Pathfinder Adventure Card Society Update

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Mark your calendars!

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society logo, Gold text on a red textured background

As we continue winding down our Pathfinder Adventure Card Game program, we’ve decided to end it with a bang! At this year’s PaizoCon Online, we will be hosting a final Pathfinder Adventure Card Society Celebration Bonanza. The event is scheduled for 1pm PDT on Sunday, May 30, 2021. Come join us for some card flipping, location exploring action!

Organized play, reborn strife symbol

The bonanza will be the last published Society adventure for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. From May, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society will join the Pathfinder Society (first edition) as a legacy program still available for convention support, but for which we will no longer produce new content. All scenarios will remain available for play and we will publish one last Guide to Organized Play: Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Game in early May which will include blog items such as adventure packs as well as a few rules revisions. Players may still report games on and tables of Pathfinder Adventure Card Society will still count towards table limits for convention support.

Paizo Golem Vigilant with a headset and mic over the paizocon online text logo

In addition, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set and Curse of the Crimson Throne expansion remain available for purchase, as will most of the previous expansions, add-on decks, promo cards, and accessories.

We appreciate our community members who played the game and who participated in organized play activities! We hope to see you all at our PaizoCon Online 2021 celebration!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Manager

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Lone Shark Games

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I look forward to having fun with folks at PaizoCon, both playing games and just chatting.

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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So, I'm sure there will be a LOT of questions from players coming up from this, so I'd like to head some things off right away:

1) While there may not be any more products coming our way for our favorite game, the online Venture Officers plan to support the game for as long as we have players. We have lots of upcoming events, including the special adventure that was mentioned here in the blog!

2) Even though no new adventures are being published for PACS, we have a lot of flexibility to come up with our own scenarios using the rules for the Wandering Way (scenario 3D from the Dragon's Demand storybook) and we plan to help the community do so!

3) We will be working hard to run all the special events that we can during conventions and other events over the next several months, in order to get every online player who hasn't gotten the opportunity to play them to do so!

TL;DR: I feel your pain, we will miss having new content for the program, but there's still plenty of gaming to be had!


Grand Archive 4/5 ****

Keith Richmond wrote:

I look forward to having fun with folks at PaizoCon, both playing games and just chatting.

Does this mean we will not get any more core sets ever? :(

That will make me very sad. I was hoping for an Extinction Curse game eventually.


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Hey all,

I just wanted to take a moment to say a few things.

First off, the card game VO's for the online region aren't going anywhere. We'll still host events and games, and we have some ideas of how we can keep things interesting. Everyone will still be to play games via play-by-post, tabletop simulator, etc for as long as people are interested. For those of you who play with your local group-- check with them but you're also always welcome to play with us online as well. Best way to stay in touch with us would be either the Organized Play Online discord or Flaxseed On Deck.

I realize that this is a big shock to many of you. I am truly saddened by the news because I love this game so very much. On the other hand, I am also very grateful for the continued support that we've had for so many years. We had ~6.5 years of content released in the organized play campaign and that is in addition to the box sets that have been released over the past ~8 years or so. I came to Paizo and organized play from being a board gamer and there aren't a ton of games that get supported with additional content for so long. So I am both saddened by the news but also grateful to have had a chance to play a game I love for so long.

And we'll continue to be able to play. As I mentioned, the card game VO's have some ideas on how to keep things interesting. Stay tuned for that. We're not going anywhere and the game is still the same game that each of us fell in love with. If there's something you want to see, let us know. This is your community too!

I also want to give my thanks to everyone who has had a part of pathfinder card game and/or society in anyway whether that has been development, publishing, writing, playing, etc. I've had so much fun playing this game over the years and that couldn't have been made possible without everyone. Thank you!!

4/5 ****

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Tyler Beck wrote:

So, I'm sure there will be a LOT of questions from players coming up from this, so I'd like to head some things off right away:

2) Even though no new adventures are being published for PACS, we have a lot of flexibility to come up with our own scenarios using the rules for the Wandering Way (scenario 3D from the Dragon's Demand storybook) and we plan to help the community do so!


In fact the guide team is working on expanding this flexibility. With any luck broader rules for this will be in the final guide mentioned in the blog.

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:
Keith Richmond wrote:

I look forward to having fun with folks at PaizoCon, both playing games and just chatting.

