Organized Play Initiative: Digitization

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Starfinder Data Jockey, artist Alexander Nanitchkov

Starfinder Data Jockey by Alexander Nanitchkov

Several years ago, as part of the program assessment made at the time of the Pathfinder (second edition) Playtest, the team embarked on a huge initiative spanning several years: digitization. This year, with Covid-19 pushing us into our homes and away from our traditional spaces, we are both pleased to have started the process and dismayed that our timelines aren’t aggressive enough. But we’ve gotten through Phase 1 and we thought it would be a good time to talk over some of the items we’ve completed, as well as what Phase 2 looks like.

We are also making a huge plea to our GMs to report games and asking players to encourage their GMs to do so as well. Reported games give us our program data - how many people participated, what types of games did they play (scenarios/quests/bounties/Adventure Paths), where do they play (conventions, home games, FLGS). All of this data is necessary to plan for the program. We can’t argue we need to make more scenarios, for example, without the data that X number of people play scenarios. We’ve incentived the reporting through AcP, but we need the community to help us help them!

So where are we at with each program and where are we going?

Pathfinder Society (first edition): Its foundations lay in paper Chronicles, reporting sheets, character sheets, and boons. The emphasis on physical documentation made sense, as smartphones weren’t commonplace and computers expensive (and often not-portable). But as technology progressed, we stayed with paper, as that was what had been done. Twelve years on, we aren’t looking to change how we process Pathfinder Society (first edition) data. There is no benefit in trying to upload thousands of chronicles and boons. But we don’t want to limit those players that want to use digital tools. So we will maintain the hybrid state of the campaign, where you can either use digital or paper options and paper records (or digitized versions) remain the standard.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society: As with Pathfinder Society (first edition) we have years of paper records for PACS. While the game is continuing in digital spaces during Covid, it is meant to be played in a physical environment. At this point, we don’t think bringing the records online is a necessity. If players wish to scan their Chronicles and boons to have a digital version, they are welcome to do so, but the program will continue within the hybrid environment. We will publish a Guide 7.0 via pdf that is in line behind the Pathfinder Society guide and should be sorted out in early October. At this time, there are no major program changes, so the guide will be a compilation of blogs.

Starfinder Society: This program started under the Pathfinder Society (first edition) format but is now existing alongside Pathfinder Society (second edition) and we want to shift them to be inline under organized play processes. This adjustment will happen by the launch of Year 4 and will do so in several chunks. We just issued Guide version 3.0 as a pdf, but Guide 4.0 is intended to be digital. We are phasing out boons and boon-slotting will end as of Year 4. Chronicle boons are moving online, as are Game Rewards, which take the place of Faction boons or other benefits that unlock once criteria are achieved. We will also be building an Achievement Points - SFS category that functions like the PFS version but draws on points earned for playing or GMing Starfinder games. We are not getting rid of Chronicles, but we will open up other methods of digital tracking. As we now have the bandwidth to correct reporting errors, including fixing factions, restoring deleted characters, adding missing AcP and refunding erroneous boons, we are confident we can keep our digital records clean.

Pathfinder Society (second edition): We’ve already implemented many of the items that Starfinder Society will embrace this year. Now that we have, we can remove some of the paper tracking that exists. The guide is online and had a facelift. Playing and GMing earns AcP-PFS and rewards for purchase appear on the Boons tab of your My Organized Play account. Chronicle Rewards are in and will go live next week. We’re converting the Faction Boons part of the guide to Game Rewards, which will be operational sometime in October. When it is ready to go live, we will let everyone know via blog and also how to convert boons purchased by Fame. We’ve simplified the Chronicle and the new version will appear in October scenarios. We plan to go back and put the simplified version into Year 2 by the end of 2020 as well as update all Year 1, though that is a larger project that will take longer due to resource need. The guide changes include language on how to track character progress. Chronicles will be one way, but a player may choose to track items via spreadsheet or other tool and keep that as their proof of play alongside their character sheet, making Chronicle sheets backups and relevant only to correct errors in the database. We’ve removed personally identifying information from the Chronicles as well (no more player name or GM signature) to help with player security and to make online completion easier.

