Bizarro Freehold's page
51 posts. Alias of Orthos.
Freehold DM wrote: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Not my ideal scenario - I'd prefer permanent non-DST - but better than the current arrangement. Let's do this. Death to time-changes.
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Which means they're all mine! Mine! Muahahahah!
Thomas Seitz wrote: Freehold,
Dogs and my liking them have nothing to do with my poor dice rolling. I'm still betting Cyric hates me.
Freehold is one of those cat people who thinks that dogs are infinitely less worthy creatures.
Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Just a Mort wrote: Thomas - you shouldn't be forcing yourself to eat vegetables you don't like. Assuming you have the means, instead of broccoli you could be eating green beans, okra, brussel sprouts, asparagus, zucchinis, eggplants, cucumbers, bell peppers, collard greens, leafy vegetables like spinach, bok choi, pea shoots, snow peas etc -there are plenty of vegetables out there, go find one you like!
Look kale and chia seeds are touted as superfoods, but you don't see me eating them do you?
Kale is ewww, I still have standards, and chia seeds are overpriced. I'm on budget!
Though my mom recently bought some hulled pumpkin seeds so I may just help myself...
you eat okra.
Your standards are quite low. Which shows you just how low kale is on the roster in comparison. the roster is apparently upside down, as kale is edible, okra is not. You just keep telling yourself that.
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Freehold DM wrote: NobodysHome wrote: And finally, and I don't blame this on the writers nor the director, but on the studio execs, WTF was with the BMX biking stunts? I mean, holy carp! This whole movie was a loving tribute to the original, and might have been timeless, except for several incongruous scenes where the lamplighters were doing stunts on obvious ramps on their bicycles. It was SO clear that some exec said, "Hey, my nephew likes BMX biking! They're on bikes! Throw in some stunts!"
Just another excellent example of why executives should never be allowed near movies. So the one thing that interests me in the movie is the one thing you hated? You of all people should be used to that sort of reaction by now. ;)
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Eh I just wrote it off as more of Freehold's pro-DC, anti-MCU proselytizing.
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lisamarlene wrote: Freehold DM wrote: lisamarlene wrote: Hey Freehold! Eleven days... have you decided how you are celebrating? eleven days...to what exactly? I dont understand. Until you qualify for AARP and the senior's discount at the movies. Zing... harsh....
Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: Basically Clone Wars proves the prequels had a lot of potential that was just misused, rather than being inherently flawed at the foundation. many people feel that way. I dont know if I could count myself among them. Surprises anyone, this does not.
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Of course you do. Of course.
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Freehold hacked the mainframe!
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Freehold DM wrote: Vanykrye wrote: The Game Hamster wrote: Isn't that a bit like saying that DBZ isn't a proper shonen because to many people watch it?
Or did I misunderstand? Don't know whether he intended it or not, but that's how I took it. Freehold is into hipster anime. Depends on how you define hipster.
As I prefer older series that have already been completed, and openly mock spin offs and bad sequels, many would point to that and say "hipster".
However, from the perspective of what many hipsters seem to be into- which is to say largely deconstructionist fare- I would say no
[snip]. Freehold likes EVA and dislikes Geass and TTGL. Yep, all remains right with the world.
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Ambrosia Slaad wrote: I really dislike Bisquick though, so I suppose that makes us mortal enemies. Welcome to the Bizarro Side.
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TriOmegaZero wrote: Freehold DM wrote: monty python- several bits that can be done in several tones of voice.
Princess bride- "inconceivable" shouted at the top of ones lungs.
The former is interesting. The latter is annoying.
Princess Bride - serveral bits of varying tones of voice, such as "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means" and "You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you." "You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."
Monty Python - NI! NI! NI! NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!! in a loud high pitched voice.
I wonder what the actual problem is.... How dare you bring logic into this.
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Do not question the Freehold logic. Just accept that he comes from the Bizarro universe and carry on.
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Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: I think for me it comes down to the older I get, the less I value the raw fact of originality.
Id rather have a well-done copy, especially one that improves on the thing it's copying in some way, than a fully-original product that isn't as well made.
"It's not who did it first, it's who did it best."