Does this mean we will not get any more core sets ever? :(

That will make me very sad. I was hoping for an Extinction Curse game eventually.

Unfortunately, that is my understanding. Trust me, you're not the only one who's disappointed with this result, but we will make the best of the situation!

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So Sad!!!

I echo the thoughts and feelings of Race and Tyler above. Playing acg online has been a great escape, especially this past year.

Speaking of opportunities to continue to play, however, we are still running live games via tabletop simulator in our online Mindscape lodge. Please sign up for a game at our Warhorn event page! And come chat with us on the acg related channels at the Organized Play Online discord.

There are several games being played right now from a variety of seasons. We look forward to seeing you!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, LO Special Edition, Maps, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:
Keith Richmond wrote:

I look forward to having fun with folks at PaizoCon, both playing games and just chatting.

Does this mean we will not get any more core sets ever? :(

That will make me very sad. I was hoping for an Extinction Curse game eventually.

With the change to the Core Set and AP system they did in 2019 I was really looking forward to more content for PACG. My friend and I absolutely love the game and can't get enough.

If this truly means there will be no more published AP sets I'll be very sad.

I understand there are homebrews and Society scenarios and such to play... but we were really looking forward to what would be next after CotCT.

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This is disappointing. I was looking forward to more content that used the core set.


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As we continue winding down our Pathfinder Adventure Card Game program

Did I miss a previous announcement or was this just worded strangely?


Katlyn99 wrote:
As we continue winding down our Pathfinder Adventure Card Game program
Did I miss a previous announcement or was this just worded strangely?

You didn't miss a previous announcement

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, pretty sad to see this transitioning to a legacy program. This was essentially my favorite thing to do for fun. I do have lots of content to still play (even repeating things would take a while to get old), but still a very, very sad thing.


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

This is indeed a sad day.

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Katlyn99 wrote:
As we continue winding down our Pathfinder Adventure Card Game program
Did I miss a previous announcement or was this just worded strangely?

I came here after seeing a tweet that said the same thing.

I was looking for an actual announcement post regarding the state of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.

Is there a press release or anything about the product line ending or was it just being given a quiet death before this post?

1/5 *

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Very sad. The Gut Punch of seeing that 'continue to wind down' statement with no prior indication was ... shocking.

I have greatly enjoyed Season 6 and 7 so far, and the other OP seasons for ACG, the one offs, and the specials kept me going to conventions the last couple years.

I was really hoping to see more Adventure Paths for it, figured that would be a slam dunk post-Core, just drop out a new AP every year or 18mos. But, I guess sales must be that bad?

Well, for me much like PF1, I have plenty of ACG to keep me going for years.

Still, very sad day for us ACG'ers.

Just feels like Paizo doesn't want us 'legacy' PF1 (and now ACG) gamers around anymore...


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Since my wife and I got the Core Set and CotCT during the pandemic (and played it every night for months), we haven't shared it with out normal tabletop group yet. So, we still have months -- if not years -- of content to go through with them. But still, I am really kind of bummed out by this.

I will continue playing and tinkering with the game (shameless plug to the first two books of The Year of Shroud and Scale), but I have some suggestions about how Paizo and the community may want to move forward. I'm sure some of this has already been done, and if so, I hope someone will point me in the right direction:

1. Online shop discounts:
If you know where to look, there is still a lot of first-edition content in the Paizo shop, with old five seasons of Society play, class decks, expansion decks, et al., in addition to the original adventure paths. In the process of making this a legacy product, I'd like to see Paizo put most (if not all) of these old products on sale. The class decks provide a lot of expansion on the Boon side of things, and the old Society paths will provide more than 100 scenarios. Making it much easier for the community to access these might make it easier to take the blow of losing any hope for new products.

2. Distinct conversion guides:
This would almost certainly be a community project, and it may already be done. But to make it easier for new (Core Set) players to get into older content, it might be helpful to have title-by-title conversion guides for the best way to play old modules with new cards. Basically, if you want to pick up Season of the Shackles, what rules updates to do you need to be aware of, what cards will you need to have to play it, how would Core Set characters need to be adapted to playing it. I'm sure there would be a lot of crossover from scenario to scenario, but there are also a lot of rules changes over the years that new players won't be aware of.

