Magic Beans!!

Homebrew and House Rules

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496: Padparadscha: As 495, except it comments on them roughly 10-15 seconds after the events occur.

Scarab Sages

DAOFS wrote:
496: Padparadscha: As 495, except it comments on them roughly 10-15 seconds after the events occur.

497: My idea bean: Indistinguishable from 495 and 496 this bean instead tries to restate any ideas, suggestions or thoughts made by other people then argues it was the one who had the idea first.

498: Bean of speak with dad: This small hard black bean seems completely innocuous till you realize no matter what you try short of a remove curse it keeps winding up in your pocket. This bean is continually using sending and message to update your parents on what's going on in your life. Places you've been, people you've met, items you've stolen, romantic relationships and anything else it thinks they'd like to know. The bean has an intelligence of 10 for determining these facts.

499. As bean #500, but it also grants the planter bull's strength, cat's grace, bear's endurance, fox's cunning, owl's wisdom and eagle's splendor (CL 15) for 2 hours.

Scarab Sages

Pizza Lord wrote:
499. As bean #500, but it also grants the planter bull's strength, cat's grace, bear's endurance, fox's cunning, owl's wisdom and eagle's splendor (CL 15) for 2 hours.

I am so tempted to make 500 be a bean that gives you the curse version of those spells.

Senko wrote:
I am so tempted to make 500 be a bean that gives you the curse version of those spells.

I was tempted to make it a bean that made the planter immune to magic for 2 hours, but I am not taking 500 bean spot. Maybe Beardinator will show up and make one. Maybe someone else. Maybe it will continue past 500. Who knows what the future holds... only... the shadow bean knows.

IMHO, regardless of whether or not it continues afterwards, (and I dearly hope it does,) Beardinator deserves to do 500.

Scarab Sages

DAOFS wrote:
IMHO, regardless of whether or not it continues afterwards, (and I dearly hope it does,) Beardinator deserves to do 500.

That was part of what made me decide not to post mine. They were still popping by a month ago so there's a good chance they'll do so.

I'm honored and flattered that you saved the 500th bean for me.

500: The bean sprouts a small flower, (planter's preference. If no preference, a sunflower), with a cute, Leshy face. The flower can be plucked from the ground and will attach itself to a piece of the planter's clothing/armor/walking stick/staff/hat and will constantly provide motivational support to the planter/carrier. The planter/carrier can place the flower in the ground or a pot of soil at night to allow the flower to nourish itself and can feed it water any time. If not allowed to feed itself, the flower begins to wilt and will dry up and die 1d4+2 days later. At times when the planter/carrier is affected by Negative emotion spell effects, they are instantly given a free re-roll of their Saving Throw if they fail the initial Saving Throw. (Once per effect). If the planter/carrier is killed, (fails a Save) against a Negative Energy spell/effect, the flower will absorb the spell and the planter/carrier is unaffected. The flower will die after this happens and cannot be revived or restored. The flower has limited intelligence but loves to chat. It can learn things but will often forget if called on to recall information. If given a name by the planter/carrier, it will refer to itself by this name. If the planter/carrier is a spellcaster with a bonded familiar that is of a Plant type, the flower will befriend the familiar, but won't interfere with the existing Arcane Bond.

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Words cannot express how honored I am for the creative input from all of the participants who contributed to this list over the years. I will begin compiling multiple lists of Bag of Magic Beans for different options. I would love for the list to continue, but I won't be Bumping it anymore. I hope many others compile their own lists and have as much fun as possible with them at their gaming tables.

Thank you to Everyone who chipped in. Whether you made one or two entries or dozens of entries, the magic came from all of you.

May your Beards be long and luxurious!
The Beardinator

Scarab Sages

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The Beardinator wrote:

Words cannot express how honored I am for the creative input from all of the participants who contributed to this list over the years. I will begin compiling multiple lists of Bag of Magic Beans for different options. I would love for the list to continue, but I won't be Bumping it anymore. I hope many others compile their own lists and have as much fun as possible with them at their gaming tables.