So what is Phase 2?
  • Finishing streamlining Pathfinder Society (second edition) to make it easier to join and less cumbersome to track.
  • Bringing Starfinder Society in line with Pathfinder Society (second edition)
  • Overhauling reporting instructions/processes on
  • Encouraging use of community developed tools for tracking and character management
  • Providing Organized Play Foundation volunteers with the tools/information they need to rebuild their site and generate community best practices documents.
What does this mean for the Pathfinder Society (second edition) Guide?

It will be available next Wednesday, September 23rd, after we wrap PAX Online/TPKon. This puts the release in the middle of the week instead of on top of major conventions. The guide underwent a major structural facelift in preparation for Year 2. While moving things around, we cut out duplicate text, revised the organization to make it read smoother, moved reference points/examples/longer descriptions to appendices, reformatted references to reflect publishing styles, and hyperlinked all of it. Once we know we don’t need to make further substantial changes, we will also manually compile a set of PDFs to go with it. While we will be able to update the digital guide, due to the amount of work involved, the PDF will not be updated throughout the year.

In addition, we are migrating the Guide from static pages to a Wiki-format to make finding items even easier. If everything goes well, we hope to have this ready for version 3.0 next GenCon. After a small period of testing and configuration, we should then be able to turn on the automated print to PDF feature, allowing the PDF of the Guide to be updated every time there is a significant change.

What are the major program changes appearing in the Pathfinder Society (second edition) Guide v2.0?
  • Tiers/subtiers are now levels/level ranges
  • Faction reputation system like in the Gamemastery Guide
  • Removal of boon slotting from the beginning of play. Some boons (advanced, minion, promotional) have limits.
  • How to use AcP to purchase Boons.
  • Pathfinder training is now simplified and has a chart for benefits.
  • Call out to slow track milestone leveling with less zeroes that does not reset.
  • Removal of Fame.
  • Characters gain Reputation with an individual faction and Total Reputation over all factions.
  • GMs have a Challenge Point reference section
  • Treasure Bundle Table
  • Expanded Downtime instructions and tables for easy reference

Fame is going away. As a GM, should I give out Fame on Pathfinder Society (second edition) Chronicles?
Short answer: No, GMs should not be adding Fame to any Chronicles earned.

Longer answer:

From Year 2 launch forward, Pathfinder Society adventure (or sanctioned adventure) do not award Fame. With AcP as a purchasing currency, we don’t believe the added complexity of tracking Fame necessary. We are working on how to convert already purchased Fame items into the digital environment as well as making sure we have AcP or Faction benefits that cover items that used to be available to purchase with Fame, such as Restorations or Infamy removal. We will have more information on how to convert Fame in an October blog.

Wow, that was quite a bit of information. As always, we are working towards delivering a quality organized play program and value input from our community. We do ask for any feedback to be constructive and that it be posted in forums or emailed so that we can see and respond

Until next week, when we preview our September Society scenarios (say that five times fast)
- Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Manager

Alex Speidel
Organized Play Associate

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Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

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The move to have character raised with AcP is troubling, as it is not specific to the character but is a player resource used in place of a character driven services.

This means that AcP will now be used up for minor boons that should either be on the chronicle sheets which are no longer around or have NPC spell services that are needed. This would be in place of the wanted boons that AcP was supposed to take the place of, such as Race (Ancestry) boons and Convention boons that had been handed out in the past.

Hopefully, there is some other system in place specific to the character instead of a player combined resource used to suck up AcP for Raise Dead and other services that Fame had been used for.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

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Indeed. There were already enough players upset at the number of games required to unlock an Uncommon Ancestry.

Now those players have to either delay those unlocks longer or go without all of the minor Boons (like Wayfinders) that used to be acquired through Fame.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

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Saint Bernard de Clairveaux wrote:

I would still appreciate it if Alex or Tonya would speak to why they have once again instituted a policy that relies on a website-based system before that system has actually been completed and tested.

It's going on two months now since I submitted a request to correct AcP totals. If even that can't be done efficiently now, why have you jumped the gun on this new system?

As a fairly minor example of how overloaded the web team is, PF2 glyphs are still not displaying yet.

