The Godsrain Prophecies Part Ten

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Despite my apprehension at reading about the deaths of so many of Golarion’s gods and my continuing belief that these Godsrain Prophecies cannot be taken at their word, I still feel a bit wistful about reaching the end of my analysis. While it is certainly possible that there are other prophecies in this vein, this is the last that I will read before delivering the collection to my Lady.

I am not sure why I feel so hesitant to put this work aside. Of course, there is something satisfying about feeling like you are a part of important research, even if the experience of it is less than pleasant. (I think here of those who have documented the beliefs of faiths that are somewhat more difficult to understand, as in To Scream Is Divine: My Year at a Nidalese Temple and its somewhat more uneven follow-up, Kuthite Lullabies.) Beyond that, though, I believe I will miss the gods themselves—or at least the insights into them that these texts have given me, even when I don’t believe a word that I am reading.

After reviewing the entirety of the Godsrain Prophecies, I am confident in one thing and one thing only: that the author has been made privy, whether through prophecy or otherwise, to the fact that one of Golarion’s gods will die. The preoccupation with the subject of a dead god, accuracy of some of the smaller details, and feeling of anticipation throughout are compelling evidence in favor of my theory. With all the contradictions and confusions in the text, though, I do not believe that the author knows which god, how they die, or why.

Unfortunately, this is where my certainty ends, as there are several different reasons why the author may have taken this information and used it to create the prophecies. It is possible that they feared what might happen and wrote these prophecies as a warning, attempting to prevent the dangers they dreamed up. It is also possible that they hope the death will be a destabilizing event, and that they intended for these prophecies to weaken faith and trust in the gods, making them easier to abandon in the aftermath of a catastrophe. There is no way to know, as I will admit to my Lady; I hope that in her wisdom, she can discern the truth.

If nothing else, as with all futures, only time will tell.


The “Death” of Rovagug

The chant starts as a whisper—an idle piece of pillow talk on nights Sarenrae cannot sleep, her fingertips gone marching on the canvas that is Shelyn’s back, her hands casting surging shadows onto Desna’s resting arm. She weaves a tale of how to win the battle that she hungers for, imagining alliances that span across the Great Beyond and speaking life to victory until the passion of her dream becomes a shared ambition. All three lovers make mention of it, idly, to those who share their interests, pitched in a tone and timbre meant to echo in the listener’s chest. The message drums with nostalgia tinged with rage and thirst for justice long delayed, and it is passed along from ear to ear until it finally circles back, a call to action with the deadly urgency of war.

Imprisonment is not enough. Rovagug must die.

There are more gods now than there were when Rovagug was sealed away, and many sign up for the quest to kill the Great Destroyer, to stand alongside Abadar and Gozreh and Calistria. Some do so to show their mettle, some to gather bragging rights, and some to reassure themselves that if there is something to gain, they won’t leave empty-handed. Sarenrae worries, privately, that many do not understand the danger they’ve signed up for, but she takes the names and notes the skills and hands the roles out all the same—rear guard to those who fear but fight, support for those who dwell in hope, melee for those who want to feel the blood beneath their fingers.

At first, it seems too easy. Asmodeus unlocks the seal that leads into the Dead Vault and gods pour through in something like a line. Wrackworms turn from feasting on the Rough Beast’s flesh to face them, but fall to sword and spell and scythe as if they were an afterthought, slicking the ground around themselves with remnants of their dying. After the cheers and murmurs fade, a gnawing silence fills the air, thick and dank and hungry, and for a moment, no one moves, a huddled mass of godhood waiting for something to happen.

Then Rovagug is everywhere—suddenly, impossibly. Rending, clawing, tearing open, shoveling exalted flesh into his waiting mouths. Apsu’s wing is torn asunder. Hei Feng’s feathers fall like rain. Grandmother Spider holds her own, her arms a whirling blur of blades, but watches as Thamir falls still, body crushed beneath a claw, and Hanspur drowns a second time, awash in his own blood. But Rovagug, despite his power, cannot overcome them all, and soon the tide of battle changes, rattling the prison’s walls as gods press their advantages, slamming his body side to side—an endless, rhythmic dying.

With each impact on the Dead Vault’s walls, Golarion is shaken. Buildings tumble into streets. Rivers shift to find new banks. Old trees flatten forests. Volcanoes long thought dormant, from Taldor to the Five Kings Mountains, spit dense ash into the sky, blanketing the life around them and blocking out the sun. The Eye of Abendego expands twofold, turning the Mwangi Expanse into newly Sodden Lands. When Rovagug is finally still, Sarenrae standing by his head with her arms held high in victory, the gods emerge from the Dead Vault to find a world that thinks the end has come.

