On page 112 of the playtest document in the Soldier section under Suppressing Fire section it says "A suppressed target takes a –1 circumstance penalty on attack rolls and takes a –10-foot status penalty to its Speeds." However on page 256 under conditions it says "You take a –1 circumstance penalty to attack rolls and take a –5-foot status penalty to all your Speeds." Is this an error, or are Soldiers more effective at suppressing targets?
First of all their save progression is terrible. Starts at Trained Fort, Expert Ref, and expert Will. Not bad, sure. First bump, Fortitude to expert, does not come until 9th level. Next bump, at 11th, is Will to master with success bump. Last comes at 15th, reflex to master with success bump. No legendary saves. Combine that with the fact that neither Dex nor Wis are not going to be very high on most Commanders, it has some of the worst saves in the game. On AC, the problem is that a an INT key attribute class you can't have a +4 STR until 5th level. So that means no +6/+0 armor until 5th level. Therefore you are limited to +5/+1 armor until 5th level and you will lag behind 1 point on AC unless you invest in DEX, which becomes redundant for AC purposes at 5th level. I love the idea of the class and am looking forward to play testing it, but I'm concerned about it living long enough to do it's cool stuff.
Thank you for your specific call outs for different types of witches. I've just begun playing Kingmaker with a Resentment witch whose background has draconic symbiology, and I found the info about the Fairie dragon's breath weapon enlightening. I do find the Dragon Trait disappointing as well. It could have included a limited use breath weapon or senses, or something! As for the Wand of Pampered Pet *sigh* Take My Money!
OP Here. Thank you all for your input! I found myself wondering about this as I contemplated a Kitsune Eldritch Trickster Rogue for the Seasons of Ghosts AP campaign that would include the free archetype rules from the GmG. While I feel it would be thematically strong to have both the Sorcerer and Psychic archetypes on a high CHA Rogue, I'm trying to figure out how it would function mechanically and deliver Sneak Attack with cantrips. Any advice would be appreciated
It has always bothered me that you can't ready a 2 action spell in 2e. How am I supposed to cauterize that Hydra neck stump with a Produce Flame spell after the Fighter lops the head off? Therefore I propose a new Ready option that allows you to spend 3 actions on your initiative in order to ready something that takes 2 actions like a spell or Double Slice for example. Anybody see any problems or unforeseen consequences to this?
I am fairly certain this Technomancer is missing 4 skill points. Computers +13 (4 ranks +3 class skill +4 INT +2 insight from skill synergy), Culture +8 (4 ranks +4 INT), Mysticism +8 (4 ranks +3 class skil +0 WIS +2 insight from techlore), Physical Science +12 (4 ranks +3 class skill +4 INT +1 theme), Profession +9 (4 rank +3 class skill +0 CHA +2 insight from skill synergy), Sleight of Hand +10 (4 ranks +3 class skill +3 DEX), Stealth +9 (4 ranks +3 DEX +2 race), Survival +2 (+0 WIS +2 race) A 4th level Technomancer with an 18 INT should have 32 skill points (4 x [4 skill points per level + 4 INT]) but it only has 28 skill points. It's quite possible I'm missing something, but I can't figure it. I would recommend 4 ranks in Engineering as the Ysoki get a +2 racial bonus for a total of +13. I thank anyone who can shed some light on this.
Like many folks I have significantly increased my online play recently. When I search on warhorn for games I encounter games/lodges not allowing non-locals to sign up until the last moment or at all. I also find some games/lodges limiting table size to less than OP legal limits, usually 5 players. Is this legal in organized play?
I found the following on the Starfinder character options page : Ownership of Adventures or Adventure Path volumes is not required to use Character Options originally published in Adventures or Adventure Paths in the Starfinder Society campaign, as long as rules are referenced from the official Starfinder Resource Document (sfrd). A player must still have a chronicle sheet from a Scenario to use any options in that Scenario.
I want to buy my Mystic of Nyarlathotep an Artificial Third Eye, but I don't know if I can.
We are going to knock this guy out again, whomever has the best check will tie him up well, then we will hang him off the cliff about 15 feet down, gagged, and upside down. Any extra rope in the shed? After hanging the Gozreh piñata BumBum will go back inside beyond the green curtain and start listening at and searching doors for Hazards, starting at the NE door.
In the digitization blog thread there is discussion of the one minion rule (OMR), limiting players to having one minion. I have questions about that. What if you are a Leaf Order Druid with Order Explorer (Animal Order)? Does the OMR mean I can't have a companion and a familiar even though those feats and orders seem to be intended for just that? What about summoned creatures and figurines of wondrous power? They both have the minion trait. Does that mean, by the OMR, that PCs with familiars or companions can't cast summon spells or activate the figurines? I have little doubt that I don't know all the details, but it seems this was not thought out.
arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 What does BumBum think the brooch is? "Mr. Nellyn priest man, that other door to you's room? You want's us to check it for monsters? Maybe look under the bed? BumBum grimaces. "Thanks for the dog thing and the shiny." He then mumbles "Would rather have the gold than another dog, but ok"
mrspaghetti said wrote: "You are probably thinking of PF1, it worked differently in that edition." (Grognard moment) Thinking back a lot longer than that ;) I think the concept of "harm" is the problem here. Is doing non lethal "harm"? If I command a summoned creature to do a trip action is it "harm"? If I make my allies better at harming you is it "harm"? If I cast a sustained area effect spell that an enemy walks into on his turn have I done "harm" on his turn? I see this as widely open to interpretation, and I think it deserves clarification or there will be significant table variation.
If sustaining a flaming sphere is a hostile action that would break invisibility, then would sustaining a summoned creature that attacks also break invisibility? The conjurer who summons from invisibility is a long standing tactic. What about using an action to order an animal companion or familiar to attack? Or inspire courage? In this case I feel we must think about all sustained actions that could be considered hostile.