It may be shallow and wrong of me but I admit that when I see a poster I do not recognize I do glance at their stars/novas to get a quick idea of how much GMing they have done. In some (emphasis on SOME) cases a lack of GMing experience does impact the validity of their arguments to me.

5/5 *****

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I do have one particular concern about the move to AcP only.

Currently if your PC dies you can access return to life using either fame or AcP. The AcP Second Chance boon increases in price every time it is purchased. That will mmake it increasingly difficult to restore a character.

Is there a way for this boon to increase in price on a per character basis rather than per player.

4/5 *****

3 people marked this as a favorite.
“pauljathome” wrote:
“Saint Bernard de Clairveaux” wrote:

I would still appreciate it if Alex or Tonya would speak to why they have once again instituted a policy that relies on a website-based system before that system has actually been completed and tested.

It’s going on two months now since I submitted a request to correct AcP totals. If even that can’t be done efficiently now, why have you jumped the gun on this new system?

As a fairly minor example of how overloaded the web team is, PF2 glyphs are still not displaying yet.

It may be shallow and wrong of me but I admit that when I see a poster I do not recognize I do glance at their stars/novas to get a quick idea of how much GMing they have done. In some (emphasis on SOME) cases a lack of GMing experience does impact the validity of their arguments to me.

If the web team's overloaded to this extent, Saint Bernard de Clairveaux's point seems even more validated.

More importantly, let’s not be elitist. Many Society players have been buying Paizo products and playing Society since launch, but might not have lots of stars. The voices of those loyal customers are important because they have supported Paizo over a decade +. The voices of new players matter too, because the overall success of 2e matters a lot to Paizo’s business model.

And FWIW, that person is posting on an alias that displays stars, but the stars are not showing up on the forum here. That may be indicative of yet another website issue (or maybe the name is too long… which is also a site / design problem). Stars/novas/glyphs often display incorrectly or not at all, making them even less useful as a forum tool.

As an aside, I know tons of 2/3-star GMs who are way better at what they do than most 5-star GMs. Stars aren't even accurate indicators of talent.

Putting that much emphasis on stars or novas is totally unhelpful to this — and most — conversations.

4/5 5/5 *

Can anyone tell me where in the Guide I can find the one minion rule? I can't find it and I want to be sure I understand it. Or is it something just in the new guide?


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pauljathome wrote:

It may be shallow and wrong of me but I admit that when I see a poster I do not recognize I do glance at their stars/novas to get a quick idea of how much GMing they have done. In some (emphasis on SOME) cases a lack of GMing experience does impact the validity of their arguments to me.

I’m not necessarily proud of having only three (undisplayed in forum) stars and one glyph since playing PFS since Season 2. That I have that many means this: I am a gamer who greatly prefers playing to GMing, but I take seriously the obligation to give back to the community. I have some fans of my GM style, but I ain’t perfect.

Having said that, I wasn’t directing my comments to you, but rather to the Paizo team. So I can’t say I care if you dismiss my arguments.

They can take me seriously or not, but I hope they’re taking feedback into account as an aggregate.

2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

One other "bug" to be aware of when conducting audits of your character's reported reputation -- in the early months of season one, it looks like the bonus reputation checkbox wasn't in the system yet, so I think scenarios 1-03, 1-04, and 1-05, if you played them when they were current will likely not report the faction success even if your paper chronicles show it. It looks like by the November time frame things were working. (1-00. 1-01, and 1-02 didn't have bonus faction missions and are thus unaffected).

If your chronicle shows the bonus reputation and you're off by 1-2 points in your online summary, its worth reaching out to the GM if you can, or your VC if you can't.

Grand Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Agent, Texas—Houston

While I do have some concerns, such as the ever-increasing cost of raising dead characters, and over-costing of ancestry boons, I in general support this change. I have had too many friends locally who had paper boons and chronicles destroyed in natural disasters, with little recourse as far as race boons go.

5/5 5/55/55/5

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Eric Nielsen wrote:

If your chronicle shows the bonus reputation and you're off by 1-2 points in your online summary, its worth reaching out to the GM if you can, or your VC if you can't.

And this is exactly what I DON"T want to see

"Hi, can you wade through paizos site of errors, goblins, and tech ysoki to try to fix an error from a game 6 months ago...."

