
Daedîn's page

1,557 posts. Organized Play character for Otha.

Full Name





CG Sniper 8th / Slayer 3rd / Ranger 2nd| HP:108/108 | AC:31 T:20 FF:23| CMB:13 CMD:30 | Saves F:+13 R:+23 W:+9 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init:+14 | Per: +25








Chaotic Good






Elven Common Abyssal

Strength 14
Dexterity 26
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 7

About Daedîn

Male Elf Sniper (UC Rogue) 8 / Slayer 3 / Ranger 2
Chaotic Good
Strength 14 (+2)
Dexterity 26 (+8)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 10 (+0)
Wisdom 14 (+2)
Charisma 7 (-2)

Size: Medium
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 150 lb
Eyes: Silver
Hair: Black Wavy; Beardless
Skin: Tan

Total Hit Points: 108

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 31 = 10 + 5 [+3 Darkleaf Leather] + 4 [+ 3 Darkwood buckler] + 8 [dexterity] + 2 [Ring of Protection] + 2 [Amulet of Natural Armor]
Touch AC: 20
Flat-footed: 23

Initiative modifier: + 14 = + 7 [dexterity] + 2 [trait] + 4 [feat] + 1 [ioun stone]
Fortitude save: + 13. = 8 [base] + 2 [constitution] + 3 [ring]
Reflex save: + 23 = 11 [base] + 9 [dexterity] + 3 [ring]
Will save: + 9. = 4 [base] + 2 [wisdom] + 3 [ring]
Attack (handheld): + 13 = 10 [base] + 2 [strength]
Attack (dagger): + 19 = 10 [base] + 8 [dexterity]
Attack (missile): + 19 = 10 [base] + 8 [dexterity]
Combat Maneuver Bonus: + 13 = 11[base] + 2 [strength]
Combat Maneuver Defense: 31 = 10 + 11[base] + 2 [strength] + 8 [dexterity]

Light load: 66 lb. or less (w/ Masterwork Backpack)
Medium load: 67-133 lb. (w/ Masterwork Backpack)
Heavy load: 134-200 lb. (w/ Masterwork Backpack)
Lift over head: 175 lb.
Lift off ground: 350 lb.
Push or drag: 875 lb.

Languages: Common Elven Abyssal

Masterwork Cold Iron Dagger + 20 [1d4 + 7, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing])
+1 Magic Daggers (x2) + 20 [1d4 + 8, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing] (Adamantine, Mithral)
+2 Magic Darkwood Composite Longbow +23 [1d8 + 4, crit x3, range inc. 110 ft, 1.5 lb, piercing, adaptive, impervious, holy (+2d6 dmg vs evil)]
+2 Darkleaf Leather [light; + 4 AC; max dex + 8; check penalty 0 7.5 lb.]
+2 Magic Darkwood Buckler [light; + 3 AC; max dex -, check penalty 0 2.5 lb.]

Point Blank Shot: +1 attack on damage on ranged targets within 30 feet
Weapon Finesse: Use Dex mods instead of Str when using a dagger
Precise Shot: No penalty for firing into melee
Evasion: No damage if applicable saving throw is made
Rapid Shot: May fire twice when using a full round action; attacks are made at -2
Uncanny Dodge: cannot be caught flat-footed; does not lose Dex bonus to AC when attacked by invisible foes
Weapon Focus (Longbow): +1 on attacks with chosen weapon
Improved Initiative: +4 to Initiative
Deadly Aim: +4 damage / -2 attack
Manyshot: First shot in full round attack fires two arrows
Quick Draw: Free move to draw his bow
Clustered Shots: Total damage before DR is subtracted
Deadeye Bowman: no +4 bonus to target's AC if only a single creature provides soft cover
Reactionary: +2 to Initiative

