Beckett's page
RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 4,830 posts (22,360 including aliases). 57 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 29 Organized Play characters. 7 aliases.
6 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
So, this has come up multiple times in the past, ultimately leading to an official FAQ that partially did not actually answer the main question, FOUND HERE, as well as I'm certain many others on the or similar topics.
The FAQ itself is FOUND HERE
FAQ wrote: Unchained Rogue Finesse Training: When I'm replacing Strength for Dexterity, what happens with a one-handed weapon? What about an off-hand weapon?
With a two-handed weapon, you add 1-1/2 times your Dexterity bonus on damage rolls, and with an off-hand weapon, you add half your Dexterity bonus on damage rolls. As per the ability's text, if an effect would prevent you from adding your Strength modifier on damage rolls, you don't add your Dexterity modifier. However, any other effects that would increase the multiplier to your Strength bonus on damage rolls (such as the two-handed fighter archetype's overhand chop) do not affect your Dexterity bonus on damage rolls.
Like most FAQs, the underlying point is that the ruling or clarification is only speaking about the specific example that it details, which in this case is the Unchained Rogue's Finesse Training.
What it states is that the Unchained Rogue, and specifically the Finesse Training ability that allows them to utilize Dexterity for Damage with certain weapons instead of their Strength is essentially treated just like Strength would be in regards to fighting with a two-handed weapon or an "off-handed" weapon.
How does this work for anyone else that is not specifically an Unchained Rogue and somehow gets the ability to use Dexterity, (or any other Ability Score) in place of Strength, when they wield a suitable two-handed weapon, for instance an Elven Curve Blade or Aldori Dueling Sword?
The normal, "general" rule, as far as I know, is that when you replace an Ability Score/Modifier for another, the aspects that normally only apply to the original Ability Score do not apply to the new one. So, for instance, if there where an ability to use Wisdom for Damage instead of Strength, one would not benefit from Wisdom modifier x1.5 for using a two-handed weapon as Strength does.
PRD wrote: One-Handed: A one-handed weapon can be used in either the primary hand or the off hand. Add the wielder's Strength bonus to damage rolls for melee attacks with a one-handed weapon if it's used in the primary hand, or 1/2 his Strength bonus if it's used in the off hand. If a one-handed weapon is wielded with two hands during melee combat, add 1-1/2 times the character's Strength bonus to damage rolls.
Two-Handed: Two hands are required to use a two-handed melee weapon effectively. Apply 1-1/2 times the character's Strength bonus to damage rolls for melee attacks with such a weapon.
The Unchained Rogue Class Feature is an exception.
To complicate matters, (or in all reality, likely the main corner case), might be:
Deft Strike, Paths of Prestige wrote: An Aldori swordlord can add his Dexterity bonus (if any) on damage rolls made with an Aldori dueling sword instead of his Strength bonus. This bonus on damage rolls applies whether the swordlord is wielding an Aldori dueling sword one-handed or twohanded, though the swordlord does not apply 1-1/2 times his Dexterity bonus on damage rolls while fighting two-handed. An Aldori swordlord cannot use this ability if he is wielding a shield or an off-hand weapon, including armor spikes, unarmed strikes, or natural weapons. The most current version of the same weapon does not include that bolded line, which could be intended because of;
1.) the normal rule is that Dex does not benefit from the "Str and a half" rule, and so there is no need to repeat the obvious.
2.) that this was a purposeful change meant to set a new precedence, and it was left out as an indication that now doing "Dex and a half" is intended.
In most other cases, it is a non-issue, either specifically requiring the weapon to be wielded in one hand or to be a Light weapon, which does not benefit from the normal "Str and a Half".
PRD wrote: Light: A light weapon is used in one hand. It is easier to use in one's off hand than a one-handed weapon is, and can be used while grappling (see Combat). Add the wielder's Strength modifier to damage rolls for melee attacks with a light weapon if it's used in the primary hand, or half the wielder's Strength bonus if it's used in the off hand. Using two hands to wield a light weapon gives no advantage on damage; the Strength bonus applies as though the weapon were held in the wielder's primary hand only. To summarize, was the initial FAQ meant to:
A.) Speak only about the Unchained Rogue, but not other options?