3. Expanded homebrew permissions:
If Drivethrucards is still going to be allowing users to create PACG cards, I think it would be a show of good faith for Paizo to allow players to create cards from the old APs, so that those cards could be used in the corresponding Society play Seasons. Having not played any of the original Seasons, I don't know how much crossover there is, but if I could buy a $15 pack of cards from Drivethrucards that would let me give Paizo $40 or $50 to pick of the PDFs for a Society Season, I think everyone wins.

In addition, I would be curious to see if Paizo would now allow players to create homebrew content from published adventure paths. I started tinkering with a PACG adaptation of Jade Regent, before being told that was a strict no-no. :)

4. Homebrew initiative:
Game writing is hard. But, I know some people have been writing and sharing their own content for the game. If you've ever had the idea that there is a story that you'd like to tell with the game, now might be the best time. (I've gone through and categorized a lot of the Location and Story Bane cards from the Core Set and CofCT, if anyone wants to jumpstart their homebrew planning.

5. Centralized location for all content, including homebrews:
Again, this is something that may have been done already, and I just don't know about it. As far as I know, there are at least three major PACG communities, with varying degrees of activity and support: the Paizo forums, the Org Play Online Discord server, and r/Pathfinder_ACG. Each seems have have bits and pieces of what's available, between the old APs, Society Play, Paizo one-shots, homebrew one-shots and and longer homebrew campaigns. I think it could be very helpful for there to be a central repository of what all exists for the game, broken down by where to get it, what you need to play it, what it costs, etc. I am sure there is a ton of stuff out there that I'm missing, and would love to pick up to continue my PACG experience. Having a central database like this might also stoke the interest of some people to start working on that homebrew they've been thinking about, and help us create more content as a community.

Sorry to be so long-winded, but this game has been important to my wife and me over the past year, when we couldn't get our normal group of silly friends around a table for most of Sunday to play Pathfinder. The other shoe dropping doesn't really surprise me, but it does sadden me, and I'd like to see the community do what it can to keep the game alive.

The bonanza will be the last published Society adventure for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. From May, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society will join the Pathfinder Society (first edition) as a legacy program still available for convention support, but for which we will no longer produce new content.

Do we know if the last three-plus chapters of the Year of Reborn Strife will be published, or is that being discontinued after three books?

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

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Philetus wrote:
The bonanza will be the last published Society adventure for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. From May, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society will join the Pathfinder Society (first edition) as a legacy program still available for convention support, but for which we will no longer produce new content.
Do we know if the last three-plus chapters of the Year of Reborn Strife will be published, or is that being discontinued after three books?

The Year of Reborn Strife will be ending after the three already-published adventures, unfortunately.

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

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Tyler Beck wrote:
Philetus wrote:
The bonanza will be the last published Society adventure for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. From May, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society will join the Pathfinder Society (first edition) as a legacy program still available for convention support, but for which we will no longer produce new content.
Do we know if the last three-plus chapters of the Year of Reborn Strife will be published, or is that being discontinued after three books?
The Year of Reborn Strife will be ending after the three already-published adventures, unfortunately.

That makes me very sad.

1/5 *

Tyler Beck wrote:
Philetus wrote:

The Year of Reborn Strife will be ending after the three already-published adventures, unfortunately.

Oh, the hits keep coming today. :(

Can we at least have it end properly, not just...stop as a permanent cliff hanger?

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A related question:

Will there be any future print runs of the Core and/or Crimson Throne? Or is the current printing the end of the line?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

This would seem to me something awesome to play on Tabletop simulator. Any talk of a version for that, official or unofficial?

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What a bummer! I just got into this game.

1/5 *

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Erithtotl wrote:
This would seem to me something awesome to play on Tabletop simulator. Any talk of a version for that, official or unofficial?

That's been a thing for the past year. Cartmanbeck made an awesome Official module for it. Currently has the new core, CotCT, all the class decks, and tons of little extras.

Erithtotl wrote:
This would seem to me something awesome to play on Tabletop simulator. Any talk of a version for that, official or unofficial?

YES! Join us!

Eddie Janes wrote:

... we are still running live games via tabletop simulator in our online Mindscape lodge. Please sign up for a game at our Warhorn event page!