After all the dead are mourned, no one agrees on what comes next. The aftermath grows tense and bitter, victory turned vicious. With Rovagug no threat to them, godly alliances feel heavier, a burden to be shrugged off or set down and ignored. How to rebuild a ruined land becomes the stuff of smaller wars—Abadar feuds with Erastil, Irori shuns Iomedae, Sarenrae feels the weight of blame hurled at her from every corner, and Norgorber sides with anyone who might advance his cause. But while they bicker here and now, the gods may yet unite again, as deep in Avistani soil, disturbed by distant tremors, the worst of Rovagug’s spawn have felt their prison falter and ready for destruction that would make their sire proud.

An array of 20 portraits depicting the gods of the Pathfinder setting. Asmodeus, Cayden Cailean, Desna, Erastil, Irori, Nethys, Pharasma, Rovagug, Urgathoa, and Zon-Kuthon’s portraits have been marked “safe.”

While imprisoned, Rovagug maintains the peace between the gods, but in his absence, what prevents war between the immortals?

That is certainly one way to end things. If I am being honest, the idea of Rovagug trapped within the bowels of Golarion has always made me a bit nervous, but it seems it may be better than the alternative! Which gives me one final idea as to why these prophecies exist—perhaps they argue against change and tell those who read them that, even for those gods whom you might fear or hate, the status quo is better than anything new that you might long for—a desperate version of a wish that, no matter what they have seen coming, it would be best for things to continue as they are. Sadly for the author, change, I believe, is inevitable. I hope only that we are ready and that we meet it, heads held high and wings outstretched, however and whenever it comes.

Don’t miss our exciting livestream on Tuesday, April 16 at 4:00 PM Pacific at, where members of the Pathfinder team will announce who among the remaining deities is the unfortunate victim presaged in these prophecies. In addition to revealing which major deity is going to die in the War of Immortals event, we’ll also lay out the entire slate of War of Immortals tie-in products coming in the second half of 2024. Make your final predictions and join us in just under a week.

About the Author

Erin Roberts has been thrilled to be able to contribute a few small threads to the fabric of Golarion in the pages of books like Lost Omens Firebrands, Lost Omens Highhelm, and Lost Omens Travel Guide. In addition to her work for Paizo, she freelances across the TTRPG world (and was selected as a Diana Jones Award Emerging Designer Program Winner in 2023), has had fiction published in magazines including Asimov’s, Clarkesworld, and The Dark, and talks about writing every week on the Writing Excuses podcast. Catch up with her latest at

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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ice9004 wrote:
Going to make a last ditch guess and say Gorum as there haven't been any large scale wars in the Lost Omens setting since the start of 2e.

You just reminded me that given that since some of the Godsrain Prophecies have resulted in that thing that the dead deity represented running out of control, Gorum would be the perfect candidate for kicking off a grand war by kicking off.

I want it to be Abadar.

Fear it will be Iomedae.

Think it will be Gozreh.

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I'm hoping for Abadar (goodbye capitalist god), Iomedae(goodbye evangelist crusaders), or Gorum (goodbye deity of murderhobos).

Dreading Shelyn (THE Pride deity), Lamashtu (Honest about monstrosity), Calistria (Honest about payback and lust positivity).

Not super-worried about Gozreh(Climate Change is a thing), Norgorber (Dirty political tricks), or Torag (Genocidal dirtbag who has a lot to answer for even if the stance has 'softened'.).

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:


I'm hoping for Abadar (goodbye capitalist god), Iomedae(goodbye evangelist crusaders), or Gorum (goodbye deity of murderhobos).

Dreading Shelyn (THE Pride deity), Lamashtu (Honest about monstrosity), Calistria (Honest about payback and lust positivity).

Not super-worried about Gozreh(Climate Change is a thing), Norgorber (Dirty political tricks), or Torag (Genocidal dirtbag who has a lot to answer for even if the stance has 'softened'.).

Why do you think ganking Iomedae will do anything about the player behavior you're obviously extremely angry about?

Evangelist crusaders will just go with Erastil or someone else that they can vaguely identify with their group politics. You underestimate the ability of people wanting to play "smite the unbeliever" to figure out a deity who plays into their biases.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:


I'm hoping for Abadar (goodbye capitalist god), Iomedae(goodbye evangelist crusaders), or Gorum (goodbye deity of murderhobos).