That and again the older I get, the more I see how even the original things aren't that original. Everything has been done, new works are just doing it with slight differences of context, method, appearance, etc.
So yeah, something being a copy or retread does not bother me at all, as long as the copy is decent. once agsin, this is the opposite of how i feel. Business as usual.
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Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: I didn't notice these sex-negative elements you mention, though that may be more due to being fairly oblivious to that sort of thing if it isn't blatantly obvious. sometimes i wonder if me living with orthos would be like zap brannigan and kif sharing an apartment.
Through a mirror darkly, of course. Complete with annoyed, longsuffering sighs.
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You already know I hate snow. Nothing will change.

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Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: Freehold DM wrote: NobodysHome wrote: Orthos wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Vanykrye wrote: Oh, and I'm with Cap on the weather issue. I'm currently about 10 degrees warmer than him living just a couple hours south (that latitude difference is fairly huge in spring and fall, not so much in summer/winter).
Freehold mentioned that we make CNN when it's unseasonably warm. Not really. It would have to be above 40 in January to get a 3 second blurb. Otherwise it still hits the mid 90's in the summer (with 60-80% humidity) with occasional spikes into the low 100's and drops to negative single digits and below in the winter before wind chill. But the East Coast is where they go nuts over it in the media. well, the east coast IS the naturally superior coast... East coast still hasn't realized you can do office jobs just fine - in many cases far better - without dressing like you're going to church or a funeral. That puts them significantly behind.
The idea that mandatory ties for men and skirts/dresses and heels for ladies is somehow the only proper office dress code is one that would have died last decade if east coast businesses hadn't clung to it like life rafts. Around here, Shiro is a C-level executive at a Fortune 500 company and goes to work in jeans and a T-shirt. In fact, even when he gets flown around on the company jet to visit off-sites, he's still in jeans and a T-shirt.
HOWEVER, if he or I have to do the East Coast, and *only* the East Coast, it's "slacks, shirt, tie, and jacket".
It's as if the East Coast is stuck in the 1950's.
Heck, even at NASA in Houston they were asking, "Why the heck are you wearing a tie?"
because we on the east coast know the truth.
A well-tailored, preferably dark, suit is the material component when attempting to cast the shamefully overdressed spell upon a paramour. Sure, if your paramour is into the "self important rich dingus" look. Mine is more of a ... We will, once again, have to agree to disagree.
I don't care how well-tailored the thing is. If it's not one of those three specific circumstances or a few limited others (and those others don't always apply), my opinion is that a suit makes you look like a rich idiot. End of line.
This opinion extends even to my boss, who I KNOW is a rich outdated idiot, if occasionally a well-meaning one. I certainly won't have a lighter opinion of people who don't pay me.
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Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: Freehold DM wrote: lisamarlene wrote: Meanwhile, I FINISHED MY DAUGHTER'S GRYFFINDOR QUILT TODAY! It's the first quilt I've done (only knitted blankets and sweaters and things before, no quilting). And I am absurdly proud of it. normally I would be against this, but the quilt is in mcrib colors, so it's okay. Remind me, is Harry Potter on your extensive list of things you hate, or is this just a general railing against fabric crafts? I could never hate crafts. They are where scarves come from.
It's Harry potter I hate, you know this. Honestly Whedon was the only thing I could remember for certain being on the list, so no, I did not know that.
It's been too long and the list is too large for me to remember everything.
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I will fully admit I am a total wimp when it comes to cold.
Evidence for existing in bizarro world continues to accumulate.

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The Freehold Inquisition wrote: {pops on a magic snowman hat} Happy Birthday, TOZ!
Freehold DM wrote: Hello, Mrs. Yesterday? Yes, it's...a concerned citizen. Yes. I just wanted to let you know your husband is in the living room, not doing anything at all. Yes, this may be a good time for him to clean out the gutters. May I suggest he do so without a jacket? Yes, it's good for building character. Speaking of, did you know he still refers to you as the General to his friends? Yeah. Wow, cleaning the gutters with no shirt at all? Yeah I think that would build even more character... {erases, then pencils in change on character sheet} Ummm, I think this was enough to shift our alignment definitely into Evil.
