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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 5 (OGL)

Let (Im)mortal Combat Continue!

We've got the results in from Round 1, and we're ready to show off Round 2 of our Bestiary 5 previews—not to mention a chance for you to win a copy of Bestiary 5!

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Tags: Aleksey Bayura Ben Wootten Bestiary 5 Bryan Sola Brynn Metheney Community Contests Ertaç Altınöz Jose Parodi Joshua Meehan Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Subroto Bhaumik Tomasz Chistowski

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races (PFRPG)

A Last Look at the Art of Inner Sea Races

Inner Sea Races just released this week! I've picked some of my favorite illustrations for this preview, and a wallpaper for you to download!

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Aleksey Bayura Damien Mammoliti Fabio Gorla Firat Solhan Golarion Nikolai Ostertag Pathfinder Campaign Setting Romanov Pavel

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I Smell the Blood of a Player Character

The first three volumes of the Giantslayer Adventure Path are out in the wild, and in a short time the fourth volume, Pathfinder Adventure Path #94: Ice Tomb of the Giant Queen will be hitting stores and subscribers' doorsteps (and downloads). Hopefully, if you're not playing though this campaign, some of you have been living vicariously through the Order of the Amber Die by reading along and looking at all the amazing pictures they have been sharing with us all from their marathon sessions. (If not, go check it out now: Giantslayer Marathon: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.)

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Tags: Aleksey Bayura Ekaterina Maximovich Eric Belisle Giantslayer Johan Grenier Pathfinder Adventure Path Roberto Pitturru Wallpapers Yigit Koroglu

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Monster Codex (PFRPG)

More Inner Sea Monsters!

Ever since we released Pathfinder RPG Monster Codex last fall fans have been asking for an Inner Sea version, covering monsters unique to the Pathfinder Campaign Setting. Soon, those fans will get their wish, as the Inner Sea Monster Codex debuts in just a couple short weeks! The 64-page book presents ten monsters iconic to the Inner Sea region, including charau-ka, gillmen, and strix, each with four sample creatures filling a variety of combat and social roles. To support these monsters, the book also includes new rules, such as archetypes, oracle mysteries, alchemist discoveries, traps, spells, feats, and magic items. Here are two of the new rules found in the book, a minotaur spell and a gillman magic item, as a little sample, as well as a few choice pieces of art to whet your monstrous appetites.

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Aleksey Bayura Chris Seaman Jaime Martinez Maichol Quinto Milivoj Ćeran Monsters Open Game License Pathfinder Campaign Setting Wayne England

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