Skill Ability Bonus AbilMod Ranks MiscMod
Acrobatics Dex* 29 = +8 + 13 + 3 [class skill] + 5 [Boots of Elvenkind]
Appraise Int 4 = +0 +1 +3 [class skill]
Bluff Cha +2 = -2 +1 +3 [class skill]
Climb Str* 11 = +2 + 6 + 3 [class skill]
Craft Int 0 = +0
Diplomacy Cha +2 = -2 +1 +3 [class skill]
Disable Device Dex 28 = +8 + 13 + 3 [class skill] + 4 [Magic Picks] + 1 [Trapfinding]
Disguise Cha -2 = -2
Escape Artist Dex* 30 = +8 +13 + 3 [class skill] + 6 [Vest of Escape]
Fly Dex* 8 = +8
Handle Animal Cha +2 = -2 +1 +3 [class skill]
Heal Wis 1 = +1
Intimidate Cha +2 = -2 +1 +3 [class skill]
Knowledge (Local) Int 5 = 0 +1 +3 [class skill]
Linguistics Int 4 = 0 +1 +3 [class skill]
Perception Wis 25 = +2 + 13 + 3 [class skill] + 2 [elf] +5 [Eyes of the Eagle]
Perform (Dance) Cha 2 = -2 +1 +3 [class skill]
Ride Dex* 11 = +7 +1 +3 [class skill]
Sense Motive Wis 7 = +2 + 2 + 3 [class skill]
Sleight of Hand Dex* 25 = +8 + 9 + 3 [class skill] + 5 [Gloves of Larceny]
Stealth Dex* 29 = +8 + 13 + 3 [class skill] + 5 [Cloak of Elvenkind]
Survival Wis 7 = +2 +2 +3 [class skill]
Swim Str** 11 = +2 +6 + 3 [class skill]

* = check penalty for armor/shield
** = some groups double armor/shield penalties for swimmers

Favored class points: Hit points +1; Skill points +0

Adjust weapon attack rolls and armor penalties as required for masterwork / magic equipment.

• + 2 dexterity, +2 intelligence, -2 constitution (already included)
• Immune to magical sleep
• + 2 racial bonus to saves vs. enchantments
• Low-light vision -- see twice as far as humans in dim light
• Proficient with longswords, rapiers, longbows, composite longbows, & shortbow
• + 2 racial bonus on perception checks
• Desert Runner: Some elves thrive in the deepest deserts, forever roaming across burned and parched lands. Elves with this racial trait receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue, exhaustion, or ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, or hot or cold environments. This racial trait replaces elven magic.
• Elves that are Rogues add +1 to the number of times per day the rogue can cast a cantrip or 1st-level spell gained from the minor magic or major magic talent. The number of times this bonus is selected for the major magic talent cannot exceed the number of times it is selected for the minor magic talent. The rogue must possess the associated rogue talent to select these options.

Sniper (UC Rogue)
• Sneak Attack +4d6
• Weapon Finesse (Dagger) - at 1st level, use DEX mod to hit; at 3rd level, use DEX mod for damage
• Accuracy (level 1) - a sniper halves all range increment penalties when making ranged attacks with a bow or crossbow
• Evasion (level 2) -- no damage on a successful reflex save
• Rogue talents -- gain one at every even-numbered level. At level 10 and above, advanced talents are available. (Combat Trick at level 2, Weapon Training at level 4, Follow Clues at level 6, Fast Stealth at level 8)
• Deadly Range (level 3) - a sniper increases the range at which she can apply her sneak attack damage by 10 feet.
• Uncanny Dodge (level 4) -- cannot be caught flat-footed, keep dexterity bonus to AC if attacker is invisible
• Rogues Edge (level 5) Stealth -- reduce sniping penalty by 10
• Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 8) -- cannot be flanked
• Master strike (level 20) -- each sneak attack either kills, paralyzes, or puts into coma.

• Studied Target (Ex): [Errata] A slayer can study an opponent he can see as a move action. The slayer then gains a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks attempted against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against it. The DCs of slayer class abilities against that opponent increase by 1. A slayer can only maintain these bonuses against one opponent at a time; these bonuses remain in effect until either the opponent is dead or the slayer studies a new target.
• If a slayer deals sneak attack damage to a target, he can study that target as an immediate action, allowing him to apply his studied target bonuses against that target (including to the normal weapon damage roll).
• At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the bonuses on weapon attack rolls, damage rolls, and skill checks and to slayer DCs against a studied target increase by 1. In addition, at each such interval, the slayer is able to maintain these bonuses against an additional studied target at the same time. The slayer may discard this connection to a studied target as a free action, allowing him to study another target in its place.
• At 7th level, a slayer can study an opponent as a move or swift action.
• Track (Ex): A slayer adds 1/2 his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
• Slayer Talents: As a slayer gains experience, he learns a number of talents that aid him and confound his foes. Starting at 2nd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a slayer gains one slayer talent. Unless otherwise noted, a slayer cannot select an individual talent more than once. (2nd level: Trapfinding)
• At 3rd level, if a slayer catches an opponent unable to defend itself effectively from his attack, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The slayer’s attack deals extra damage anytime his target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the slayer flanks his target. This additional damage is 1d6 at 3rd level, and increases by 1d6 every 3 levels thereafter. Should the slayer score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this additional damage is not multiplied. Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
• With a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or unarmed strike), a slayer can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. He cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty. The slayer must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A slayer cannot use sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.
• Stalker (Ex): At 7th level, a slayer gains his studied target bonus on Disguise, Intimidate, and Stealth checks against his studied opponent.
• Advanced Talents: At 10th level and every 2 levels thereafter, a slayer can select one of the following advanced talents in place of a slayer talent.