Dreading Shelyn (THE Pride deity), Lamashtu (Honest about monstrosity), Calistria (Honest about payback and lust positivity).

Not super-worried about Gozreh(Climate Change is a thing), Norgorber (Dirty political tricks), or Torag (Genocidal dirtbag who has a lot to answer for even if the stance has 'softened'.).

I'd argue Iomedae isn't really evangelical in any sense, though she does crusade against evil for sure. And that Gorum isn't especially a god of murderhobos. He's just the god of "fight the good fight!" which can be taken to both good and bad extremes.

Likewise, I can see Abadar serving a communist or socialist country just as readily as a capitalist one - there's still plenty of trade, banking, and law. The former USSR had central banks, after all, as do North Korea, Vietnam, and China, and all of them had/have fairly expansive legal systems.

For that matter, Abadar's temple performs a very similar role to that the Knights Templar did in medieval Europe or Islamic merchants did in the Middle East. Chinese merchants were involved in making loans, changing currency, and investing as early as the Tang and Song dynasties in the 900s. All of which predate not only capitalism but mercantilism as well.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
I'm hoping for Abadar (goodbye capitalist god)

Hello Asmodeus (a contract is a contract is a contract!), Norgorber (secrets and theft run best in economies), Torag (craftsmen don't work for free and systems need to be in place to better pay them)...

Iomedae(goodbye evangelist crusaders)

Hello Torag (something about recently softening on some deeply nasty edcits and anathema?), Sarenrae (You don't get to be chief deity of a massive empire without a few evangelist crusaders screaming your name), Erastil (defense of one's narrow folk community leaves ample scope for bad behavior)...

Gorum (goodbye deity of murderhobos).

Hello Cayden ("Hah ha I got hammered and fought them all!), Calistria ("They looked at me funny, I need revenge"), Zon-Kuthon ("let's make them scream!")...

Like, my (crow)man... problem players are just gonna move on to whatever's available.

Cole Deschain wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
I'm hoping for Abadar (goodbye capitalist god)

Hello Asmodeus (a contract is a contract is a contract!), Norgorber (secrets and theft run best in economies), Torag (craftsmen don't work for free and systems need to be in place to better pay them)...

All salute the people's Torag!

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Cole Deschain wrote:

Iomedae(goodbye evangelist crusaders)
Hello Torag (something about recently softening on some deeply nasty edcits and anathema?), Sarenrae (You don't get to be chief deity of a massive empire without a few evangelist crusaders screaming your name), Erastil (defense of one's narrow folk community leaves ample scope for bad behavior)...

Sarenrae is known for re-enacting the horror of Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah on the sinful city of Gormuz and smiting it with her flaming scimitar, with the result that it literally burned a hole to Golarion's core.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

In general, people are talented at interpreting gods differently to fit what they want to play

Kittyburger wrote:

Why do you think ganking Iomedae will do anything about the player behavior you're obviously extremely angry about?

Evangelist crusaders will just go with Erastil or someone else that they can vaguely identify with their group politics. You underestimate the ability of people wanting to play "smite the unbeliever" to figure out a deity who plays into their biases.

Last time I checked, Erastil wasn't party to summoning in a superior and forcing them via binding to 'get to work'.

Now granted, that take is a bit from the hip, but that one in particular was just a pure WTF moment for me.

EDIT: Saranrae going all bliblical is the sort of thing expected from angelic zero-sum sorts.

However, i will grant that my concerns and thoughts are based in personal bias -- but a lot of the other deities not on my 'goodbye' list have a bit more focus away from concerns of mine.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
CorvusMask wrote:
In general, people are talented at interpreting gods differently to fit what they want to play

And, apparently, to the straw man they want to spar with.

Shadow Lodge

Kittyburger wrote:
Why do you think ganking Iomedae will do anything about the player behavior you're obviously extremely angry about?

Why is this an appropriate topic for the discussion here?

Anyone got bets going with their local playgroups?


Scarab Sages

TOZ wrote:
Kittyburger wrote:
Why do you think ganking Iomedae will do anything about the player behavior you're obviously extremely angry about?
Why is this an appropriate topic for the discussion here?

Seems like an honest and apropos question to me.

Shadow Lodge

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For a new thread maybe. Not a blog discussion.

GM rainzax wrote:

Anyone got bets going with their local playgroups?


Oh of course!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kittyburger wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
In general, people are talented at interpreting gods differently to fit what they want to play
And, apparently, to the straw man they want to spar with.

