No-Prep Character: Pr’rall

Friday, July 10, 2020

Today we kick off our series of No-Prep Character blogs, which feature a ready-to-run NPC for busy Game Masters. In most cases (but not all), we’ll use these blogs to showcase new rules options available to players in upcoming releases, such as new ancestries, archetypes, equipment, feats, and spells. Today’s NPC is Pr’rall, a catfolk dual-weapon warrior based on a character that I played in one of James Jacobs’s office campaigns years ago. Thanks to Vanessa Hoskins for converting him so wonderfully into Pathfinder Second Edition. You can find the rules for the catfolk ancestry and the dual-weapon warrior archetype in the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide, available everywhere on July 30.

Mark Moreland
Director of Brand Strategy

A black-furred catfolk in leather armor wields a curved blade in each hand. He leaps forward as if to slash with both weapons at once.]

Illustration by Marius Bota

Pr’rall, Catfolk Stalker

A hunter at heart, Pr’rall takes bounties throughout Avistan and Garund on anything from cockatrices to bandits. Gold pays the bills, but the thrill of the hunt is the reason he always takes the next job. Lately, Pr’rall has found the most satisfaction from hunting sapient creatures; he relishes the moment before the final strike when he knows that he’s won and his prey will fall under his blade. He’s begun to look into more than just bounty hunting, and is considering joining a local assassin’s guild, though he’s not sure if he wants to fully embrace his growing bloodlust.



Male catfolk stalker
Perception +18; low-light vision
Languages Amurrun, Common
Skills Acrobatics +16, Athletics +17, Medicine +14, Nature +14, Society +12, Stealth +20 (moves full speed while Sneaking), Survival +18, Hunting Lore +12
Str +5, Dex +4, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +2
Items +1 leather armor, +1 striking temple sword, +1 temple sword

AC 28; Fort +19, Ref +20, Will +16
HP 138

Speed 30
Melee [one-action] +1 striking temple sword +20 (trip), Damage 2d8+8 slashing
Melee [one-action] +1 temple sword +20 (trip), Damage 1d8+8 slashing
Ranged [one-action] bola +18 (nonlethal, ranged trip, thrown 20-feet), Damage 1d6+7 bludgeoning

Dual-Weapon Blitz [two-actions] Requirements Pr'rall is wielding two one-handed melee weapons, each in a different hand; Effect Pr'rall attacks as he dashes among foes. He Strides up to his Speed. At any point during this movement, he can Strike once with each of the two required weapons. These Strikes can be against the same or different targets, as he sees fit.
Double Slice [two-actions]

Flensing Slice [one-action] Requirements Pr'rall's last action was a Double Slice, and both attacks hit the target; Effect When Pr'rall hits with both attacks with Double Slice, he flenses the target, making it bleed and creating a weak spot. The target takes 2d8 persistent bleed damage, becomes flat-footed, and its resistances to any physical damage types are reduced by 5; these two effects last until the beginning of Pr’rall’s next turn.
Light Paws [two-actions] Pr'rall can balance on his toes to step carefully over obstructions. He Strides and then Steps, or Steps and then Strides, ignoring difficult terrain during this movement.

Plot Hooks

Game Masters may consider the following plot hooks as a means of integrating Pr’rall into any Pathfinder Second Edition game.

  • The heroes need to take down a particularly difficult foe and hire Pr’rall to help them hunt the target down.
  • Pr’rall’s ancestral temple sword is stolen from him but he’s run out of leads in tracking it down. He asks the heroes to help him find out who has it so he can hunt them down and ensure they never steal from him again.
  • A rich and powerful noble has been thwarted by the PCs too many times. He’s hired Pr’rall to hunt them down and bring them back: alive if possible, dead if necessary. Given the catfolk’s growing proclivity for killing, it’s likely he’ll find a way to force the PCs’ hands.
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Tags: Advanced Player's Guide Pathfinder Pathfinder NPCs Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Wow, these new feats look awesome for TWF characters

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
caps wrote:
Wow, these new feats look awesome for TWF characters

I don't think these are feats so much as NPC features to simulate the kind of power that comes from PCs choosing multiple feats to boost up their combat style.

