Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |
Sigurd nods silently.
Before everyone prepares to leave, Sigurd calls his closest allies over, those from the Reenactment Festival. "This scroll seems to be for me, given by Granny Hu."
He carefully breaks the seal- it's a bit of fun to see if how cleanly he can break it. He reads the note and then frowns. "I see..."
"The Mushroom House is in the Northeastern edge of town, but the Barracks are in the Northwest. Let us go there once we secure the Barracks."
Sigurd Kolphan's plan: Go to Barracks, then go to Mushroom House.
Auntie Wu |
"Then, you will return to Me!"
Controlling old bag! Seething with resentment, Auntie Wu tries to pass off her emotions as "determination in the face of the enemy".
Of course, when Sigurd reveals the contents of the letter, her heart melts a little. She, too, has grandchildren, and is itching to ensure their safety. At least she feels certain that Qi and Gao are with Miyuki and Midori, and will keep them safe. But if the girls were alone? ... She understands that part of Granny Hu's motivations, anyway. "I see. We can do double duty, scouting the area as well. Are there any shrines along the way? If we're going to be out, we should stop by the first three shrines we find. Two birds with one stone, you know." She realizes that she just volunteered to help Granny Hu, which doesn't rankle as much as she thinks it should. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Ugh. Never thought I'd see the day...
Changing the subject, because that line of thought gives her such a negative aura, Auntie Wu decides to focus on step one: the barracks. "So. Winged gremlins at the barracks. I have a spell that could knock them out of the sky, if I can hit them with it. Do we want to try to sneak up on the location? If so, I can also prepare a spell to help us pass without a trace."
1st: Heal, Gust of Wind, Pummeling Rubble*
*If the party chooses to be sneaky, Auntie Wu will prepare Pass Without Trace instead of Pummeling Rubble.
Auntie Wu is hesitant to go to her home until things are more under control, even though she desperately wants her special tea.
Kazuki Sato |
Hero Point Will Save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Does Sigurd read the contents of the letter aloud?
"The Mushroom House is in the Northeastern edge of town, but the Barracks are in the Northwest. Let us go there once we secure the Barracks."
"We're at the northeastern edge of town now." Kazuki says rather bluntly, but means no offense as he crosses his arms in front of him.
"Why don't we just check the Mushroom House now? It's only a stone's throw up the road.""If we are heading to the barracks, I suggest we stay off the main road into town. Like I mentioned earlier, I think it would be best if we skirt around town along the woods to the north. I'm sure we'll run into beast patrols if we travel along the main road."
Vekka Tchakon |
Can I see that note?
Reading it several times he frowns at its form.
Waiting until Kim Gu-Won parts from them and is out of earshot, Vekka remarks to his companions Not even signed by her... strange...
He trails off and looks at Granny Hu. Shaking it off he focuses on Kazuki's suggestion.
Off the main road... that probably is for the best. We need to approach the barracks carefully too. Perhaps by cover of night?
Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |
Sigurd always found strength in the community. Now he feels like a fool. "Bah! Of course, we're closer to the Mushroom House right now. Let us go there first, before the Barracks team is finished, so we don't delay them."
Auntie Wu |
"<sigh> Fine. But after the barracks, I'm going to Southside to check on my grandchildren's safety." And if it's safe enough, I'll stop by the house for my tea and smokes.
Ho Lan |
Lan is touched by his compatriots' concern for their family. After all, he has none. Even his relationships with his friends are tinged by jealousy whenever they succeed.
He readily agrees to follow the crowd (I believe there is a consensus for Barracks first), and is ready to punt the question of how to check in on everyone's loved ones (including Granny Hu, whom he feels loyalty towards) without having to make hard decisions.
Lan agrees that stealth is the best approach, but offers a backup plan: pretending to be a captor.
GM, Lan would like to use his Alter Ego dedication to Assume a Role. If allowed (Lan did not spend 1 hour studying them), Lan would like to Impersonate the faceless foot soldier that we fought in the woods - he would pretend the others are his prisoners if they are confronted. If not, I think Lan can still Impersonate, just without the Alter Ego bonus and bonus lore.
DM rainzax |
The party makes their way back downtown...
Auntie Wu @ Sense Direction, Lead?
