Iconic Evolution: Ezren

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Illustration by Wayne Reynolds

Last week we launched Iconic Evolutions, a video series in which artist Wayne Reynolds takes Paizo's publisher and chief creative officer Erik Mona through his creative process in updating Pathfinder’s iconic characters for the game's Second Edition, coming out this August. Check out this short video of their conversation for a glimpse into the mind of Pathfinder's most iconic visual artist and the first official look at the new version of Ezren, the iconic wizard!

Each week, we'll take a look at a different updated iconic with Erik and Wayne, so stay tuned.

Mark Moreland
Franchise Manager

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Classes Ezren Iconic Evolutions Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Wayne Reynolds Wizards

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Very cool, guys!

@Erik: Pffft, I always end up doing loot when I play. That means my bard in Reign of Winter and my soldier in Dead Suns! XD

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Such good work! Didn't realize how much I needed Wayne talking about art on camera.

Loving it! More, more, more!

Liberty's Edge

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Oh wow! Videos on the Blog?! Good stuff, this is great! I know it's probably just easier since you're all on the Con trail but I like it, as long as it doesn't overwhelm Dan even more you should keep it coming even after everyone is back in the office.

Cool stuff!

Grand Lodge

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Looking good, seems like the Ezren we all know, so that should sooth some tempers.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

So how old is Ezren now? He looks old enough to be my father, but the last age I saw given for him makes him nearly young enough to be my son.

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So with the better cantrips in PF2 why does Ezren still carry a crossbow? Just tradition?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
rooneg wrote:
So with the better cantrips in PF2 why does Ezren still carry a crossbow? Just tradition?

Some creatures are still resistance to elemental damage, you can't realistically prepare a cantrip to cover every element, and some things will be vulnerable to piercing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
rooneg wrote:
So with the better cantrips in PF2 why does Ezren still carry a crossbow? Just tradition?

A couple possibilities…

- Better range.
- Quieter.
- Better for hunting food out in the wilderness- fire magic is gonna leave you with burnt fur ruining things.
- Arcane strike feat.
- Things with piercing weakness or protection against magic.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Because crossbows are sick

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
rooneg wrote:
So with the better cantrips in PF2 why does Ezren still carry a crossbow? Just tradition?

It's because of all the antimagic fields that exist everywhere as part of the "well if casters are too powerful in your games, just use AMFs to counter casters". Guy's gotta be prepared.

That was a really enjoyable and short video. Thanks!

Paizo Employee Managing Developer

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Also... Rakshasas.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

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David knott 242 wrote:

So how old is Ezren now? He looks old enough to be my father, but the last age I saw given for him makes him nearly young enough to be my son.

Any story involving Ezren starts with him at 52 years old.

The iconics exist outside the normal timeline progression, otherwise we'd have to eventually make all their pregens with less-than-ideal age penalties and illustrations with walkers and gray hair.

So at the start of the comics timeline, Ezren is 52. At the start of the audio dramas, he's 52. Whenever we need him for something, he's 52.

So does that mean that Yoon is going to be like 12 forever? I was looking forward to angsty teenage Yoon.

Paizo Employee Franchise Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.
PossibleCabbage wrote:
So does that mean that Yoon is going to be like 12 forever? I was looking forward to angsty teenage Yoon.

Maybe. We haven't had to cross that bridge yet, so it hasn't come up. We might just leave Yoon in P1 and make a new kineticist iconic like we've done with Fumbus if we do a kineticist in P2. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Liberty's Edge

I like to think that at some point he just had his aging magically stopped at 52 at the highest level of middle-age to keep himself from falling apart physically.

That's pretty typical Wizard stuff right?


6 people marked this as a favorite.
PossibleCabbage wrote:
So does that mean that Yoon is going to be like 12 forever? I was looking forward to angsty teenage Yoon.

Then you need to look at page 31 of Heroes of Golarion.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
PossibleCabbage wrote:
So does that mean that Yoon is going to be like 12 forever? I was looking forward to angsty teenage Yoon.

A new version of #5 from Umbrella Academy :P

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ezren looks fine to me. Slightly more action-y pose but otherwise mostly unchanged.

David knott 242 wrote:
So how old is Ezren now? He looks old enough to be my father, but the last age I saw given for him makes him nearly young enough to be my son.

My dad's hair was easily that color by the time he was 35 (I've seen photos). Some people just go grey early, and that's always been the only real indication of Ezren being older than most other Iconics (he's in good shape).

52 is an entirely plausible age for him. 42 or 62 would also be entirely plausible, based purely on appearance.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

I really like it. Has a much more interesting pose and silhouette. He has a determined look that matches his demeanor.

Liberty's Edge

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Sean Connery

My name is Ezren. Just Ezren.

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The Raven Black wrote:

Sean Connery

My name is Ezren. Just Ezren.

Now that you mention it... yeah he does have a bit of a Connery look to him. Not quite so much as Valeros does with Val Kilmer as Madmartigan, but still there. So does that mean Ezren has a Scottish accent? Oh! Now someone needs to do some Ezren in Numeria art where he's got a Webley and wears a red diaper with suspenders like in Zardoz.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

So how old is Ezren now? He looks old enough to be my father, but the last age I saw given for him makes him nearly young enough to be my son.

Any story involving Ezren starts with him at 52 years old.

The iconics exist outside the normal timeline progression, otherwise we'd have to eventually make all their pregens with less-than-ideal age penalties and illustrations with walkers and gray hair.