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This Blog wrote:
In most cases (but not all), we’ll use these blogs to showcase new rules options available to players in upcoming releases, such as new ancestries, archetypes, equipment, feats, and spells.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

10 people marked this as a favorite.
caps wrote:
This Blog wrote:
In most cases (but not all), we’ll use these blogs to showcase new rules options available to players in upcoming releases, such as new ancestries, archetypes, equipment, feats, and spells.

Yeah, a PC would have a lot more options in combat by level 9 than an NPC, but the unique new abilities here are available as-written to players who take the associated archetype or ancestry.

The point of putting them in an NPC instead of just listing the rules is to make the blog a little bit more evergreen, even after the book is out in 3 weeks. A GM coming across this character in a year's time can still run him straight from the blog without needing to reference anything but the Core Rulebook.

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Dual-Weapon Blitz: Cool! It's TWF's answer to Sudden Charge, but with plenty of upgrades for the higher level. I just realized how good this is, since you don't have to stop your movement to make the attacks- you'll always force at least one move out of your opponent. Great if you have more movement than your opponent. Cinematic dashing past while cutting somebody up? Check!

Double Slice: We know it's the intro to the TWF archetype. Great option, getting +3 or +4 to one attack.

Flensing Strike: Niiice! Now that's a full attack routine. 2d8 persistent damage, and one round Should it say "last action this round", or do the rules already cover that?

Light Paws: Looks like a Catfolk thing. Not really my thing. You don't move meaningfully faster through difficult terrain (two actions to move your move speed + 5 feet vs. two actions to move your move speed), so it's functionally a way to avoid AoOs in difficult terrain. That's situational enough that I'll probably grab one of the other Catfolk options myself, but I'm glad to see one of the they can get!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Being able to move at full Speed while taking the Sneak action is a really strong ability. Glad the Catfolk already carving out a niche for themselves!

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QuidEst wrote:
Light Paws: Looks like a Catfolk thing. Not really my thing. You don't move meaningfully faster through difficult terrain (two actions to move your move speed + 5 feet vs. two actions to move your move speed), so it's functionally a way to avoid AoOs in difficult terrain. That's situational enough that I'll probably grab one of the other Catfolk options myself, but I'm glad to see one of the they can get!

Counter argument, it's pretty good if you have a build that creates a lot of Difficult Terrain. If you just threw down a large area of Difficult Terrain and then the enemy fighter-esque (that you know has AoO, not every enemy has it but it's common enough in my experience so far) gets in right next to you. So you pop that, Step away from them to avoid the AoO, cat-step your way across your difficult terrain at full speed, and then have a spare action to do whatever with. Come the enemy's turn, they have to follow you at Difficult Terrain-modified speeds, possibly burning multiple actions.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
QuidEst wrote:
Light Paws: Looks like a Catfolk thing. Not really my thing. You don't move meaningfully faster through difficult terrain (two actions to move your move speed + 5 feet vs. two actions to move your move speed), so it's functionally a way to avoid AoOs in difficult terrain. That's situational enough that I'll probably grab one of the other Catfolk options myself, but I'm glad to see one of the they can get!

The ability to Step and Stride through difficult terrain is a pretty common theme for Heritages and Ancestry feats (given this is an action, I assume it's a feat), so I'm not surprised to see it.

Verdant Wheel

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Mark Moreland wrote:
caps wrote:
This Blog wrote:
In most cases (but not all), we’ll use these blogs to showcase new rules options available to players in upcoming releases, such as new ancestries, archetypes, equipment, feats, and spells.

Yeah, a PC would have a lot more options in combat by level 9 than an NPC, but the unique new abilities here are available as-written to players who take the associated archetype or ancestry.