Kolphan @ Defend?
Lan @ Scout?
Sato @ Sense Direction, Aid?
Vekka @ Avoid Notice?
...will they be able to avoid Other Threats of the Night and get their plan off without a hitch?
At least one player must Sense Direction using Stealth or Survival to avoid conflict before arriving where you intend to!
Skill Challenge |
Come Out and Play, Jinkins!
The Party devises a "ruse" of some sort to lure the Jinkins outside. Success looks like using the better of your Deception or Stealth rolls for Initiative, luring them outside to come to you where you have already placed your Tokens on the Map (but with anyone Talking near the doorway), and one designated "Striker" rolling a single Readied Strike to initiate combat. Failure looks like being unable to lure them outside, having to break and enter yourself, and they know you are coming and why...
Special Bonus: If your character is Talking, and you mention Gurglegut, you get a +1 circumstance bonus to you Deception, Intimidation, or Performance check!
➤ Level: 2 (Base DC 16)
➤ Complexity: 2 rounds
➤ Timeframe: 1 minute
➤ Synergies: Group Coercion, Lengthy Diversion
➤ List of Skills: Deception (moderate), Intimidation (moderate), Performance (hard), Society (very hard), Stealth (moderate)
Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |
"Sato, perhaps you should prepare to strike? Then again you are better set at scouting. My heavy armor will make my approach obvious. And I am not one for... trickery."
Sigurd's only trained skill is Society. He's at +2 for Stealth as he's strong enough to avoid the Armor Check Penalty, and +1 for the Charisma related skills. Sigurd would try to Aid other Stealthy characters in this case.
Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Wow. RIP. Sorry whomever I'm Aiding.
"My siblings are much better at this than I." Sigurd's armor clangs and smashes against the structures surrounding the barracks.
Kazuki Sato |
Kazuki (and Auntie?) lead the group along the edge of the woods bordering the north end of town.
"The barracks shouldn't be much further."
Survival/sense direction (T): 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 6 + 1 = 22
As Sigurd mentioned, if we make it to the barracks with no issues/encounters, Kazuki will scout stealthily around the building to look for guards and get a number of how many. Then, report back to the group hiding out around a building nearby. Kazuki will sneak into position and be the Striker.
DM rainzax |
Dubbed the unofficial "party leader", Sigurd manages to get a little lost, a few goodly-intended ideas to "take a shortcut" go awry...
...probably should have let Sato lead...
Fail to Sense Direction, rolling twice...
Wandering Monster (25%): 1d100 ⇒ 98
Wandering Monster (25%): 1d100 ⇒ 89
...but nothing comes of it. The party safely arrives at the Barracks without further incident...
Skill Challenge |
Kolphan stakes out the Barracks from afar (with Sato and Vekka?), while either or both of Lan and Auntie Wu attempt to parlay, but his efforts to be sneaky give away the party's position, as bushes rattle and weave under his heavily-armored footsteps!
Everyone must roll their own checks!
Special Bonus: If your character is Talking, and you mention Gurglegut, you get a +1 circumstance bonus to you Deception, Intimidation, or Performance check!
➤ Level: 2 (Base DC 16)
➤ Complexity: 2 rounds
➤ Timeframe: 1 minute
➤ Synergies: Group Coercion, Lengthy Diversion
➤ List of Skills: Deception (moderate), Intimidation (moderate), Performance (hard), Society (very hard), Stealth (moderate)
Round One
Auntie Wu w/ ?? vs DC ?? @ ??
Kolphan w/ Stealth vs DC 15 @ 2- ❌
Lan w/ ?? vs DC ?? @ ??
Sato w/ ?? vs DC ?? @ ??
Vekka w/ ?? vs DC ?? @ ??
Round Two
Auntie Wu w/ ?? vs DC ?? @ ??
Kolphan w/ Stealth vs DC 16 @ 5 ❌
Lan w/ ?? vs DC ?? @ ??
Sato w/ ?? vs DC ?? @ ??
Vekka w/ ?? vs DC ?? @ ??
Running Outcome: ❌❌
Success Thresholds
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: The Jinkins come outside, you get to set up the Map, a "Striker" initiates combat
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: As above, +2 initiative
Ho Lan |
Lan waits for his friends to be in position, and then activates his Hat of Disguise. His body shimmers, and in his place, one of the faceless men stands.