Grand Lodge 5/5 * Venture-Captain, New Zealand—Dunedin

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I am so very grateful to Keith and his team at Lone Shark for this amazing game, the folks at Drive Thru Games for printing card updates and novel card work, the people at Asmodee Games for turning the tabletop experience into an awesome app, and Cartmanbeck, Redeux, Hawkmoon, Yewstance, Redelia, Zalarian, eddiephlash (and tons others that I've missed) for their sweat and bandwidth. Thank you. HUZZAH!

I'm still building decks; ain't nothing changed.



Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5

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I will repeat the disappointment that both Org play and the possibility of new sets seems to have evaporated. We've been ramping up our play recently and collecting the sets. I will look forward to good fan made content.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Katlyn99 wrote:
As we continue winding down our Pathfinder Adventure Card Game program
Did I miss a previous announcement or was this just worded strangely?

"As we continue winding down our PACG program..." is the strangest, most out-of-the-blue backdoor eulogy that I've ever seen.

Business is business, however, and if PACG wasn't as successful as Paizo hoped, then it isn't surprising that its doors were shuttered. Though I'm hoping a designer will eventually post a more fitting epitaph for the official PACG line. But I guess we'll see. :)

Regardless, I've truly enjoyed PACG and its friendly community. More personally, my fondest gaming memories began in 2013 with a blind purchase of Rise of the Runelords. Hooked, my family and I played through RotR and every subsequent PACG campaign - eagerly and with great enthusiasm. Fun times.

I look forward to continuing the PACG experience, officially or unofficially, in an online format in the near future. Thanks for the ride!

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

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Sad but understandable! ACG (PACS) has been a fun alternative and appreciate all involved. I have a lot of great memories from the early days of the card game to now! Glad we can still offer it in the future!!

Grand Lodge

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I'm going to skip past echoing everyone about how sad this makes me our I'll start sobbing again.

Let's go straight to the request for the (re-)expansion of community templates for Core-based cards. The pre-core format seemed to be pretty open about allowing the community access to the original card templates so we could make our own homebrew cards that looked authentic and blended well. For some reason all of that disappeared when Core/Curse came out and was not replaced by docs to match the updated templates. With the (presumed) end of new content, it would be nice to restore that freedom to the community to make our own, releasing community templates for the Core/Cruse cards to match up with the current meta.

[insert puppy dog eyes emoji}

2 people marked this as a favorite.

You all are being so mature, but I will say what we all are thinking: This is bull crap! I want more, give me more! Why? Why? Oh please...don’t take it away... please...

Scarab Sages

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Big bummer. I have grown to love the new set - it's the penultimate expression of the best co-op board game out there. Real shame we're not going to see more expansions that use Core.

When they say "remain available for purchase", does this mean that it isn't going out of print? Or is there danger of that?

Obsidian Entertainment

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Sorry to see the product's sunset. This game has been a huge part of my life, both professionally and personally. It has been great participating in play by post with the community in the years since I left Obsidian.

I’m bullish on the community’s ability to make scenarios and adventures based on an expanded array of templates and such. Even character building could be done to some degree in an unofficial capacity.

I could even see a world where we could have community projects that convert existing Pathfinder Adventure Paths into unofficial PACG games, even if it only ever exists digitally (in TTS or PBP). I think tackling an existing AP would be a great organizing foundation from which to get a number of contributors going on the same community project.

In order to do this, we'd want to know if Paizo would be willing to allow PACG modders to build using APs that never got the card game treatment.

To have the best chance at making robust new APs (based on existing APs or made from scratch), the community could also use guidance and templates for boon and bane creation.

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I for one, will keep playing as long as I have people to play with!
Thanks to everyone who has given us so much playable content (Devs, Playtesters, etc)
Extra thanks to everyone in the online community that has allowed me to get my fix, especially during the Pandemic!

1/5 * RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

"Ya know, I never got the opportunity to really give the new version of the Pathfinder card game a chance. Maybe I should get into it."

I see an announcement that says the game and organized play is ending in a disturbingly casual way.

"Oh, well then..."

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Cyrad wrote:

"Ya know, I never got the opportunity to really give the new version of the Pathfinder card game a chance. Maybe I should get into it."

I see an announcement that says the game and organized play is ending in a disturbingly casual way.

"Oh, well then..."