It gets really annoying really fast.

2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I won't deny that conducting these audits/helping people straighten out a years worth of reported scenarios is work, and generally annoying work. However, I think the future process is promising and valuable from the "more incentive to report", "more eyes confirming the report", "more data for the OP team to lobby for increase resources".

It would be nice if there was a way they (OP) could do an audit of the early scenarios (especially if they have a 'last-updated' timestamp) and perhaps blanket grant full faction credit on those three missions for old and un-touched sessions. Sure it might over-grant some reputation, but if they can do it as a quick batch update, its easier than having hundreds/thousands of players trying to track down GMs to get it fixed.

The faction mission checkbox yes/no really needs to show up in the Show Sessions view on the Summary page to help with these audits. At present there's no way for a player w/o edit rights to confirm if the box was checked or not for an individual session. For instance if they show 2 bonus faction in their summary, but should have 4, they can't tell which session is failing.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

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Saint Bernard de Clairveaux wrote:
pauljathome wrote:

It may be shallow and wrong of me but I admit that when I see a poster I do not recognize I do glance at their stars/novas to get a quick idea of how much GMing they have done. In some (emphasis on SOME) cases a lack of GMing experience does impact the validity of their arguments to me.

I’m not necessarily proud of having only three (undisplayed in forum) stars and one glyph since playing PFS since Season 2. That I have that many means this: I am a gamer who greatly prefers playing to GMing, but I take seriously the obligation to give back to the community. I have some fans of my GM style, but I ain’t perfect.

Having said that, I wasn’t directing my comments to you, but rather to the Paizo team. So I can’t say I care if you dismiss my arguments.

They can take me seriously or not, but I hope they’re taking feedback into account as an aggregate.

I obviously miscommunicated for which I apologize. I am most certainly NOT saying that I dismiss (or even downplay) all (or even many) arguments based on lack of stars. I was not trying to be elitist

For example, number of glyphs was totally irrelevant when looking at your post above

I was just intending to point out that
1) the Paizo web team is so overworked they can't fit getting that achieved into their schedule (ie, I was agreeing with you)
2) the information isn't completely irrelevant

To hopefully be clearer, an example of a discussion where I think stars ARE relevant is when people are discussing how Paizo should format a scenario. And even there, while I DO think experience matters, I'll certainly consider a well reasoned argument by a novice GM. In fact, some arguments GAIN weight when given by a novice GM

4/5 ****

Bongo BigBounce wrote:
Can anyone tell me where in the Guide I can find the one minion rule? I can't find it and I want to be sure I understand it. Or is it something just in the new guide?

Just in the new guide.

PFS2 is *moving to* a One Minion per PC rule.

Here is the exact text as it will appear on Wednesday.

Minions: With the exception of temporary creatures, such as those created by summon spells, no character can have more than one minion. Purchased Mounts do not count as minions, provided they do not take part in combat.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Eric Nielsen wrote:

One other "bug" to be aware of when conducting audits of your character's reported reputation -- in the early months of season one, it looks like the bonus reputation checkbox wasn't in the system yet, so I think scenarios 1-03, 1-04, and 1-05, if you played them when they were current will likely not report the faction success even if your paper chronicles show it. It looks like by the November time frame things were working. (1-00. 1-01, and 1-02 didn't have bonus faction missions and are thus unaffected).

If your chronicle shows the bonus reputation and you're off by 1-2 points in your online summary, its worth reaching out to the GM if you can, or your VC if you can't.

It would be a good idea to report these sorts of errors to

This accomplishes 2 things. 1. It is *much* easier for them to fix this without plowing through back records. 2. It lets them know where errors in the system may be.


8 people marked this as a favorite.
pauljathome wrote:

I was just intending to point out that
1) the Paizo web team is so overworked they can't fit getting that achieved into their schedule (ie, I was agreeing with you)
2) the information isn't completely irrelevant

This actually jibes with my point: The PFS team needs to stop making policy changes that require the website before a working solution has been developed by the web team. Until that happens, they should find other analog methods. Don’t force us to suffer just because the team likes to bite off far more than it can chew.