B.) Meant to apply to any ability that uses Dex rather than Str for bonus Damage?
C.) Apply to any Class Feature or Option that changes one Ability Score used for another?
D.) Other/None of the Above?
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
Now that our famed heroes have stepped forward, please take an opportunity to introduce both yourselves and your characters. You can also take an opportunity to discuss swapping out spells, making any purchases, and things of that nature before the scenario begins. We still have some time.
I'd also like if everyone can post the following information:
* Player Name (or Nickname):
* Character Name:
* Faction:
I'd also like if you have any uncommon Feats, Spells, Abilities, Boons, etc that you plan to use, if you could explain them or point them out to avoid confusion or questions later. Likewise, if you have any options that might cause "table variation", lets discuss them up front.
If anyone wants the old school Faction Mission, please mention it as well.
Lastly, if you click on my DM Beckett avatar, I have posted a lot of little information about how I tend to run games, little things I do, and explanations of things I utilize. Please familiarize yourself with those when you get a chance before the game starts.
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
Now that our famed heroes have stepped forward, please take an opportunity to introduce both yourselves and your characters. You can also take an opportunity to discuss swapping out spells, making any purchases, and things of that nature before the scenario begins. We still have some time.
I'd also like if everyone can post the following information:
* Player Name (or Nickname):
* Character Name:
* Faction:
I'd also like if you have any uncommon Feats, Spells, Abilities, Boons, etc that you plan to use, if you could explain them or point them out to avoid confusion or questions later. Likewise, if you have any options that might cause "table variation", lets discuss them up front.
If anyone wants the old school Faction Mission, please mention it as well.
Lastly, if you click on my DM Beckett avatar, I have posted a lot of little information about how I tend to run games, little things I do, and explanations of things I utilize. Please familiarize yourself with those when you get a chance before the game starts.
One thing I will point out, when I played this, in low tier, I found it rather deadly. Partially due to our team's construct, and partially outside of the norm for a Season 0. Just a warning. I really enjoyed it, but it was not a cake walk when I played.
Looking for 5 experienced Agents to serve the call once more. . .
When a retired Pathfinder's nephew goes missing after allegedly discovered the fabled city of Rachikan of the ancient Jistka Imperium, he turns to the Society for help. Now you've been sent to the coast of devil-tainted Cheliax to uncover the missing nephew's whereabouts and to, quite possibly, uncover one of the most sought-after legendary cities on Golarion. But you have to move quick! The Aspis Consortium is rumored to be racing to the site ahead of you and their involvement could spell disaster for the Pathfinder Society.
This game will be part of the Official Play by Post Game Day 6, Beginning August 25th, 2017. Seats are available on a first come, first serve basis. No PREGENs Please, unless the table does not fill. Seats 6 and 7 might open, depending on how many folks answer the call for glory and gore, and how the rest of the group feels.
Looking for up to 5 experienced Agents to look into a strange new huge crystalline sailing vessel causing panic to grip Absalom as it appears suddenly in the harbor. Identified as the King Xeros of Old Azlant, the ship presents a great opportunity for the Pathfinder Society. You and your fellow adventurers are summoned by Venture-Captain Adril Hestram and dropped aboard the King Xeros to explore it and report back. Only, what you find isn't an empty vessel, but a sinister ship with a vile intent.
This game will be part of the Official Play by Post Game Day 6, Beginning August 25th, 2017. Seats are available on a first come, first serve basis. No PREGENs Please, unless the table does not fill. Seats 6 and 7 might open, depending on how many folks answer the call for glory and gore, and how the rest of the group feels.
Before I start, I will admit that I'm bias. I'm a dog person, and not interested at all in Catfolk. I'm also not very keen on Kitsune, which are just not for me. I'm also, personally, just not too impressed with a lot of the additional races allowed in PFS, as most just don't really speak to me. Rougarou does. :)
With the Bestiary 6comes a new 0 HD creature, the Rougarou, which I'm in love with, and wanted to see about discussing/petitioning making them a new freely open race for next Season's PFS.
