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![]() Hello Wonderful Paizo CS People! Please cancel my currently pending subscription order, and my AP subscription. I'm sorry to go (and to lose my Charter tag), but shifting financial priorities (and an absolute lack of interest in Strange Aeons) are dictating my departure. (I was going to keep the sub long enough for the Curse of the Crimson Throne HB to come out, to get the discount and free PDF, since that outweighed the cost of a coupe AP issues, but with its delay, I don't think it's worth it anymore.) I will keep an eye out, and may come back on for the next AP. ![]()
![]() Hi, I just got my order auth email for this month's sub order. It included a few of the new Munchkin items that I had sidecarted last week. It listed the order going in two shipments, but that was okay. Then I got a second email that seemed to say the Munchin items were put back in my sidecart. Looking at my account, and my orders page, that appears to be the case. Just wondering what's up with this. It's not a big deal, as long as I get them eventually, but wanted to ask. 8^) ![]()
![]() I've been running a campaign that is delving into Gallowspire, and per the description in Dungeons of Golarion, the Upper Crypts level has corpse-like undead melding into larger composite monsters. I was wondering what published monsters are out there that I could use for this? I have found the Necrocraft and Warsworn from Bestiary 4. Are there any others that you folks can think of? ![]()
![]() Hi Paizo CS, For financial reasons, I must, regretfully, request that you cancel all my subscriptions, and remove all items in my sidecart. Some serious car repairs have come up, and I really need to cut down on expenses anyway. Hopefully I will be able to return someday! (Farewell Charter Superscriber tag! I'll miss you.) ![]()
![]() Could someone take a quick look at my sub order for this month? I know it's not time to panic about shipment yet, but it's saying something about waiting for backordered product(s), and it seems like my last few sub orders have gotten delayed by something or another. If there is actually anything not in stock, please move that back to my sidecart, so this order can go out asap. ![]()
![]() Hi, Got my auth email for this month's order on Monday. Just noticed on the Order Detail page that it's saying "Expected to ship early October 2014", and the Munchkin: Halloween Pack is listed as "Preorder - Expected approximately October 2014." Could somebody please check and see if that is actually still a preorder, or if there is one in stock? If it's not in yet, please drop it back in my sidecart, so the rest of this month's order can ship soon. ![]()
![]() Hi Paizo CS folks, I seem to be on the early end of the order spawning process. That's nice. 8^) Got my auth email this afternoon. I just wanted to check on the state of the Munchkin Tricky Treats booster pack that was included from my sidecart. It's been in my sidecart for the last couple months, and has held up my last two subscription shipments until being pulled out and put back in the sidecart. Could somebody check and see if that's actually ready to go? If not, do you expect to actually get one any time soon? If not, please cancel that item. ![]()
![]() Hi Paizo CS folks, I just placed order #3185455. The system said it would add the preorder items to my sidecart, but it does not seem to have done so. Could you please give it a poke? (And make sure they're set to use my store credit when they ship?) While you're reprimanding the server, order #3069846 is in a similar state. 8^) ![]()
![]() Hi, I just preordered the Minimates set (from today's blog) and I think I messed something up. Could you make sure it gets in my sidecart, so it ships with the next sub shipment once it's available? Also, if it hasn't already charged my credit card (which I know you don't tend to do until the item ships), could you please set it to use whatever payment the sub shipment uses? ![]()
![]() Hi CS, Not sure if this is the best place to post this, or if it should be on the GW site, but here goes. I backed the PFO KS and got the Print Pack. (I *THINK* my pledge is finalized in the Pledge Manager.) So I'm supposed to be getting the KS Exclusive Cover Emerald Spire book. I know there has been talk about running low on the KS Exclusive version, so I just wanted to say: I don't mind getting the regular version of the book, especially if it means somebody else can get the exclusive version who wouldn't be able to otherwise. (I plan to actually USE the book, and would actually kind-of feel bad to expose a "Special Edition" book like that to the wear-and-tear. 8^) ![]()
![]() Hi, just ordered a gift cert, and it's not showing up on my page. Please apply to store credit. Oddly, on the order summary page, it almost looks like it's saying the Gift Cert was placed in my sidecart. Now, looking at my sidecart, I don't see anything along those lines. I wonder if this may be related to why the codes aren't showing up... ![]()
![]() I saw something somewhere today that gave me an idea: Use the Mythic rules to represent a Vow of Poverty, similar to 3.5's Exhalted VoP. (Obviously, you'd have to bad things like Legendary Items.) What do people think? Would this work? If so, would the standard Mythic Tier advancement (~1 per 2 levels, IIRC) be appropriate? If not, why? (Don't forget The Most Important Rule, see bottom of the page.) ![]()
![]() Hi folks, Just got my October subs package. Everything looks good, but it did not include the catalog that was added to the order on the Order Detail page. The packing slip did list it, but said "Not Yet Shipped". I know a catalog is a minor issue, but I like collecting those. Can you make sure to put one in my next subscription shipment? (December) ![]()