Mind you, I’m very excited to move paperwork entirely online. But we all know that Paizo has had difficulty implementing stable, efficient solutions on the website. I can only imagine how much time Alex has to spend on individual AcP corrections. My sense is that he doesn’t have tools that let him do it with a click.

When I last heard back from Tonya about my correction request, she suggested that the change had to go through the web team. That approach to web development is going to undermine this entire proposal.

5/5 5/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Eric Nielsen wrote:

I won't deny that conducting these audits/helping people straighten out a years worth of reported scenarios is work, and generally annoying work. However, I think the future process is promising and valuable from the "more incentive to report", "more eyes confirming the report", "more data for the OP team to lobby for increase resources".

Less games being run because you've annoyed the heck out of the DMs spending more time tracking down a small math error.

You might be able to ameliorate this with a couple of fudge points.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Eric Nielsen wrote:

I won't deny that conducting these audits/helping people straighten out a years worth of reported scenarios is work, and generally annoying work. However, I think the future process is promising and valuable from the "more incentive to report", "more eyes confirming the report", "more data for the OP team to lobby for increase resources".

Less games being run because you've annoyed the heck out of the DMs spending more time tracking down a small math error.

Another reason for my recommendation to send it to instead

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

Online Guide Team Lead - JTT wrote:
Bongo BigBounce wrote:
Can anyone tell me where in the Guide I can find the one minion rule? I can't find it and I want to be sure I understand it. Or is it something just in the new guide?

Just in the new guide.

PFS2 is *moving to* a One Minion per PC rule.

Here is the exact text as it will appear on Wednesday.

Minions: With the exception of temporary creatures, such as those created by summon spells, no character can have more than one minion. Purchased Mounts do not count as minions, provided they do not take part in combat.

Just to clarify. So I can't ride a purchased horse into combat if I have another minion? Even if the horse does NOT fight, it just moves me around the battlefield?

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

pauljathome wrote:
Online Guide Team Lead - JTT wrote:
Bongo BigBounce wrote:
Can anyone tell me where in the Guide I can find the one minion rule? I can't find it and I want to be sure I understand it. Or is it something just in the new guide?

Just in the new guide.

PFS2 is *moving to* a One Minion per PC rule.

Here is the exact text as it will appear on Wednesday.

Minions: With the exception of temporary creatures, such as those created by summon spells, no character can have more than one minion. Purchased Mounts do not count as minions, provided they do not take part in combat.

Just to clarify. So I can't ride a purchased horse into combat if I have another minion? Even if the horse does NOT fight, it just moves me around the battlefield?

That is my understanding.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

pauljathome wrote:
Just to clarify. So I can't ride a purchased horse into combat if I have another minion? Even if the horse does NOT fight, it just moves me around the battlefield?

A purchased animal does not gain the Minion trait so it would not be a Minion. You would need to Command an Animal at that point, which is taking one of your actions, to give the animal one action.

The benefit of the Minion trait is that the animal/familiar gets 2 actions for the 1 action you spend.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Gary Bush wrote:
pauljathome wrote:
Just to clarify. So I can't ride a purchased horse into combat if I have another minion? Even if the horse does NOT fight, it just moves me around the battlefield?

A purchased animal does not gain the Minion trait so it would not be a Minion. You would need to Command an Animal at that point, which is taking one of your actions, to give the animal one action.

The benefit of the Minion trait is that the animal/familiar gets 2 actions for the 1 action you spend.

It sounds like it could use a clarification from campaign leadership.

1/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Online Guide Team Lead - JTT wrote:
Bongo BigBounce wrote:
Can anyone tell me where in the Guide I can find the one minion rule? I can't find it and I want to be sure I understand it. Or is it something just in the new guide?

Just in the new guide.

PFS2 is *moving to* a One Minion per PC rule.

Here is the exact text as it will appear on Wednesday.

Minions: With the exception of temporary creatures, such as those created by summon spells, no character can have more than one minion. Purchased Mounts do not count as minions, provided they do not take part in combat.

Will the organized play team be offering an explanation at some point for why this change is being made?

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

Gary Bush wrote:
pauljathome wrote:
Just to clarify. So I can't ride a purchased horse into combat if I have another minion? Even if the horse does NOT fight, it just moves me around the battlefield?