'is as well yeah. I honestly suspect idea that its matter of what god actually represents mattering as much as players more or less doing it on purpose.

I’m hoping both Torag and Gorum survive as they are not by far though one of my two favored gods.

The Thing From Another World wrote:

I’m hoping both Torag and Gorum survive as they are not by far though one of my two favored gods.

Okay. Help me out. Why do you like Gorum? What is there to like about him?

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Sanityfaerie wrote:
The Thing From Another World wrote:

I’m hoping both Torag and Gorum survive as they are not by far though one of my two favored gods.

Okay. Help me out. Why do you like Gorum? What is there to like about him?

Speaking personally, I like him for a lot of the same reasons I like Iomadae; they have cool aesthetics that are very 'fantasy', at least to me, and their portfolios are pretty easy to groc. I'm a sucker for iconography involving heavy armor, I won't lie. Iomadae wants you to be honorable and fight bad guys, and Gorum wants you to fight everyone and look them in the face while you do.

Not typically the kinds of characters I play personally, my deity isn't very important to me as a rule, but I can see myself wanting to make a character who worships Gorum or Iomadae. They both also strike me as very new-player friendly, or handy deities to pick if you're being asked to worship a god but really just wanna roll dice and hit stuff. It's good for the core selection of deities to be diverse and appeal to a diverse group of folks, and sometimes that means straightforward concepts like paladin god or barbarian god.

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Sanityfaerie wrote:
The Thing From Another World wrote:

I’m hoping both Torag and Gorum survive as they are not by far though one of my two favored gods.

Okay. Help me out. Why do you like Gorum? What is there to like about him?

What's not to like about a (formerly CN) god of honorable combat? He doesn't care about what you fight for or what principles or ideals you hold. As long as you practice honorable combat Gorum will give you the strength to fight any battle.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Iomedae, Gozreh, Gorum, Abadar (and a few others but these are the ones I see come up the most in this topic) to me represent some sort of classical archetypes in fantasy that makes them really useful, not just as in-setting avatars but as way to communicate some ideas to new players about some overall themes.

I don't think any of them are necessarily safe per se, but a pantheon without them is a fantasy adventure pantheon that feels like it's missing some significant elements.

There's also a chance we might see some domain and portfolio shuffling to address this, but in some cases I feel like it'd be especially hard.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Sanityfaerie wrote:
Why do you like Gorum? What is there to like about him?

A certain refreshing simplicty, thematic purity, and... in many ways he's like Irori, if Irori had more focus than just generally "being better" and if his followers got out there and mixed things up.

Gorum is a fine deity for a warrior dedicated to mastering his craft. Or a sound patron for people for whopm every day is a struggle. Erastil may guide your hand on the hunt, and Torag may be fine to call upon as you forge weapons, but Gorum is there for you when the roving psychos from the next hill over come calling.

I don't consider him the best and most wonderful deity in the setting, but he offers plenty, particularly for certain character types for whom the other options on offer have no appeal.

Liberty's Edge

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I have long professed my love for Gorum, so I will not reiterate here. Just the most salient points :

Marvel's Ares
Will you fight ?

And yet, I feel Gorum will be the one to die and I'm OK with it. Because it will be a good death.

Liberty's Edge

Another point completely : we know one of the Core 20 will die. And we know Arazni will be promoted there.

But do we know for sure that no current Core 20 deity will be demoted and replaced ?

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Iomedae dying and not getting to interact with Arazni feels like such a writing fumble that I honestly can’t see them doing it.

There is such a more interesting story to be told between those two of their still alive, and hell, maybe even having to fight in the same side.

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VerBeeker wrote:

Iomedae dying and not getting to interact with Arazni feels like such a writing fumble that I honestly can’t see them doing it.

There is such a more interesting story to be told between those two of their still alive, and hell, maybe even having to fight in the same side.

If Iomedae dies, I believe the story will in part be about their last interaction--such as the somewhere suggested "Iomedae dies saving Arazni"--which kicks off the war and brings closure to that particular hanging plot thread and positions Arazni in the place she's needed to take up a Core 20 mantle... such as for example inheriting from the Inheritor who inherited from her. Arazni's not taking the dead deity's place, but that doesn't mean she couldn't keep her own current place as patron of knights and carry forward in Iomedae's legacy without trying to step into that place.

(Even so, I wouldn't mind seeing Iomedae survive to carry on the narrative potential of their story into the Remaster)

Dark Archive

Around this time tomorrow we'll finally be learning what's happening!

