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I'm sure Mikaze will be very pleased.
Hell yeah, I'd buy it. The "innocent accident" chart alone would make it worth the money.
The follow-up book, Boggards of Balance, just leaves me cold though.
In all seriousness, that goblin Dragon-eagle Knight is totally going to wind up getting used for one of the followers in our Crimson Throne campaign.
This book would actually get some use there. :)
edit-Put me down as another that would love to see goblin versions of the Big 20 gods. :D

KaeYoss |

I have to add my voice to this chorus: This idea is way too awesome to stay an April Fool's joke!
I can foresee one of two things:
Either you buckle under the pressure, with fans demanding the book over and over, harassing you at GenCon, PaizoCon, at work, at home, threatening to take your loved ones and pets hostage, starting to speak in goblin on the boards until you give in* and so on, and do the book (maybe a PDF only release)...
...or it becomes a community project.
*I did the gnome thing for months on the wizards boards when they wouldn't tell us about gnome minis in DDM. Don't make me do the goblin thing on these boards! I think my mental influence here is sufficient to convert many others to do it along with me! ;-P

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...or it becomes a community project.
Wayfinder 6 theme? Goblin PCs!
Perhaps it's time to revisit Gobblin Fite Klub and my side-trek adventure 'Save my Ass!'

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*I did the gnome thing for months on the wizards boards when they wouldn't tell us about gnome minis in DDM. Don't make me do the goblin thing on these boards! I think my mental influence here is sufficient to convert many others to do it along with me! ;-P
This is an incredibly serious threat. He added a silent G to every n he used. It was scarring. I still wake up in a cold sweat some nights. For the love of all that is holy, someone organize a goblin product for KaeYoss!

flamethrower49 |

I actually play a goblin PC, a Paladin to be precise. He stands as the voice of goodness and reason in a party with two ambivalent rangers, a temperamental wizard, and an evil bard.
My greatest sorrow is that this sourcebook would appear to have nothing for me. Tlik isn't so interested in eating babies and burning things down. What will this book have to help him out?
Uh, aside from an awesome character picture.

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

Ok I am going to have to say...please don't write this book. They already ruined kobolds...don't destroy goblins too.
Although...Goblins would make a awesome one book rule light game that is silly and explored goblin life...
Well, I have bad news for you ...

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KaeYoss wrote:*I did the gnome thing for months on the wizards boards when they wouldn't tell us about gnome minis in DDM. Don't make me do the goblin thing on these boards! I think my mental influence here is sufficient to convert many others to do it along with me! ;-PThis is an incredibly serious threat. He added a silent G to every n he used. It was scarring. I still wake up in a cold sweat some nights. For the love of all that is holy, someone organize a goblin product for KaeYoss!
Ui! wads diss? U no me? I be fay mess!

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Boxhead wrote:Ui! wads diss? U no me? I be fay mess!KaeYoss wrote:*I did the gnome thing for months on the wizards boards when they wouldn't tell us about gnome minis in DDM. Don't make me do the goblin thing on these boards! I think my mental influence here is sufficient to convert many others to do it along with me! ;-PThis is an incredibly serious threat. He added a silent G to every n he used. It was scarring. I still wake up in a cold sweat some nights. For the love of all that is holy, someone organize a goblin product for KaeYoss!
I trust you are, of course, dictating this to someone else doing the posting.

gnomewizard |

I was really excited when I saw this today. Imagine my disappointment when I remembered yesterday's date.
But seriously though how long would it take this amazing community to create a real Goblin book. I can see it now...Actually why do you need a book Goblins have stats to be played as pcs, and the algnment in the bestiary is only what an average goblin is. once you take class levels you are a hero not a zero! GOBLINS OF THE WORLD UNITE!!!

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Käi-iosss da Goblin wrote:I trust you are, of course, dictating this to someone else doing the posting.Boxhead wrote:Ui! wads diss? U no me? I be fay mess!KaeYoss wrote:*I did the gnome thing for months on the wizards boards when they wouldn't tell us about gnome minis in DDM. Don't make me do the goblin thing on these boards! I think my mental influence here is sufficient to convert many others to do it along with me! ;-PThis is an incredibly serious threat. He added a silent G to every n he used. It was scarring. I still wake up in a cold sweat some nights. For the love of all that is holy, someone organize a goblin product for KaeYoss!
Ies, ai do. Dad otha person also be me, budd other perfor.. preso... voys in mai hedd!
We be bruddas!

