Dis new spirit reminds me of a bloke wot kept poppin up everywhere I went a while. Said ‘is name wuz Coppahwyze or sumfin an tellin me “We all float down ‘ere.” I says ta ‘im “Look mate I alreddy am a propah fine swimmah, and I don’t know of any children’z parties wot need a clown, so kindly buzz off.” ‘E seemed a little miffed when I said it but seeing as ‘e ‘ad showed up ta my room in da inn un-in-vited (can’t bloody well fink ‘ow ‘e got in dere), ‘e didn’t really ‘ave a leg ta stand on.
As wunna da fellow greenskinn’d peoplez we genrully get on alroyt wif em. O’ course dey ain’t as nachurally tuff or good-lookin as us Orcz but dey’re ded cunnin’ fer sure and pretty lite on dey feet Deyz got a pretty dyverss culcha too, yew show wun gobbo a pile o’ wood an ‘e mite start a bonfoyah, anuva goblin mite start fiddlin an tinkerin about wif it an build sum sorta contrapshun or even a wooden shank for nickin anywun wot crosses ‘im. Hell, yew show a fird goblin dat same pile o’ lumber an ‘e mite eat da zoggin fing! Wot a byootiful talent dat iz, bein able to eat wateva u bloody well fancy eatin. But Aye dygress, wot I’m tryna get at iz dat even doh goblins ‘ave a habit of bein sloytly unpredictabul and are usuallee pretty feisty, don’t judge ‘em too ‘arshly cuz at da end ov de day, deys just tryna get by like anywun else.
NECR0G1ANT wrote:
Yer ‘ired, alwayz fanceed a scribe
Royt so ferst off da animul instinkt ‘az da advantij of ‘avin dere ‘ands free fur shovin an trippin an genrully jostlin da ladz around shuld yew feel da inklinashun to do so. Furvermor, sum instinkts such az da ape get da grappul trayt on dere unarmd weppinz wich letz em apply oytem bonusez to da afflettikz chex wen dey’re shuvin an’ trippin an all dat fun stuff. Da elk an’ frog instinktz also get bilt in reech opshinz wich ar nun too shabby. Yew menshuned da mayn draw alreddee wich iz da fakt dat dey get bet’ah AYSEE den all da ovuh toypes ov instinkts, wich is furver boosted by da animul skin feet at levul six Sekundlee, da monk dedikayshun is praktikally tayluh mayd fuh da animul instinkt. Feets loyk krushin grab, whurlin frow, an’ da krown jewul FLUR’EE OV BLOWS at levul ten ar strayt up inkredibul. Nuffin loyk rapidlee beetin da livin snot owtta some git wif yer fuk’uge ape fistz.
Royt so 'eres da fing, us orcs got some ded tough 'ides royt, reeeeel fick skin if yur understandin wot oym layin down. Now for sum randum 'umie, corse da lad'z gunna nick 'imself just frowin it on 'is belt all 'ap'azerdly, 'umie skin ain't got da level of durabili'ee dat we've got. Most da toym an orc loyks keepin 'is knuckel dagga noyse an' klose, an da ova choppy end lets us know dat we've still got it on us, cuz it ain't gonna cauze any diskomfort an' den we know we ain't left it in sum bloke wot we stabbed las week in da tavern fer callin us uglee. Ahh jus' kiddin matey, oy know oym uglee. I stabbed dat tossah cuz 'e wuz tryna steel me grog. |