It's nice to have a race that offers +2 Wis, which is not common, although I'll admit that the -2 Int hurts.
I love that the Rougarou have disdain for Lycanthropes. Because they have very strong bonds with friends and family, I see them as an ideal candidate for members of the Pathfinder Society, and from what little lore we have on them, they have expanded to have communities all over Golarion.
I'm also very partial to the swamps origin, and to see Cajun folklore awesomeness make it into the setting. :P
The two things I might foresee being an issue, at least on paper might be that they have Scent and that they are Shapeshifters.
Scent can be a powerful ability in some scenarios, but at the same time it's something that the vast majority of "pets" come with.
Likewise, being a Shapeshifter (with Beast Shape 1, 1/day) is not too terribly unique.
Secondarily, there is another creature that might interest some as a possibility; the Naiad.
The problems I foresee with the Naiad is that they are both a Fey and a Water Type, which like Outsiders, might offer them some free innate protects that some in the community may not like, or some other oddities with the rules for planar adventures or the like. They also have a swim speed which, while likely not common, could make a few parts of a few scenarios a lot easier to make it through.
I'm sure the PFS secret inner circle has or is discussing this, but, towards the community as a whole, what are people's thoughts?
Any problems you see IF they where to be opened up?
Would you be interested in trying them out?
See any issues with PFS play that might need to be looked at and ruled on?
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
In his usual terse manner, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin requested an audience in his office. He wasted no words once the last invitee had closed he door, just as the last of you arrive. . .
Looking about the office, likely the first time you have ever entered the personal office of a Venture-Captain, you see nothing but fresh new recruits, initiates, just like yourself, who have yet to complete their training, much less be considered for the rumored Confirmation.
"Initiates,. . . I understand you are not yet full members of the Society,. . . not yet, but I need your help."
Please take a moment to check in, introduce your character, and describe yourself.
Being a "military town", our table top group is regularly changing, and I figured it's a good time to open another thread looking for more potential players in the area.
Anyone else in the are that might be interesting in finding a new group? I am an experienced DM and we have a few other experienced players and DMs, looking to expand our small gaming community around the area. Also possibly interested in other games and systems as well.
We tend to play in kid-friendly areas, and favor weekends and federal holidays as many of us are currently active military, and try to work around schedules do to frequent field exercises, deployments, and other commitments.
Since it came out, the Undead Lord Cleric has been banned in PFS. It's never really been clear why it was banned, although it's been speculated the choice was made for some of the following things:
1.) Because it was a little too Evil
2.) Because it could potentially cause issue with other Characters, such as followers of Pharasma, Iomedae, or Sarenrae (due to dislike of Undead)
3.) Because it allowed an Undead (or inappropriately themed) pet.
PFS has grown and changed a great deal, and I think it's time to reevaluate this choice. Clerics already have very few Archetypes out there that are player friendly, (as in designed for players to actually use). And, if we assume that any of the above mentioned reasons, even combined, was the cause for this particular one to have been banned, then why are other classes and archetypes that do nearly the same thing, some even better than this one, allowed without issue?
To start, while playing an Evil character has never been allowed outside of a few specific cases, there is no requirement that the Undead Lord be Evil. Furthermore, it is perfectly fine for even a CORE character to worship an evil deity, have the Death Domain, play a necromancer themed character, or otherwise play an "evil" themed character. All of this aside, it's also perfectly legal to Summon things like Demons and Devils, to have an Imp Familiar, a variety of Evil Eidolons, Planar Allies, or other forms of "pets".
Additionally, the list of classes and archetypes that might offend of cause interparty strife with other players, (such as followers of Pharasma or Paladins), has grown a great deal. As I mentioned, a Core Cleric, Sorcerer, or Wizard can already be a (N)necromancer and even raise and control undead style character. The base Oracle, likewise has the Bones Mystery which legally offers the Raise the Dead (Su) and the Undead Servitude (Su) Revelations. The Necromancy focused Occultist can effectively create undead unlimitedly for free, (over time), with Necromantic Servant (Sp) and is a walking battery of Desecrate, creating more powerful and more evil undead than normal with their base power Necromantic Focus (Su).