"Come out, maggots! Gurglegut has a mission for you. It's dirty, and thankless, and perfect for worthless pieces of pre-carrion like you!"
Deception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
"Get out here, before I boil you alive like that thing that happened last week! I don't care if you're in your pajamas!"
Deception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
DC to see through his disguise is 24: 10+modifier+spell = 10+10+4.
Auntie Wu |
Auntie Wu bites back her snarky remark about men and asking for directions, which turns out fortuitous when Sato manages to lead the group quite expertly to the proper location. Once there, she finds a bush to hide behind.
Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
She's as good at hide and seek as the average two year old.
Vekka Tchakon |
Vekka follows at the back of the group when they slowly traverse the woods. His katana is drawn the entire way. Once they reach the barracks he takes to skulking about the grounds outside while his companions attempt to lure out the jinkins.
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
Skill Challenge |
Lan's disguise is foolproof, and Vekka simply disappears, but Auntie Wu and Kolphan are just making too much sound in the bushes!
Special Bonus: If your character is Talking, and you mention Gurglegut, you get a +1 circumstance bonus to you Deception, Intimidation, or Performance check!
➤ Level: 2 (Base DC 16)
➤ Complexity: 2 rounds
➤ Timeframe: 1 minute
➤ Synergies: Group Coercion, Lengthy Diversion
➤ List of Skills: Deception (moderate), Intimidation (moderate), Performance (hard), Society (very hard), Stealth (moderate)
Round One
Auntie Wu w/ Stealth vs DC 16 @ 5 ❌
Kolphan w/ Stealth vs DC 16 @ 2- ❌
Lan w/ Deception & Hat of Disguise vs DC 16 @ 28 ⭐⭐⭐
Sato w/ ?? vs DC ?? @ ??
Vekka w/ Stealth vs DC 16 @ 25 ⭐
Round Two
Auntie Wu w/ Stealth vs DC 17 @ 4 ❌
Kolphan w/ Stealth vs DC 17 @ 5 ❌
Lan w/ Deception vs DC 17 @ 23 ⭐
Sato w/ ?? vs DC ?? @ ??
Vekka w/ Stealth vs DC 17 @ 22 ⭐
Running Outcome: ❌❌❌❌⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ = ⭐⭐
Success Thresholds
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: The Jinkins come outside, you get to set up the Map, a "Striker" initiates combat
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: As above, +2 initiative
DM rainzax |
"Do you hear something?"...
DM rainzax |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Inside, Continued...
"Yes. I think it's Gurglegut. He said "Come our Maggots it's me" so maybe we should go!"
"What about them?"
"Oh yeah, them!"
"Kill them?"
"Kill them! Wait. Maybe. Should we ask Gurglegut?"
"I heard Gurglegut is dead!"
"No he's not he's outside!"
"Is he?"
"Should we look?"
"What if it's not Gurglegut?"
"Maybe it's Mo Douqiu"
"It's not Mo Douqiu"
"How you know?"
"Cause I know"
"Okay okay"
"What if it's not Gurglegut?"
"You already said that"
"Yeah but then you said Mo Douqiu"
"Oh yeah"
"So what if it's not Gurglegut?"
"Kill them"
"Kill them?"
"Kill them!!!"
"Okay okay!"
Kazuki Sato |
While Lan in disguise hollers insults at the jinkins in the barracks, Kazuki tip toes across the front yard to the north and suddenly halts in his tracks, eyes wide in surprise upon hearing...
"Come out, maggots! Gurglegut has a mission for you. It's dirty, and thankless, and perfect for worthless pieces of pre-carrion like you!"
Kazuki Stealth (T): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Covering his mouth to stifle a laugh, Kazuki then sneaks to a bush directly north of the barrack's main gates, far enough, yet not too far, to get a good shot with his bow.
Stealth (T): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
The moment the door is opened, Kazuki marks the creature opening it as his prey, takes aim, and lets an arrow loose...
Longbow: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 2 = 18
piercing: 1d8 ⇒ 7
◆ hunt prey.
◆◆ Hunter's aim (+2 atk & ignore concealment).