Edit: Now I want to start a new "Am I Evil? (Yes, I Am.)" thread in the Forum Games section, but with the goal of converting FaWtLies/Treeforters and other notable messageboard denizens into Mirror Universe Evil Counterparts.
This is the Darkest Timeline.
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Orthos wrote: Rawr! wrote: Freehold hates Joss Whedon but likes Michael Bay. I don't understand it at all, but I respect his choice. :P
This sums up our respective opinions on a whole lot of things, I've discovered over the years. There's a reason I have this alias.
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Freehold DM wrote: Bizarro Freehold wrote: havoc xiii wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: Tacticslion wrote: Sorry. Mystery Science Theater-ing is a thing I do sometimes. Neat video, and thanks for the link! A group of us should totally MST something together one of these days, that would be hilarious. "msting a movie" now added to post-lovecraft activities for FaWtL in NY!
Chasing green fairy optional. ooh! Maybe we can rent/reserve the basement for a few hours!
** spoiler omitted ** Soooo your saying a firefly/serenity marathon followed by both Avengers movies and to top it off with a Destiny Raid is out of the question?
** spoiler omitted ** Sounds like fun. When are we off? throws sushi at bizzarro Freehold- his only weakness! *deflects with Captain America shield*
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havoc xiii wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: Tacticslion wrote: Sorry. Mystery Science Theater-ing is a thing I do sometimes. Neat video, and thanks for the link! A group of us should totally MST something together one of these days, that would be hilarious. "msting a movie" now added to post-lovecraft activities for FaWtL in NY!
Chasing green fairy optional. ooh! Maybe we can rent/reserve the basement for a few hours!
** spoiler omitted ** Soooo your saying a firefly/serenity marathon followed by both Avengers movies and to top it off with a Destiny Raid is out of the question?
** spoiler omitted ** Sounds like fun. When are we off?
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*gently sets a bike in front of Nobody's doorstep, complete with bow*
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Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: David M Mallon wrote: Is it normal for people to be on their phones all the time checking their messages when you're trying to spend time with them, or am I just really boring?
This is what happens when all of your friends are 10+ years older than you. I don't know how anything works, and I can't figure out how to interact with people my own age. It's apparently exceedingly common. I've heard people talk about groups at the same table texting each other rather than speaking aloud. I prefer to talk instead of text. I'm the exact opposite. I hate talking on the phone. Even to family.
Skype is really the exception, and that's more like a vocal chat-room than a phone call, really. Either that or it's the people who I'm talking to that I enjoy rather than the people I end up talking to on an actual phone.
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Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: Huzzah Legend of Dragoon! man. That game was a room splitter for me back in the day. I really didn't care for it myself, but the fans were truly mad for it. Keep piling up the evidence.
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Ah, the evidence for being the anti-Freehold continues to pile up.
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captain yesterday wrote: Should be an awesome Saturday :-)
Gonna get up to almost 80, going to get a new pool as soon as the store opens, all stocked up on Hard Root Beer, and a 30% chance of thunderstorms after 7p.m. it really can't get any better :-)
I love summer! (Wait, am I also opposite world Freehold DM?)
No that would be me. I approve, though.
Krensky wrote: You seem personally offended that I don't consider Whedon to be the genius you think he is. So much so that you're arguing against things I never said.
Maybe you should examine why you care so much about a stranger's opinion regarding Joss Whedon's level of skill?
I tend to use the anti-Whedon rants as a sort of gauge. The more I see people who I know aren't fond of his stuff ranting about it, the more I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy the product. Likewise, the things they tend to rave about being good, I tend to not care for.
There's a reason I have this alias.

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Sharoth wrote: Klaus van der Kroft wrote: Knowing our luck, this will be a Blacker Plague, released by an earthquake from its million-year slumber underneath Earth's crust. And they will be explosive bacteria, of course. Blacker Plague? You mean it will all turn us into Freehold DM clones? I am not sure if that would be a good thing. In my home universe, that's how the world ended... that's why I'm here, to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Thankfully, your world has something mine didn't have. Something that keeps the infection at bay. Something that keeps the power suppressed. You know what it is... or rather, WHO it is. Who they are.
There are forces that would see them eradicated. Efforts have been made in the past to put a stop to them, to allow the apocalypse to unfold. But yet, your world has managed to not only avoid it, but to allow the suppressors to survive, to thrive, to grow strong and influential and famous.