Ranger Abilities
Favored enemies. Bonus applies to attack (unlike 3.5), damage, bluff, knowledge (can always make checks), perception, sense motive, survival.
Favored terrains. Bonus applies to initiative, geography, perception, stealth, surival; need not leave tracks.
Bonus to tracking (half Ranger level)
Combat Style (Archery)
Wild empathy (roll level + charisma bonus)
Endurance (level 3)
Hunter's bond -- either an animal companion or bond with companions and grant some favored enemy bonuses to them(level 4)
Woodland Stride (level 7)
Swift Tracker (level 8)
Favored Enemies: Undead +2
This ranger chose the archery track.

Class HP rolled
Level 1: Rogue 8

Daedîn's Equipment:
15 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above)
2 lb Efficient Quiver:
40 Durable Cold Iron Arrows
20 Durable Silver Arrows
16 Durable Blunt Arrows
12 Durable Adamantine Arrows
21 Ghost Salt Arrows (Durable Cold Iron)
3 Adamantine blanched Cold Iron Arrows
3 lb Masterwork Backpack
Flint and steel
1 lb Acid flask
2 lb Holy Water flask (x2)
1 lb Pouch
Sewing needle
4 lb Waterskin
5 lb Silk Rope, 50'
4 lb Grappling Hook
1 lb Whetstone
2 lb Masterwork Thieves' tools
3 lb Fishing kit
Ioun torch
Wayfinder w/cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (19)
Ring of Resistance (+3)
Ring of Protection (+2)
Belt of Physical Perfection (+2)
Headband of Inspired Wisdom (+2)
Cloak of Elvenkind
Boots of Elvenkind
Gloves of Larceny
Eyes of the Eagle
Vest of Escape
Amulet of Natural Armor +2
Runner’s Shirt (not worn)
Lesser Bracers of Archery
Lesser Talisman of Life's Breath
47 lb Total

1,449 gp, 5 sp, 5 cp

More about Daedîn:
Daedîn keeps quiet 'bout his past. No one knows much of anything of his background...

PFS Chronicles Info:

PFS ID / Character #: 239913-6

Current PFS Module:
Fate of the Fiend

Completed PFS Modules:
The Glass River Rescue
Crisis Averted

The Phantom Phenomena

Murder's Mark

From the Tome of Righteous Repose

Beggar's Pearl

The Golemworks Incident

Glories of the Past I

Glories of the Past II

Glories of the Past III

Fragments of Antiquity

Forged in Flame I

Way of the Kirin

Green Market


Feast of Sigils

Words of the Ancients

Fingerprints of the Fiend

Fury of the Fiend

GM Credits:
The Confirmation

Daughter’s Due

Cultist’s Kiss

Pregen Credits:
We Be Goblins!
You Be Goblin!

Honor's Echo

True Dragons of Absalom

Earned PP/Fame: 55
Current PP: 48
XP: 31

Bot Me:

Daedîn provides scouting and thieving skills when not in combat. He will stealthily scout ahead as needed, searching for traps, tracks, and hidden foes (his rogue talent, Follow clues, allows him to use his Perception as opposed to Survival when tracking). He will also attempt to disable any non-magical traps he finds...

Non-Combat rolls



[dice=Perception (Tracking)]1d20+23[/dice]

[dice=Disable Device]1d20+24[/dice]


[dice=Escape Artist]1d20+21[/dice]

[dice=Sleight of Hand]1d20+26[/dice]



[dice=Knowledge (Local)]1d20+4[/dice]

[dice=Sense Motive]1d20+6[/dice]


In combat, he primarily provides ranged support. He relies on his Stealth and high initiative to try to bring his sneak attack ability into play when possible (currently, it's an extra 3d6). Also, as a 6th level sniper, his sneak attack range is currently 50'. Unless stated otherwise, he'll fire cold iron arrows as a default. He'll use his Escape Artist skill to get out of grapples and his Acrobatics skill to avoid AoOs while moving around the battlefield...