Thank you to Everyone who chipped in. Whether you made one or two entries or dozens of entries, the magic came from all of you.

May your Beards be long and luxurious!
The Beardinator

501: This seemingly ordinary bean causes the eater to grow a great big bushy beard. Regardless of their sex, age or species. It has been known to work on lizardfolk, catfollk, little girls and even in on recorded case a seagull.

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502. As Bean #499 but it also turns the planter's shield arm to stone between the elbow and wrist (CL 20, Fort save DC 20 negates). It can be cured by effects that cure flesh to stone. Objects worn or held on that arm are not affected and continue to function, though they may be hard to remove.

Stone Arm:
The stone arm grants the planter a +2 shield bonus and functions as a light shield for bashing, but has no armor check penalty or hindering weight. The planter is aware of this property immediately.

When an attack misses the planter by the shield bonus (+2), it strikes the arm and deals damage (hardness 8). This doesn't damage the planter, but the damage is tracked on the arm. It has hit point equal to one-quarter of planter's total hit points (at time of planting). It cannot be repaired by anything short of a limited wish, but heals damage equal to the planter's hit dice each day at dawn. It half hit points it's considered broken and only provides a +1 shield bonus. At 0 it is shattered, but the arm can be regrown normally with regenerate or similar effects afterwards.

What isn't known, is that if the stone arm absorbs non-energy damage from an enemy attacking in earnest during its lifetime equal to the planter's total hit points (at time of planting), including the damage absorbed by hardness, the stone cracks and breaks and the arm underneath is perfectly functional once again, though the flesh is incredibly resilient and can function as a buckler (+1 shield bonus) for most purposes, such as defense or feats that apply to bucklers, but it is not an object.

503. A simple black vine with a bean pod containing a pod with four blue and black beans grows immediately from the ground. Touching a bean gives a cool sensation, like a breeze blowing over an icecube. If consumed, the eater feels their chest or lungs tingling, like a cool peppermint breath. For the next 24 hours, they have the Hold Breath universal monster ability (or double it if already possessed). They also get a +4 to saves against effects that cause drowning or suffocation. The beans last months before spoiling if not eaten.

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504. A 4-foot tall stalagmite (hardness 9, 100 hit points) grows from the ground. The environmental temperature around it becomes 10° hotter or cooler based on the optimal environmental temperature of the planter. This extends out to 10 feet from the stalagmite. This area increases by 5 feet (max 100 ft.) and 5° (until optimal temperature) each month. The area does not detect as magical or supernatural, though the stalagmite does (transmutation, CL 20). The effect is permanent until the stone is destroyed or successfully dispelled.

505: Bean of secrets: This bean has a complete face on it. When it comes in contact with any creature it will start to tell their secrets in a loud whisper. It has ears so you can ask it specific questions. Probably only valuable to a person with amnesia or some such. If you replant it, it will grow a grapevine of gossiping beans.

Scarab Sages

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506: Killer's Bean
This large twisted bean if planted in soil where the blood of a murdered person has been spilled will grow a stalk in the shape of the killer with pods in the shape of the weapon used.

507. A small vine grows from the planted site. It will quickly sprout what appears to be a lima bean that grows rapidly and then appears to form a fetus-like infant humanoid (lima-bean greenish) with the vine connected like an umbilical cord. If not destroyed, it grows quickly into a humanoid over the course of 1 minute (10 rounds), growing quickly to maturity. It cries and first and later starts screaming as though in pain. As it grows, it will quickly become misshapen and twisted, looking deformed. It doesn't converse or interact until the last round, when it stands up.