Thematically speaking, the entire Spiritualist Class with it's Phantom Spirit should be a walking blasphemy to the church of Pharasma one would think, (as the entire point of Pharasma's hatred of undead is that they escape judgment (temporarily) through the unnatural extension of their existence.
I don't really want to touch on every example that is legal or questionable in contrast the Undead Lord Cleric, but rather simple see if it is possible for PFS leadership to reconsider why this one was banned in the first place, and if it is something that really should remain banned? My personal investment in this is really twofold. For one, I'd like more options for the Cleric to open up. It's already got so few (playable) Archetype choices to go from, and I've never really understood why this one would have been banned. Secondly, I've seen more than once new players come in wanting to play one and having a character already built with the Archetype. It's a bit of an odd discussion explaining that it's not legal for play, but at the same time there are plenty of other options that do nearly identical things, some even better that are legal.
It seems like it would be really interesting to play, but not altogether powerful. The Archetype itself is pretty self limiting, forcing you take one Domain and losing the other, restricting you to a small handful of possible patron deities, and giving a few abilities along a theme that are fairly close to what a non-archetyped Cleric (or other class) with a similar theme can already do legally.
Even having an Evil Pet is otherwise allowed in PFS outside of this, though generally they would be much more powerful and versatile than the Skelly this archetype allows, (using wands, casting spells, significantly altering action economy).
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
Before anything, this, so far, is a closed group. We might open it up to one or two more individuals once we hash some things out, but the intent here is to discuss things not recruit. Not yet, at least.
If you are not one of the folks I PM'd to join, please do not post here. If you are interested at the idea, please instead PM me.
With that out of the way, we where discussing the idea of forming a CORE only PFS group. Some of the idea here was that everyone would play a single character throughout, essentially leveling up rather closely together, and forming a consistent team. But, at the same time, at least the majority of the players would also take turns as the DM, both to help prevent as much "I can't play that one" as possible, but also to reduce DM Burnout and also offer everyone chances to see how other DM's do things.
But, I also wanted to give everyone a bit of an open floor to discuss issues we might encounter, what sorts of things everyone might want to get from the experience, and whatever other aspects of this we want prior to actually doing it.
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
I'm creating this simply to get all of the potential players together to plan for the next scenario, find out how many players (and tables) I'll need, and see about getting everyone assigned.
My idea was to try to begin within a few days, once I have had a chance to read the scenario, prep the maps and NPC's, and have enough time to look over characters and the like. Should be good by this weekend.
Table 1
Brunhilde <Unsure>
Night Hunter <In>
Omar <In>
Table 2
Emma <unsure>
Henrikuaxian <In>
Jarek <unsure>
Kitajo <In>
Ptolomeo <In>
Nectanebo <new player>
I've PM'd everyone above, leading to this thread.
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
I just wanted to create a place for discussion for the High Level play of Serpent's Skull for the existing group.
The initial idea was to play parts 5 and 6, but, because of the possibility of different levels involved, part 4 is also a possibility.
4.) Vaults of Madness Levels: 11-13
5.) The Thousand Fangs Below Levels: 13-15
6.) Sanctum of the Serpent God Levels: 16-18
The game is roughly slated to start early to mid January, due to both he holidays and different players already having commitments.
The current Roster, as far as I'm tracking is:
Chris: Bishop <15 Ranger>
QWERTY: 15 Warpirest
Aarvid: Hugo <15 Cleric/Ranger>
EF: Atum <14 Fighter/Living Monolith> (15?)
Thunderspirit: Oracle
Jeff Chapman: Rogue
Matt Wilson: Wizard
One last thing to keep in mind is that there are possibly 7 players right now. I'm perfectly find with that, but because there tends to be a decrease in the threat level and challenge, others might not like such a full party. I'm not sure, at this point if everyone is even fully interested, or even able to play, but feel free to discuss the table size as well, or any other questions or concerns you may have.
Gameplay thread is open for dotting. Please only dot there at this point, preferably with the character you want to play with.