So at the start of the comics timeline, Ezren is 52. At the start of the audio dramas, he's 52. Whenever we need him for something, he's 52.

Just like how the generation of power from controlled fusion is 30 to 50 years in the future in all time periods . . . .

By looks, Amiri got ten years younger in the revision. So did Ezeren, only its less noticeable at his age.

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I like this version. I'll miss the cane though.

Scarab Sages

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Mark Moreland wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
So does that mean that Yoon is going to be like 12 forever? I was looking forward to angsty teenage Yoon.
Maybe. We haven't had to cross that bridge yet, so it hasn't come up. We might just leave Yoon in P1 and make a new kineticist iconic like we've done with Fumbus if we do a kineticist in P2. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Noooo! Yoon is awesome

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Themetricsystem wrote:

I like to think that at some point he just had his aging magically stopped at 52 at the highest level of middle-age to keep himself from falling apart physically.

That's pretty typical Wizard stuff right?

One issue is that we can't make any assumptions about his level. The Age Resistance line of spells would make it advantageous for him to age normally. Maximum benefit for a wizard would come at 16th level and the Old age category if he worships Shei.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Moreland wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

So how old is Ezren now? He looks old enough to be my father, but the last age I saw given for him makes him nearly young enough to be my son.

Any story involving Ezren starts with him at 52 years old.

The iconics exist outside the normal timeline progression, otherwise we'd have to eventually make all their pregens with less-than-ideal age penalties and illustrations with walkers and gray hair.

So at the start of the comics timeline, Ezren is 52. At the start of the audio dramas, he's 52. Whenever we need him for something, he's 52.

So he'll always be perpetually griping "I'm getting too old for this sh!t!" without actually reaching "I am definitely too old for this sh!t!"

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So, of the two debuts in the blog (plus some pictures floating around), gotta say- the facial expressions are way more... invested (and therefore better) thus far.

Silver Crusade

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Mark Moreland wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
So does that mean that Yoon is going to be like 12 forever? I was looking forward to angsty teenage Yoon.
Maybe. We haven't had to cross that bridge yet, so it hasn't come up. We might just leave Yoon in P1 and make a new kineticist iconic like we've done with Fumbus if we do a kineticist in P2. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


PossibleCabbage wrote:
So does that mean that Yoon is going to be like 12 forever? I was looking forward to angsty teenage Yoon.

Yoon is 8-and-a-half.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yet on page 31 of Heroes of Golarion, Mythic Yoon is obviously grown into a teenager! :)

Mark Moreland wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
So does that mean that Yoon is going to be like 12 forever? I was looking forward to angsty teenage Yoon.
Maybe. We haven't had to cross that bridge yet, so it hasn't come up. We might just leave Yoon in P1 and make a new kineticist iconic like we've done with Fumbus if we do a kineticist in P2. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I miss Damiel. Might we see him in some other art?

Patrick Newcarry wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
So does that mean that Yoon is going to be like 12 forever? I was looking forward to angsty teenage Yoon.
Maybe. We haven't had to cross that bridge yet, so it hasn't come up. We might just leave Yoon in P1 and make a new kineticist iconic like we've done with Fumbus if we do a kineticist in P2. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I miss Damiel. Might we see him in some other art?

It was said that I think part 6 of Tyrant's Grasp will show his future career. So he might stick around as an archetype iconic, like if there is an archetype version of Master Chymist that focuses on the Jeckel and Hyde thing, he'd fit right in to that. Although I also think he might either turn himself into some kind of weird creature permanently, or get turned undead. We'll have to wait and see.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Doktor Weasel wrote:
It was said that I think part 6 of Tyrant's Grasp will show his future career.

I'm not quite sure this got carried through. We'll see, though!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This one's a lot better than the Amiri art

This looks like a pretty faithful version of the original and I'm pretty pleased with it. I'm curious about a couple points though.

We're seeing a much narrower range of values in this new art as well as the Amiri art. It seems like the colors are stopping well short of black when darkening, and I'm wondering if this is a new stylistic choice that will be seen throughout the new art. It seems like detail is missing due to the change in available values. The Fumbus art hits the black in a few places so I wonder what the difference there is.

Also, with the increased size of Ezren's silver pendants, his dagger and the change from cane to staff, it really looks like Ezren has shrunk.

Shadow Lodge

I like that he has a wayfinder now. his wayfinder is easier to see now.

Still no man-bun?

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Quandary wrote:
Still no man-bun?

He's not evil.

Silver Crusade

Frankly, I think I still liked the sketch version more, but this picture is perfectly fine the blue fabric on the cloak looks very realistic and the upgrade from cane to a proper staff is very welcome.

Now this is what we should have seen first instead of a zombie.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Soooo... 'Bling'-ren, Pickle Man, and Anorexia Lass?


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ah the scholarly Ezren, and I must say that I truly love that his cane is now a staff.

1. The staff look makes my inner Jafar happy.
2. When I think of wizards I see staves or wands in their hand. *Gandalf and Dumbledore*
3. The details in the image are epic like the scales on the staff or the map on the dagger sheath, the gems in his items.

Well done Sir Wayne.


I am glad to report that the {Iconic} Ezren, Human Wizard has been made available (at levels 1, 3 and 5) to subscribers of TOS 2nd CORE edition!

It can be found on the community Forum in the {TOS 2nd} Iconic Characters section.


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