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Okai, me go first!
Boss of the Big Treasure Room
God of really big villages, things you do and don't, swap meets and shiny things
Abadar lives in a really shiny big village he calls Axes, though there are no axes around. Weird, that. There are lotsa really shiny things in there, though! Abadar is a real smarty and wants everyone to live in big shiny villages and get many shiny things for themselves when they do what they're told.
People who tell others what to do, people who swap things, and people with big shiny names pray to him a lot! Also, people who have things taken away from them by meanies prey to him so he makes the meanies give things back, but those people are big crybabies.
He wants you to do what you are told by your boss, but not if the boss is a wimp or too crazy. He also wants you to find many shiny things and swap them much with others everyone has many shiny things. He wants you not to go pick fights with long folks, because they're no fun, anyway. Better to take what they throw away, the dummies!
Abadar looks really neat and shiny and has found the bestest loot for himself, that's why he's a god and you're not.
Priesties of Abadar really like to tell others what to do, but they also tell you how to find shiny things better. They don't care what you do as long as you do what you are told and make no mess. They also wear shiny things a lot and live in really shiny huts. Shiny shiny shiny!
When Abadar likes you he makes you find extra shiny things, but if you make him mad he hides all shiny things from you and makes you very sad!

Wikid Smart Bozz Gob |

O-K allz youze guyz lissen upz!
I'ma learn youze bout Triksy Bozz Azm-mo-deuz.
Him da god o' Bein' in Charge, Slaves, and Triksy Writin'.
Azmodeuz lives in a big ol' kassle, deep in Hell. He looks like he wantz ta look like, but mostly like a longshanks with goat legs, red skin, and hornz. O yah, sometimez he'z all on fire and burny, too.
Mostly longshanks like Bozz Azmodeuz, specially them that wantz stuff they cant get nowhere else. He'z really good at trikkin' folks, and he probly thunk up writin' just to steal more soulz. Sometimez folks prey so's he'll take vengeance for them, but they alwayz end up payin' for it.
He wantz uz all to lissen to him and do what he sayz, and that's just fine, cuz he's the toughest, meanest, smartest bozz in da joint. He'z even got other Hell Bozzez dat lizten to him and do what he sayz.
Priesty's o' Bozz Azmodeuz tell youze all kindz of stuff, but lotz of time they're just lying. They really get a kick out of that. They wear all kindz a' red and black, and usually got this pointy star thingy on chains or painted on stuff. If you're good, they even letz you stab and burn the sacaficez sometimes.
When Boss Azmodeuz is happy wit you, all kindz a trickz you pull work better, and wordz sometimes don't take your soulz. When he's mad at you, watch out, cuz bad stuff is gonna happen ta youze real fast. Probly burnyburnyburny.

Wikid Smart Bozz Gob |

Wikid Smart Bozz Gob wrote:Oi! Alla youz mook gobbz pile alla dat burny stuff over there...
Den I chuk my burnyFIREbottal at it and it all goez WOOOOSH burnyburnyburny!!!
Den we'z DANCE!!!
bozz bozz! Ai 8 ur klose again!
Sorry me no mean to!
dat'z ok...I DANCE NEKKID!!!
now more burnyfireburn

Turin the Mad |

Saw this just now. Didn't look at the date.
Called my DM told him that I wanted to play this.
Realized it was an april fools joke.
Now I'm afraid to call my DM to let him know its not real :(
Check the above link to Goblins of Golarion. also, Bestiary stats are playable as-written. Just be sure to have fun playing up the unique quirks of goblins ... :)

dave.gillam |
I have to add my voice to this chorus: This idea is way too awesome to stay an April Fool's joke!
I can foresee one of two things:
Either you buckle under the pressure, with fans demanding the book over and over, harassing you at GenCon, PaizoCon, at work, at home, threatening to take your loved ones and pets hostage, starting to speak in goblin on the boards until you give in* and so on, and do the book (maybe a PDF only release)...
...or it becomes a community project.
*I did the gnome thing for months on the wizards boards when they wouldn't tell us about gnome minis in DDM. Don't make me do the goblin thing on these boards! I think my mental influence here is sufficient to convert many others to do it along with me! ;-P
Naba kella maka Kishte!!**translated from goblin [Make the (expletive deleted) book!]

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Adding to those that seriously would like a book like this, minus a reworked alignment system. (if I want to play a good goblin I'm going to play a good goblin)
Something more general might be best though, like advice on how to play good-aligned members of stereotypically evil races, how they can fit into the world, and probably how to survive in Golarion. Seriously, with stuff like the Lantern Bearers around, anyone wanting to play a good or even neutral drow needs all the help and advice they can get.
Okai, me go first!
Boss of the Big Treasure Room
God of really big villages, things you do and don't, swap meets and shiny things
Keep these coming. :D