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
Opened for your to RP and interact while we wait to start.
Additionally, can I get everyone to post the following.
Player Name
Character name
Your Day Job roll (or say No Day Job/Down time)
Any special notes you feel I should know about, uncommon Feats or abilities, etc. . . If you have anything that might be ruled differently at different tables, it might also be good to bring it up here.
Any purchases you are making that will need to be recorded on this Chronicle.
I've been asked to run a second table of Hall of the Flesh Eaters, and have up to 3 seats available on a first come, first serve bases, assuming a legal character is available.
Current Roster is:
1.) GM Evil
2.) Henrikuaxian
3.) CariMac
4.) potentially Jason Podarte
If interested, and feel free to post here.
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
Hello. Since the game has filled up, I figured it would be a good idea to set up a place for everyone to meet up, discuss their characters, ask any questions they may have, or otherwise hang out until the game is ready to start.
Please be aware, the game is full. Only the seven players that already signed up should be here.
I'm looking to running a few more games in the near future, and ready to open up for recruitment.
First, looking for 4-7 brave new adventurer's willing to brave beyond the Shackles in search of lost treasures of a legendary pirate in PFS S06-06: Hall of the Flesh Eaters for characters levels 1-5.
For those willing to go beyond simple bravery, beyond sanity, and beyond even the so called "Hard Mode", The Ruins of Bonekeep await your likely TPK, though the glories for those that manage to run away fast enough, ur,. . . survive are boundless. There is still room for 2-5 more brave souls. Bonekeep is a three part special. It is notably (and intentionally), challenging. Part 1 and Part 2 are (3-7), while Part 3 is (5-9). Because of the nature of these scenarios, I am not allowing Pregens to be used for Bonekeep.
I am recruiting for both on a first come, first served basis. I'm also aiming for daily+ posting, and looking for players that post proactively.
If interested, you can find the Sign Up Sheet -->HERE <--.
I am about to kick off running two Specials for the ongoing PFS PbP Game Day 5, Through Maelstrom Rift and Serpent's Ire, and I still have a few seats open if anyone wants in.
This will be a first come, first serve basis, and there are a total of 3 seats; Maelstrom Rift x1 and Serpent's Ire x2. Both games utilize special Pregens, (and some of them have already been claimed by the existing players, but it might be possible to negotiate).
Because they are part of the Game Day as Slot 2 Events, they are also run within a certain Time Frame (Beginning Oct 12th and running until Nov 25, 2016. With that in mind, this does mean the game has not started yet.
If you are interested, please head over to:
SERPENT'S IRE GAME (where there are two open seats)
THROUGH MAELSTROM RIFT GAME (where there is one open seat)
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
Game is CLOSED for recruiting.
Now that I've received the Scenario, I've made separate PDF copies of each of the Pregens, and I wanted to open the floor to allow you to begin to pick the one you want. All of them are Elemental Themed, and there are some special twists involved with all of them I want to save for once you have already picked the one you want to go with, so, I want to hold off actually showing the Character Sheets themselves until everyone has picked.
There are 6 Pregens to choose from. I'll also include a few notes and a general role for the character:
1.) The Ambitious: tank
2.) The Catastrophe: divine ranged jack-of-all-trades
3.) The Disgraced: mage and support/crowd control
4.) The Enigma: full of surprises
5.) The Loyalist: tank and support
6.) The Professional: jack-of-all-trades and striker
Since we seem to have 5 players: (unsure if there is a sixth)
1.) DM Snider
2.) GM Termoil
3.) CariMac
4.) Enchanter Tim
5.) Pirate Rob
For now, I'll let folks pick what they want to go with. (All of them look pretty awesome, and don't seem to be the typical Pregen with poor choices in their builds, so don't let it fool you).
If there ends up being a conflict and people just can't find a way to work it out, I'll do a roll off.
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
Game is CLOSED for recruiting.