For the time being, my work here is done... but I can't leave. Not until I'm sure it won't happen again.
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Freehold DM wrote: I only found one priest of talos that was even remotely interesting. I hate hammy gods/priests. Why am I not surprised.
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Aranna wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Aranna wrote: I liked Alien resurrection the characters were wonderful and while the film didn't seem very scary it did kind of remind me of how a player character group would act.
MUST we eternally be at odds? Is my liking a film putting you at odds? Liking anything Freehold dislikes puts you at odds with him. Just see any discussion on the forums involving anything Whedon's done, Facebook, warm weather, post-SNES Final Fantasy games, or the plethora of other things he dislikes.
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"Other Darrin" Kobold Cleaver wrote: thegreenteagamer wrote: Do you know how bad I've wanted to make a "Mythic Chaotic Neutral John Wilkes Booth" alias since I first read a post by you? But I've already wasted two aliases on obscure jokes, and really, what possible audience would it have unless I used it to troll you at every opportunity on this forum? I'm not a Mythic PotUS, but there is a fine tradition of making parody aliases and obscure jokes on these here messageboards. Now there's an understatement. =)
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It's a trap, he just wants to catch you in his snow fortress. Run, run while you can!
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Because it's wonderfully warm?
Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Scintillae wrote: Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: Friends are allowed to have different interests, you know. sends death commandos to sharoths house for liking dubs
No they're not! dubs over Outlaw Star with Firefly audio I can't tell the difference! It's almost as if they were the same thing or something!!! At least it's funny now. Indeed. I can't stop laughing. Welcome to the fandom!
Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: Pleasantly warm this morning. Still on the cool side, but not uncomfortably so. No frost or fog, which made morning drive much less frustrating. Reading mid-50s here and highs in the 60s, not unpleasant. Enjoying it while it lasts. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Alexander Augunas wrote: Tels wrote: Squeakmaan wrote: While the new cover is undoubtedly awesome, is it giving anybody else Pinocchio flashbacks? "I got no strings, to hold me back" There are... no strings on me. This must confirm what we've all been thinking: Wayne Reynolds and Joss Whedon are one and the same. Huzzah!
Freehold DM wrote: My love of flying was taken from me....Otherwise this is another area we could be opposites in. C'est la vie.
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I'm about a week away from breaking out the heavy coat, unless we get a warm front. Already to the point of leaving the heat on all day.
Aberzombie envy likely by the end of the month, if not sooner.
Freehold DM wrote: Kajehase wrote: aeglos wrote: Celestial Healer wrote: Speaking of Italian, did I mention that I am going to Italy for 9 days in January? It's coming up!!! no, no, no
you got it wrong, Germany is the european country you should visit ! Germany !
but seriously:
Awesome, have a great time I'd argue for Sweden, but in January... Either you'd freeze useful bodyparts off, or it'd be rain and wind the whole time, and I'm not talking a nice summer breeze, I'm talking North Sea winter storms that'll go right through you. sounds WONDERFUL You would like that, wouldn't you
Pillbug Toenibbler wrote: Game Master Scotty wrote: Pillbug Toenibbler wrote: {shakes salt and pepper on GMS, measures his leg for BBQ grill} I'm a little tough, you might want to use traditional BBQ or a crock pot instead of grilling me. Actually, I prefer Alton Brown's method of building up a smoky char on the outside, then finishing the meat by slow-&-low roasting in a conventional oven over several hours. That gives me time to work on the other sides and fixins. You should turn out delicious.
I blame Cosmo for some peoples' fervent hatred of Alton Brown. Sounds delicious.
Freehold DM wrote: Orthos wrote: Aberzombie wrote: Orthos wrote: If it's a Wayans production, I can guarantee you I won't find it funny. That's sad. Just to be certain, I looked up the Wayans family on Wiki and looked through a list of their stuff. I haven't seen most of it, but here's what I have:
In Living Color: Didn't interest me.
Major Payne: The ONE thing on this list I not only liked but loved.
...at this point, I'm sure you wear your pants on your head and your shirts around your waist. Negative.
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"Do you know what your sin is?"