Lord Soth

Beckett's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 4,830 posts (22,360 including aliases). 57 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 29 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.

Organized Play Characters

Sir Holton
Liberty's Edge Janos, Seeker of the Holy Fire

Male Aasimar Cleric 1 (36 posts)
Ury Sevenskulls
Scarab Sages Beckett the Wolf Lord
(22 posts)
Keppira D'Bear
Sovereign Court Beckett the Thrice Cursed
(36 posts)
Golden Orb
Shadow Lodge DM Beckett

||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull|| (9,746 posts)
Guard Captain Blacklock
Silver Crusade Janos the Raven Knight
(24 posts)
Guard Captain Blacklock
Dark Archive The Raven Knight

Male Human Cleric 1 (74 posts)
Sir Holton
Silver Crusade Garinol

59/59 HP, AC: 24. FF: 18, T: 16, CMD: 23, (Dodge/Mobility, +2 vs Evil), Fort: +7, Refl: +6, Will: +7 (+2 vs Evil) , Perc: +14, (Scent, +22), Init: +8, Sense Motive +12, NG Human Inquisitor of Sarenrae 8, +12/+7 Att, 1d6+6, (15/x2) (627 posts)
Guard Captain Blacklock
Shadow Lodge Soth-Loren the Raven Knight

HP: 24/24, AC: 14, T: 11, FF: 13, F: +4 , R: +2 , W: +6, CMB: +4 , CMD: 14, INIT: +1, Perception: +7, Male Human Cleric 3 (245 posts)
Sovereign Court "Sir" Janos Donner

Male Human (Civilized, Solomnic) (Crusader) Cleric (147 posts)
Axe Lord
Silver Crusade Thor Odinson PFS

HP 79/79 (97/97 raging), Init +2, AC: 19 22, T: 12, FF: 19, CMD: 21 (-2 for Rage), F: +12, R: +5, W: +9, (+4 vs Wind, +2 vs Spells, Poison, +2 vs Party Spells, immune to fog/mist/smoke, Protect from Evil) Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft, Heightened Continual Flame>, CG Asgardian (dwarf) Warpriest 6/Blood Rager 3 Avenger 9, Mjolnir: +8/+3, 2d6+12, Ranged: +11/+6, 2d6+7 (20/x2) B (286 posts)
Shalelu Andosana
Grand Lodge Beckett of the Bleeding Rose

Male Half-Elf Vigilante-Priest 1 (137 posts)
Guard Captain Blacklock
Silver Crusade Saint Germaine

HP: 82/82 || AC: 23, FF: 22, T: 11, CMD: 20 || F:+8, R:+4, W:+11 || 30ft Move, Init +5, Perc +5 (darkvision, Auto Dispel Darkness of 4th or lower) || Common (Taldan) & Celestial, LG Male Archon-Blooded Aasimar Warpriest 9.0 PFS 5,274-21, Bastard Sword: +11/+6, 1d10+7 19x2, <PA +9/4, 2d10+13> , 5,274-12 (262 posts)
Scarab Sages Prophet of the Purifying Flame

|| HP: 46/68 || AC: 22 (26), T: 20, FF: 17 (21), CMD: 27 || F: +13, R: +12, W: +13, <Evasion, Prot from Possession> || Speed: 40ft || Perc: +13 (DV 60ft), Sense Motive: +12 || Init: +4 || LG Aasimar Cleric 7/Monk 2, Scimitar +13/+13/, 1d6+5 (15/x2) or Unarmed Strike +11/+11/+6 1d8 (20/x2) || (280 posts)
Earth Elemental
Liberty's Edge Blood Eagle

17/17 HP || 16 AC, 12 T, 14 FF, CMD: 15 || F: +5, R: +2, W: +5 // 20ft Speed || Int: +2, Perception: +2 <Stonecunning, Darkvision> || LG Oread Cleric of Torag || Warhammer +4 Att, 1d8+3 (224 posts)
Kaleb Hesse
Shadow Lodge "Devil's Advocate"
(1,453 posts)
Artemis Entreri
Silver Crusade "Cantor"

Male Clan Gangrel, Childe of Milov Petrankov - 5'10 Eastern European Male in his early 30's - Willpower: 3/7, Bloodpool: 8/20, 4 per turn, Survivor (114 posts)
Guard Captain Blacklock
Liberty's Edge Soth-Loren the Sword Knight

20/20, AC:20, T: 11, FF: 19, CMD: 16, Fort +7, Refl +3, Will +5, Init: +1, Perc: +0, LG Human Male Paladin 2, Longsword +6 1d8+7 (19/x2) (186 posts)
Demon Slayer
Silver Crusade Ignatious the Seeker of Flame

HP: 14/138 , Init +3, AC: 23, T: 12, FF: 21, CMD: 29, F: +18, R: +12, W: +18 <+2 vs Evil, Evasion, no Food/ Water, Native Outsider, Imune to Fog/Mist/Smoke and Evil Possesion or Mind-Control> Fly 30', Swim 30", Move 30', Perception +10 <Darkvision 60ft>, <Read/Understand all Languages, Ant Haul, Trail of Roses, Ride the Waves>, NG Male Aasimar Cleric 15, Sunflare: +15/+10/+5, 1d6+18+1d6 Acid (15/x2) S, 5,274-18, Roakar (1,171 posts)
Paladin of Iomedae
Silver Crusade Justicar Beckett des Laurant