Ogrillon Bean:
The creature has the appearance and stats of an ogrillon, though twisted and deformed. It has Hit Dice equal to the planter (minimum 2, all racial) as a humanoid, but it's a Plant creature. It does not fall unconscious and dies at 0 hit points. Any ability increases from HD go into Strength and any feats are chosen from: Dodge, Improved Natural Armor, Power Attack, and Toughness. Improved Natural Armor will be chosen multiple times if all others are chosen.

The creature, which can appear as male or female, lives in a constant existence of pain and torment. It recognizes the planter and refers to them (knowing all languages the planter does) as "Mother/Father" and blames them for its existence and pain. Constantly screaming things like, "Father! Why did you bring into this world of pain!" and "This existence is torment, Mother! I didn't ask to be born!".

The creature will snap off the umbilical vine and attempt to attack and damage the planter over any other targets, but it will attack anyone and anything. It is in constant pain and torment and cannot be reasoned with. It will stalk the countryside and surrounding like a rampaging flesh golem, screaming and howling unless it has prey cornered or is stalking it, then it can go silent for terror or stealth purposes.

Every hour, it loses 1 max HP. This cannot be healed by anything short of a limited wish. These are returned whenever it inflicts pain and damage on another living creature at a rate of 1 lost max hit point per hit (it does not heal any damage taken, only points lost from losing max hp). This also, very briefly alleviates the torment it feels, which drives it to continue even if logically it would welcome the sweet embrace of death.

When dropped to 0 hp, it will collapse and breathe out that it's life was meaningless and its existence an unending pain and torture and that it blames their "Mother/Father" before groaning in final agony and passing, unpeacefully, into death and rotting away into inert compost, cursing the planter with its dying words.

508. The soil within a two-and-a-half foot radius around the planted bean turns to sand, to a depth of 3 feet. It's not particularly loose or hard to walk on unless churned up. Living creatures are shunted harmlessly out or away from the area if they would be injured by sand. Rocks, stones, gems, minerals, or objects in the area are unaffected and still buried, just in sand.

509. As Bean #508 except the soil turns to solid ice. The ice will melt eventually depending on the environment, though it is quite thick and may take some time. Depending on the soil around it, it may form a muddy hole as the sides cave into the melting ice water or it may just slowly filter out into the surrounding soil, leaving a hole.

510. As Bean #502 except the planter is enlarged/reduced (50% chance for either). This effect cannot be dispelled (though it is suppressed in an anti-magic field) and lasts for as long as the planter is within 5 feet of a Plant creature or any plant (freshly-picked cut plants count but dried or day-old cut plants do not). The planter must be away from plants for at least 1 minute before the effect ends and this quality is unknown to the planter without testing or trial and error.

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511. An immobile fog cloud effect springs up (20-ft radius spread). It's swirling with snow and cold and deals 1d6 cold damage to creatures within it per round. Anyone within the cloud has the first 6 points of fire damage negated per round.

Cold Fog:
One round after the cloud forms, a yeti is summoned (CL 10) within its area. Its vision is not hindered by the cloud and it will attack any enemies of the planter within it. Its fear gaze does not affect the planter, but will affect their allies (Note that being in the cloud will likely mean it must be adjacent for someone to see its eyes). The yeti remains for 10 minutes. The cold cloud remains as long as the yeti does or until it vanishes (at 0 hp). It cannot be dispersed by winds, but can be dispelled.

512. A slender, green feminine arm grows from the ground. Other than dark green fingernails, the only detail of note is a simple golden band resting on the ring finger of the hand.

Adorned Hand:
The hand radiates faint magic of indeterminate type (and the ring is indecipherable from it). If anyone attacks the hand or tries to take the ring, the hand withers away and the ring appears on the character's hand (displacing another ring if there). At this time, roll on the lesser magical ring table to determine what it is. There is a 10% chance it will be cursed.

If someone shakes the hand, the ring will transfer to their finger and the hand withers away as above. In this case, roll twice on the lesser magical ring table and take the most beneficial result (GM's call) for the shaker (no chance of curse).