DM rainzax |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"It's not Gurglegut"
"Is it Mo Douqiu?"
"No Mo Douqiu"
"Is it The Blanket?"
"No The Blanket"
"No Gurlgegut, no Mo Douqiu, no The Blanket - Who is it?"
"A No Face Man"
"A No Face Man?""
"A No Face Man""
"What does he want?"
"He has friends in the bushes - a Holy Man and a Weed Lady"
"A Holy Man and a Weed Lady?!?"
"A Holy Man and a Weed Lady"
"No Gurglegut, no Mo Douqiu, no The Blanket?"
"No Gurglegut, no Mo Douqiu, no The Blanket"
"Do you think they will come in?"
"What should we do?"
"Kill them!"
"Kill who?"
"Oh them!"
"What about the No Face Man and the Holy Man and the Weed Lady?"
"Um... kill them too. If they come in"
"Should we lock the doors?"
"Yes - and go get the others"
"Okay okay!"
The party hears a "click" sound, and the whispering ceases...
Skill Challenge is a Failure by two Victory Points...
So, go ahead and place your Tokens on the New Map, and what are you going to do?
Settlement |
Across the street, the party observes something strange - which was in fact marked on Granny Hu's War Map - but whose importance was perhaps lost in all the excitement...
...The Governor Heh Shan-Bao's Manor (W15) - down to the foundation itself - is simply missing...
Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |
I can't use Hero Points since I know the outcome of my roll. But if the GM will allow it, I'll try to Hero Point one of my failures at Stealth.
Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
It's now or never. Sigurd draws his katana and tries to ready his shield.
DM rainzax |
”Wait, I think Holy Man is leaving... maybe we should go check!
One Success shy!
Vekka Tchakon |
"The blanket"...? Vekka makes note of the name in his mind but continues not making a peep.
Auntie Wu |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Auntie Wu bites back her snarky remark about men and asking for directions, which turns out fortuitous when Sato manages to lead the group quite expertly to the proper location. Once there, she finds a bush to hide behind.
Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4She's as good at hide and seek as the average two year old.
Hero Pointing the second of those sad, sad stealth rolls. Posting in a rush while kids are coming home from school is a poor idea.
Realizing her entire back end is sticking out, she shifts so it's aligned with the branches of the scraggly bush, reducing line of sight from the door.
Stealth, Hero Point: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18
Kazuki Sato |
"Well? Should we climb up to the roof? There might be an access door up there. We should climb up a side with the least amount of windows. What the...?"
Kazuki notices the Governor's Manor is missing. No debris left after an explosion or house fire; nothing. Completely gone.
"That's quite odd." he mumbles in puzzlement and scratches his head.
DM rainzax |
”I think Weed Lady is gone now too. We should go check”
Unlocking the door, a Jinkin walks casually outside, weapon strapped to his belt - then another Jinkin - they look at Lan "Okay No Face Man. What you want? I have..." he starts counting fingers on his hand 3d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5) = 11 "Nine left. No wait" he counts again "No Ten left. And one. Ten and One left!" he jumps to celebrate his success at counting "How many you want? I charge..." counting again 3d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3) = 14 "Four and Ten. Gimme that for each one. Okay okay?"
Kazuki Sato |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
"Psst! Auntie Wu! I can see your bubble butt sticking out from behind the bush!”
[dice=Stealth, Hero Point]1d20 + 2
"That's better!"
Skill Challenge |
Skill Challenge now a Success! Go ahead and set the your Tokens on the Map!
Round One
Auntie Wu w/ Stealth vs DC 16 @ 5 ❌
Kolphan w/ Stealth vs DC 16 @
Lan w/ Deception & Hat of Disguise vs DC 16 @ 28 ⭐⭐⭐
Sato w/ Stealth vs DC 16 @ 19 ⭐
Vekka w/ Stealth vs DC 16 @ 25 ⭐
Round Two
Auntie Wu w/ Stealth vs DC 17 @ 4 ❌ 18 ⭐
Kolphan w/ Stealth vs DC 17 @ 5 ❌
Lan w/ Deception vs DC 17 @ 23 ⭐
Sato w/ Stealth vs DC 17 @ 16
Vekka w/ Stealth vs DC 17 @ 22 ⭐
Running Outcome: ❌❌⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ = ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Success Thresholds
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: The Jinkins come outside, you get to set up the Map, a "Striker" initiates combat
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: As above, +2 initiative
Party Options:
1) Ho Lan keeps the Con going to be invited inside and "do business" and allowed to leave whenever you want (unless you start trouble) @ Moderate Deception check followed by Perception check: Success at both learns you info, Failure at the first blows your cover and penalizies Party initiative!