I'm both excited and stressed in equal measure xD

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The Raven Black wrote:

Another point completely : we know one of the Core 20 will die. And we know Arazni will be promoted there.

But do we know for sure that no current Core 20 deity will be demoted and replaced ?

PLEASE; I want Rovagug OFF that list, he's not thematically a "deity". Replace him with literally any demon lord; not only would it be BETTER, but there's a lot more stories you can tell about "destructive jerks who have a specific goal (that isn't to destroy the planet)" than "destructive jerks who just want to mindlessly ruin everything".

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Jan Caltrop wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:

Another point completely : we know one of the Core 20 will die. And we know Arazni will be promoted there.

But do we know for sure that no current Core 20 deity will be demoted and replaced ?

PLEASE; I want Rovagug OFF that list, he's not thematically a "deity". Replace him with literally any demon lord; not only would it be BETTER, but there's a lot more stories you can tell about "destructive jerks who have a specific goal (that isn't to destroy the planet)" than "destructive jerks who just want to mindlessly ruin everything".

Not really doing any favors when there are like several unimaginable cosmic horrors that want to unmake reality other than Rovagug hanging around in the setting too... and unlike him they can actually have stories written about them

Ultimately he's so irrelevant and non-invasive that I guess it was hard to kill him in a plausible way, but it is sort of a shame that one of the "Core 20" is something that literally only exists to take up space (and doesn't even get to be interesting while doing it).

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Squiggit wrote:
Jan Caltrop wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:

Another point completely : we know one of the Core 20 will die. And we know Arazni will be promoted there.

But do we know for sure that no current Core 20 deity will be demoted and replaced ?

PLEASE; I want Rovagug OFF that list, he's not thematically a "deity". Replace him with literally any demon lord; not only would it be BETTER, but there's a lot more stories you can tell about "destructive jerks who have a specific goal (that isn't to destroy the planet)" than "destructive jerks who just want to mindlessly ruin everything".

Not really doing any favors when there are like several unimaginable cosmic horrors that want to unmake reality other than Rovagug hanging around in the setting too... and unlike him they can actually have stories written about them

Ultimately he's so irrelevant and non-invasive that I guess it was hard to kill him in a plausible way, but it is sort of a shame that one of the "Core 20" is something that literally only exists to take up space (and doesn't even get to be interesting while doing it).

He's a good element of the setting! He just shouldn't be on THAT list.

Scarab Sages

Personally, I'm really hoping Torag, Callistria, and Gorum survive this, as the best representatives of dwarven, elven, and orcish cultures in the 20

Scarab Sages

Dyvynarth wrote:
Personally, I'm really hoping Torag, Callistria, and Gorum survive this, as the best representatives of dwarven, elven, and orcish cultures in the 20

Gorum's an Orc?

That's news to me.

Arkat wrote:
Dyvynarth wrote:
Personally, I'm really hoping Torag, Callistria, and Gorum survive this, as the best representatives of dwarven, elven, and orcish cultures in the 20

Gorum's an Orc?

That's news to me.

Certainly not, but I suppose it is fair to say he does represent orc culture to an extent--setting aside the popularity of Rovagug in Belkzen.

Although for that matter, to an extent Torag isn't a dwarf and Calistria not an elf. Though they may take those forms, it would seem these gods predate those mortal species... at least if Torag creating dwarves is taken as truth. Calistria is less certain just because there's no proof that elves didn't exist back before the War in Heaven, so theoretically it's possible she's not older than them.

Desna is, though.

Scarab Sages

That's why I said culture, I really feel that those gods represent those cultures very well, regardless of the origin of those deities, to be fair, purely my own personal opinion. :)

Liberty's Edge

Arkat wrote:
Dyvynarth wrote:
Personally, I'm really hoping Torag, Callistria, and Gorum survive this, as the best representatives of dwarven, elven, and orcish cultures in the 20

Gorum's an Orc?

That's news to me.

Some 3.5 lore presented Gorum as having been born of the first mingling of Orc and Human blood on the battlefield, and thus being the divine precursor of Half-orcs.

This controversial legend was strongly supported by half-orc Gorumites but seen as heresy by both human and orc Gorumites.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Don't forget that tonight!

Arazni on Discord wrote:

Tonight at 4:00 PM which is in 6 hours there is going to be a special Paizo stream about the upcoming War of Immortals event and its related products including a novel, rulebook, Lost Omens book and adventure path! They will also be announcing which one of the Inner Sea Core 20 gods is going to die!