![]() Hi, I posted this in the October sticky, but someone suggested my own thread. My sub order this month, like others it seems, is looking a bit weird. On the Order History page, it lists the overall order as pending, as well as most of the items. However, the Pathfinder Tales novel is listed as "Shipped Monday". On the order detail page, there is a tracking link that actually brings up data on UPS, which says they received the package on the 22nd (two days ago). However, I haven't gotten my ship email or my PDFs. If it's still processing, that's fine. I just wanted to bring it up in case something's wrong, so it can be fixed. ![]()
![]() I just received my February subscription-plus-some-other-stuff shipment, and two of the minis I ordered got mis-packed. Instead of the Shattered Star Lem & Amiri I ordered, I got Runelords Stone Giant and Dire Bear. Turns out Lem & Amiri have the same numbers (38 & 39) as the Dire Bear & Stone Giant (38 & 39), so I'm guessing somebody pulled by number but from the wrong bin. Can I get replacements for the Lem & Amiri in my next shipment? Do you folks want the Dire Bear & Stone Giant back? ![]()
![]() I just received my January subscription shipment, and the wrong comic was sent. A little while ago, I canceled my comic subscription, and ordered the Matteo Scalera Standard Cover version instead. The package I just received included the paizo.com exclusive version anyway. Can I get this switched? Do you want this one back? (And, yeah, getting the wrong cover on a comic book is a pretty trivial problem, and I wouldn't even care if I hadn't gone through the process of canceling the subscription just so I could order a specific one.) ![]()
![]() I know some (many?) Paizo employees are Cryptozoology fans, and I bet many Paizo fans are as well, (and I didn't find any other threads about it) so I thought I'd bring this up here. This Kickstarter campaign is now in its last two weeks. (I would have put this in Gamer Life, but I didn't see a "Toys" subforum...) Edit: Linkified. ![]()
![]() So, the skeleton crew sent to man the Man's Promise includes "all of the surviving members of the Wormwood's original crew". So, who survives the boarding? I didn't see anything mentioned of how many pirates fall, and if so, who. Any suggestions? (I'm probably going to be running the Man's Promise fight tonight. 8^) ![]()
![]() Please cancel order #2254565. (I.E. two of the goblin plushes in my sidecart -- make sure to leave one of the Licktoads. 8^) I've decided I don't need multiples of the same ones skulking around the house. (The first two are for my daughters, age 5 [by the time she gets it for Christmas] and 2. I'll get one for myself when the next one after the Licktoad one comes out. 8^) ![]()
![]() So, I finished running the Secrets of Darkmoon Vale Campaign Arc (D0, D1, D1.5, and D4) for my wife and father-in-law, and the party has decided to track down the other Seals to make sure they're okay. I've decided that the first place they'll be going to look is Kraggodan. They'll be able to find some information leading to one of the seals there, after doing some dungeon-delving. I've used an online Random Dungeon Generator to generate a map or two, but am having trouble deciding what to put in it. I know there isn't much published information about Kraggodan, why it "fell", and what's down there, so I'm looking for suggestions and advice. Ideally, I'd like to have some sort of "theme" to the encounters, possibly leading toward discovering just why Kraggodan fell in the first place. Any ideas? ![]()
![]() I got my "In the next week or so..." email this evening for this order -- my RotRL minis & comic (plus a little...) shipment. A while later, I got a second copy of the email with a slightly different list of items (basically, adding the huge and standard cases; the case bundle and giant were already listed), and it increased the shipping charge. Now, I had my account set to use store credit, which covered the initial charge. But with the second email, the shipping charge seems to have increased, and now it says it's going to charge some to my credit card when it ships. I'm presuming there was an error with the first email, and the shipping charge was corrected. I can deal with that. But could you please make sure it takes the rest of the shipping charge out of my store credit? ![]()
![]() Looking for suggestions here. So, I have a character concept of a wizard who tries to depend only on his own spellcasting abilities, rather than the "crutch" of magic items. He doesn't have a vow of poverty or anything, so he will have plenty of money. What can he spend it on that will be useful, but aren't themselves magical? I know about Metamagic Components already. Can anybody think of anything else? (This character concept is actually based on the "Naked Mage" playstyle that went around among Diablo players some time ago who were looking for an extra challenge. I actually designed a 3E PrC based on it that I want to playtest. It doesn't forbid wealth, though, just usage of magic items.) ![]()
![]() So, I bought the PDF of the Tome of Horrors Complete but passed on the print version at the time. When the Unlimited Edition went up for preorder, I decided it was worth a print copy, so I preordered the print/PDF bundle. I have heard that I might be able to get the price of the PDF refunded, since I'm switching up. If possible, I would like to do that. (Store credit would be fine -- it WILL be used. 8^) Please let me know one way or the other. ![]()
![]() Liz Courts wrote:
I would like to request the above. I just placed a preorder for the ToH Complete Unlimited Print/PDF Bundle, and haven't downloaded downloaded thaht PDF yet (if it makes any difference). Also, when I placed my preorder, it split the main order (#1802261) into three separate orders (1812384, 1812383, and 1812382). I also have two entries for it in my sidecart: The print/pdf bundle "waiting to be shipped with earliest subscription shipment", and the print version "will ship with a future subscription shipment". I don't know if this is expected/intended behavior, but I thought I'd mention it so someone can take a look.