2) Start the Combat now, after getting Set, with one "Striker" (Readied Single action Strike - not a full round of actions) - Sato right? - and retain Initiative advantage!
Ho Lan |
Lan's not that brave, and he'll strategically stay outside where his friends with swords are.
Should Lan be a certain distance from the door?
Kazuki Sato |
Kazuki waits until the jinkin closest to him walks just past the bush by the front gates of the barracks so he can get a clear shot.
He lets an arrow loose...
Longbow: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
piercing: 1d8 ⇒ 1
"Dammit." he curses under his breath as the arrow shatters into splinters on the side of the building.
He hopes the jinkins just think a large bird hit the siding.
DM rainzax |
Sato's arrow hits the dirt.
"Wait - is it the Holy Man and Weed Lady?" panic ensues "Is we tricked!" demanding now "Tell me No Face Man - is you Kills us?"
Party Initiative
Auntie Wu: 17 = 17
Kolphan: 15 = 15
Lan: 28 = 28
Sato: 19 = 19
Vekka: 25 = 25
Jinkin Initiative
White Jinkin: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Mauve Jinkin: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Something Else...
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
You have fought SO MANY Jinkins!
You recall, translated in-world to in-world terms, that they are AC 17 and have 19/19 hit points!
❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦
The Party is Up!
Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost |
Sigurd breathes a sigh of relief. Finally, he can be loud.
"Make peace with your maker. May the sun have mercy upon you." Sigurd emerges from behind the bushes with enough time to swing his katana once.
I'm assuming the bush is rough terrain, so Sigurd will need two actions to make 25 movement.
Katana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Slashing: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Auntie Wu |
Popping out from behind the shed, Auntie Wu casts Electric Arc at the white jinkin, sending the power arcing through to the one with the surprisingly dapper purple scarf. Who'd it take that from?!
Electric damage: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6
DC 18 reflex
◆ Step, ◆◆ Cast a spell
Kazuki Sato |
Kazuki marks the jinkin wearing the purple silk scarf as his prey. He quickly fires two arrows...
Longbow: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
piercing: 1d8 ⇒ 4
Longbow & map: 1d20 + 8 - 3 ⇒ (4) + 8 - 3 = 9
piercing: 1d8 ⇒ 6
He then darts out from behind the bush to get a better view of the front doors in case jinkins run out from the building.
◆ hunt prey (purple jinky).
◆ hunted shot.
◆ stride (25').
Vekka Tchakon |
Vekka is likewise ready to get the proceeding underway. He moves out of the bush and stalks to the nearest jinkin.
◆ Stride 20ft
Ghostly blue fire takes over the black of his eyes, before the same familiar flames gush from his blade. He holds the blade over his head and slashes down...
◆◆ Spellstrike WHITE
Cast a spell (somatic, verbal) Produce Flame
Strike: katana attack WHITE, slashing damage (one-handed), fire damage: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 231d6 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 72d4 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3
On Critical Success The target takes double damage and 1d4 persistent fire damage.
DM rainzax |
White Jinkin Basic Reflex vs 6 electricity (DC 18): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26 @ 3 damage
Mauve Jinkin Basic Reflex vs 6 electricity (DC 18): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 @ 6 damage
"Holy Man not good with stick!" the one jests to the other. Somehow, their lives being threatened tickles them, even as it puts them in jeopardy "Ow!" and "Ow!" and "Oof" and "Gack!" as successive blows land from Auntie Wu, Sato, and Vekka.
Across the way, the Infected Trees begin slithering towards the melee!
Nature or Occultism check to Identify!
❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦
White Jinkin Beastie (-3 shock, -10 flame)
Mauve Jinkin Beastie (-6 shock, -4 shot)
❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦
Lan is Up!
Ho Lan |
Lan will cast Electric Arc against both foes.