If the ring would have a distinctive appearance other than a simple band of gold, it takes that form now. It's in a quantum state until this time, its form and properties not defined, so attempts to identify or otherwise detect its powers are not possible until they are determined.

513. A spiral staircase of broad, shallow steps appears in the ground and descends downward. The steps are big enough and broad enough for a Large-sized creature like a horse to navigate with little difficulty. They descend 30 feet to a non-descript chamber of initially indeterminate or anomalous size, but at least 30 feet by 30 feet.

Stone stairs:
This is the equivalent of a rope trick (CL10). The entrance is visible and can be entered by any creature, but only eight creatures (of any size, other than inconsequential ones, like bugs or something) at any one time. Non-attended objects and effects, like pools of water or adverse weather, do not enter the stairs and the temperature is in a relative comfort range to the planter.

In the chamber, there is a crystal stalagmite, which is connected to an invisible, immobile arcane eye positioned at the top of the steps and gives the planter the ability to view a 120-foot distance in a 90° cone. The eye has a 360° radius, but requires the planter to concentrate (standard action) to change the viewed area. The scryed area is visible to them and others in the chamber as an image in the stalagmite and the eye continues to focus on the last area it was directed at as long as the stairs and chamber remain (10 hours). Creatures and objects are expelled into a safe location if in the chamber or on the stairs when the duration ends.

514. The next teleport effect used on the planter brings them back here. There is no visible effect or indicator of this. Roll again on this table for an additional magic bean effect, ignoring this result.

Redirect effect:
The next time the planter is subject to a teleport effect (on this plane) or a plane shift effect bringing them to this plane, the GM makes a secret caster level check for the effect against CL 10 (DC 21). On a failure, they (and anyone else involved in that effect, such as companions brought along with dimension door,) appear here. On a success, the effect works as intended. Other effects that would redirect travel, such as teleport trap also need to overcome this DC. This only triggers once, whether successful or a failure and does not apply to teleporting or plane-shifting through linked portals (such as ring gates or astral pools.
GM should make a note of the current location (and any additional bean effects) for later use.

515. As Bean #510, but the planter is also granted the effects of fly for two hours.

516. A small stalk grows with four edible-looking beans.

Edible beans:
(moderate transmutation) If eaten, the imbiber's head spins around 360° with a faint popping and cracking sound. Anyone within 20 feet witnessing this must make a Will save DC 15 or be shaken for one round. The imbiber is unharmed.

The next time the imbiber would be flanked by an enemy or would be attacked from an unseen angle, such as from behind (but not against an invisible or otherwise concealed opponent), their head spins around, granting them the equivalent of all-around vision for one round, generally preventing any penalties for being flanked, and causing a fear save as above to any enemies within 20 feet.

If cooked into a meal, the beans taste fine, but have no effect.

517. A small stalk grows with four edible-looking beans with a half-twist in them.

Twisted beans:
(faint transmutation) When eaten, the imbiber gains weight equal to their racial weight modifier x5 (a human would gain 25 lbs., an elf 15 lbs., and a halfling or gnome 5 lbs.) This doesn't satisfy hunger, but it does count as stored fat reserves and might allow longer term survival if food is scarce. Otherwise, exercise and diet maintenance will allow the lose of this extra flab. There's no other mechanical effect, though some clothing or gear might need to be altered or let out a bit.

518. The planter is surrounded by a brief, sparkling aura that quickly fades. Unknown to them, the next 1d10 missiles or ranged weapons fired at them become quasi-real illusions (50% damage or non-damaging effects only have a 50% to work). The planter can make a DC 15 Will save to see them as such, otherwise they count as real. Any enhancement bonuses on the weapon increase the disbelief DC similarly. It does affect splash weapons targeting the planter, but not splash effects otherwise, nor does it apply to ranged spell effects. Reusable weapons, like nets, throwing axes, etc. regain their normal composition after the attack.

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