A purchased animal does not gain the Minion trait so it would not be a Minion. You would need to Command an Animal at that point, which is taking one of your actions, to give the animal one action.

The benefit of the Minion trait is that the animal/familiar gets 2 actions for the 1 action you spend.

But the phrase "Purchased Mounts do not count as minions, provided they do not take part in combat" kind of means that they DO count as minions IF they DO take part in combat. Hence my question and Jareds answer

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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What does 'take part in combat' mean?

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

caps wrote:

Will the organized play team be offering an explanation at some point for why this change is being made?

Seems very unlikely.

2/5 5/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

Minion is defined in the core rules. So if they write it as "Only one minion active at a time" that satisfies the purchased mount problem.

They'll need to clarify summoned creatures, as those have the Minion tag.

4/5 ****

Blake's Tiger wrote:

Minion is defined in the core rules. So if they write it as "Only one minion active at a time" that satisfies the purchased mount problem.

They'll need to clarify summoned creatures, as those have the Minion tag.

Text is being revised.

Here is the approximate text as it will appear on Wednesday.

posted above wrote:

"With the exception of summon spells, no Player can have more than two Pawns on the table. As such, a player who has already placed a second Pawn, either as a result of a class feature (such as a familiar or an animal companion) or as a result of using an Ally boon, cannot benefit from any Boon or Ability that places a pawn on the table. Player purchased mounts do not count as pawns assuming they do not take part in combat."

Open to better terms than pawns, if anyone can recommend one. But please take further discussion to the One Minion Per Player thread.

2/5 *** Venture-Agent, Texas—Austin

This is still an errata level change. The core rulebook is clearly written with the presumption that characters can and will have more than one minion at a time. And if it there is an actual errata to that effect coming, campaign leadership should do themselves a favor and not get out ahead of another change prematurely.

4/5 ****

To the best of my knowledge this is a campaign specific rule, not a preview of an errata.

1/5 *

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Well, I have a character with both an Animal Companion and a familiar. I never use the familiar in combat, but have occasionally had it scout in Exploration mode. So is that okay as long as the Familiar is never actually a pawn or the board during an encounter, or not? If it no longer is okay, then I'm in the camp of "I'd like free retraining to change out that feat".

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This also demonstrates an inconsistency in the org play process. Why are we so willing to place an [arguably] unnecessary restriction on minions which is obviously a deviation from core, yet we avoid a simple clarification for much more important things like Battle Medicine like its made of Kryptonite?

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

TwilightKnight wrote:
This also demonstrates an inconsistency in the org play process. Why are we so willing to place an [arguably] unnecessary restriction on minions which is obviously a deviation from core, yet we avoid a simple clarification for much more important things like Battle Medicine like its made of Kryptonite?

I thought the FAQ of errata (or was it the errata of the FAQ??) solved the Battle Medicine problem.

4/5 ****

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gary Bush wrote:
TwilightKnight wrote:
This also demonstrates an inconsistency in the org play process. Why are we so willing to place an [arguably] unnecessary restriction on minions which is obviously a deviation from core, yet we avoid a simple clarification for much more important things like Battle Medicine like its made of Kryptonite?
I thought the FAQ of errata (or was it the errata of the FAQ??) solved the Battle Medicine problem.

In theory CRB errata 2 was going to address it. I believe it was originally expected to drop around Feburary and then around GenCon...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

General FYI: I just noticed the Chronicle boons are now listed on the "Boons" tab of the "My Organized Play" web page. Only the boons from scenarios and modules are listed (in other words, PFS2 1 through 25, 2-00, Fall of Plaguestone and Ages of Ashes AP), and there's no cost or points to spend yet, but you can see how it will work eventually.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The funny/weird thing is that there are boons listed for adventures that I have not played....

Liberty's Edge 3/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Nebraska—Omaha

Robert Hetherington wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:
TwilightKnight wrote:
This also demonstrates an inconsistency in the org play process. Why are we so willing to place an [arguably] unnecessary restriction on minions which is obviously a deviation from core, yet we avoid a simple clarification for much more important things like Battle Medicine like its made of Kryptonite?
I thought the FAQ of errata (or was it the errata of the FAQ??) solved the Battle Medicine problem.
In theory CRB errata 2 was going to address it. I believe it was originally expected to drop around Feburary and then around GenCon...