The point of putting them in an NPC instead of just listing the rules is to make the blog a little bit more evergreen, even after the book is out in 3 weeks. A GM coming across this character in a year's time can still run him straight from the blog without needing to reference anything but the Core Rulebook.

Perhaps my favorite 2E Axiom: Make it easy(er) on the GM!

Design Manager

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Shinigami02 wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Light Paws: Looks like a Catfolk thing. Not really my thing. You don't move meaningfully faster through difficult terrain (two actions to move your move speed + 5 feet vs. two actions to move your move speed), so it's functionally a way to avoid AoOs in difficult terrain. That's situational enough that I'll probably grab one of the other Catfolk options myself, but I'm glad to see one of the they can get!
Counter argument, it's pretty good if you have a build that creates a lot of Difficult Terrain. If you just threw down a large area of Difficult Terrain and then the enemy fighter-esque (that you know has AoO, not every enemy has it but it's common enough in my experience so far) gets in right next to you. So you pop that, Step away from them to avoid the AoO, cat-step your way across your difficult terrain at full speed, and then have a spare action to do whatever with. Come the enemy's turn, they have to follow you at Difficult Terrain-modified speeds, possibly burning multiple actions.

That's true. If you match (or exceed, but you only need to match) their Speed and the entire movement is through difficult terrain, your Cat-Step puts you at a distance where the enemy can't get adjacent to you even with two Strides (they will be that one last Step away).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

23 people marked this as a favorite.

Mark! You forgot a plot hook!

• Amid rumors that Pr’rall has pledged his soul to a powerful demon named Bezilak, the PCs must track him down in a ruined temple to either save him from Bezilak or to stop him before he completes the sinister series of tasks the demon has set Pr'rall upon.

A black-furred catfolk in leather armor wields a curved blade in each hand. He leaps forward as if to slash with both weapons at once.

Is this the art brief? lol

The Exchange

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Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This is a super cool idea for a recurring blog. Tease out the new feats, explore new ideas for character builds, and give us GMs a few extra tools in the ol' box!

CTRL+C and CTRL+V got a little bit of a workout just now on my computer, and I got a new text file in the 'just in case' folder. This is seriously awesome. Thanks!

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Silly catfolk should just have a +1 Striking Temple Sword and a mundane Striking Sword with a doubling ring for maximum value.

Neat archetype!

Mark Seifter wrote:
Shinigami02 wrote:
Counter argument, it's pretty good if you have a build that creates a lot of Difficult Terrain. If you just threw down a large area of Difficult Terrain and then the enemy fighter-esque (that you know has AoO, not every enemy has it but it's common enough in my experience so far) gets in right next to you. So you pop that, Step away from them to avoid the AoO, cat-step your way across your difficult terrain at full speed, and then have a spare action to do whatever with. Come the enemy's turn, they have to follow you at Difficult Terrain-modified speeds, possibly burning multiple actions.
That's true. If you match (or exceed, but you only need to match) their Speed and the entire movement is through difficult terrain, your Cat-Step puts you at a distance where the enemy can't get adjacent to you even with two Strides (they will be that one last Step away).

Ah, that's a good point I didn't think of, thanks. Matching speed is pretty easy without much further investment, so as long as the party druid (or other caster) is throwing down plenty of terrain effects, it's pulling its weight.

I also missed sneaking at full speed! That's a very cool option.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Fun with a kitty!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dat cat looks ded ‘ard, ‘e wud giv anywun lookin fer a scrap a propah sortin oy rekkun.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

Mark! You forgot a plot hook!

• Amid rumors that Pr’rall has pledged his soul to a powerful demon named Bezilak, the PCs must track him down in a ruined temple to either save him from Bezilak or to stop him before he completes the sinister series of tasks the demon has set Pr'rall upon.