It is still worth playing core. It is a nice enhancement on previous editions and has LOTS of content available between the box scenarios and a couple of organized play scenarios

Grand Archive 4/5 ****

Calthaer wrote:

Big bummer. I have grown to love the new set - it's the penultimate expression of the best co-op board game out there. Real shame we're not going to see more expansions that use Core.

When they say "remain available for purchase", does this mean that it isn't going out of print? Or is there danger of that?

The components they are discussing (the org play scenarios) are digital products, so there should be very little danger of that.

Jared Thaler - Personal Opinion wrote:
Calthaer wrote:

Big bummer. I have grown to love the new set - it's the penultimate expression of the best co-op board game out there. Real shame we're not going to see more expansions that use Core.

When they say "remain available for purchase", does this mean that it isn't going out of print? Or is there danger of that?

The components they are discussing (the org play scenarios) are digital products, so there should be very little danger of that.

I take that sentence with the hyperlinks to be about the physical products, not the PDFs "In addition, the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set and Curse of the Crimson Throne expansion remain available for purchase, as will most of the previous expansions, add-on decks, promo cards, and accessories."

If you click on the links in the sentence it takes you to the physical product pages.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

Sad about this, but I have never been into the organized play for this. Played it at PaizoCon a few times and it was fun, but for home we just play the games provided.

Been waiting for another expansion for the core set, Selinker sold the options pretty big when it was announced at the banquet. He did a fantastic job making a great game.

Thanks to Selinker, and thanks to Hawkmoon. When we were all figuring this game out in the beginning Hawkmoon was a huge boon to our community and continued to be.

Glad that the community plans to carry on making their own missions. That is what I love about this community. Sad that we won't have official cards released after this though. I have all the sets except Mummy's Tomb. Not my cup of tea, but now I may get my hands on it as it will be the last chance I can get for new cards.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Best wishes to the community. PACG has always been such a special game, and one we'll keep playing. The wiki's basically complete with official rules content. The next step will be to support those who create and share homebrew content.

Scarab Sages

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Yoshua wrote:
Thanks to Selinker, and thanks to Hawkmoon. When we were all figuring this game out in the beginning Hawkmoon was a huge boon to our community and continued to be.

We programmed him to be helpful, so this is good to know.

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I'm very sad to hear this as well, and this hit me out of nowhere :'(

It's been a while since I've been able to play the game, as the pandemic made meeting with my playgroup impossible, and free time for a solo campaign is rare nowadays, so this hits me even harder...

Still, I'm glad that the game had such a long run and that it has such a great community!

It's out of reach at the moment, but I hope that I can one day return to making another one or two custom APs for Mummys Mask and Crimson Throne :)

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Time to break out the old boxes one more time.

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Very disappointing to hear. Part of the reason we invested in the new Core set was the promise that it would be a launching base for modular new content.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

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Steven Schopmeyer wrote:
Time to break out the old boxes one more time.

Oh, more than just one more time, I hope.

I've just started two new games - Mummy's Mask (the in-box storyline), and one of the third-party adventure paths.

We play hybrid - my wife and I play using a physical box, but the other players play over Discord (audio, with optional video). Much of the game state (locations, displayed cards, etc.) is tracked in TTS by one player, so everybody else can see it. Characters are hybrid, too - either the in-box characters or PACS-style with class decks.

I was hoping to do a run through the in-box Runelords adventure with an all-goblin party, but that group decided to run the third-party scenario instead. But if anyone reading this thinks that sounds like something you would be interested in just PM me ...

The Exchange 3/5

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I am crushed.

Though being able to play in the Pathfinder Society isn’t in my world right now, I did love the ACG in all its many forms.

I can only hope Paizo will resurrect at some future point, or sell the rights to continue.


Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

First let me say that even though I didn't get into the card game, I'm glad to see there will be a final guide and the ability to create new content. I'm sure that the PF1 players like myself would have enjoyed similar.

So is this new guide and content going to be out before the final AP sanctioning for 1E and AR updates? Or after?

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Organizing PACG at GenCon was the best you all, and I'm going to miss you all. (I'll still be at GenCon, I just have new shenanigans.)

Lone Shark Games

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Nathan Davis wrote:

Lest it slip by unnoticed: Nathan himself was a huge part in bringing Pathfinder Adventures to life. :salute:

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I just bought the new starter set and Crimson hoping for a new long experience.
With the new line I really thought this game would have many new expansions.
Pretty disappointed.

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