I Smell the Blood of a Player Character

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The first three volumes of the Giantslayer Adventure Path are out in the wild, and in a short time the fourth volume, Pathfinder Adventure Path #94: Ice Tomb of the Giant Queen will be hitting stores and subscribers' doorsteps (and downloads). Hopefully, if you're not playing though this campaign, some of you have been living vicariously through the Order of the Amber Die by reading along and looking at all the amazing pictures they have been sharing with us all from their marathon sessions. (If not, go check it out now: Giantslayer Marathon: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.)

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Illustrations by Johan Grenier and Miguel Regodon Harkness.

It's been a wild and dangerous ride so far filled with towering odds and heavy hitters, and that's not about to stop. In fact, things are just going to get harder for your PCs as we step up the ranks of the giants.

Illustrations by Johan Grenier and Ekaterina Maximovich

Here are some of the things you'll encounter in the second half of the campaign. In Pathfinder Adventure Path #94: Ice Tomb of the Giant Queen the PCs have to take on a frost giant village and later on they come across one of the more rare types of giants in the Inner Sea.

Illustrations by Johan Grenier and Eric Belisle

Then, in Pathfinder Adventure Path #95: Anvil of Fire, the PCs assault an elite fire giant training facility in their way to finding the Storm Tyrant. The PCs also get a chance to put a hellhound in a headlock.

Illustrations by Aleksey Bayura and Yigit Koroglu

Wrapping things up (assuming everyone is still alive) Pathfinder Adventure Path #96: Shadow of the Storm Tyrant gives the PCs a chance to finally put an end to the Storm Tyrant's ambitious push at starting a new giant empire and subjugating the smaller folk of Avistan. Along the way the PCs encounter evil cloud giants and some new strange creatures, and hopefully emerge alive and victorious.

Illustration by Roberto Pitturru

Oh, remember when we said that there were more than just giants in this Adventure Path? Yeah, there are dragons too.

Adam Daigle

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Aleksey Bayura Ekaterina Maximovich Eric Belisle Giantslayer Johan Grenier Pathfinder Adventure Path Roberto Pitturru Wallpapers Yigit Koroglu
Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Suggested caption for that last picture.

Silver Crusade

Tomb Giants.... neat

Dark Archive Vendor - Fantasiapelit Tampere

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:


Suggested caption for that last picture.

Oh my gods that fits perfectly. 7 minutes behind, three more to go!

I wish I had known ahead of time my PC's were gonna have to ally with a flight of red dragons or is that not the case and I'm mistaken? Either way, I'm getting kinda tired of purchasing adventure paths only to find out later on my PC's are gonna end up having to ally with evil-aligned creatures in order to defeat bigger baddies. Can't we at least get a silver dragon or two in the final part of this adventure path or is it already too late for that?

Order of the Amber Die

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Thanks for the shout-out Adam, and for all this excellent art to use for the rest of the path!

Our group is loving this AP so far. While Against the Giants will always hold a special place in our hearts, now that we're 3 modules deep into Giantslayer, everyone is in agreement that this AP is earning its own place right alongside it.

Marathon 4 is just around the corner, and I'm looking forward to keeping the body count ample for everyone--gotta give these giants a good showing!

Order of the Amber Die Facebook
Order of the Amber Die Dropbox

Sovereign Court Senior Developer

Berselius wrote:
I wish I had known ahead of time my PC's were gonna have to ally with a flight of red dragons or is that not the case and I'm mistaken? Either way, I'm getting kinda tired of purchasing adventure paths only to find out later on my PC's are gonna end up having to ally with evil-aligned creatures in order to defeat bigger baddies. Can't we at least get a silver dragon or two in the final part of this adventure path or is it already too late for that?

That art piece is from the Continuing the Campaign article in the final adventure, "Shadow of the Storm Tyrant," which gives ideas on how to continue the campaign after the end of the Adventure Path. It does not represent an encounter in the AP itself.

There *is* an opportunity to ally with a *single* red dragon in the AP, but the option to fight and kill the dragon is still there and is a perfectly valid choice.

Sadly, there are no silver dragons in this Adventure Path, and yes, it's too late to change anything.

Silver Crusade

Always down with dragons. Fire and frost are awesome giants. And storm are their own level of cool in the cloud castles.
Is that an air elemental with the giant or a new cool cloud elemental.

" the magus knew red dragon swarm was a dangerous mythic spell to cast... His words echoed into the sky - I REGRET NOTHING!!!!

Silver Crusade

Never seen art of the dragon orbs before. That is neat.

To easy to switch out silver dragons if needed. Maybe they want the cloud fortresses.