Now that I've received the Scenario, I've made separate PDF copies of each of the Pregens, and I wanted to open the floor to allow you to begin to pick the one you want. All of them are Elemental Themed, and there are some special twists involved with all of them I want to save for once you have already picked the one you want to go with, so, I want to hold off actually showing the Character Sheets themselves until everyone has picked.
There are 6 Pregens to choose from. I'll also include a few notes as what element(s) they most associate with and a general role for the character:
1.) The Chronicler: (fire and "air") support and jack-of-all-trades
2.) The Genie: (all), tank and support
3.) The Avalanche: (earth) divine jack-of-all-tradish
4.) The Torrent: (water) mage
5.) The Valcano: (fire and earth)
6.) The Storm: (air) divine support/mageish
Since we seem to have 5 players: (unsure if there is a sixth)
1.) DM Snider
2.) GM Termoil
3.) CariMac
4.) Lady Ladile
5.) Eric Swanson
For now, I'll let folks pick what they want to go with. (All of them look pretty awesome, and don't seem to be the typical Pregen with poor choices in their builds, so don't let it fool you).
If there ends up being a conflict and people just can't find a way to work it out, I'll do a roll off.
With the announcement of Planes of Power taking a look at adventuring in the Elemental Planes, it's been a mentioned a few times taking a look at the Outer Planes, but also the Energy Planes. Each mention has lead to a request to start a new thread for that to show interest, and so, not seeing one that did just that, I figured why no give it a try.
I mean, when I think of Plane hopping, there are really the sorts of locations that spring to mind, checking out Heaven, infiltrating the Abyss for a quick in and out mission to rescue the soul of a friend trapped inside before too many demons catch on, testing your mettle against beings made from the very stuff of Good, Evil, Law, and Chaos, on their home turf.
So, what do you think? Is a Campaign Setting/Players Guide aimed at the Outer Spheres, (the Abyss, Axis, Elysium, Heaven,. . .), something you'd like to see? Something you would buy or want?
How about the Energy Planes (Postive and Negative Energy)?
What sorts of things would you like to see in such a product?
Would this work better as a setting neutral hardcover book? Planar Adventures!!!
Opening recruitment for a Serpent's Ire game, which will begin on Oct 12, 2016 and run through Nov 25, 2016. I do not currently have the scenario, so I'm going under the assumption that I can take up to 7 individuals, but at this point, I believe that I already have 3 Seats filled. With that being said, I plan on doing a First Come, First Serve roster.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 8th-level pregenerated characters.
A parasitic faction known as the Korholm Agenda has tried to corrupt the upstanding Aspis Consortium from the inside out, all in the vain pursuit of revenge and profit. Now one of the powerful Aspis Patrons has learned that the Korholm Agenda has siphoned the Consortium’s funding to build a base of operations in Nidal. This shall not stand. He has assembled a team of top agents—including both new faces and veterans of the attack on the Grand Lodge a year ago—to infiltrate the operation and shut it down by any means necessary.
In this adventure the players portray agents of the Aspis Consortium using 8th-level pregenerated characters. Content in "Serpents’ Ire" also ties into a special metaplot element from Pathfinder Society Special #6–98: "Serpents Rise." Players who have completed that special event are encouraged to bring its Chronicle sheet when playing this adventure.
1.) tentatively filled
2.) tentatively filled
3.) tentatively filled
4.) open
5.) open
6.) open
7.) open
Opening recruitment for a Through Maelstrom Rift game, which will begin on Oct 12, 2016 and run through Nov 25, 2016. I do not currently have the scenario, so I'm going under the assumption that I can take up to 7 individuals, but at this point, I believe that I already have 3 Seats filled. With that being said, I plan on doing a First Come, First Serve roster.
A Pathfinder Society Special designed for 6th-level pregenerated characters.
Even the limitless Plane of Air is at risk of eldritch instability, and a cult dedicated to the planes’ integrity has sensed an imminent calamity brewing deep within a primal storm. In this special adventure, the players portray a diverse coalition of elemental guardians that must embark on perilous journey into the maelstrom’s heart and avert a disaster that threatens the Inner Sphere.