◆◆ Electricity: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3
DC 18 basic Reflex save
After firing off his spell, he'll consider what they're fighting.
◆ Recall Knowledge: Occultism +5
DM rainzax |
White Jinkin Basic Reflex vs 3 electricity (DC 18): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 @ 6 damage
Mauve Jinkin Basic Reflex vs 3 electricity (DC 18): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22 @ 1 damage
Lan to Recall (Occultism): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
DM rainzax |
Jinkins Raid the Constablery!
"Let's go get the others!"
◆) Stride
◆◆) Ready to (◆) Interact to Shut Door
◆) Stride
◆) Interact to Draw Key
◆) Interact to Lock the Door
↺) Interact to Shut Door
"Silly No Face Man and friends! We come back with more Kill you!"
❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦
You may ask one question, as is standard now with Recall Knowledge!
❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦
Building: Door is locked - AC 10, Pick Locks DC ??, Craft to (◆) Identify materials (hardness / hp)!
Terrain: Bushes can give Cover and are Difficult Terrain
Weather: Crimson Moon (no PCs frightened...)
Lighting: Dim Light
Monster ID: Jinkins (you know), Trees (Nature or Occultism)
Infected Trees (5)
Auntie Wu
White Jinkin Beastie (-3 shock, -10 flame)
Mauve Jinkin Beastie (-6 shock, -4 shot)
❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦
Lan and Vekka are Up!
Auntie Wu |
Auntie Wu stares wide-eyed at the mobile trees. "If we're lucky, those trees will attack their backup." We're not lucky. Fear and doom bloom in her mind. What's wrong with those trees?
Ho Lan |
The jinkins should have a little more shock damage, it doesn't look like Lan's arc was applied.
What are their resistances and weaknesses?
DM rainzax |
Jinkins Raid the Constablery!
"Let's go get the others!"
◆) Stride
◆◆) Ready to (◆) Interact to Shut DoorMauve
◆) Stride
◆) Interact to Draw Key
◆) Interact to Lock the DoorWhite
↺) Interact to Shut Door"Silly No Face Man and friends! We come back with more Kill you!"
Seeing his friend die, Mauve Jinkin Beastie runs inside screaming!
◆) Stride
◆) Interact to Open Door
◆) Stride
"Get the birds! Get the Biiirds!" he squeals for help!
❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦
The office looks like a hurricane has been through it, with documents strewn about the room. Very few furnishings remain in the room at all.
Having defeated Gurglegut at Dawnstep Bridge, you recognize some furnishings from his Trash Throne that might have come from here!
(◆) Take a Moment to Think?
You realize you never actually searched that Trash Throne - perhaps there was something of value in it!?...
❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦
These "Summer Storm Trees" are Weak to Fire, Electricity, and especially Slashing!
Too, they look like they have some sort of infection...
Medicine is now a Recall Knowledge skill to Identify the Infection!
❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦ ❦❦❦❦
Building: Door is Unlocked and Wide Open
Terrain: Bushes can give Cover and are Difficult Terrain
Weather: Crimson Moon (no PCs frightened...)
Lighting: Dim Light
Monster ID: Jinkins (you know), Trees (Nature, Occultism, or Medicine)
Infected Trees (5)
Auntie Wu
White Jinkin Beastie (-3 shock, -10 flame, -6 shock = 00/19 HPs) @ Dead
Mauve Jinkin Beastie (-6 shock, -4 shot, -1 buzz = 08/19 HPs)
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Lan and Vekka are Up!
Ho Lan |
"I've heard these "Summer Storm Trees" are weak to fire, electricity, and especially slashing!
They look like they have some sort of infection ... perhaps one of you trained in medicine could recall a bit of knowledge to identify the infection!"
Lan Recalled ◆ and cast Electric Arc ◆◆.
Vekka Tchakon |
Vekka gathers the echoing energy of his recent spell and pushes into the barracks after the jinkin.
◆ Enter stance: Arcane Cascade
◆ Stride
◆ Strike MAUVE: katana attack, slashing damage (one-handed, arcane cascade+1): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 271d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 1 = 11
DM rainzax |
Vekka obliterates Mauve Jinkin - blood flies everywhere!
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Lan is Up!
Yes you are up again (I double-checked)!