4/10 HP, AC: (18) 16, FF: (18) 16, T: (12) 10, CMD: 12, Fort: +4, Refl: +0, Will: +5 , Init: +0, Perception: +3 (darkvision), Acid/Cold/Elec Resist: 5, LG Archon-Blooded Assimar Mendevian Cleric 1, +3 Att, 1d8+3 (+1), 19/x2 (185 posts)
Liberty's Edge Yanos

HP: 59/59, +4 Init, +17 Perception, F: +8, R: +5, W: +10, AC: 21, T: 14, FF: 17, CMD: 22 , LG Human Cleric 8, 5274-20, Longspear +10/5, 1d8+5 (Large +10/+5, 2d6+6), P 20/x3 (765 posts)
Paladin of Iomedae
Grand Lodge St. Germain

HP: 11/11, AC: 18, FF: 16, T: 12, CMD: 15, Fort: +3, Refl +2, Will: +2, Init: +2, Perc: +6 <Darkvision>, LG Male Aasimar Paladin 1 , Greatsword: +3, 2d6+3, 19/x2, S (96 posts)
Paladin of Iomedae
Sovereign Court Sir Christoff

HP: 35/35 || AC: 18, T: 11, FF: 17, CMD: 16 <+3 Smite> || F: +8, R: +4, W: +10 || 40ft || Perc: +5 <Darkvision/Clouded Vision 30ft> || Init: +1 || LG Male Human Oradin 4 || Slitherbane: +6, 1d10+7 19/x2 B <Smite: +9, 1d10+9/+11> || PFS 5,274-22 || (139 posts)
Silver Crusade Archon the Divine Caller

37/38, || AC: 18 <26>, T: 13 <15>, FF: 15 <23>, CMD: 18 || Fort: +8, Refl: +6, Will: +9 || Init: +3, Perception: +3 <Darkvision, Continual Flame, Sense Motive: +9, || || LG Aasimar Cleric 5, || Longspear (PA): +5<+7> 1d8+7<+10> 20/x3 [P] || (416 posts)
Silver Crusade Beckett Hammerguard

Male HP 11/11, AC: 16/18, Saves: Str +2, Dex +0, Con +2, Int -1, Wis +5, Cha +3 Perception +3, Speed: 25ft (5 sqs), Passive Wis: 13, Passive Insight: 15 Proficiency Bonus: +2, NG Dwarf Cleric 1, Warhammer: +4, 1d8+2 or Sacred Flame (Dex Save or) 1d8 Radiant (61 posts)
Silver Crusade Beckett Lorovox

HP: 13/17 || AC: 16, T: 12, FF: 14, CMD: 14 || F: +5, R +4, W: +5 || Init: +2, Perception: +7, Sense Motive: +7 || 30ft speed || LG Human Cleric/Ranger 2 || Longbow +5, 1d8+2 20/x3 P (104 posts)
Scarab Sages Ven Lorovox the Seeker

|| Phantom Phenomena || || || (290 posts)
Silver Crusade Gunther Tamiir-Quah

HP: 11/19 || AC: 15, T: 12, FF 13, CMD: 15 || F: +6 R: +4, W: +5 || Init +2, Perception: +8, Sense Motive: +7 || LG Male Shoanti Human Cleric/Ranger of Eristal 2 || Longspear +4, 1d8+3 (2d6+4) 20/x3, CMB +2 (+4) (136 posts)
Liberty's Edge Torrel the Sacred Exorcist

HP: 25/27, AC: 15, T: 12, FF: 13, CMD: 14, F: +5, R: +3, W: +7 Init: +2, Perc: +11, <3rd Cont. Flame/Blindsense 20>, CG Male Human Cleric 4, Bladed Scarf: +4 (1d6+1) 20/x2
Night's Star:
13/13 || AC 17, T 16, FF 15 || F +2 R +4 (Imp Evasion) W +6 || Perception +12 (LLV/Blind Sense 20), Stealth +14
(186 posts)

Beckett 248
(0 posts)


Guard Captain Blacklock
(0 posts)
Sir Holton
Silver Crusade Darth Beckett
(1 post)

DM B's Pregen

POOG ||HP 10/10 || AC: 17, T: 13, FF 15, CMD: 11 || INIT: +7, Perc: +2 || 30ft Fort: +3, Refl: +2, Will: +4 || NE Male Goblin || Dogslicer +1 (1d4) 19/x2, Javelin +3 (1d4), Firebold x5, +3 (1d6) (63 posts)
Shadow Lodge Gamin the Reforged
(2 posts)
Golden Orb
Shadow Lodge GM Beckett
(9 posts)
Liberty's Edge Night's Star

10/10 || AC 17, T 16, FF 15 || F +1 R +4 (Imp Evasion) W +5 || Perception +11 (LLV/Blind Sense 20), Stealth +14 (3 posts)
Liberty's Edge Soth-Loren
(4 posts)