Ancestries & Backgrounds

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Concerns and Suggestions for Backgrounds

Ancestry layout hard to read

Ancestry high level feat ideas for PF2

Sign Language with Reading and Writing

Cooperative Nature

Natural Ambition and General Training should be removed and replaced

My Opinion on Goblins

The Lost Star Playtest Feedback on Ancestries by MrCoffeeCup

Can we actually make Ancestry distinct from race?

Parelz-vous Jotun?

Goblin, sneak, and the Very Sneaky feat

Adopted Ancestry: Nothing till 5th level?

Can we possibly get two backgrounds?

Can bonus skill feats from backgrounds bypass prerequisites?

Proposed Fix to Ancestories

Ancient's Blood Fix proposal

Ancestries and my initial thoughts.

Background feats are weird.

Does a "Rough Rider" Goblin give you access to a Goblin Dog?

Homebrew Ancestries

Background feats and Prerequisites

Half-Breed Ancestry

[Homebrew] Player requested centaur ancestry

Possible fix: Instead of more Ancestry Feats, Background Feats?

Expanded Backgrounds

So I like ancestry feats as a concept

Z Reviews the Races

Some Genuine Ancestry Suggestions

Rules Question: Human Ancestry, Natural Ambition and Multiclassing

Why do different races have different racial hit points, and why do half-orc hit points not scale?

Calling a Race... an Ancestry? Please restore RACE for the Races!!

The Systems Agnostic's Too Long PF2E Critique Part 2

Easy ancestry fix, front load more ancestry feats?

Heritage Feats - Feedback and Advice

Goblin: Rough Rider & Animal Companion interaction

Stretching an Old Problem

What I like about ancestries and what I think can be improved

ORC WEAPON CARNAGE - not possible at level 5 for Humans...?

Blacksmith Background and Formulas


Ancestries seem fine with new players

To Goblin or not to Goblin ....

Haughty Obstinacy helps PCs resist Coerce?

Gnome Animal Accomplice

Free ability slots and more class choice

Goblin fighter needs Weapon Familiarity (Goblin) for Dogslicer ?

Elves are quick. Where in the folklore can I find this information

Dwarf bonus language typos

How do we make sense of "I didn't have this aspect of the culture I grew up in until level 5"?

Elf Speed

Heritage feats are problematic.

The ancestry options seem to be unbalanced

Why Are These Things Not Just Called Race?

I'm just a human now, but when I grow up, mom's gonna become an orc so I can be a half-orc.

A call for Goblins to be +dex / Int -wis

Ancestral Feats are an impediment to the character creation process for new players

Goblin flavor and bonuses

Why do Dwarves get leadership at level 1?

Hafling Keen Eyes (Ancestry Feat)

Scholar Background Question - skill Acquisition

Why do races have ancestry-specific HP?

Elf pupils

Half - Elf / Half -Orc: how?

Heritage feats should all be grouped together

Number of Ancestries?

Goblin Bite

First Thoughts On Goblins

Homebrew Playtest Ysoki

"Lore" is a poor name for the skill

More ancestries

An 18 Wisdom goblin.


Ancestries and my initial thoughts.

Rules Query - Backgrounds

Goblin Burn It clarification

Non-Caster Gnomes and Animal Accomplice

Does "Burn It" Have an Error?

Halflings are worse than other races

Spell Attribute / Training / DC missing from Elf and Gnome Cantrip Feats

Why do all Backgrounds include one "free" ability boost?

Weapon Cunning

Background in glossary is incorrect

Happy stick 2.0 or The Feat all should take?

Elves and half-elves seem quite nice for raw speed

Ancestry Ability Score Bonus Clarification

The half-elf and half-orc entry feats should have rebalanced options

Dwarves and goblins could be underrated for their darkvision

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