Combat rolls (add 5d6 to damage when sneak attack applies & 2d6 against Evil):

Ranged attacks <= 30'
To hit: Base/Dex, Magic, Weapon Focus, Bracers of Lesser Archery. PBS, Deadly Aim
Damage: Magic, Strength, PBS, Deadly Aim

[dice=Magic/Cold Iron Damage]1d8+2+2+1+6[/dice]

Ranged attacks > 30'
To hit: Base/Dex, Magic, Weapon Focus, Bracers of Lesser Archery, Deadly Aim
Damage: Magic, Strength, Deadly Aim

[dice=Longbow] 1d20+19+2+1+1-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron Damage] 1d8+2+2+6[/dice]

Full Ranged attacks <= 30'

To hit: Base/Dex, Magic, Weapon Focus, PBS, Bracers of Lesser Archery, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Deadly Aim, Precise Shot, Deadeye Bowman
Damage: Magic, Strength, PBS, Deadly Aim

[dice=Longbow (Manyshot)]1d20+19+2+1+1+1-2-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron Damage]1d8+2+2+1+4[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron Damage]1d8+2+2+1+4[/dice]

[dice=Longbow (Rapid Shot)] 1d20+19+2+1+1+1-2-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron Damage]1d8+2+2+1+4[/dice]

[dice=Longbow (Iterative)] 1d20+14+2+1+1+1-2-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron Damage]1d8+2+2+1+4[/dice]

Full Ranged attacks > 30'
To hit: Base/Dex, Weapon Focus, Magic, Bracers of Lesser Archery, Rapid Shot, Deadly Aim, Precise Shot, Deadeye Bowman
Damage: Magic, Strength, Deadly Aim

[dice=Longbow (Manyshot)]1d20+19+2+1+1-2-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron Damage]1d8+2+2+4[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron Damage]1d8+2+2+4[/dice]

[dice=Longbow (Iterative)]1d20+14+2+1+1-2-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron Damage]1d8+2+2+4[/dice]

[dice=Longbow (Rapid Shot)]1d20+16+2+1-2-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron Damage]1d8+2+2+4[/dice]

With Holy Damage & Sneak Damage

Ranged attacks <= 30'
To hit: Base/Dex, Magic, Weapon Focus, Bracers of Lesser Archery. PBS, Deadly Aim
Damage: Magic, Strength, PBS, Deadly Aim, Holy, Sneak

[dice=Magic/Cold Iron/Good/Sneak Damage]1d8+2+2+1+6+2d6+5d6[/dice]

Ranged attacks > 30'
To hit: Base/Dex, Magic, Weapon Focus, Bracers of Lesser Archery, Deadly Aim
Damage: Magic, Strength, PBS, Deadly Aim, Holy, Sneak

[dice=Longbow] 1d20+19+2+1+1-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron/Good/Sneak Damage]1d8+2+2+6+2d6+5d6[/dice]

Full Ranged attacks <= 30'

To hit: Base/Dex, Magic, Weapon Focus, PBS, Bracers of Lesser Archery, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Deadly Aim, Precise Shot, Deadeye Bowman
Damage: Magic, Strength, PBS, Deadly Aim, Holy, Sneak

[dice=Longbow (Manyshot)]1d20+19+2+1+1+1-2-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron/Good/Sneak Damage]1d8+2+2+1+6+2d6+5d6[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron/Good/Sneak Damage]1d8+2+2+1+6+2d6+5d6[/dice]

[dice=Longbow (Rapid Shot)] 1d20+19+2+1+1+1-2-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron/Good/Sneak Damage]1d8+2+2+1+6+2d6+5d6[/dice]

[dice=Longbow (Iterative)] 1d20+14+2+1+1+1-2-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron/Good/Sneak Damage]1d8+2+2+1+6+2d6+5d6[/dice]

Full Ranged attacks > 30'
To hit: Base/Dex, Weapon Focus, Magic, Bracers of Lesser Archery, Rapid Shot, Deadly Aim, Precise Shot, Deadeye Bowman
Damage: Magic, Strength, PBS, Deadly Aim, Holy, Sneak

[dice=Longbow (Manyshot)]1d20+19+2+1+1-2-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron/Good/Sneak Damage]1d8+2+2+6+2d6+5d6[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron/Good/Sneak Damage]1d8+2+2+6+2d6+5d6[/dice]

[dice=Longbow (Iterative)]1d20+14+2+1+1-2-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron/Good/Sneak Damage]1d8+2+2+6+2d6+5d6[/dice]

[dice=Longbow (Rapid Shot)]1d20+16+2+1-2-3[/dice]
[dice=Magic/Cold Iron/Good/Sneak Damage]1d8+2+2+6+2d6+5d6[/dice]

Defensive Maneuvers that might be used during combat

[dice=Escape Artist]1d20+24[/dice]

[dice=Sleight of Hand]1d20+25[/dice]