (pugilist)) +9

    I arrived at the same answers for the guesses and flowers questions. I came up with a different solution for the fruit boxes.

    GM bigboom wrote:
    • You have three boxes. One contains only apples, one contains only oranges, and one contains both apples and oranges. The boxes have been incorrectly labeled so that no label accurately identifies the contents of any of the boxes. Opening just one box, and without looking inside, you take out one piece of fruit. By looking at the fruit, how can you immediately label all of the boxes correctly?

    Label the first box, "Contains [insert name of fruit taken out]".

    Label the other two boxes, "May or may not contain [insert name of fruit taken out]". Technically, all three boxes would then be labeled correctly.

    I think I can definitively answer a few more of the questions.

    GM bigboom wrote:
    • You need to check that your friend, James, has your correct phone number but you cannot ask him directly. You must write the question on a card which and give it to Heidi who will take the card to James and return the answer to you. What must you write on the card, besides the question, to ensure James can encode the message so that Heidi cannot read your phone number?

    Write: "James, please call me on my phone.”

    GM bigboom wrote:
    • On a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you?

    I'm a pretty big guy. I am unhappy any time I find myself in contact with a scale.

    GM bigboom wrote:
    • How would you react if you are transformed into a fish?

    See prior response.

    GM bigboom wrote:
    • Are your parents disappointed with your career aspirations?

    The answer is "Yes", regardless of whatever combination of words may occupy the area within the sentence where "career aspirations" is placed.

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    haha! Well alrighty then! I did NOT expect anyone to actually respond to those questions. BRAVO!!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Northern Dreamer / Persephone Briarus: Can you please put up your character sheet? You can either list the character sheet in your forum profile (like most other players at this table) or list a link in your forum profile to your sheet (like Celly).

    Either way works. Thank you!!

    Paizo Employee

    | SP 56/56 | HP 52/52 | RP 10/10 | EAC 24 KAC 26 CMD 34 | Fort +3, Ref +12, Will +8 | Init +9 | Perception +15 [/b] | Active Effects: None | Armor Environmental Seals: Inactive (8 days remaining) | Female Screedreep (Street Rat) Operative (Thief) 8
    GM bigboom wrote:

    Northern Dreamer / Persephone Briarus: Can you please put up your character sheet? You can either list the character sheet in your forum profile (like most other players at this table) or list a link in your forum profile to your sheet (like Celly).

    Either way works. Thank you!!

    I got it linked in this morning (and then the forum ate my post!)

    Will be working to get it all written out though.

    Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

    Gender neutral CN Kitsune, Xenoarchaeologist, Witchwarper 1 | SP 0/5 HP7/9 | RP 6/6 | EAC 14; KAC 15 | Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +0 | Init: +2| Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft |Low-Light Vision |Shapechanger| Spells: 1st 1/4 | Active conditions: none.

    Happy to have changed characters to allow us to play lower level but I've been missing those extra skills.

    Anyone have a boon/follower to help?

    What do we want to do gang?

    Paizo Employee

    | SP 56/56 | HP 52/52 | RP 10/10 | EAC 24 KAC 26 CMD 34 | Fort +3, Ref +12, Will +8 | Init +9 | Perception +15 [/b] | Active Effects: None | Armor Environmental Seals: Inactive (8 days remaining) | Female Screedreep (Street Rat) Operative (Thief) 8

    I wonder if I could try to look like someone who works in the facility and bluff them into helping me access my locked up password? Probably a long shot though.

    This is what I get for trying to make an operative who goes against norms....

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    There are people around. Employees, tour guides, fellow visitors. The party can certainly interact with any or all in whatever manner you wish to achieve your goals!


    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Morlamaw Vanguard 4 (Athlete Theme) | Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic) | LN | SP 39/40 HP 32/32 RP 3/5 EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Fort +7; Ref +4; Will +0 |Defensive Abilities: mitigate 4; Resist: cold 5 Movement: 30 ft., Swim 40 ft. | Size: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft. |
    Athletics +10 (+18 when swimming), Culture +7, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +11, Mysticism +6, Profession (profession (pugilist)) +9
    GM bigboom wrote:
    There are people around. Employees, tour guides, fellow visitors. The party can certainly interact with any or all in whatever manner you wish to achieve your goals!

    Perhaps, we can bluff one of the employees into thinking we are undercover data technicians who were investigating reports of a faulty "demonic screensaver" that is believed to contain a virus?


    Morlamaw Vanguard 4 (Athlete Theme) | Large monstrous humanoid (aquatic) | LN | SP 39/40 HP 32/32 RP 3/5 EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Fort +7; Ref +4; Will +0 |Defensive Abilities: mitigate 4; Resist: cold 5 Movement: 30 ft., Swim 40 ft. | Size: 10 ft., Reach: 10 ft. |
    Athletics +10 (+18 when swimming), Culture +7, Diplomacy +9, Intimidate +11, Mysticism +6, Profession (profession (pugilist)) +9

    I will be traveling June 11th through the 20th and expect to have limited ability to post, if any, during much of that time. Please feel free to bot Sir Feighnswelle as needed. Botting instructions have been created and are posted at the top of Sir Feighnswelle’s profile page.

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!
    Sir Feighnswelle wrote:
    I will be traveling June 11th through the 20th and expect to have limited ability to post, if any, during much of that time. Please feel free to bot Sir Feighnswelle as needed. Botting instructions have been created and are posted at the top of Sir Feighnswelle’s profile page.

    Thanks for the heads up!!

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!
    Max Angel wrote:

    Max grabs the googles. thanks, will use these.

    Then puts them back. I just remembered, I can see in the dark.

    Max gives me Tig Notaro vibes. :-D

    Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

    Gender neutral CN Kitsune, Xenoarchaeologist, Witchwarper 1 | SP 0/5 HP7/9 | RP 6/6 | EAC 14; KAC 15 | Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +0 | Init: +2| Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft |Low-Light Vision |Shapechanger| Spells: 1st 1/4 | Active conditions: none.

    I will be travelling for the next few days with limited online access. I should be able to check-in at least once per day but feel free to bot as necessary.

    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!
    Eiju wrote:

    I will be travelling for the next few days with limited online access. I should be able to check-in at least once per day but feel free to bot as necessary.

    Noted and thanks for letting me know!

    Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

    Gender neutral CN Kitsune, Xenoarchaeologist, Witchwarper 1 | SP 0/5 HP7/9 | RP 6/6 | EAC 14; KAC 15 | Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +0 | Init: +2| Perc: +0, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft |Low-Light Vision |Shapechanger| Spells: 1st 1/4 | Active conditions: none.

    Back. Exhausted but home.

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    Starship Actions ; Live Exploration Extreme!

    Welcome back!!!

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