This scenario is designed for play in Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild but can easily be adapted for use with any world. This scenario is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) and is suitable for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
1.) tentatively filled
2.) tentatively filled
3.) tentatively filled
4.) open
5.) open
6.) open
7.) open
Please post the following information for Chronicle Sheets and Reporting. Please do not post anything else in this thread until all six players/characters have done the following.
Player Name:
Character Name:
PFS Number and ID:
A Day Job Roll/Down Time Activity, Or simply state "None".
Any special notes you think might be worth noting.
Open Recruiting for the PbP Game Day Special
1.) CariMac -> Pregen?
2.) CKelly -> Oracle 5 OR Swashbuckler/Investigator 3
3.) Daveak -> Monk 7
and still have up to 3 Seats remaining.
It's still a bit open, but I believe we are looking for something around the 5-6 SubTier.
I have 1-2 seats open for this game, which will begin on Aug 27th as part of the official Play by Post Game Day 5 event.
Current roster is:
1.) CariMac -> Fighter 8
2.) CKelly -> Ranger 9
3.) Curaign
4.) Daveak -> Barbarian/Rogue 5
5.) open seat
6.) open seat
7.) open seat
It's a first come, first served basis, with the game being held here on the Paizo forums and utilizing an open Google Sheets doc for the map. Expected posting rate is roughly at least daily, with exceptions for weekends and holidays.
The requested SubTier is the 8-9 range, though the scenario itself is 5th - 9th level.
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
I have 3-4 seats open for this game, which will begin on Aug 27th as part of the official Play by Post Game Day 5 event. The Game will end on 11 October.
Current roster is:
It's a first come, first served basis, with the game being held here on the Paizo forums and utilizing an open Google Sheets doc for the map. Expected posting rate is roughly at least daily, with exceptions for weekends and holidays.
The requested SubTier is undecided, though the scenario itself is 1st - 11th level, and we will need to wait on more guidance before proceeding further. Current range is somewhere between 3 and 8.
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
I have 1-2 seats open for this game, which will begin on Aug 27th as part of the official Play by Post Game Day 5 event.
Current roster is:
CariMac bringing a Fighter
CKelly with either an Oracle or Ranger
One seat held, (which might open up as well)
It's a first come, first served basis, with the game being held here on the Paizo forums and utilizing an open Google Sheets doc for the map. Expected posting rate is roughly at least daily, with exceptions for weekends and holidays.
The requested SubTier is the 8-9 range, though the scenario itself is 5th - 9th level.
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
I have 1-2 seats open for this game, which will begin on Aug 27th as part of the official Play by Post Game Day 5 event.
Current roster is:
CKelly bringing a Bloodrager
Curaign with either a Druid or Occultist
Two seat held, (which might open up as well)
It's a first come, first served basis, with the game being held here on the Paizo forums and utilizing an open Google Sheets doc for the map. Expected posting rate is roughly at least daily, with exceptions for weekends and holidays.
The requested SubTier is undecided, though the scenario itself is 1st - 5th level, and so far it looks like low SubTier.
||CORE Rotating DM ||Fingerprints||King Xeros ||Serpent's Skull||
This is just a placeholder thread for discussion on the upcoming Game Day games.
At this point, I'm assuming that we will be limited to running 3 games at once, as with past Game Day events.
First off, I do plan on running the Specials, but I'm waiting for more information to come out. I'm also waiting to see if it's going to be, for instance, 3 games plus the Specials, or if the Specials are a part of that, or if it's even limited.
So, for now, I'm going to assume only 2 tables, but add a third just in case.
Table 1: 7-00 The Sky Key Solution [1-11]
Table 2: ???
Table 3: ???
Ok, now that we have everyone posted in the gameplay thread, can I get everyone to post the following info, (so I can use it for Chronicle Sheets and reporting).
Character Name
Player Name (or nickname)
Day Job check (or any Downtime stuff you want to do) <please go ahead and roll here, or take 10>
Any special notes you want to include or think I should be aware of, (like Zandu's Flagbearer Feat), which will help me to remember it even if they forget to mention it, or if there are any "grey areas".
Until all six players have posted, please do not use this thread for anything else, so that I can have this info all in one place.