So this did not fix the problem?

Pathfinder Core Rulebook Errata Page 258 wrote:
In Battle Medicine, change the Requirements entry to “You are holding or wearing healer's tools.” Change the second sentence of the effect to “Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds, and restore a corresponding amount of Hit Points; this does not remove the wounded condition.”

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

Not entirely. That was a stealth update that dropped sometime before Gen Con. While it addressed 1-2 of the lesser-problematic points of contention, there are still others pending. There are at least three lengthy threads where this has been discussed, but its a fairly headache-inducing rabbit hole I do not recommend diving into unless you're into masochism.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 5/5 *****

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Quick question: How are we, as GMs at a table, supposed to be able to confirm what a player's character has for boons attached to their character?

Presuming they will be responsible for providing their PDFs much like players are required to have a copy of their additional resources, will GMs have the capability to confirm they should have certain boons?

Example; I get a player who is playing an Aasimar Catfolk, who was adopted by Hobgoblins and has Hobgoblin Weaponry as an ancestry feat, and he wields an Orc Knuckle Dagger. How do I confirm that this player has purchased the boons for the Aasimar Hertiage, Catfolk Ancestry, Ancestral Adoption I for Hobgoblin, and Avid Collector - Core Rulebook, all for this one character?


4/5 ****

Robert Bollerman wrote:

Quick question: How are we, as GMs at a table, supposed to be able to confirm what a player's character has for boons attached to their character?

Presuming they will be responsible for providing their PDFs much like players are required to have a copy of their additional resources, will GMs have the capability to confirm they should have certain boons?

Example; I get a player who is playing an Aasimar Catfolk, who was adopted by Hobgoblins and has Hobgoblin Weaponry as an ancestry feat, and he wields an Orc Knuckle Dagger. How do I confirm that this player has purchased the boons for the Aasimar Hertiage, Catfolk Ancestry, Ancestral Adoption I for Hobgoblin, and Avid Collector - Core Rulebook, all for this one character?


Just like IRL, have them show you the boons.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Robert Bollerman wrote:

Quick question: How are we, as GMs at a table, supposed to be able to confirm what a player's character has for boons attached to their character?

Presuming they will be responsible for providing their PDFs much like players are required to have a copy of their additional resources, will GMs have the capability to confirm they should have certain boons?

Example; I get a player who is playing an Aasimar Catfolk, who was adopted by Hobgoblins and has Hobgoblin Weaponry as an ancestry feat, and he wields an Orc Knuckle Dagger. How do I confirm that this player has purchased the boons for the Aasimar Hertiage, Catfolk Ancestry, Ancestral Adoption I for Hobgoblin, and Avid Collector - Core Rulebook, all for this one character?


You ask him to show them to you. When you purchase the boon it creates a downloadable PDF with the character number in it.

4/5 ***** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Hagerstown

Gary Bush wrote:

Pathfinder Core Rulebook Errata Page 258 wrote:
In Battle Medicine, change the Requirements entry to “You are holding or wearing healer's tools.” Change the second sentence of the effect to “Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds, and restore a corresponding amount of Hit Points; this does not remove the wounded condition.”

I completely missed that change. Glad they made it.

Scarab Sages 4/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Zachary Davis wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:

Pathfinder Core Rulebook Errata Page 258 wrote:
In Battle Medicine, change the Requirements entry to “You are holding or wearing healer's tools.” Change the second sentence of the effect to “Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds, and restore a corresponding amount of Hit Points; this does not remove the wounded condition.”
I completely missed that change. Glad they made it.