For those of you out of the loop, this War of Immortals is a divine war in which multiple gods are going to die, new ones will ascend and the new Exemplar class is spawned from the blood of the dead gods!

This is going to be a huge shake-up in the setting that will have an impact on people's characters, tables and interactions with the lore. It's ok to be nervous or upset but remember to be kind and respectful to the writers and other players!

Additionally, remember that in the end only you have the final say of what is and isn't allowed at your tables, if your favourite deity died in the official lore that does not mean that they now also have to be dead in your campaign!

The stream will be on Paizo’s twitch channel at Paizo Twitch and will be uploaded later to their youtube channel at Paizo Youtube . Good luck to everyone who has been theorising and/or keeping their fingers crossed for their favourite gods!

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I am appreciative of the emphasis placed on 'GM table rules apply'.

I am now very worried for my problematic tengu god (Hei Feng), though.

And his estranged wife Lady Jingxi. :>

Scarab Sages

Anorak wrote:

Don't forget that tonight!

Arazni on Discord wrote:

Tonight at 4:00 PM which is in 6 hours there is going to be a special Paizo stream about the upcoming War of Immortals event and its related products including a novel, rulebook, Lost Omens book and adventure path! They will also be announcing which one of the Inner Sea Core 20 gods is going to die!

For those of you out of the loop, this War of Immortals is a divine war in which multiple gods are going to die, new ones will ascend and the new Exemplar class is spawned from the blood of the dead gods!

This is going to be a huge shake-up in the setting that will have an impact on people's characters, tables and interactions with the lore. It's ok to be nervous or upset but remember to be kind and respectful to the writers and other players!

Additionally, remember that in the end only you have the final say of what is and isn't allowed at your tables, if your favourite deity died in the official lore that does not mean that they now also have to be dead in your campaign!

The stream will be on Paizo’s twitch channel at Paizo Twitch and will be uploaded later to their youtube channel at Paizo Youtube . Good luck to everyone who has been theorising and/or keeping their fingers crossed for their favourite gods!

Multiple gods are going to die??

I thought it was just going to be one of the Core 20 deities that was going to buy the farm!

Did we know multiple were dying before??

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I think the idea was only one of the core 20 would die, but others could be on the chopping block, from other pantheons.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Lots of gods aren't in the Core 20.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm pretty confident that one of Luis Loza's teases or hints explicitly mentioned that deities outside of the Core 20 will be dying as well, and multiple of them.

Paizo Employee Community and Social Media Specialist

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There will be absolutely more than one deity dying/being affected. Only one from what we call the Core 20 though.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Arkat wrote:
Multiple gods are going to die??

It has always been in the cards.

And as a fan of deities from beyond the Inner Sea, Empyreal Lords, and Archdevils, yes, I am just a wee bit anxious.

Scarab Sages

Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
There will be absolutely more than one deity dying/being affected. Only one from what we call the Core 20 though.

Thanks. That was not clear to me.

I have always enjoyed Gorum as a god. Huge hulking god of war with Teo Handed Sword cleaving through his enemies. The art for him has always been top notch and evocative. Makes absolutely no excuses for who and what he is, does and represents.

What’s not to like about him as a God.

Calliope5431 wrote:

Ironically I may want Gorum to be the one that bites it even if I don't think it'll happen, because I don't care about him and almost nobody I know does either.

I can't believe that it actually was him.

This is...well. I'm both relieved and disappointed honestly.

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The Thing From Another World wrote:

I have always enjoyed Gorum as a god. Huge hulking god of war with Teo Handed Sword cleaving through his enemies. The art for him has always been top notch and evocative. Makes absolutely no excuses for who and what he is, does and represents.

What’s not to like about him as a God.

The issue is...I can't tell you what to DISLIKE either. He is a rather...generic-ass deity.

Thankfully, I won't have to scratch my head for reasons to remember him anymore. Gorum's the one who bites it, and the entire Prismatic Ray is safe...

...and really throws the "no no no, deicide is always a bad idea!" theme of the prophecies into sharp relief.

"I'm gonna kill War! This is the best idea ever!"

[Ducking god-slaying weapons] "THAT WAS THE WORST IDEA EVER!"

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Nintendogeek01 wrote:

My hats remain safe.

Gorum is just so...generic.

It does sort of feel sort of like a "not with a bang but a whimper" sort of situation, and I mean that with the utmost respect for people who like Gorum.

He's just NOT that interesting of a choice.

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