Grand Lodge

After all the Hell that Paizo is going to unleash after Giantslayer you're going to have to do a light and fluffy fantasy romp that has do-gooders doing good for goodness's sake with nothing but wholesome goodness in their hearts.

After that I'd like a Sword and Planet AP that ends in Lovecraftian horror as the heroes battle the forces of the Dominion of Black in Space.

Or maybe a gritty, noir steampunk AP set in Alkenstar and environs.

I like my fantasy to be dark and nasty with lots of moral ambiguity.


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Yeah, yeah, more giants and dragons and all, cool, however the important thing here is THUNDER COWS

Man oh man, what party would willingly give up an

orb of dragonkind

That beaut can be put to use even if you're lawful good. You could pretty much use the thing to tame or even cleanse an entire chromatic bloodline. Of course, as a certain purple-haired elf of ambiguous gender learned, there can be unforeseen consequences when dealing with dragons.

On the other hand, imagine if some of the PCs are evil - or just neutral-selfish. They could take the resources left behind by the BBEG, and pretty much jump-start their own empire.

Shadow Lodge

Why does that last picture remind me of the Great Roleplaying Game movie? Was the picture intended as an homage?

Eliminating the Free Will of any sentient creature, even an evil and rapacious one like a red dragon, is an evil act.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

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14 sided die wrote:
Yeah, yeah, more giants and dragons and all, cool, however the important thing here is THUNDER COWS

They got some sweet art too!

Honestly, I think my favorite part of writing monsters is seeing the pretty pictures when they get published.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Liking the nalbia-creature! And the tomb giant puts me in mind of Death from the Seventh Seal.

And hellhounds alongside fire giants? Glances over at another PHB Hmmm... :P

Liberty's Edge

Finally, another wallpaper! More backgrounds to amuse people when I'm giving presentations! Please more wallpaper, I've missed them. Was the last one Mummy's Mask? I don't remember an Iron Gods wallpaper....

Tangent101 wrote:
Eliminating the Free Will of any sentient creature, even an evil and rapacious one like a red dragon, is an evil act.

Tell that to the countless PCs using charm person, dominate person, etc. on the giants throughout this AP. I think they would respond with something to the effect of "These are evil giants planning on slaughtering, enslaving, and otherwise conquering peaceful people. If we can stop them, and one of our tools happens to be magic that eliminates their free will, it's for the greater good."

They'd have a solid point.

*EDIT: Hoping I didn't just start a "what is the nature of evil" philosophical thing on a perfectly good blog. So, gonna just step away.

Just wanted to comment that that's a pretty awesome Continuing the Campaign picture.

Generic Villain wrote:
Tangent101 wrote:
Eliminating the Free Will of any sentient creature, even an evil and rapacious one like a red dragon, is an evil act.

Tell that to the countless PCs using charm person, dominate person, etc. on the giants throughout this AP. I think they would respond with something to the effect of "These are evil giants planning on slaughtering, enslaving, and otherwise conquering peaceful people. If we can stop them, and one of our tools happens to be magic that eliminates their free will, it's for the greater good."

They'd have a solid point.

*EDIT: Hoping I didn't just start a "what is the nature of evil" philosophical thing on a perfectly good blog. So, gonna just step away.

There is a difference: Charm Person and Dominate has a limited timespan. An Orb of Dragonkind doesn't. It's an Artifact with an enslavement capability that once the Dragon is a slave... it can be sent out elsewhere, without the Orb being in close proximity, and the Dragon remains a slave.

Would you consider it an evil act to use an Orb of Dragonkind to do this to Copper Dragons? How about Silver, or Gold Dragons? How then is stealing the free will of a Red Dragon different?

Mind you, I'm not a big fan of alignments. I tend to ignore them in the games I run. Instead, I just be sure to hit the consequences... and charms and dominate almost never work out to the group's advantage.

Tangent101 wrote:
Eliminating the Free Will of any sentient creature, even an evil and rapacious one like a red dragon, is an evil act.

Not an issue for Seltyiel.

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Berselius wrote:
{. . .}

Spoilers exist for a reason . . .

The Shifty Mongoose wrote:
Why does that last picture remind me of the Great Roleplaying Game movie? Was the picture intended as an homage?

What, you mean The Gamers? :-)

Now I've got to go watch the rest of that movie and its sequel . . . .

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

A giant with a scythe. Yikes!

Community & Digital Content Director

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jhallum wrote:
Finally, another wallpaper! More backgrounds to amuse people when I'm giving presentations! Please more wallpaper, I've missed them. Was the last one Mummy's Mask? I don't remember an Iron Gods wallpaper....

We're planning on making these more frequent again! Glad to hear this feedback :)

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