Yeah I was like "Wait was this the kitty that did deal with demon?" xD

2 people marked this as a favorite.

i think an added tag for pathfinder 2e NPC's would be very helpfull

One of my more recent ideas for PF1e- shortly before and after 2e was announced- was actually a TWW-archetyped Fighter, designed not just to make heavy use of dual-wielding but especially Cut/Smash from the Air.

I know it's not likely such feats are gonna make a comeback anytime soon, but I definitely look forward to being able to somewhat recreate that fantasy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am suprised he dosen't have a bit in his discription about keeping his hands/paws clean wih a name like Pr'all and the curent state of things (In case you don't know his name sounds like a common cleaning product for hands)

Mark Moreland wrote:
caps wrote:
This Blog wrote:
In most cases (but not all), we’ll use these blogs to showcase new rules options available to players in upcoming releases, such as new ancestries, archetypes, equipment, feats, and spells.

Yeah, a PC would have a lot more options in combat by level 9 than an NPC, but the unique new abilities here are available as-written to players who take the associated archetype or ancestry.

The point of putting them in an NPC instead of just listing the rules is to make the blog a little bit more evergreen, even after the book is out in 3 weeks. A GM coming across this character in a year's time can still run him straight from the blog without needing to reference anything but the Core Rulebook.

Lovely! Thank you

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Panthro gone bad.

Lantern Lodge

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Add 30' movement to the Catfolk spoiler list.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
bonebrah wrote:
Is this the art brief? lol

Looks like Alt Text (Descriptors of the artwork often included for the visually impaired).

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Donald wrote:
Add 30' movement to the Catfolk spoiler list.

We already knew that from their Bestiary description.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh, as an aside, Dual Weapon Blitz is generically really awesome, and I love that it scales with your speed, some builds are really going to be able to do neat things with that. I imagine being able to use it to pressure targets across the battlefield if you take it on a high-speed character build.

Like it. Saved this page. Nice starting base for a PC design too.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

2 people marked this as a favorite.
bonebrah wrote:

A black-furred catfolk in leather armor wields a curved blade in each hand. He leaps forward as if to slash with both weapons at once.

Is this the art brief? lol

That's the alt text for the attached image. Does it not adequately describe the character?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

3 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Mark! You forgot a plot hook!

• Amid rumors that Pr’rall has pledged his soul to a powerful demon named Bezilak, the PCs must track him down in a ruined temple to either save him from Bezilak or to stop him before he completes the sinister series of tasks the demon has set Pr'rall upon.

Yeah I was like "Wait was this the kitty that did deal with demon?" xD

I don't know what you're talking about. Surely if Pr'ral had done anything like that it would have made it into his write-up.

Dark Archive

Ezekieru wrote:
Being able to move at full Speed while taking the Sneak action is a really strong ability. Glad the Catfolk already carving out a niche for themselves!

It could just be the Swift Sneak skill feat in the CRB.

Grand Lodge Contributor

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Mark! You forgot a plot hook!

• Amid rumors that Pr’rall has pledged his soul to a powerful demon named Bezilak, the PCs must track him down in a ruined temple to either save him from Bezilak or to stop him before he completes the sinister series of tasks the demon has set Pr'rall upon.

Yeah I was like "Wait was this the kitty that did deal with demon?" xD
I don't know what you're talking about. Surely if Pr'ral had done anything like that it would have made it into his write-up.


<innocent whistling>

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I just wanted to say I really like this feature!

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Can we get more No Prep Characters. I really like this!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

3 people marked this as a favorite.
bobtheworm1513 wrote:
Can we get more No Prep Characters. I really like this!

You bet! Keep your eyes peeled. We have at least one more coming to preview the APG, and more on the way, for both Pathfinder and Starfinder.

I like the Light Paws (probably-ancestry)feat. Very thematic.

Also, is the squabble of the exact nature of the Amurrun's visage shape solved already in an official manner?

(Bolas, finally! Yay!)

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