Great one here are the spines of your most loyal and powerfull minions, we have streched them on a rack and have had your alchemists preserve them with adamantium so that they will never bend again.
Foolish minions raid the underdark for ores and slaves!
1- er-archetypes/trophy-hunter/ 2- arbarian-archetypes/urban-barbarian/ 3- hter-archetypes/tactician/ 4- arbarian-archetypes/raging-cannibal-barbarian-archetype/ 5- -archetypes/thug/ 6- -archetypes/swindler/ if you don't want to change the stat array i think this should work out nicely.
i hope they include salvage rules for destroyed constructs, recycle /waste not want not. Also rules to incorporate special materials into constructs and of course the most important thing , wizard battlegolem armor for paper tigers... different construct building legacys types such as clockwork, dwarven, druidic/fey , demonic/hellish/cheliaxian ,gnomish ,aztalani and undead constructs. Hopefully maybe a conversion to pathfinder of the 3.5 ebberon artificer class. |