Sadly, all it effectivey did was clarify that you do need the tools. There are still people arguing for two hands, one hand, or no hands, and it’s still table variation for PFS. Like TwilightKnight, I’ll refer you to the threads in the rules forum if you really want to subject yourself to it.
Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ferious Thune wrote:
Zachary Davis wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:

Pathfinder Core Rulebook Errata Page 258 wrote:
In Battle Medicine, change the Requirements entry to “You are holding or wearing healer's tools.” Change the second sentence of the effect to “Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds, and restore a corresponding amount of Hit Points; this does not remove the wounded condition.”
I completely missed that change. Glad they made it.
** spoiler omitted **

Or no hands, from 30 feet away...
4/5 ***** Venture-Lieutenant, Maryland—Hagerstown

Jared Thaler wrote:
Ferious Thune wrote:
Zachary Davis wrote:
Gary Bush wrote:

Pathfinder Core Rulebook Errata Page 258 wrote:
In Battle Medicine, change the Requirements entry to “You are holding or wearing healer's tools.” Change the second sentence of the effect to “Attempt a Medicine check with the same DC as for Treat Wounds, and restore a corresponding amount of Hit Points; this does not remove the wounded condition.”
I completely missed that change. Glad they made it.
** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Ah. So the great debate continues...bummer.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ****

Robert Bollerman wrote:

Quick question: How are we, as GMs at a table, supposed to be able to confirm what a player's character has for boons attached to their character?

Presuming they will be responsible for providing their PDFs much like players are required to have a copy of their additional resources, will GMs have the capability to confirm they should have certain boons?

Example; I get a player who is playing an Aasimar Catfolk, who was adopted by Hobgoblins and has Hobgoblin Weaponry as an ancestry feat, and he wields an Orc Knuckle Dagger. How do I confirm that this player has purchased the boons for the Aasimar Hertiage, Catfolk Ancestry, Ancestral Adoption I for Hobgoblin, and Avid Collector - Core Rulebook, all for this one character?


For an online table (and an in-person one, I guess, if the player has an internet connection), a screenshot of the player's "Boons" tab under "My Organized Play" could cover it - at the very bottom of that tab will be a list showing all purchased boons (names only) and the name of the character(s) for whom they were acquired.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I must admit that I'm loving the irony of the fact that this change will mean that the player is supposed to bring MORE paper to the table once we actually have physical tables again.

Not only do I have to bring the chronicle for the session where I won the boon but I also have to print out and bring the boon itself.

Fortunately, I'm pretty sure that almost all GMs won't check and most players won't bother to print out the certs so most of this work will actually be pretty much irrelevant as we'll all just use the honour system anyways.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

pauljathome wrote:
I must admit that I'm loving the irony of the fact that this change will mean that the player is supposed to bring MORE paper to the table once we actually have physical tables again..

Only if they decide to use paper sheets, an not digitized scans.

I am seriously considering sending out all my chronicles digitally, from now on.

Scarab Sages 4/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Jared Thaler wrote:
pauljathome wrote:
I must admit that I'm loving the irony of the fact that this change will mean that the player is supposed to bring MORE paper to the table once we actually have physical tables again..

Only if they decide to use paper sheets, an not digitized scans.

I am seriously considering sending out all my chronicles digitally, from now on.

It’s still a very big assumption that everyone has a device that they can take with them to a convention with all of their PDFs on it. I have both a tablet and a smartphone, and I’m going to feel compelled to print all of the sheets in case batteries run low at a convention. Meaning I will use far more paper now than in the past.

I also assume since you’re considering giving digital chronicles, that it means GMs at physical tables don’t have to hand out chronicles before the session ends? Are there allowances for conventions and not having your previous chronicle when you sit down at the next table?

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think those will be answered when the guide comes out tomorrow, but I have already spoilered a lot of stuff.

Let me just say that yes, the way the guide is written, the assumption is that players are honest and will not lie about things. If that assumption is wrong, then honestly, we have a lot bigger problems than race boons.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jared Thaler wrote:

I think those will be answered when the guide comes out tomorrow, but I have already spoilered a lot of stuff.

Let me just say that yes, the way the guide is written, the assumption is that players are honest and will not lie about things. If that assumption is wrong, then honestly, we have a lot bigger problems than race boons.

I believe that the vast majority of players are honest and the mistakes they make are genuinely honest mistakes.

Which is why I find this whole move rather amusing and pointless. The Paizo web team worked hard on this and pushed back other things they could do and all for, in my opinion, no real effect on anything at the vast majority of tables.

To be clear - I'm talking now JUST about the digitization, NOT the other changes being discussed.

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